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Flower: A Friendly Federated Learning Framework
Apache License 2.0
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FedMix #2051

Open jafermarq opened 1 year ago

jafermarq commented 1 year ago


Do you want to work on this baseline?

🌻 Check everything about the Summer of Reproducibility on

All available baselines are listed in the Summer of Reproducibility Dashboard and also in the GitHub Issues with the summer-of-reproducibility label. The content is the same.

📝 It is advised to complete these steps before your start working on your code. But if you can't wait to implement your baseline with Flower (we totally understand it 😄), please ensure you follow the steps on how to contribute a new baseline.

What follows are the steps 1 & 2 in the Summer of Reproducibility instructions.

1. Join the Summer of Reproducibility program

What happens next?

Is something wrong or not clear ?

DevPranjal commented 11 months ago

Hi @jafermarq! Thanks for this sprint. Since this baseline is still up for grabs, I would love to work on reproducing it.

Contribution Plan

My Background

Excited and looking forward to working on this!

Tahani1991 commented 11 months ago

Hello, I am Tahani , I am interested in reproducing this baseline (FedMix). To be more specific, I plan to apply (FedMix and compare it against FedAvg and FedProx). In terms of the experiment I want to reproduce and the datasets: I aim to use these two datasets (FMNIST and CIFAR10) to apply the experiment in Table 3 (Test accuracy on CIFAR10, under varying numbers of clients (N), while the number of samples per client is kept constant.). I will focus on (Global Mixup, FedAvg, FedMix). Then, I will move to Table 5 ( Test accuracy on CIFAR10, under varying mixup ratio λ.) where λ is The variable λ ∈ [0, 1] is a hyperparameter chosen from the beta distribution for each training step. Finally, Figure 3, I will apply the FedMix with various Mk values, and samples of averaged images from EMNIST/CIFAR10.

About me: I am a third-year PhD student from the University of Glasgow, and my research is focused on distributed machine learning and federated learning. I also have an accepted paper.

I have the following accepted paper :

Academic Activities

  1. Talk about my work in IDSAI 2023, University of Manchester, 13-6-2023.
  2. Poster Representation, 19-5-2023, Alan Turing Network for AI in Geotechnics, University of Glasgow
  3. Attendance of the Flower Summit 2023, University of Cambridge, 30-31-5- 2023.
  4. Attendance of AI Summit 2023, Riyadh, 13-15-9-2022.
  5. Reviewer of papers for Euro-Par 2023 conference.

Kind regards, Tahani

jafermarq commented 11 months ago

Hi @DevPranjal, it's good to see you are interested in implementing FedMix. Before assigning this baseline to you i just want to discuss briefly a topic i'm raising with all recent contributors: are you certain you have access to the necessary compute resources (e.g. a couple of GPUs -- I'm inclined to say free cloud options might be unsuitable for this baseline) to run the experiments you propose? If you are part of a university group, probably you have some dedicated GPUs you can use? Also please note the comment in Appendix G:

While in the memory aspect, FedMix requires about twice more GPU memory allocation compared to FedAvg, this phenomenon is also observed on LocalMix and NaiveMix. 

Please let me know if you are confident you have resources to reproduce FedMix. It would be great having you on board as a contributor to the Flower Summer of Reproducibility!!

Sorry @Tahani1991, but since Pranjal added a message before you, I'll give preference to this contribution plan first.

DevPranjal commented 11 months ago

Thanks for the reply @jafermarq. I do have enough compute (Nvidia DGX systems) provided by our college to reproduce the experiments mentioned in the paper. In the past, I have also used these to reproduce other, more compute heavy papers. Hence, I don't think resources should be an issue.

jafermarq commented 11 months ago

Hi @DevPranjal, wow DGX 🤩 !! Ok, then you are all set. I have now ✅ all points in Step 1 & 2 above, added you as the assignee to this issue and moved this baseline to In Progress status. You can find a guide on how to start with the code by following the link in the What happens next? section above in the issue description. Essentially you'll see that we have put together a templated directory with a fixed structure that we hope all contributors will follow. Some contributors have already opened draft PRs with their implementation. Given that the Summer of Reproducibility runs only until the end of September, my advice to you is to start as soon as you can and ask questions or doubts either directly to me via Slack or in the #questions channel or in the #summer-of-reproducibility channel so you can reach out to other contributors.

Looking forward to seeing your FedMix implementation in action using Flower !!

jafermarq commented 10 months ago

Hi @DevPranjal,

This is just a gentle reminder that the Flower Summer of Reproducibility is ending at the end of the month. With just a little more than 3 weeks to go, we are excited to see quite a few baselines well ahead in the process with their respective PRs close to ready. I see you created a PR some weeks ago, great !! Ping me when you'd like me to take a look.

Also, make sure you keep an eye:eyes: on the #summer-of-reproducibility channel in the Flower Slack. I’ll announce very soon a new (the third!) round of 1:1 ask-me-anything sessions to help Summer of Reproducibility contributors like yourself to meet the deadline. Please consider booking a time slot if you want to chat with me about your baseline, potential issues you have making your code run, how to open a PR, doubts about what to include in your readme, how to use Hydra configs more effective, etc … all questions are welcome!!