adapt-it / adapt-it-mobile

Translate between related languages on your mobile device.
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Adapt screen: investigate multi-touch phrase selection #108

Open eb1 opened 9 years ago

eb1 commented 9 years ago

As an alternative to the drag-selection of source phrases, it would be nice to allow users to use multi-touch to mark the beginning / end of their selections for retranslations and merged phrases.

eb1 commented 8 years ago

Update on this issue:

It does look like there is a javascript library that supports multitouch -- hammer.js -- that should allow for this type of UI interaction. No idea how well it would work for us.

eb1 commented 8 years ago

Another tidbit -- the native browser touch events specification allow for multitouch: So hammer.js might not be needed to implement this.

eb1 commented 8 years ago

Moving this out of milestone 0.4.0:

Initial testing with multi-touch has not produced very good results -- the interactions do not seem consistent across devices. It could be that hammer.js works better in this regard, but it's looking beyond the scope of the milestone. Right now the drag-selection of source phrases seems to be working well on both iOS and Android, so we're probably at a good stopping point for 0.4.0.

eb1 commented 7 years ago

Moving this out to the 1.0 release candidate milestone.

eb1 commented 6 years ago

Update on this issue:

With the long-press selection mode of phrase selection introduced in 1.0 beta 11, we might not need this feature any more. I'm moving this out of the 1.0 release candidate milestone until we can get a feel for how usable the existing modes of phrase selection are. We can revisit this issue if it seems like the phrase selection still needs some work.