adaptive-cfd / WABBIT

Wavelet Adaptive Block-Based solver for Interactions with Turbulence
GNU General Public License v3.0
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CDF42 unit test fail - link with reset_ghost_nodes #60

Closed tommy-engels closed 5 months ago

tommy-engels commented 5 months ago

On my machine and using the latest version, one of the unit tests does fail in a suspicous manner:

Running test:  TESTING/conv/blob_2D_adaptive_CDF42/
Writing output to:  TESTING/conv/blob_2D_adaptive_CDF42/blob-convection-adaptive.log
MPI_ABORT was invoked on rank 3 in communicator MPI COMMUNICATOR 3 DUP FROM 0
with errorcode 280420232.

NOTE: invoking MPI_ABORT causes Open MPI to kill all MPI processes.
You may or may not see output from other processes, depending on
exactly when Open MPI kills them.
 fail   Time used in test: 2 seconds

when looking at the logfile, it reads

IO: Saving data triggered, time= 0.15000000    
IO: saving HDF5 file t=     0.15000000 file = phi_000000150000.h5 J=( 1 |  2) Nblocks=      7 sparsity=( 43.8% /   0.0%)
RUN: it=     19 time=     0.150000000 t_wall=9.234E-03 Nb=(    40/     7) J=( 2: 3/ 1: 2) dt= 6.3E-03 mem=  0% adapt iter Nb:(    16)
large values in phi. that cannot be good.

upon further inspection, I realized that the test is indeed running fine (the data look okay, even if stored for every time step), and that the failure may have to do with the reset_ghost_nodes routine that you have activated if DEV is using at compile-time.

Are you aware of this issue ?

Arcadia197 commented 5 months ago

I am aware of this issue. I thought it was diverging due to the time-stepping. What I mentioned in on of the commits was:

test blob_2D_CDF42 strangely diverged, when changing CFL to a smaller value (0.8) it works fine - I don't know what is going on there

But you are right it works when unsetting the DEV flag, so there is something.

tommy-engels commented 5 months ago

Yes, indeed it does work with unset DEV.