adaptive-intelligent-robotics / QDax

Accelerated Quality-Diversity
MIT License
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Add DvD #66

Open jparkerholder opened 2 years ago

jparkerholder commented 2 years ago

It would be nice to add Diversity via Determinants (DvD) to the repo. It is possible some of the ideas here could combine well with others to create exciting new QD algorithms :)

Original Paper:

Could use the implementation from:

Aneoshun commented 2 years ago

Agreed! Would you be able to help us with it, e.g., testing our implementation?

jparkerholder commented 2 years ago

Hey - yes I should have some time next week :)

felixchalumeau commented 2 years ago

Hey @jparkerholder

We discussed it in our last development meeting and will start working on it in a matter of days and will keep you updated!

We will implement it in the way made in Fast PBLR :fast_forward: :fast_forward:

jparkerholder commented 2 years ago

Hey @felixchalumeau, this sounds great! The results look as expected in the paper so it is probably implemented far better than I would have done :)

I am looking forward to trying this, there are a few cool directions to go with this approach and your repo will make it possible!