adaptivegenome / repeatseq

Accurate microsatellite genotypes from high-throughput resequencing data
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format for regions file? #2

Open RichardCorbett opened 9 years ago

RichardCorbett commented 9 years ago

Hi, I can get useful results using this command: repeatseq A47294.bam GRCh37-lite.fa hg19.2014.noChr.regions

But when I try and make my own regions file using a subset of the lines in hg19.2014.noChr.regions, I only get a report in the .vcf for one of the regions I specified. I'm trying to match the same sort order, but I'm not having much luck getting results beyond a region of two from my list. Any ideas?

oiiio commented 9 years ago

What did you use to take your subset? I don't think that the order matters, but something may have happened to your delimiters... was it like a simple "head -100 originial.regions > subset.regions" ?

meganamsu commented 7 years ago

Does repeatseq use the second column information from the regions file? I have a small number of targets I would like to genotype not derived from TRF.

Also, I am assuming the 'fasta' input is the reference. Does it need to be indexed, etc?

Best, Megan