adaptlearning / adapt_authoring

A server-based user interface for authoring eLearning courses using the Adapt framework.
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Support Deployment via Container Images #2746

Open schenklklopfer opened 5 months ago

schenklklopfer commented 5 months ago

Affected Area

Whole project

Requested Feature

Official Container Support, including Updates of adapt and authoring tool.

Use Case

Deployment of multiple systems on multiple servers for use of many users. Stable and secure use over time due to be able to install updates.

Also normal users should be able by just pull the image, run a docker-compose.yml and can use it. No need for installing node local, deal with thousands of packages and all this stuff. Just make it very simple to use.

Current Workaround

Serveral workarounds based on the work of 3wc. (which has been forked here: Running 'npm install --production' during build of image, than doing a full copy on first start of container.

Additional Information

We want to run the authoring tool on a Docker server with Traefik as frontend proxy. For this we build a docker container based on the work of 3wc with a initial deployment based on copying a pre-build environment that has been build in a CI-Pipeline before. But this is a one-shot. Once deployed there is no way to update the version without breaking anything...

So official support for a container image would be great to be able to get updates for the system once it is deployed.