adaptyteam / AdaptySDK-React-Native

React Native SDK for growing in-app subscriptions
MIT License
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ios issue : we should not see keyboard above the paywall #121

Open macartigan opened 2 months ago

macartigan commented 2 months ago


ios issue : we should not see InputAccessoryView of the keyboard above the paywall :




What platforms are you seeing the problem on?


System info

"react-native": "0.74.1",
vladd-g commented 2 months ago

hey @macartigan, is it your custom paywall screen? Or could you please provide any details what you did before getting to this state? Maybe code snippets

macartigan commented 2 months ago

Hey @vladd-g , we created paywal from adapty website. I fixed my problem with Keyboard.dismiss(); in the same time we go to the paywall, but maybe you want to fix this anyway.

The screen just before to go to the paywall


We use InputAccessoryView