adaptyteam / AdaptySDK-Unity

Unity SDK for growing mobile in-app purchases
MIT License
50 stars 4 forks source link

Android build duplicated class #13

Closed marvpaul closed 2 months ago

marvpaul commented 2 months ago

I get this error when trying to build for Android with Adapty SDK:

CommandInvokationFailure: Gradle build failed. /Applications/Unity/Hub/Editor/2022.3.10f1/PlaybackEngines/AndroidPlayer/OpenJDK/bin/java -classpath "/Applications/Unity/Hub/Editor/2022.3.10f1/PlaybackEngines/AndroidPlayer/Tools/gradle/lib/gradle-launcher-7.2.jar" org.gradle.launcher.GradleMain "-Dorg.gradle.jvmargs=-Xmx4096m" "assembleRelease"

stderr[ Picked up JAVA_TOOL_OPTIONS: -Dfile.encoding=UTF-8

FAILURE: Build failed with an exception.

vladd-g commented 2 months ago

hi @marvpaul, the two PBL versions are conflicting. If you use the Adapty.MakePurchase() method, you can remove the Unity IAP dependency

marvpaul commented 2 months ago

hi @marvpaul, the two PBL versions are conflicting. If you use the Adapty.MakePurchase() method, you can remove the Unity IAP dependency

Thank you for the fast reply!

Now I have two problems:

vladd-g commented 2 months ago

Is it possible to use both, Adapty and Unity IAP on Android?

You can try removing the 5.2.1 aar, but if you do, please be careful and check if the purchases with Unity IAP keep working properly

I'm still not able to receive any paywalls or products

Could you please provide logs from the native layer? Does it work properly on iOS?

marvpaul commented 2 months ago

You can try removing the 5.2.1 aar, but if you do, please be careful and check if the purchases with Unity IAP keep working properly

How can I do this? I couldn't find the file in my Unity project.

Could you please provide logs from the native layer? Does it work properly on iOS?

Sure, I use this code (works on iOS):

using TMPro;
using SimpleJSON;
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using UnityEngine;
using UnityEngine.UI;
using AdaptySDK;
using System.Linq;
// Deriving the Purchaser class from IStoreListener enables it to receive messages from Unity Purchasing.
public class Purchaser : MonoBehaviour
    public GameObject loadingIcon;
    public bool IsInitializedBool;
    public static Purchaser instance;
    public GameObject SubscriptionWindow;
    IList<Adapty.PaywallProduct> adaptySubscriptions;
    public string subscriptionIDMonthlyAdapty, subscriptionIDYearlyAdapty;
    public TextMeshProUGUI priceText, priceText2;
    public string getPrice(string name)
        if (!IsInitializedBool)
            return "...";

            if (adaptySubscriptions != null && adaptySubscriptions.Where(x => x.VendorProductId == name).Count() > 0)

                Adapty.PaywallProduct product = adaptySubscriptions.First(x => x.VendorProductId == name);
                return product.Price.LocalizedString;

        return "";

    private void Awake()
        Purchaser.instance = this;
        IsInitializedBool = false;
        Debug.Log("Let's load products");
        Adapty.GetPaywall("placement", "en", (paywall, error) =>
            Debug.Log("got Paywall ");

            if (error != null)
                // handle the error

            Adapty.GetPaywallProducts(paywall, (products, error) =>
                Debug.Log("Got paywall products");
                adaptySubscriptions = products;
                if (error != null)
                    // handle the error
                foreach (Adapty.PaywallProduct product in products)
                    Debug.Log("We got product" + product.VendorProductId);
                    if (product.SubscriptionDetails.SubscriptionPeriod.Unit == Adapty.PeriodUnit.Month)
                        subscriptionIDMonthlyAdapty = product.VendorProductId;
                        priceText.text = getPrice("Premium") + " / month";
                        // yearly
                        subscriptionIDYearlyAdapty = product.VendorProductId;
                        priceText2.text = getPrice("PremiumYear") + " / year";

                IsInitializedBool = true;

                Adapty.LogShowPaywall(paywall, (error) =>

                    // handle the error

            // paywall - the resulting object


    public void BuySubscription()
        if (adaptySubscriptions != null)
            buyAdaptyProduct(PurchaseWindow.instance.yearly ? subscriptionIDYearlyAdapty : subscriptionIDMonthlyAdapty);

    public void buyAdaptyProduct(string name)
        foreach (Adapty.PaywallProduct item in adaptySubscriptions)
            Debug.Log("Found" + item.VendorProductId + ", " + name);
            if (item.VendorProductId == name)
                // products - the requested products array
                Adapty.MakePurchase(item, (profile, error) =>
                    Debug.Log("Purchased product " + item.PaywallName);
                    if (error != null)

                    var accessLevel = profile.AccessLevels["premium"];
                    if (accessLevel != null && accessLevel.IsActive)
                        PlayerPrefs.SetInt("subscribed", 1);
                        // grant access to features


    // Restore purchases previously made by this customer. Some platforms automatically restore purchases, like Google. 
    // Apple currently requires explicit purchase restoration for IAP, conditionally displaying a password prompt.
    public void RestorePurchases()
        if (adaptySubscriptions != null)
            Adapty.RestorePurchases((profile, error) =>
                if (error != null)
                    // handle the error

                var accessLevel = profile.AccessLevels["premium"];
                if (accessLevel != null && accessLevel.IsActive)
                    PlayerPrefs.SetInt("subscribed", 1);
                    // grant access to features

    public void CheckSubscriptionStatus()

        Adapty.GetProfile((profile, error) =>
            Debug.Log("Adapty check subscription");
            if (error != null)
                // handle error

            var accessLevel = profile.AccessLevels["premium"];
            if (accessLevel != null && accessLevel.IsActive)
                PlayerPrefs.SetInt("subscribed", 1);
                // grant access to features
                // No access 
                Debug.Log("No acess");
                PlayerPrefs.SetInt("subscribed", 0);


And this is the log:

Let's load products
04-25 10:43:44.085 28744 28812 I Unity   : Purchaser:Awake()
04-25 10:43:44.085 28744 28812 I Unity   : 
04-25 10:43:44.091  1324 13998 E OMX-VDEC-1080P: Extension: not implemented
04-25 10:43:44.091 28744 28958 D SurfaceUtils: set up nativeWindow 0xb4000077047a9010 for 1080x1920, color 0x7fa30c06, rotation 0, usage 0x20402900
04-25 10:43:44.091 28744 28958 I ACodec  : [] configureOutputBuffersFromNativeWindow setBufferCount : 17, minUndequeuedBuffers : 5
04-25 10:43:44.093  1312 24100 W ResourceManagerService: Ignoring request to add new resource entry with value <= 0
04-25 10:43:44.093 28744 28958 I ACodec  : [] Now Idle->Executing
04-25 10:43:44.093 28744 28958 I ACodec  : [] Now Executing
04-25 10:43:44.093  1312 24100 I ResourceManagerService: addMediaInfo pid 28744, add (width 1080 height 1920), lowPriority 0, allocated hw codec count, 2
04-25 10:43:44.093  1312 24100 I ResourceManagerService: getMediaResourceInfo (PID : 28744, clientID : -5476376620751377840, non-secure-codec/video-codec:[]:1, 1920x1080 (fps:30) - sw codec : no, encoder : no)
04-25 10:43:44.093  1312 24100 I ResourceManagerService: getMediaResourceInfo (PID : 28744, clientID : -5476376618877692736, non-secure-codec/video-codec:[]:1, 1080x1920 (fps:30) - sw codec : no, encoder : no)
04-25 10:43:44.093  1215  4901 V ResourceManagerHelper-JNI: JNIMediaResourceHelper::notify eventType : 1, ext1 : 0, ext2 : 0
04-25 10:43:44.093  1215  4901 V ResourceManagerHelper-JNI: notify eventType : 1, ext1 : 0, ext2 : 0
04-25 10:43:44.093 13193 14003 V ResourceManagerHelper-JNI: JNIMediaResourceHelper::notify eventType : 1, ext1 : 0, ext2 : 0
04-25 10:43:44.093 28744 28958 I ACodec  : [] calling emptyBuffer 1 w/ codec specific data, size : 20
04-25 10:43:44.093 13193 14003 V ResourceManagerHelper-JNI: notify eventType : 1, ext1 : 0, ext2 : 0
04-25 10:43:44.094 13193 13235 I SemMediaResourceHelper: onAdd
04-25 10:43:44.094  4644  4644 I SemMediaResourceHelper: onAdd
04-25 10:43:44.094 13193 13235 I DrmMediaResourceHelper: onAdd size = 2
04-25 10:43:44.094  1215  2164 I SemMediaResourceHelper: onAdd
04-25 10:43:44.094 28744 28958 I ACodec  : [] calling emptyBuffer 2 w/ codec specific data, size : 8
04-25 10:43:44.094  4644  4644 I SemDvfsHyPerManager: acquire hyper - BaseTABoost/4644@16, type = 1090523139
04-25 10:43:44.095   997  1043 I HYPER-HAL: [RequestManager.cpp]acquire(): Acquired ID : 10860146  [4644 / 16]    HINT :      list : [TABoost / 1] 
04-25 10:43:44.101 28744 28797 D TrafficStats: tagSocket(129) with statsTag=0xffffffff, statsUid=-1
04-25 10:43:44.101 28744 28768 D TrafficStats: tagSocket(259) with statsTag=0xffffffff, statsUid=-1
04-25 10:43:44.106 28744 28812 I Unity   : [OneSignal] OneSignal set to platform SDK OneSignalSDK.Android.OneSignalAndroid. Current version is 5.1.2
04-25 10:43:44.106 28744 28812 I Unity   : OneSignalSDK.OneSignal:set_Default(OneSignalPlatform)
04-25 10:43:44.106 28744 28812 I Unity   : 
04-25 10:43:44.107 28744 28744 I DecorView: notifyKeepScreenOnChanged: keepScreenOn=true
04-25 10:43:44.108  1215  4901 W SensorService: sensor 0000000b already enabled in connection 0xb400007adda29880 (ignoring)
04-25 10:43:44.108   994   994 I sensors-hal: set_config:67, sample_period_ns is adjusted to 200000000 based on min/max delay_ns
04-25 10:43:44.108   994   994 I sensors-hal: batch:363, android.sensor.accelerometer/11, period=200000000, max_latency=0 request completed
04-25 10:43:44.108  1215  4901 E SensorService: BigData:Pakage) 1 already enabled. 
04-25 10:43:44.108   994   994 I sensors-hal: set_config:67, sample_period_ns is adjusted to 20000000 based on min/max delay_ns
04-25 10:43:44.109   994   994 I sensors-hal: batch:363, android.sensor.accelerometer/11, period=20000000, max_latency=0 request completed
04-25 10:43:44.117 28744 28744 I ViewRootImpl@a35118b[UnityPlayerActivity]: performTraversals params={(0,0)(fillxfill) sim={adjust=pan} layoutInDisplayCutoutMode=shortEdges ty=BASE_APPLICATION wanim=0x1030302
04-25 10:43:44.117 28744 28744 I ViewRootImpl@a35118b[UnityPlayerActivity]:   fl=810580
04-25 10:43:44.117 28744 28744 I ViewRootImpl@a35118b[UnityPlayerActivity]:   pfl=12020040
04-25 10:43:44.117 28744 28744 I ViewRootImpl@a35118b[UnityPlayerActivity]:   vsysui=1707
04-25 10:43:44.117 28744 28744 I ViewRootImpl@a35118b[UnityPlayerActivity]:   apr=LOW_PROFILE_BARS
04-25 10:43:44.117 28744 28744 I ViewRootImpl@a35118b[UnityPlayerActivity]:   bhv=SHOW_TRANSIENT_BARS_BY_SWIPE
04-25 10:43:44.117 28744 28744 I ViewRootImpl@a35118b[UnityPlayerActivity]:   fitSides= naviIconColor=0}
04-25 10:43:44.117 28744 28744 I ViewRootImpl@a35118b[UnityPlayerActivity]: performTraversals mFirst=false windowShouldResize=false viewVisibilityChanged=false mForceNextWindowRelayout=false params={(0,0)(fillxfill) sim={adjust=pan} layoutInDisplayCutoutMode=shortEdges ty=BASE_APPLICATION fmt=TRANSLUCENT wanim=0x1030302
04-25 10:43:44.117 28744 28744 I ViewRootImpl@a35118b[UnityPlayerActivity]:   fl=810580
04-25 10:43:44.117 28744 28744 I ViewRootImpl@a35118b[UnityPlayerActivity]:   pfl=12020040
04-25 10:43:44.117 28744 28744 I ViewRootImpl@a35118b[UnityPlayerActivity]:   vsysui=1707
04-25 10:43:44.117 28744 28744 I ViewRootImpl@a35118b[UnityPlayerActivity]:   apr=LOW_PROFILE_BARS
04-25 10:43:44.117 28744 28744 I ViewRootImpl@a35118b[UnityPlayerActivity]:   bhv=SHOW_TRANSIENT_BARS_BY_SWIPE
04-25 10:43:44.117 28744 28744 I ViewRootImpl@a35118b[UnityPlayerActivity]:   fitSides= naviIconColor=0}
04-25 10:43:44.118  1215  4901 V WindowManager: Relayout Window{92f366d u0 com.mkgames.zenease/com.unity3d.player.UnityPlayerActivity}: viewVisibility=0 req=1080x2400 d0
04-25 10:43:44.123  1215  4901 V WindowManager: Relayout hash=92f366d, pid=28744, syncId=-1: mAttrs={(0,0)(fillxfill) sim={adjust=pan} layoutInDisplayCutoutMode=shortEdges ty=BASE_APPLICATION fmt=TRANSLUCENT wanim=0x1030302
04-25 10:43:44.123  1215  4901 V WindowManager:   fl=810580
04-25 10:43:44.123  1215  4901 V WindowManager:   pfl=12020040
04-25 10:43:44.123  1215  4901 V WindowManager:   vsysui=1707
04-25 10:43:44.123  1215  4901 V WindowManager:   apr=LOW_PROFILE_BARS
04-25 10:43:44.123  1215  4901 V WindowManager:   bhv=SHOW_TRANSIENT_BARS_BY_SWIPE
04-25 10:43:44.123  1215  4901 V WindowManager:   fitSides= naviIconColor=0}
04-25 10:43:44.125 28744 28744 I ViewRootImpl@a35118b[UnityPlayerActivity]: updateBlastSurfaceIfNeeded mBlastBufferQueue=0xb400007a7fcf1080 isSameSurfaceControl=true
04-25 10:43:44.125 28744 28744 I BLASTBufferQueue: update, w= 1080 h= 2400 mName = ViewRootImpl@a35118b[UnityPlayerActivity] mNativeObject= 0xb400007a7fcf1080 sc.mNativeObject= 0xb400007a7fd2a180 format= -3 caller= android.view.ViewRootImpl.updateBlastSurfaceIfNeeded:2898 android.view.ViewRootImpl.relayoutWindow:9847 android.view.ViewRootImpl.performTraversals:3884 android.view.ViewRootImpl.doTraversal:3116 android.view.ViewRootImpl$ android.view.Choreographer$ 
04-25 10:43:44.125 28744 28744 I ViewRootImpl@a35118b[UnityPlayerActivity]: Relayout returned: old=(0,0,1080,2400) new=(0,0,1080,2400) req=(1080,2400)0 dur=8 res=0x0 s={true 0xb400007a7fdde800} ch=false seqId=0
04-25 10:43:44.125 28744 28744 I ViewRootImpl@a35118b[UnityPlayerActivity]: updateBoundsLayer: t = android.view.SurfaceControl$Transaction@bda4331 sc = Surface(name=Bounds for - com.mkgames.zenease/com.unity3d.player.UnityPlayerActivity@0)/@0x54dba16 frame = 8
04-25 10:43:44.126 28744 28744 I ViewRootImpl@a35118b[UnityPlayerActivity]: mWNT: t=0xb400007afb29f000 mBlastBufferQueue=0xb400007a7fcf1080 fn= 8 caller= android.view.ViewRootImpl.prepareSurfaces:2985 android.view.ViewRootImpl.performTraversals:4233 android.view.ViewRootImpl.doTraversal:3116 
04-25 10:43:44.126 28744 28744 V ViewRootImpl@a35118b[UnityPlayerActivity]: Surface Surface(name=null)/@0x7ebe8a6 drawing to bitmap w=1080, h=2400
04-25 10:43:44.128 28744 28744 I ViewRootImpl@a35118b[UnityPlayerActivity]: Drawing: package:com.mkgames.zenease, metrics=DisplayMetrics{density=3.0, width=1080, height=2168, scaledDensity=3.0, xdpi=409.432, ydpi=406.4}, compatibilityInfo={480dpi always-compat}
04-25 10:43:44.132  1215  2444 D NetdEventListenerService: DNS Requested by : 100, 10326
04-25 10:43:44.180 28744 28977 E OneSignal: Missing Google Project number!
04-25 10:43:44.180 28744 28977 E OneSignal: Please enter a Google Project number / Sender ID on under App Settings > Android > Configuration on the OneSignal dashboard.
04-25 10:43:44.181 28744 28764 W SQLiteLog: (28) double-quoted string literal: "notification"
04-25 10:43:44.201 28744 28795 D TrafficStats: tagSocket(284) with statsTag=0x2710, statsUid=-1
04-25 10:43:44.202  1215  2444 D NetdEventListenerService: DNS Requested by : 100, 10326
04-25 10:43:44.204 28744 28958 I ACodec  : [] Now Executing->Idle
04-25 10:43:44.204 28744 28791 D TrafficStats: tagSocket(289) with statsTag=0x2710, statsUid=-1
04-25 10:43:44.205  1215  2444 D NetdEventListenerService: DNS Requested by : 100, 10326
04-25 10:43:44.211 28744 28958 I ACodec  : [] Now Idle->Loaded
04-25 10:43:44.212 28744 28958 I ACodec  : [] Now Loaded
04-25 10:43:44.212 28744 28958 I ACodec  :  [] Now kWhatShutdownCompleted event : 8033
04-25 10:43:44.212 28744 28957 D SurfaceUtils: disconnecting from surface 0xb4000077047a9010, reason disconnectFromSurface
04-25 10:43:44.212 28744 28958 I ACodec  :  [] Now kWhatShutdownCompleted event : 8033
04-25 10:43:44.212  1324 13999 I OMX-VDEC-1080P: omx_vdec::component_deinit() complete
04-25 10:43:44.215  1324 13999 I OMX-VDEC-1080P: Exit OMX vdec Destructor: fd=48
04-25 10:43:44.216 28744 28958 I ACodec  :  [] Now uninitialized
04-25 10:43:44.217 28744 28958 I ACodec  :  [] Now kWhatShutdownCompleted event : 8033
04-25 10:43:44.217 28744 28957 I MediaCodec: Codec shutdown complete
04-25 10:43:44.217  1312 24100 I ResourceManagerService: removeResourceInfo pid 28744, removed 2073600 (width 1080 height 1920), isLowPriority 0, remained hw codec count 1
04-25 10:43:44.217  1312 24100 I ResourceManagerService: getMediaResourceInfo (PID : 28744, clientID : -5476376620751377840, non-secure-codec/video-codec:[]:1, 1920x1080 (fps:30) - sw codec : no, encoder : no)
04-25 10:43:44.217  1215  3976 V ResourceManagerHelper-JNI: JNIMediaResourceHelper::notify eventType : 2, ext1 : 0, ext2 : 0
04-25 10:43:44.217  1215  3976 V ResourceManagerHelper-JNI: notify eventType : 2, ext1 : 0, ext2 : 0
04-25 10:43:44.217  4644  4644 I SemMediaResourceHelper: onRemove
04-25 10:43:44.217 13193 14003 V ResourceManagerHelper-JNI: JNIMediaResourceHelper::notify eventType : 2, ext1 : 0, ext2 : 0
04-25 10:43:44.217 13193 14003 V ResourceManagerHelper-JNI: notify eventType : 2, ext1 : 0, ext2 : 0
04-25 10:43:44.218  1215  2164 I SemMediaResourceHelper: onRemove
04-25 10:43:44.218 28744 28896 D MediaCodec: flushMediametrics
04-25 10:43:44.218  4644  4644 I SemDvfsHyPerManager: acquire hyper - BaseTABoost/4644@16, type = 1090523139
04-25 10:43:44.218 13193 13235 I SemMediaResourceHelper: onRemove
04-25 10:43:44.218 13193 13235 I DrmMediaResourceHelper: onRemove size = 1
04-25 10:43:44.218 13193 13235 E DrmMediaResourceHelper: onRemove making Dpdrm to 0 second point 
04-25 10:43:44.218 28744 28896 V NuMediaExtractor: NuMediaExtractor destructor
04-25 10:43:44.218 13193 13235 I DrmManagerClient: DRM_DISPLAYPORT_DISABLE failed. Error can be ignored
04-25 10:43:44.218   997  1043 I HYPER-HAL: [RequestManager.cpp]acquire(): Acquired ID : 10860146  [4644 / 16]    HINT :      list : [TABoost / 1] 
04-25 10:43:44.273 28744 28912 I BLASTBufferQueue: [SurfaceView[com.mkgames.zenease/com.unity3d.player.UnityPlayerActivity]@0#1](f:0,a:0) onFrameAvailable the first frame is available
04-25 10:43:44.276  1215  1551 I ActivityTaskManager: Fully drawn com.mkgames.zenease/com.unity3d.player.UnityPlayerActivity: +1s245ms
04-25 10:43:44.276 28744 28744 I DecorView: notifyKeepScreenOnChanged: keepScreenOn=true
04-25 10:43:44.277  1119  1119 I SurfaceFlinger: [SurfaceView[com.mkgames.zenease/com.unity3d.player.UnityPlayerActivity]@0(BLAST)#1093] setFrameRate: 60.000004, Compatibility: 0, Strategy: 0
04-25 10:43:44.277 28744 28744 I ViewRootImpl@a35118b[UnityPlayerActivity]: performTraversals mFirst=false windowShouldResize=false viewVisibilityChanged=false mForceNextWindowRelayout=false params={(0,0)(fillxfill) sim={adjust=pan} layoutInDisplayCutoutMode=shortEdges ty=BASE_APPLICATION fmt=TRANSLUCENT wanim=0x1030302 sysuil=true
04-25 10:43:44.277 28744 28744 I ViewRootImpl@a35118b[UnityPlayerActivity]:   fl=810580
04-25 10:43:44.277 28744 28744 I ViewRootImpl@a35118b[UnityPlayerActivity]:   pfl=12020040
04-25 10:43:44.277 28744 28744 I ViewRootImpl@a35118b[UnityPlayerActivity]:   vsysui=1707
04-25 10:43:44.277 28744 28744 I ViewRootImpl@a35118b[UnityPlayerActivity]:   apr=LOW_PROFILE_BARS
04-25 10:43:44.277 28744 28744 I ViewRootImpl@a35118b[UnityPlayerActivity]:   bhv=SHOW_TRANSIENT_BARS_BY_SWIPE
04-25 10:43:44.277 28744 28744 I ViewRootImpl@a35118b[UnityPlayerActivity]:   fitSides= naviIconColor=0}
04-25 10:43:44.279  1324  1324 W OMXNodeInstance: getConfig(0xe8233a44:qcom.decoder.avc, ??(0x7f000062)) (0x80001019)
04-25 10:43:44.280 28744 28951 I ACodec  : [] Now handling output port settings change
04-25 10:43:44.282  1119  1119 D SurfaceFlinger: Display 4630947232161729153 HWC layers:
04-25 10:43:44.282  1119  1119 D SurfaceFlinger:      DEVICE | 0xb4000078b07374c0 | 0102 | RGBA_8888    |    0.0    0.0 1080.0 2400.0 |    0    0 1080 2400 | SurfaceView[com.mkgames.zenease/com.[...]r.UnityPlayerActivity]@0(BLAST)#1093
04-25 10:43:44.282  1119  1119 D SurfaceFlinger:      DEVICE | 0xb4000078bdbcb3c0 | 0100 | RGBA_8888    |    0.0    0.0 1080.0 2400.0 |    0    0 1080 2400 | com.mkgames.zenease/com.unity3d.player.UnityPlayerActivity$_28744#1088
04-25 10:43:44.282  1119  1119 D SurfaceFlinger:      DEVICE | 0xb4000078d5e195b0 | 0140 | RGBA_8888    |    0.0    0.0 1080.0  112.0 |    0    0 1080  112 | ScreenDecorOverlay$_2505#89
04-25 10:43:44.282  1119  1119 D SurfaceFlinger:      DEVICE | 0xb4000078d5e19850 | 0140 | RGBA_8888    |    0.0    0.0 1080.0  112.0 |    0 2288 1080 2400 | ScreenDecorOverlayBottom$_2505#90
04-25 10:43:44.282  1119  1119 D SurfaceFlinger: 
04-25 10:43:44.285  1324 13998 E OMX-VDEC-1080P: Extension: not implemented
04-25 10:43:44.285 28744 28951 D SurfaceUtils: set up nativeWindow 0xb4000077f044e010 for 1920x1088, color 0x7fa30c06, rotation 0, usage 0x20402900
04-25 10:43:44.285 28744 28951 I ACodec  : [] configureOutputBuffersFromNativeWindow setBufferCount : 15, minUndequeuedBuffers : 5
04-25 10:43:44.286  1215  3976 V WindowManager: Relayout Window{92f366d u0 com.mkgames.zenease/com.unity3d.player.UnityPlayerActivity}: viewVisibility=0 req=1080x2400 d0
04-25 10:43:44.289  1215  3976 V WindowManager: Relayout hash=92f366d, pid=28744, syncId=-1: mAttrs={(0,0)(fillxfill) sim={adjust=pan} layoutInDisplayCutoutMode=shortEdges ty=BASE_APPLICATION fmt=TRANSLUCENT wanim=0x1030302 sysuil=true
04-25 10:43:44.289  1215  3976 V WindowManager:   fl=810580
04-25 10:43:44.289  1215  3976 V WindowManager:   pfl=12020040
04-25 10:43:44.289  1215  3976 V WindowManager:   vsysui=1707
04-25 10:43:44.289  1215  3976 V WindowManager:   apr=LOW_PROFILE_BARS
04-25 10:43:44.289  1215  3976 V WindowManager:   bhv=SHOW_TRANSIENT_BARS_BY_SWIPE
04-25 10:43:44.289  1215  3976 V WindowManager:   fitSides= naviIconColor=0}
04-25 10:43:44.290 28744 28744 I ViewRootImpl@a35118b[UnityPlayerActivity]: updateBlastSurfaceIfNeeded mBlastBufferQueue=0xb400007a7fcf1080 isSameSurfaceControl=true
04-25 10:43:44.290 28744 28744 I BLASTBufferQueue: update, w= 1080 h= 2400 mName = ViewRootImpl@a35118b[UnityPlayerActivity] mNativeObject= 0xb400007a7fcf1080 sc.mNativeObject= 0xb400007a7fd2a680 format= -3 caller= android.view.ViewRootImpl.updateBlastSurfaceIfNeeded:2898 android.view.ViewRootImpl.relayoutWindow:9847 android.view.ViewRootImpl.performTraversals:3884 android.view.ViewRootImpl.doTraversal:3116 android.view.ViewRootImpl$ android.view.Choreographer$ 
04-25 10:43:44.290 28744 28744 I ViewRootImpl@a35118b[UnityPlayerActivity]: Relayout returned: old=(0,0,1080,2400) new=(0,0,1080,2400) req=(1080,2400)0 dur=13 res=0x0 s={true 0xb400007a7fdde800} ch=false seqId=0
04-25 10:43:44.291 28744 28744 V ViewRootImpl@a35118b[UnityPlayerActivity]: Surface Surface(name=null)/@0x7ebe8a6 drawing to bitmap w=1080, h=2400
04-25 10:43:44.293 28744 28744 I ViewRootImpl@a35118b[UnityPlayerActivity]: Drawing: package:com.mkgames.zenease, metrics=DisplayMetrics{density=3.0, width=1080, height=2168, scaledDensity=3.0, xdpi=409.432, ydpi=406.4}, compatibilityInfo={480dpi always-compat}
04-25 10:43:44.300 28744 28951 I ACodec  : [] Now Executing
04-25 10:43:44.300  1324 14005 W OMXNodeInstance: getConfig(0xe8233a44:qcom.decoder.avc, ??(0x7f000062)) (0x80001019)
04-25 10:43:44.301 28744 28951 I ACodec  : [] OMX_EventPortSettingsChanged 0x7f000062
04-25 10:43:44.301  1119  1119 D SurfaceFlinger: Display 4630947232161729153 HWC layers:
04-25 10:43:44.301  1119  1119 D SurfaceFlinger:      DEVICE | 0xb4000078d7a19f60 | 0102 | RGBA_8888    |    0.0    0.0 1080.0 2400.0 |    0    0 1080 2400 | SurfaceView[com.mkgames.zenease/com.[...]r.UnityPlayerActivity]@0(BLAST)#1093
04-25 10:43:44.301  1119  1119 D SurfaceFlinger:      DEVICE | 0xb4000078d5e195b0 | 0140 | RGBA_8888    |    0.0    0.0 1080.0  112.0 |    0    0 1080  112 | ScreenDecorOverlay$_2505#89
04-25 10:43:44.301  1119  1119 D SurfaceFlinger:      DEVICE | 0xb4000078d5e19850 | 0140 | RGBA_8888    |    0.0    0.0 1080.0  112.0 |    0 2288 1080 2400 | ScreenDecorOverlayBottom$_2505#90
04-25 10:43:44.301  1119  1119 D SurfaceFlinger: 
04-25 10:43:44.302 28744 28950 I MediaCodec: setCodecState state(1), called in 6
04-25 10:43:44.302  1215  4901 V ResourceManagerHelper-JNI: JNIMediaResourceHelper::notify eventType : 3, ext1 : 0, ext2 : 0
04-25 10:43:44.302  1215  4901 V ResourceManagerHelper-JNI: notify eventType : 3, ext1 : 0, ext2 : 0
04-25 10:43:44.302 13193 14003 V ResourceManagerHelper-JNI: JNIMediaResourceHelper::notify eventType : 3, ext1 : 0, ext2 : 0
04-25 10:43:44.303  1215  2164 I SemMediaResourceHelper: onState
04-25 10:43:44.303  4644  4644 I SemMediaResourceHelper: onState
04-25 10:43:44.302 13193 14003 V ResourceManagerHelper-JNI: notify eventType : 3, ext1 : 0, ext2 : 0
04-25 10:43:44.304 13193 13235 I SemMediaResourceHelper: onState
04-25 10:43:44.304 13193 13235 I DrmMediaResourceHelper: onStateChanged size = 1
04-25 10:43:44.304 13193 13235 I DrmMediaResourceHelper: resource type: 2,,,isSecured :  falseIsEncoder : falsegetCodecState : 1getpid : 28744
04-25 10:43:44.305   997  1043 I HYPER-HAL: [RequestManager.cpp]releaseLocked(): Released ID : 10860146
04-25 10:43:44.318  1119  1165 I VSyncReactor: Current= 120, TransitioningTo= 0, hwcPeriod= 120, Distance= 0
04-25 10:43:44.359  1215  3677 D AutoRotationHandler: inject auto rotation priority = 1.0
04-25 10:43:44.360   994   994 I sensors-hal: inject_sensor_data:316, auto_rotation ar_mode:1
04-25 10:43:44.362   994   994 I sensors-hal: write_auto_rotation_mode:303, write_auto_rotation_mode ar_mode:1
04-25 10:43:44.362  1091  1091 I SSC_DAEMON: physical_sensor_test_req_msg Sensor type :14, Msg type:15
04-25 10:43:44.362  1091  1091 I SSC_DAEMON: 0.algo_id:3, num:1
04-25 10:43:44.364  1091  2010 I SSC_DAEMON: AR od: 8, 1, 0
04-25 10:43:44.368 28744 28989 E OneSignal: Missing Google Project number!
04-25 10:43:44.368 28744 28989 E OneSignal: Please enter a Google Project number / Sender ID on under App Settings > Android > Configuration on the OneSignal dashboard.
04-25 10:43:44.452   695   695 D io_stats: !@   8,0 r 628156 21382504 w 180392 7608636 d 72075 7333976 f 0 0 iot 208604 0 th 0 0 0 pt 0 inp 0 0 41254.725
04-25 10:43:44.466   997 28742 I HYPER-HAL: [RequestManager.cpp]releaseLocked(): Released ID : 10864808
04-25 10:43:44.540   997 28769 I HYPER-HAL: [ResourceManager.cpp]removeResource(): [CPUMaxFreq] RemoveResource Request ID : 10841508
04-25 10:43:44.540   997 28769 I HYPER-HAL: [RequestManager.cpp]releaseLocked(): Released ID : 10841508
04-25 10:43:44.566  1215  2444 D NetdEventListenerService: DNS Requested by : 100, 10326
04-25 10:43:44.670   997 28741 I HYPER-HAL: [RequestManager.cpp]releaseLocked(): Released ID : 2247140
04-25 10:43:44.899   994 13266 I sensors-hal: handle_sns_std_sensor_event:276, [SSC_LIGHT] P: 407(407),m:1,a:7985,b:86,c:1974,d:18,ag:8,dg:128,it:384,br:103
04-25 10:43:45.652  1215 17017 D SemWifiUsabilityStatsMonitor: onWifiUsabilityStats - seqNum 797, isSameBssidAndFreq true
04-25 10:43:45.653  1215  2382 I SemWifiLinkQualityMonitor: Link Qos Query: 0,042 ms / 190,475 Mbps (288 / 0,002 / 1,394)
04-25 10:43:45.655  2505  2505 D NetworkController.WifiSignalController: notifyListener: visible=true, connected=true, inetCondition=1, isDefault=true, wifiTestReported=true, receivedInetCondition=-1, hideDuringMobileSwitching=false
04-25 10:43:45.672   994 28927 I sensors-hal: handle_sns_client_event:541, [0][105] accel_sample [-0.098, -0.016,  9.914] 72456783001312
04-25 10:43:45.963  1215  1706 D PowerManagerService: UserActivityStateListenerState: 0
04-25 10:43:46.036  1215  2380 I SemWifiServiceDetector: Traff. tracking started
04-25 10:43:46.148   994 13277 I sensors-hal: handle_sns_client_event:252, auto_rotation_debug_2 mode,255, type,1,0 acc,-0.113,-0.019,9.916, ar,1, ver,10
04-25 10:43:46.170  1215  3671 D FreecessController: is important[!isUidIdle]
04-25 10:43:46.170  1215  3671 D FreecessController: is important[!isUidIdle]
04-25 10:43:46.301  1215  2481 I Pageboost: Launcher App Execution
04-25 10:43:46.304  1215  2481 I Pageboost: Prefetch Hit! : com.mkgames.zenease
04-25 10:43:46.453   695   695 D io_stats: !@   8,0 r 628156 21382504 w 180432 7608968 d 72123 7334460 f 0 0 iot 208628 0 th 0 0 0 pt 0 inp 0 0 41256.726
04-25 10:43:46.538  1215  2380 D SemNscXgbMsL1: Probability - Cloud gaming: [0.04415229]
04-25 10:43:46.539  1215  2380 D SemNscXgbMsL1: Probability - Real time: [0.10864212]
04-25 10:43:46.539  1215  2380 D SemNscXgbMsL1: Probability - Non real time: [0.915227]
04-25 10:43:46.539  1215  2380 D SemNscXgbMsL1: 1 sample inference time: 1.406302 msecs
04-25 10:43:46.542  1215  2380 D SemNscXgbL2Rt: L2 RT 1 sample inference time: 2.472344 msecs
04-25 10:43:46.544  1215  2380 D SemNscXgbL2Nrt: L2 NRT 1 sample inference time: 1.89677 msecs
04-25 10:43:46.636  1215  2402 D WifiConnectivityMonitor: called startWcmPoll but already Ongoing
04-25 10:43:46.636  1215  2402 D SemWifiRssiBasePoller: RSSI_BASE_STOP
04-25 10:43:46.690  1091  1091 I SSC_DAEMON: physical_sensor_test_req_msg Sensor type :0, Msg type:3
04-25 10:43:46.694  1091  2010 I SSC_DAEMON: accel_motor_state_event: 1, 0
04-25 10:43:46.694  1091  2010 I SSC_DAEMON: SBOM motor: 0
04-25 10:43:46.695   994 11582 E libprotobuf-native: [libprotobuf ERROR external/protobuf/src/google/protobuf/] Can't parse message of type "sns_std_sensor_event" because it is missing required fields: (cannot determine missing fields for lite message)
04-25 10:43:47.045  1215  2380 D SemNscXgbMsL1: Probability - Cloud gaming: [0.04415229]
04-25 10:43:47.046  1215  2380 D SemNscXgbMsL1: Probability - Real time: [0.10864212]
04-25 10:43:47.046  1215  2380 D SemNscXgbMsL1: Probability - Non real time: [0.915227]
04-25 10:43:47.046  1215  2380 D SemNscXgbMsL1: 1 sample inference time: 0.993281 msecs
04-25 10:43:47.049  1215  2380 D SemNscXgbL2Rt: L2 RT 1 sample inference time: 2.503281 msecs
04-25 10:43:47.051  1215  2380 D SemNscXgbL2Nrt: L2 NRT 1 sample inference time: 1.564844 msecs
04-25 10:43:47.055   997 28781 I HYPER-HAL: [ResourceManager.cpp]removeResource(): [CPUMaxFreq] RemoveResource Request ID : 10850825
04-25 10:43:47.056   997 28781 I HYPER-HAL: [RequestManager.cpp]releaseLocked(): Released ID : 10850825
04-25 10:43:47.552  1215  2380 D SemNscXgbMsL1: Probability - Cloud gaming: [0.04415229]
04-25 10:43:47.553  1215  2380 D SemNscXgbMsL1: Probability - Real time: [0.10864212]
04-25 10:43:47.553  1215  2380 D SemNscXgbMsL1: Probability - Non real time: [0.915227]
04-25 10:43:47.553  1215  2380 D SemNscXgbMsL1: 1 sample inference time: 1.11823 msecs
04-25 10:43:47.555  1215  2380 D SemNscXgbL2Rt: L2 RT 1 sample inference time: 1.839323 msecs
04-25 10:43:47.558  1215  2380 D SemNscXgbL2Nrt: L2 NRT 1 sample inference time: 1.906563 msecs
04-25 10:43:47.689   994 28927 I sensors-hal: handle_sns_client_event:541, [0][211] accel_sample [-0.089, -0.050,  9.910] 72458799220479
04-25 10:43:47.899   994 13266 I sensors-hal: handle_sns_std_sensor_event:276, [SSC_LIGHT] P: 405(405),m:1,a:7950,b:86,c:1974,d:43,ag:8,dg:128,it:384,br:103
04-25 10:43:48.035  1215  2481 I Pageboost: IoRecord pid : 28744
04-25 10:43:48.044  1215  2481 I Pageboost: IoRecord pid : 28744, result_size : 45419
04-25 10:43:48.050  1215  2481 I Pageboost: db create : CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS commkgameszenease (FILENAME TEXT, OFFSET INTEGER, SIZE INTEGER, FORVRAMDISK INTEGER, BITMAP BLOB, unique (FILENAME, OFFSET) );
04-25 10:43:48.055  1215  2481 I Pageboost: db create : CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS commkgameszenease (FILENAME TEXT, OFFSET INTEGER, SIZE INTEGER, FORVRAMDISK INTEGER, BITMAP BLOB, unique (FILENAME, OFFSET) );
04-25 10:43:48.058  1215  2481 I Pageboost: db insert start
04-25 10:43:48.059  1215  2380 D SemNscXgbMsL1: Probability - Cloud gaming: [0.04415229]
04-25 10:43:48.060  1215  2380 D SemNscXgbMsL1: Probability - Real time: [0.10864212]
04-25 10:43:48.060  1215  2380 D SemNscXgbMsL1: Probability - Non real time: [0.915227]
04-25 10:43:48.060  1215  2380 D SemNscXgbMsL1: 1 sample inference time: 0.704688 msecs
04-25 10:43:48.062  1215  2380 D SemNscXgbL2Rt: L2 RT 1 sample inference time: 1.922239 msecs
04-25 10:43:48.064  1215  2380 D SemNscXgbL2Nrt: L2 NRT 1 sample inference time: 1.696458 msecs
04-25 10:43:48.144  1215  2481 I Pageboost: db insert done, overLimit false
04-25 10:43:48.147  1215  2481 I Pageboost: captureFinished success : 187379712
04-25 10:43:48.151  1215  2481 I Pageboost: db update :com.mkgames.zenease ret 1
04-25 10:43:48.247  1215 28861 I SystemUiVisibilityPolicyController: handleMessage: entry what = 101
04-25 10:43:48.454   695   695 D io_stats: !@   8,0 r 628221 21382764 w 180577 7612904 d 72123 7334460 f 0 0 iot 208704 0 th 0 0 0 pt 0 inp 0 7 41258.727
04-25 10:43:48.565  1215  2380 D SemNscXgbMsL1: Probability - Cloud gaming: [0.04415229]
04-25 10:43:48.565  1215  2380 D SemNscXgbMsL1: Probability - Real time: [0.10864212]
04-25 10:43:48.565  1215  2380 D SemNscXgbMsL1: Probability - Non real time: [0.915227]
04-25 10:43:48.565  1215  2380 D SemNscXgbMsL1: 1 sample inference time: 0.800729 msecs
04-25 10:43:48.567  1215  2380 D SemNscXgbL2Rt: L2 RT 1 sample inference time: 1.880261 msecs
04-25 10:43:48.569  1215  2380 D SemNscXgbL2Nrt: L2 NRT 1 sample inference time: 1.815833 msecs
04-25 10:43:48.670  1215 17017 D SemWifiUsabilityStatsMonitor: onWifiUsabilityStats - seqNum 798, isSameBssidAndFreq true
04-25 10:43:48.672  1215  2382 I SemWifiLinkQualityMonitor: Link Qos query: inf. ms / 0 Mbps
04-25 10:43:48.673  2505  2505 D NetworkController.WifiSignalController: notifyListener: visible=true, connected=true, inetCondition=1, isDefault=true, wifiTestReported=true, receivedInetCondition=-1, hideDuringMobileSwitching=false
04-25 10:43:49.023  1215  2380 I SemWifiServiceDetector: Traff. tracking stopped
04-25 10:43:49.092  1215  7712 D SGM:GameManager: identifyGamePackage. com.mkgames.zenease, mCurrentUserId: 0, callerUserId: 0, callingMethodInfo:
04-25 10:43:49.092  1215  7712 D SGM:PkgDataHelper: getGamePkgData(). com.mkgames.zenease
04-25 10:43:49.102  1215  2267 W DeviceStorageMonitorService: updateBroadcasts(/data) oldLevel:0, newLevel:0, seq:1
04-25 10:43:49.104  1215  2267 D DeviceStorageMonitorService: Available File Node Number is [13476716]
04-25 10:43:49.104  1215  2267 W DeviceStorageMonitorService: updateBroadcasts_filenode(/data) fn_oldLevel:0, fn_newLevel:0, seq:1
04-25 10:43:49.705   994 28927 I sensors-hal: handle_sns_client_event:541, [0][317] accel_sample [-0.113, -0.054,  9.981] 72460815442562
04-25 10:43:50.455   695   695 D io_stats: !@   8,0 r 628221 21382764 w 180598 7615408 d 72123 7334460 f 0 0 iot 208736 0 th 0 0 0 pt 0 inp 0 0 41260.727
04-25 10:43:50.899   994 13266 I sensors-hal: handle_sns_std_sensor_event:276, [SSC_LIGHT] P: 404(404),m:1,a:7941,b:86,c:1974,d:36,ag:8,dg:128,it:384,br:103
04-25 10:43:51.521  1215  4917 D SGM:GameManager: identifyForegroundApp. com.mkgames.zenease, mCurrentUserId: 0, callerUserId: 0
04-25 10:43:51.521  1215  4917 D SGM:PkgDataHelper: getGamePkgData(). com.mkgames.zenease
04-25 10:43:51.521 11893 11987 I PolicyManager: [#CMH#] Is foreground game app: false
04-25 10:43:51.679  1215 17017 D SemWifiUsabilityStatsMonitor: onWifiUsabilityStats - seqNum 799, isSameBssidAndFreq true
04-25 10:43:51.680  1215  2382 I SemWifiLinkQualityMonitor: Link Qos Query: 0,028 ms / 288,000 Mbps (288 / 0,000 / 1,000)
04-25 10:43:51.681  2505  2505 D NetworkController.WifiSignalController: notifyListener: visible=true, connected=true, inetCondition=1, isDefault=true, wifiTestReported=true, receivedInetCondition=-1, hideDuringMobileSwitching=false
04-25 10:43:51.710 16845 16845 I wpa_supplicant: Heartbeat 241
04-25 10:43:51.721   994 28927 I sensors-hal: handle_sns_client_event:541, [0][423] accel_sample [-0.127, -0.049,  9.976] 72462831666469
04-25 10:43:52.040  1215  2380 I SemWifiServiceDetector: Traff. tracking started
04-25 10:43:52.455   695   695 D io_stats: !@   8,0 r 628221 21382764 w 180604 7615436 d 72123 7334460 f 0 0 iot 208740 0 th 0 0 0 pt 0 inp 0 0 41262.728
04-25 10:43:52.542  1215  2380 D SemNscXgbMsL1: Probability - Cloud gaming: [0.04415229]
04-25 10:43:52.543  1215  2380 D SemNscXgbMsL1: Probability - Real time: [0.10864212]
04-25 10:43:52.543  1215  2380 D SemNscXgbMsL1: Probability - Non real time: [0.915227]
04-25 10:43:52.543  1215  2380 D SemNscXgbMsL1: 1 sample inference time: 1.104323 msecs
04-25 10:43:52.545  1215  2380 D SemNscXgbL2Rt: L2 RT 1 sample inference time: 1.675833 msecs
04-25 10:43:52.546  1215  2380 D SemNscXgbL2Nrt: L2 NRT 1 sample inference time: 1.303177 msecs
04-25 10:43:53.047  1215  2380 D SemNscXgbMsL1: Probability - Cloud gaming: [0.04415229]
04-25 10:43:53.048  1215  2380 D SemNscXgbMsL1: Probability - Real time: [0.10864212]
04-25 10:43:53.048  1215  2380 D SemNscXgbMsL1: Probability - Non real time: [0.915227]
04-25 10:43:53.048  1215  2380 D SemNscXgbMsL1: 1 sample inference time: 0.811303 msecs
04-25 10:43:53.050  1215  2380 D SemNscXgbL2Rt: L2 RT 1 sample inference time: 1.876146 msecs
04-25 10:43:53.051  1215  2380 D SemNscXgbL2Nrt: L2 NRT 1 sample inference time: 1.488906 msecs
04-25 10:43:53.552  1215  2380 D SemNscXgbMsL1: Probability - Cloud gaming: [0.04415229]
04-25 10:43:53.553  1215  2380 D SemNscXgbMsL1: Probability - Real time: [0.10864212]
04-25 10:43:53.553  1215  2380 D SemNscXgbMsL1: Probability - Non real time: [0.915227]
04-25 10:43:53.553  1215  2380 D SemNscXgbMsL1: 1 sample inference time: 0.890834 msecs
04-25 10:43:53.555  1215  2380 D SemNscXgbL2Rt: L2 RT 1 sample inference time: 1.83526 msecs
04-25 10:43:53.556  1215  2380 D SemNscXgbL2Nrt: L2 NRT 1 sample inference time: 1.126823 msecs
04-25 10:43:53.737   994 28927 I sensors-hal: handle_sns_client_event:541, [0][529] accel_sample [-0.091, -0.028,  9.938] 72464847891052
04-25 10:43:53.899   994 13266 I sensors-hal: handle_sns_std_sensor_event:276, [SSC_LIGHT] P: 404(404),m:1,a:7932,b:86,c:1974,d:27,ag:8,dg:128,it:384,br:103
04-25 10:43:54.057  1215  2380 D SemNscXgbMsL1: Probability - Cloud gaming: [0.04415229]
04-25 10:43:54.057  1215  2380 D SemNscXgbMsL1: Probability - Real time: [0.10864212]
04-25 10:43:54.058  1215  2380 D SemNscXgbMsL1: Probability - Non real time: [0.915227]
04-25 10:43:54.058  1215  2380 D SemNscXgbMsL1: 1 sample inference time: 0.94427 msecs
04-25 10:43:54.060  1215  2380 D SemNscXgbL2Rt: L2 RT 1 sample inference time: 2.037188 msecs
04-25 10:43:54.062  1215  2380 D SemNscXgbL2Nrt: L2 NRT 1 sample inference time: 1.522188 msecs
04-25 10:43:54.456   695   695 D io_stats: !@   8,0 r 628221 21382764 w 180624 7616168 d 72123 7334460 f 0 0 iot 208760 0 th 0 0 0 pt 0 inp 0 0 41264.729
04-25 10:43:54.482 10628 11177 I PhenotypeProcessReaper: Memory state is: 100
04-25 10:43:54.563  1215  2380 D SemNscXgbMsL1: Probability - Cloud gaming: [0.04415229]
04-25 10:43:54.563  1215  2380 D SemNscXgbMsL1: Probability - Real time: [0.10864212]
04-25 10:43:54.563  1215  2380 D SemNscXgbMsL1: Probability - Non real time: [0.915227]
04-25 10:43:54.563  1215  2380 D SemNscXgbMsL1: 1 sample inference time: 0.952969 msecs
04-25 10:43:54.565  1215  2380 D SemNscXgbL2Rt: L2 RT 1 sample inference time: 1.741562 msecs
04-25 10:43:54.567  1215  2380 D SemNscXgbL2Nrt: L2 NRT 1 sample inference time: 1.326771 msecs
04-25 10:43:54.696  1215 17017 D SemWifiUsabilityStatsMonitor: onWifiUsabilityStats - seqNum 800, isSameBssidAndFreq true
04-25 10:43:54.698  1215  2382 I SemWifiLinkQualityMonitor: Link Qos Query: 0,028 ms / 283,797 Mbps (288 / 0,000 / 1,000)
04-25 10:43:54.699  2505  2505 D NetworkController.WifiSignalController: notifyListener: visible=true, connected=true, inetCondition=1, isDefault=true, wifiTestReported=true, receivedInetCondition=-1, hideDuringMobileSwitching=false
04-25 10:43:55.031  1215  2380 I SemWifiServiceDetector: Traff. tracking stopped
04-25 10:43:55.659   994 13277 I sensors-hal: handle_sns_client_event:252, auto_rotation_debug_2 mode,255, type,1,0 acc,-0.110,-0.031,9.933, ar,1, ver,10
04-25 10:43:55.754   994 28927 I sensors-hal: handle_sns_client_event:541, [0][635] accel_sample [-0.113, -0.035,  9.949] 72466864115167
04-25 10:43:56.180  1215  3671 D FreecessController: is important[!isUidIdle]
04-25 10:43:56.180  1215  3671 D FreecessController: is important[!isUidIdle]
04-25 10:43:56.457   695   695 D io_stats: !@   8,0 r 628221 21382764 w 180629 7616188 d 72123 7334460 f 0 0 iot 208764 0 th 0 0 0 pt 0 inp 0 0 41266.730
04-25 10:43:56.899   994 13266 I sensors-hal: handle_sns_std_sensor_event:276, [SSC_LIGHT] P: 402(402),m:1,a:7892,b:86,c:1974,d:12,ag:8,dg:128,it:384,br:103
04-25 10:43:57.717  1215 17017 D SemWifiUsabilityStatsMonitor: onWifiUsabilityStats - seqNum 801, isSameBssidAndFreq true
04-25 10:43:57.719  1215  2382 I SemWifiLinkQualityMonitor: Link Qos query: inf. ms / 0 Mbps
04-25 10:43:57.770   994 28927 I sensors-hal: handle_sns_client_event:541, [0][741] accel_sample [-0.101, -0.018,  9.950] 72468880338187
04-25 10:43:58.039  4644  5675 I SDHMS:D : SIOP:: AP:340 BAT:308 USB:285 CHG:331 CP:320 WIFI:336 CF:325 BLK:0 SUBBAT:0 SKIN:337 SKINF:-777 SKINB:-777 LRP:337 LRF:-777 LRB:-777 BLRF:329 BLRB:337 APT:-777 APR:-777 
04-25 10:43:58.305  3922  3922 D BoundBrokerSvc: onUnbind: Intent { }
04-25 10:43:58.313   997 28876 I HYPER-HAL: [RequestManager.cpp]releaseLocked(): Released ID : 762014
04-25 10:43:58.457   695   695 D io_stats: !@   8,0 r 628221 21382764 w 180640 7616228 d 72123 7334460 f 0 0 iot 208768 0 th 0 0 0 pt 0 inp 0 0 41268.730
04-25 10:43:58.756  1215 28998 D TrafficStats: tagSocket(803) with statsTag=0xffffffff, statsUid=-1
04-25 10:43:58.760  1215 28998 D TrafficStats: tagSocket(834) with statsTag=0xffffffff, statsUid=-1
04-25 10:43:58.763  1215 28998 D TrafficStats: tagSocket(856) with statsTag=0xffffffff, statsUid=-1
04-25 10:43:58.968  1215 28998 D WifiConnectivityMonitor.DnsThread:  [|211] [] []
04-25 10:43:58.968  1215  2401 D WifiConnectivityMonitor.NetworkStatsAnalyzer: DNS resultType : 0, responseTime : 211
04-25 10:43:58.969  1215  2399 D OpenNetworkQos[4.00]: updateBssidLatestDnsResultType - result: 0
04-25 10:43:58.969  1215  2399 D OpenNetworkQos[4.00]: updateBssidNoInternet: mBssidNoInternet = false
04-25 10:43:58.969  1215  2399 D OpenNetworkQos[4.00]: getOpenNetworkQosNoInternetStatus: false
04-25 10:43:58.969  1215  2399 D OpenNetworkQos[4.00]: getOpenNetworkQosScores: 0 10 0 
04-25 10:43:58.969  1215  2399 D SettingsProvider: isChangeAllowed() : name = wifi_wcm_qos_sharing_score_summary
04-25 10:43:58.970  1215  2399 I WifiProfileShare: network QoS data was changed (internet), updateQoSData networkType: true, qosData: false
04-25 10:43:58.970  1215  3699 D WifiProfileShare: nearby scanning settings stop
04-25 10:43:58.970  1215  3699 V WifiProfileShare.Caster: checkAndGetShareData - nearby scanning
04-25 10:43:59.122   991   991 I updateLrpSysfs: write: 337
04-25 10:43:59.387  4644  4644 I SDHMS:LOAD: type: LoadsFreqs, value: 0:76:32:844800:844800:0:1012992:2419200:0:305:305:0
04-25 10:43:59.786   994 28927 I sensors-hal: handle_sns_client_event:541, [0][847] accel_sample [-0.111, -0.053,  9.927] 72470896559802
04-25 10:43:59.899   994 13266 I sensors-hal: handle_sns_std_sensor_event:276, [SSC_LIGHT] P: 402(402),m:1,a:7882,b:86,c:1974,d:24,ag:8,dg:128,it:384,br:103
04-25 10:44:00.003  2505  2505 D KeyguardUpdateMonitor: received broadcast android.intent.action.TIME_TICK
04-25 10:44:00.004  2505  3145 D QSClockBellTower: onReceive(android.intent.action.TIME_TICK) mTimeZoneString:null
04-25 10:44:00.004  1215  1215 I EyeComfortSolutionService: action  :  android.intent.action.TIME_TICK
04-25 10:44:00.010  2505  2505 D KeyguardUpdateMonitor: handleTimeUpdate
04-25 10:44:00.011  2505  2505 D FaceWidgetPagesController: onTimeChanged()
04-25 10:44:00.012  2505  2505 D QSClockBellTower: He is ready to ring the bell. (((QSClockBellSound - TimeText:10:44, TimeContentDescription:10:44, DateText:Do., 25. April, ShortDateText:Do., 25. Apr., Demo:false, QuickStar-Second(false|12:34:56))))
04-25 10:44:00.013  2505  2505 D QSClockIndicatorView: Home Indicator status_bar_clock 10:44 notifyTimeChanged(QSClockBellSound - TimeText:10:44, TimeContentDescription:10:44, DateText:Do., 25. April, ShortDateText:Do., 25. Apr., Demo:false, QuickStar-Second(false|12:34:56)) ClockVisibleByPolicy:true, ClockVisibleByUser:true, visible?true, parent:android.widget.LinearLayout{4257e5d V.E...... ......ID 0,0-97,54 #7f0b04f0 app:id/left_clock_container}
04-25 10:44:00.013  2505  2505 D QSClockBellTower: Everyone heard the bell. run(currentTime:1714034640011,   getTime():Thu Apr 25 10:44:00 GMT+02:00 2024,   getTimeZone():libcore.util.ZoneInfo[mDstSavings=3600000,mUseDst=true,mDelegate=[id="Europe/Berlin",mRawOffset=3600000,mEarliestRawOffset=3208000,transitions=143]])
04-25 10:44:00.018  2505  2505 I FaceWidgetPositionAlgorithm: getClockContainerHeight() supplier = 309, bottom margin = 0, real height = 381
04-25 10:44:00.019  2505  2505 I FaceWidgetPositionAlgorithm: getClockContainerHeight() supplier = 309, bottom margin = 72, real height = 381
04-25 10:44:00.019  2505  2505 I FaceWidgetPositionAlgorithm: getMediaContainerHeight() height = 0 container Visibility = 8, isValid = false, mIsDozing = false, fraction = 1.0, source = 0, target = 0
04-25 10:44:00.019  2505  2505 I FaceWidgetPositionAlgorithm: getMediaContainerHeight() supplier = 0
04-25 10:44:00.021  2505  2505 V QsExpandAnimator: setQsExpansionPosition 0.0
04-25 10:44:00.025  2505  2505 V QsExpandAnimator: updateAnimators
04-25 10:44:00.025  2505  2505 V QsExpandAnimator: clearAnimationState 
04-25 10:44:00.025  2505  2505 V QsExpandAnimator: updateViews
04-25 10:44:00.026  2505  2505 V QsExpandAnimator: updateTileAnimator
04-25 10:44:00.026  2505  2505 V QsExpandAnimator: updateHeaderAnimator
04-25 10:44:00.027  2505  2505 V QsExpandAnimator: updateBarAnimator
04-25 10:44:00.027  2505  2505 V QsExpandAnimator: setQsExpansionPosition 0.0
04-25 10:44:00.027  2505  2505 V QsExpandAnimator: onAnimationAtStart
04-25 10:44:00.458   695   695 D io_stats: !@   8,0 r 628221 21382764 w 180656 7620508 d 72123 7334460 f 0 0 iot 208808 0 th 0 0 0 pt 0 inp 0 0 41270.731
04-25 10:44:00.737  1215 17017 D SemWifiUsabilityStatsMonitor: onWifiUsabilityStats - seqNum 802, isSameBssidAndFreq true
04-25 10:44:00.738  1215  2382 I SemWifiLinkQualityMonitor: Link Qos Query: 0,029 ms / 275,880 Mbps (288 / 0,001 / 1,000)
04-25 10:44:00.740  2505  2505 D NetworkController.WifiSignalController: notifyListener: visible=true, connected=true, inetCondition=1, isDefault=true, wifiTestReported=true, receivedInetCondition=-1, hideDuringMobileSwitching=false
04-25 10:44:01.174  1119  1119 I SurfaceFlinger: SFWD update time=41271447117953
04-25 10:44:01.721 16845 16845 I wpa_supplicant: Heartbeat 242
04-25 10:44:01.802   994 28927 I sensors-hal: handle_sns_client_event:541, [0][953] accel_sample [-0.099, -0.029,  9.943] 72472912779854
04-25 10:44:02.213  1215  2289 D UsbStatsMonitor: 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 3 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 26804890894362
04-25 10:44:02.459   695   695 D io_stats: !@   8,0 r 628221 21382764 w 180663 7620536 d 72123 7334460 f 0 0 iot 208812 0 th 0 0 0 pt 0 inp 0 0 41272.732
04-25 10:44:02.899   994 13266 I sensors-hal: handle_sns_std_sensor_event:276, [SSC_LIGHT] P: 400(400),m:1,a:7841,b:86,c:1974,d:51,ag:8,dg:128,it:384,br:103
04-25 10:44:03.750  1215 17017 D SemWifiUsabilityStatsMonitor: onWifiUsabilityStats - seqNum 803, isSameBssidAndFreq true
04-25 10:44:03.751  1215  2382 I SemWifiLinkQualityMonitor: Link Qos Query: 0,056 ms / 144,000 Mbps (288 / 0,000 / 2,000)
04-25 10:44:03.752  2505  2505 D NetworkController.WifiSignalController: notifyListener: visible=true, connected=true, inetCondition=1, isDefault=true, wifiTestReported=true, receivedInetCondition=-1, hideDuringMobileSwitching=false
04-25 10:44:03.819   994 28927 I sensors-hal: handle_sns_client_event:541, [0][1059] accel_sample [-0.121, -0.038,  9.932] 72474928998604
04-25 10:44:04.460   695   695 D io_stats: !@   8,0 r 628221 21382764 w 180694 7622032 d 72123 7334460 f 0 0 iot 208840 0 th 0 0 0 pt 0 inp 0 0 41274.733
04-25 10:44:05.170   994 13277 I sensors-hal: handle_sns_client_event:252, auto_rotation_debug_2 mode,255, type,1,0 acc,-0.105,-0.019,9.931, ar,1, ver,10
04-25 10:44:05.835   994 28927 I sensors-hal: handle_sns_client_event:541, [0][1165] accel_sample [-0.095, -0.030,  9.927] 72476945216156
04-25 10:44:05.899   994 13266 I sensors-hal: handle_sns_std_sensor_event:276, [SSC_LIGHT] P: 400(400),m:1,a:7847,b:86,c:1974,d:51,ag:8,dg:128,it:384,br:103
04-25 10:44:06.187  1215  3671 D FreecessController: is important[!isUidIdle]
04-25 10:44:06.187  1215  3671 D FreecessController: is important[!isUidIdle]
04-25 10:44:06.461   695   695 D io_stats: !@   8,0 r 628221 21382764 w 180699 7622052 d 72123 7334460 f 0 0 iot 208844 0 th 0 0 0 pt 0 inp 0 0 41276.734
04-25 10:44:06.768  1215 17017 D SemWifiUsabilityStatsMonitor: onWifiUsabilityStats - seqNum 804, isSameBssidAndFreq true
04-25 10:44:06.771  2505  2505 D NetworkController.WifiSignalController: notifyListener: visible=true, connected=true, inetCondition=1, isDefault=true, wifiTestReported=true, receivedInetCondition=-1, hideDuringMobileSwitching=false
04-25 10:44:06.771  1215  2382 I SemWifiLinkQualityMonitor: Link Qos Query: 0,058 ms / 138,280 Mbps (288 / 0,001 / 2,000)
04-25 10:44:07.851   994 28927 I sensors-hal: handle_sns_client_event:541, [0][1271] accel_sample [-0.092, -0.040,  9.940] 72478961432719
04-25 10:44:08.462   695   695 D io_stats: !@   8,0 r 628221 21382764 w 180704 7622072 d 72123 7334460 f 0 0 iot 208848 0 th 0 0 0 pt 0 inp 0 0 41278.735
04-25 10:44:08.899   994 13266 I sensors-hal: handle_sns_std_sensor_event:276, [SSC_LIGHT] P: 398(398),m:1,a:7825,b:86,c:1974,d:24,ag:8,dg:128,it:384,br:103
04-25 10:44:09.015  1215  1585 E Watchdog: !@Sync: 1376 heap: 100 / 102 FD: 983 [2024-04-25 10:44:09.014]
04-25 10:44:09.483  4644  4644 I SDHMS:LOAD: type: LoadsFreqs, value: 0:79:31:844800:844800:844800:1058303:1958400:710400:305:305:305
04-25 10:44:09.788  1215 17017 D SemWifiUsabilityStatsMonitor: onWifiUsabilityStats - seqNum 805, isSameBssidAndFreq true
04-25 10:44:09.790  1215  2382 I SemWifiLinkQualityMonitor: Link Qos query: inf. ms / 0 Mbps
04-25 10:44:09.791  2505  2505 D NetworkController.WifiSignalController: notifyListener: visible=true, connected=true, inetCondition=1, isDefault=true, wifiTestReported=true, receivedInetCondition=-1, hideDuringMobileSwitching=false
04-25 10:44:09.867   994 28927 I sensors-hal: handle_sns_client_event:541, [0][1377] accel_sample [-0.103, -0.043,  9.950] 72480977648396
04-25 10:44:10.462   695   695 D io_stats: !@   8,0 r 628221 21382764 w 180712 7622364 d 72123 7334460 f 0 0 iot 208856 0 th 0 0 0 pt 0 inp 0 0 41280.735
04-25 10:44:11.731 16845 16845 I wpa_supplicant: Heartbeat 243
04-25 10:44:11.883   994 28927 I sensors-hal: handle_sns_client_event:541, [0][1483] accel_sample [-0.111, -0.047,  9.947] 72482993863187
04-25 10:44:11.899   994 13266 I sensors-hal: handle_sns_std_sensor_event:276, [SSC_LIGHT] P: 399(399),m:1,a:7843,b:86,c:1974,d:40,ag:8,dg:128,it:384,br:103
04-25 10:44:12.809  1215 17017 D SemWifiUsabilityStatsMonitor: onWifiUsabilityStats - seqNum 806, isSameBssidAndFreq true
04-25 10:44:12.810  1215  2382 I SemWifiLinkQualityMonitor: Link Qos query: inf. ms / 0 Mbps
04-25 10:44:13.900   994 28927 I sensors-hal: handle_sns_client_event:541, [0][1589] accel_sample [-0.105, -0.036,  9.927] 72485010077250
04-25 10:44:14.596  1324 14005 E EOS with zero length recieved
04-25 10:44:14.679   994 13277 I sensors-hal: handle_sns_client_event:252, auto_rotation_debug_2 mode,255, type,1,0 acc,-0.136,-0.036,9.940, ar,1, ver,10
04-25 10:44:14.899   994 13266 I sensors-hal: handle_sns_std_sensor_event:276, [SSC_LIGHT] P: 396(396),m:1,a:7768,b:85,c:1974,d:37,ag:8,dg:128,it:384,br:103
04-25 10:44:15.362 28744 28950 I ACodec  : [] signalFlush
04-25 10:44:15.362 28744 28951 I ACodec  : [] ExecutingState flushing now (codec owns 0/12 input, 0/15 output).
04-25 10:44:15.362 28744 28951 I ACodec  : [] Now Flushing
04-25 10:44:15.363 28744 28951 I ACodec  : [] FlushingState onOMXEvent(0,1,1)
04-25 10:44:15.363 28744 28951 I ACodec  : [] FlushingState onOMXEvent(0,1,0)
04-25 10:44:15.364 28744 28951 I ACodec  : [] Now Executing
04-25 10:44:15.820  1215 17017 D SemWifiUsabilityStatsMonitor: onWifiUsabilityStats - seqNum 807, isSameBssidAndFreq true
04-25 10:44:15.822  1215  2382 I SemWifiLinkQualityMonitor: Link Qos Query: 0,028 ms / 288,000 Mbps (288 / 0,000 / 1,000)
04-25 10:44:15.823  2505  2505 D NetworkController.WifiSignalController: notifyListener: visible=true, connected=true, inetCondition=1, isDefault=true, wifiTestReported=true, receivedInetCondition=-1, hideDuringMobileSwitching=false
04-25 10:44:15.916   994 28927 I sensors-hal: handle_sns_client_event:541, [0][1695] accel_sample [-0.113, -0.022,  9.943] 72487026290531
04-25 10:44:16.191  1215  3671 D FreecessController: is important[!isUidIdle]
04-25 10:44:16.191  1215  3671 D FreecessController: is important[!isUidIdle]
04-25 10:44:16.464   695   695 D io_stats: !@   8,0 r 628221 21382764 w 180728 7622556 d 72123 7334460 f 0 0 iot 208860 0 th 0 0 0 pt 0 inp 0 0 41286.737
04-25 10:44:17.899   994 13266 I sensors-hal: handle_sns_std_sensor_event:276, [SSC_LIGHT] P: 396(396),m:1,a:7765,b:85,c:1974,d:44,ag:8,dg:128,it:384,br:103
04-25 10:44:17.932   994 28927 I sensors-hal: handle_sns_client_event:541, [0][1801] accel_sample [-0.111, -0.040,  9.937] 72489042503187
04-25 10:44:17.977  4599  5121 I BistoHotwordHelper: (REDACTED) getHotwordActive::active query: %s, watch: %s, devices connected: %s
04-25 10:44:18.464   695   695 D io_stats: !@   8,0 r 628221 21382764 w 180733 7622576 d 72123 7334460 f 0 0 iot 208864 0 th 0 0 0 pt 0 inp 0 0 41288.737
04-25 10:44:18.836  1215 17017 D SemWifiUsabilityStatsMonitor: onWifiUsabilityStats - seqNum 808, isSameBssidAndFreq true
04-25 10:44:18.838  1215  2382 I SemWifiLinkQualityMonitor: Link Qos Query: 0,030 ms / 270,052 Mbps (288 / 0,002 / 1,000)
04-25 10:44:18.839  2505  2505 D NetworkController.WifiSignalController: notifyListener: visible=true, connected=true, inetCondition=1, isDefault=true, wifiTestReported=true, receivedInetCondition=-1, hideDuringMobileSwitching=false
04-25 10:44:19.577  4644  4644 I SDHMS:LOAD: type: LoadsFreqs, value: 0:81:30:844800:844800:844800:1059072:1958400:710400:305:305:305
04-25 10:44:19.948   994 28927 I sensors-hal: handle_sns_client_event:541, [0][1907] accel_sample [-0.117, -0.045,  9.943] 72491058715323
04-25 10:44:20.465   695   695 D io_stats: !@   8,0 r 628221 21382764 w 180745 7623008 d 72123 7334460 f 0 0 iot 208868 0 th 0 0 0 pt 0 inp 0 0 41290.738
04-25 10:44:20.513  1215  1215 D Native_CFMS: CFMS Delete Task Tid(-1)
04-25 10:44:20.899   994 13266 I sensors-hal: handle_sns_std_sensor_event:276, [SSC_LIGHT] P: 393(393),m:1,a:7711,b:86,c:1974,d:19,ag:8,dg:128,it:384,br:103
04-25 10:44:21.731 16845 16845 I wpa_supplicant: Heartbeat 244
04-25 10:44:21.854  1215 17017 D SemWifiUsabilityStatsMonitor: onWifiUsabilityStats - seqNum 809, isSameBssidAndFreq true
04-25 10:44:21.856  1215  2382 I SemWifiLinkQualityMonitor: Link Qos query: inf. ms / 0 Mbps
04-25 10:44:21.964   994 28927 I sensors-hal: handle_sns_client_event:541, [0][2013] accel_sample [-0.109, -0.040,  9.951] 72493074926990
04-25 10:44:23.899   994 13266 I sensors-hal: handle_sns_std_sensor_event:276, [SSC_LIGHT] P: 391(391),m:1,a:7671,b:86,c:1972,d:44,ag:8,dg:128,it:384,br:103
04-25 10:44:23.980   994 28927 I sensors-hal: handle_sns_client_event:541, [0][2119] accel_sample [-0.126, -0.035,  9.956] 72495091138292
04-25 10:44:24.190   994 13277 I sensors-hal: handle_sns_client_event:252, auto_rotation_debug_2 mode,255, type,1,0 acc,-0.127,-0.014,9.940, ar,1, ver,10
04-25 10:44:24.467   695   695 D io_stats: !@   8,0 r 628221 21382764 w 180757 7623184 d 72123 7334460 f 0 0 iot 208872 0 th 0 0 0 pt 0 inp 0 0 41294.740
04-25 10:44:24.736  1215  1672 D BatteryExternalStatsWorker: update stats : update-network-netlog (6)
04-25 10:44:24.750  1215  1672 D BatteryExternalStatsWorker: Fetch WiFi data
04-25 10:44:24.751  1215  1672 D BatteryExternalStatsWorker: Update Rail Energy data
04-25 10:44:24.752  1215  1672 D BatteryExternalStatsWorker: Fetch modem data
04-25 10:44:24.798  1215  4917 D TelephonyManager: requestModemActivityInfo: Sending result to app: ModemActivityInfo{ mTimestamp=72495921 mSleepTimeMs=66521792 mIdleTimeMs=301974 mActivityStatsTechSpecificInfo=[{mRat=UNKNOWN,mFrequencyRange=UNKNOWN,mTxTimeMs[]=[0, 0, 0, 0, 0],mRxTimeMs=4749412}]}
04-25 10:44:24.801  1215  1672 D BatteryExternalStatsWorker: mStats lock released
vladd-g commented 2 months ago

Sorry, forgot to specify it, could you please filter the native logs by "Adapty"?

How can I do this? I couldn't find the file in my Unity project.

Probably Assets/Plugins/Android, but you can do a search for aar files in the project folder

marvpaul commented 2 months ago

Sorry, forgot to specify it, could you please filter the native logs by "Adapty"?

I don't see your point here. This is the hole log from adb logcat. Shouldn't it include every log entry (I used ./adb logcat)? If I oversee something here, how can I filter the logs by "Adapty"?

Probably Assets/Plugins/Android, but you can do a search for aar files in the project folder

I don't saw a plugin file for billing, specially none with version 5.2.1 in my Unity project. Anyways, I'll have another look.

marvpaul commented 2 months ago

I also tested once again on iOS without the IAP dependency. It seems to be broken completely now, also on iOS (which worked before). Any idea why? On iOS I get this log:

-> applicationDidBecomeActive()
[Subsystems] Discovering subsystems at path /private/var/containers/Bundle/Application/5203AA3C-D9D3-4ADA-AE64-B0C335A95205/
GfxDevice: creating device client; threaded=1; jobified=0
Initializing Metal device caps: Apple A14 GPU
Initialize engine version: 2022.3.10f1 (ff3792e53c62)
Warning: -[BETextInput attributedMarkedText] is unimplemented
[Adapty v2.9.2] - INFO: LifecycleManager: initialize
[Adapty v2.9.2] - INFO: Adapty activated withObserverMode:false, withCustomerUserId: false
MyUnityAppController startUnity
The referenced script on this Behaviour (Game Object '<null>') is missing!
The referenced script on this Behaviour (Game Object 'PopUp') is missing!
The referenced script on this Behaviour (Game Object 'Directional Light') is missing!
UnloadTime: 0.458875 ms
Color primaries is unknown or unsupported by AVFoundationVideoMedia. Falling back to default may result in color shift. unityvfs:///private/var/containers/Bundle/Application/5203AA3C-D9D3-4ADA-AE64-B0C335A95205/
Let's load products

[OneSignal] OneSignal set to platform SDK OneSignalSDK.iOS.OneSignaliOS. Current version is 5.1.2
vladd-g commented 2 months ago

how can I filter the logs by "Adapty"?

You can filter the logs as follows: ./adb logcat | grep Adapty

If you don't have logging enabled, you can do it as outlined here

x401om commented 2 months ago

Hi, @marvpaul! it seems for me that native Adapty SDK for iOS is working here, since I can see the logs from this layer:

[Adapty v2.9.2] - INFO: LifecycleManager: initialize
[Adapty v2.9.2] - INFO: Adapty activated withObserverMode:false, withCustomerUserId: false

Could you please specify what do you mean by "broken completely" here? What do you observe?

marvpaul commented 2 months ago

Thank you guys and sorry for the confusion. I added an AdaptyListener and now it works!