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Editable / Excel style grid #5

Open bakesteve opened 10 years ago

bakesteve commented 10 years ago

Tracker for what we'd like to have out of a react grid

See SlickGrid for a very strong implementation of features

Other Grid componnets

Griddle looks good, though missing number of features React-Grid the original version of this. no edits/navigation ReactiveGrid more of a PoC but has got keyboard navigation

Todo / Wish List

One immediate issue is React doesnt delegate KeyUp unless you are in a form field, so will need to resort back to native / jQuery in ComponentDidMount We also need to know what row we are on. Cells probably shouldnt be aware of that (though that may too restrictive) Also need to be carefull about indexes for rows (needs to understand data index, not the display index) and columns (frozen columns, hidden cols, etc) < in both scenarios if we have a cell.idx and a row.idx we will be fine


Initial thoughts

Controlled through column.celRenderer Needs to control style and text display. Common use cases will be formatting a number as a currency May need access to several data attributes, so need to think out how this is done

var cellData = {
  value: 1000,
  currency: 'GBP',
  curencySymbol: '£'
//which means calling it with a custom func from row -> cell
//or mayeb use a lens? so:
col = {
  key: 'Price',
  cellRenderer: CurrencCell,
  cellDataLens: function(row) {
    return {
      value: row.Price,
      currency: row.PriceCurrencyCode,
      curencySymbol: row.PriceCurrencySymbol
//or only allow 1 attribute, and allow access to row data? <- feels like a bad thing
return (<div>{row.CurrencySymbol}{value}</div>);

Also need to think about allowing custom formulas, and allowing overrides for them - see locked editors. The renderer should indicate if a cell is ReadOnly, Overridable, or Editable. If the value has been overriden, this should be flagged in a consistent manner


Initial design thoughts

We can control the editor easily enough through the column.renderer property, but need to know if the cell is being edited or not. Grids are, by design, going to be killing off rows (and cells) as you scroll, so cant use state to manage that. We also want mouse clicks elsewhere to commit the edit, so that implies state is held at a higher level. Using a prop, seems like a better choice.

**Commiting an edit*** Assumed flow would be: Editor.onCommit=>Editor.Valdate=>Cell.handleCommit=>Cell.onChange=>Row.handleCellChange=>Row.onChange Canvas and Viewport make this chain a bit longer to then bubble up to the grid so that we can update the data store/state. We could probably jump from Row -> Grid/Store. May be a case where Flux helps out

Editor controls Simple editors (numbers, dates, etc) will be straightforward. But some editors will require a lot more info than may be contained in a simple key/value set that a cell operates on. A few things to consider

Keyboard navigation We will want pressing Tab in an editor to either:

Validation commiting an edit should call a validate function. Needs to be a standard way to provide user feedback, and the commit edit shoudl be blocked till this returns true


Should be easy enough, just need the UX and a sorting algorithm Also need to ideally add custom sorting via drag handlers. Again, should just be the same When designing, should extend the simple sample to give the capability for multiple levels of sorting, and sort by (ie sort by Name: Z-A, then by Country: A-Z (or Id, using ISO code?), then by Age: 0-9, then by Date: Oldest to Smallest)

Override Locked Editors

Need to distiunguish between cells that are Editable, ReadOnly, and Overidable If it is overidable, the cell renderer shoudl indicate this in the same way as ReadOnly, but ideally we'd have teh same user experience for editing - possibly with some UX highlights to show this is overiding.

Drag Down

Ideally done as a form of UX mask

Need to think how we:

Ideally handled at a high level, using OnCopy and OnPaste events Assuming we have an [Active Cell]() concept, then should be ok to grab that in Copy, and push it on Paste

Undo / Redo

At first glance this is very, very easy (thanks react!) however, want to be more efficient that just storing entire object graphs on every change. We want something that works with large collections (100 cols x 1000s rows) with a large number of edits Maybe do something esoteric like storing individual changes with functional lens to apply that back ontop of the main data?


Should be bloody fast, but need to ensure we only update the dom if we need to ideally that would just be using immutable data (by convention, or being clever

shouldComponentUpdate: function(object nextProps, object nextState) {
  return nextProps !== this.props;
bakesteve commented 10 years ago

@malonecj @d4nj0nes started this to get us moving take a look, add any missing detail / tasks and we can then get cracking

leeandrews commented 10 years ago

@bakesteve I'm not convinced that you should need to press a key to start editing a cell. Assuming that we make it very clear where the users' context is, and we have the ability to cancel changes by pressing ESC (or just not save pending changes immediately) then the first keystroke should just start editing. In fact, I think pressing Enter should just take the user to the cell below.

bakesteve commented 10 years ago

@leeandrews I've covered these off in the main section now: [Lee's added features - must haves]

[Lee's added features - nice-to-haves]

mikelawlor commented 10 years ago

@bakesteve if not already covered, we should look to use an appropriate column width for grid columns. By appropriate, I mean it should be determined by the length of the header and the expected length of the contents of the column. Where we have a more than one word in the header and the expected length of the contents is significantly shorter, perhaps we wrap the header text.