adbar / htmldate

Fast and robust date extraction from web pages, with Python or on the command-line
Apache License 2.0
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Test htmldate on further web pages and report bugs #8

Open adbar opened 4 years ago

adbar commented 4 years ago

I have mostly tested htmldate on a set of English, German and French web pages I had run into by surfing or during web crawls. There are definitely further web pages and cases in other languages for which the extraction of a date doesn't work so far.

Please install the dateparser library beforehand as it significantly extends linguistic coverage: pipor pip3 install -U dateparser or pip install -U htmldate[all].

Corresponding bug reports can either be filed as a list in an issue like this one or in the code as XPath expressions in (see DATE_EXPRESSIONS and ADDITIONAL_EXPRESSIONS).


adbar commented 3 years ago

Problems found:

rahulbot commented 2 years ago
adbar commented 2 years ago

The first example is especially tricky, the date in the right column is tagged as a proper date in the HTML whereas the date in the main content isn't.

kinoute commented 2 years ago
from htmldate import find_date
import requests
resp = requests.get('')

  outputformat='%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S',

But in the HTML source code there is a meta entry with the correct date:

<meta data-rh="true" property="article:published_time" content="1991-01-02T01:01:00+01:00"/>

I thought htmldate will look at this in the first place or am I missing something?

adbar commented 2 years ago

Hi @kinoute, htmldate considers that the date 1991-01-02 isn't valid. You can try to set the parameter min_date in find_date() to change this, e.g. min_date="1990-01-01".

kinoute commented 2 years ago

@adbar It still doesn't work with your min_date

Here is the debugging without the min_date:

DEBUG:htmldate.core:examining meta property: <meta data-rh="true" property="article:published_time" content="1991-01-02T01:01:00+01:00">
DEBUG:htmldate.core:examining meta property: <meta data-rh="true" property="article:modified_time" content="1991-01-02T01:01:00+01:00">
DEBUG:htmldate.core:analyzing (HTML): <footer class="sc-1lhe64-3 kPYMmr"><div class="sc-123ocby-3 fjTtGI"><div class="sc-aamjrj-0 sc-15kkm
DEBUG:htmldate.extractors:found partial date in URL: /1991/01//01
DEBUG:htmldate.core:extensive search started
DEBUG:htmldate.core:looking for copyright/footer information
DEBUG:htmldate.core:3 components
DEBUG:htmldate.validators:no potential year: 1991-01-02
DEBUG:htmldate.validators:no potential year: 1991-01-31
DEBUG:htmldate.core:firstselect: [('2022-07-26', 22), ('2022-07-25', 6), ('2020-01-29', 2), ('2022-06-28', 2)]
DEBUG:htmldate.core:bestones: [('2022-07-26', 22), ('2022-07-25', 6)]
DEBUG:htmldate.validators:date found for pattern "re.compile('\\D([0-9]{4}[/.-][0-9]{2}[/.-][0-9]{2})\\D')": 2022-07-26
'2022-07-26 00:00:00'

With min_date at "1990-01-01":

DEBUG:htmldate.core:examining meta property: <meta data-rh="true" property="article:published_time" content="1991-01-02T01:01:00+01:00">
DEBUG:htmldate.extractors:custom parse test: 1991-01-02T01:01:00+01:00
DEBUG:htmldate.validators:date not valid: 1991-01-02 01:01:00+01:00
DEBUG:htmldate.validators:date not valid: 1991-01-02 00:00:00
DEBUG:htmldate.validators:date not valid: 1991-01-01 00:00:00
DEBUG:htmldate.core:examining meta property: <meta data-rh="true" property="article:modified_time" content="1991-01-02T01:01:00+01:00">
DEBUG:htmldate.validators:date not valid: 1991-01-02
DEBUG:htmldate.core:analyzing (HTML): <footer class="sc-1lhe64-3 kPYMmr"><div class="sc-123ocby-3 fjTtGI"><div class="sc-aamjrj-0 sc-15kkm
DEBUG:htmldate.extractors:custom parse test: Les Echos1991Janvier 1991
DEBUG:htmldate.extractors:send to external parser: Les Echos1991Janvier 1991
DEBUG:htmldate.extractors:found partial date in URL: /1991/01//01
DEBUG:htmldate.validators:date not valid: 1991-01-01 00:00:00
DEBUG:htmldate.core:extensive search started
DEBUG:htmldate.extractors:custom parse test: Publié le 2 janv. 1991 à 1:01
DEBUG:htmldate.extractors:send to external parser: Publié le 2 janv. 1991 à 1:01
DEBUG:htmldate.core:looking for copyright/footer information
DEBUG:htmldate.core:3 components
DEBUG:htmldate.validators:no potential year: 1991-01-02
DEBUG:htmldate.validators:no potential year: 1991-01-31
DEBUG:htmldate.core:firstselect: [('2022-07-26', 22), ('2022-07-25', 6), ('2020-01-29', 2), ('2022-06-28', 2)]
DEBUG:htmldate.core:bestones: [('2022-07-26', 22), ('2022-07-25', 6)]
DEBUG:htmldate.validators:date found for pattern "re.compile('\\D([0-9]{4}[/.-][0-9]{2}[/.-][0-9]{2})\\D')": 2022-07-26
'2022-07-26 00:00:00'
adbar commented 2 years ago

@kinoute Thanks for pointing that out, it's a bug.

dideler commented 1 year ago

htmldate==1.2.3 used in is incorrectly extracting dates. See output. The essays have MONTH YEAR below the title but that's not being picked up. Example:

In a fork I tried updating to the latest version and it has the same issue.

adbar commented 1 year ago

@dideler Thanks, the year is detected correctly but not the month which is contained in a <font> tag. I'll see what I can do.

stevesong commented 9 months ago

Thank you for this wonderful tool! It would be great to see this news source added.

Capacity Media e.g.

    <div class="ArticlePage-datePublished">
            February 13, 2023 11:42 AM
adbar commented 8 months ago

@stevesong It already works:

$ htmldate -u ""
stevesong commented 8 months ago

Wow, thanks! I must have been using an older version. Passing urls through appears to have a normalising effect on some websites in that htmldate works on the versions but not the original?

adbar commented 8 months ago

It's not supposed to normalize anything, I'm just using archived versions to be able to replicate issues at some point in the future.

stevesong commented 8 months ago

Ok, understood, but there does appear to be something interesting happening there.

$ htmldate -u
# ERROR no valid result for url:

$ htmldate -u
adbar commented 8 months ago

I guess it's because the download fails, there are websites which restrict access to the download utility, see