add-ons / translations

Workspace for Kodi add-on translators
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Translate #2

Open Twilight0 opened 4 years ago

Twilight0 commented 4 years ago

Anyone willing to translate Euronews video addon, you can submit PRs into my upstream repository here:

Legend Meaning
✔️ Translation complete
⚠️ Missing strings or syntax problems
No translations
Language ISO Status Last translator PR
Bosnian bs_ba
Bulgarian bg_bg
Montenegrin cnr_me
Czech cs_cz
Danish da_dk
German de_de ✔️ @horstle Twilight0/
Greek el_gr ✔️ @Twilight0 OK
English en_gb (default language)
Spanish es_es ✔️ @roliverosc Twilight0/
Mexican es_mx
Finnish fi_fi
French fr_fr
Hebrew he_il ✔️ @Eng2Heb OK
Croatian hr_hr ✔️ @arvvoid Twilight0/
Hungarian hu_hu
Hindi in_hi
Italian it_it
Japanese ja_jp
Korean ko_kr
Lithuanian lt_lt
Latvian lv_lv
Macedonian mk_mk
Norwegian nb_no ✔️ @solbu Twilight0/
Dutch nl_nl ✔️ @dagwieers Twilight0/
Polish pl_pl
Brazilian pt_br
Portuguese pt_pt
Romanian ro_ro ✔️ @tmihai20 Twilight0/
Russian ru_ru ✔️ @vlmaksime OK
Serbian sr_rs
Slovak sk_sk
Slovenian sl_si
Swedish sv_se
Turkish tr_tr
Taiwanese zh_tw

cc @add-ons/translators

dagwieers commented 4 years ago

@Twilight0 Please don't clone your repository into Kodi-addons. This will not help because it will drift from your master branch and there is no added value. The repositories in Kodi-addons are those that have been transferred here permanently. I will remove it now, sorry.

Twilight0 commented 4 years ago

No problem at all. It is fairly understood.

dagwieers commented 4 years ago

@Twilight0 I have added your add-on to:

tmihai20 commented 4 years ago

@Twilight0 I have made PR and added Romanian translation. After merging my initial request please add Romanian as one of the languages that can be chosen in settings. I will update the new strings as soon as possible :)

Twilight0 commented 4 years ago

Thank you @tmihai20. The language set in the addon settings is only set for the content pulled from Euronews site, not the menu translation itself. I will merge it nonetheless and you can watch in English language or any other at your convenience.

Twilight0 commented 4 years ago

Thank you for all your contributions up to this point, I will be releasing as 1.4.0, so potential upcoming PR will be merged for a next version.

arvvoid commented 4 years ago

Sent Croatian (hr_hr) translation :)

dagwieers commented 4 years ago

@Twilight0 I reworked this issue as I have a template now for translation requests. Let me know if you have any improvements to the template.

Update: I would also keep this issue open (for ever), so that past translators get notifications, and others can subscribe and track updates.

horstle commented 4 years ago

Created the german translation:

Twilight0 commented 4 years ago

@horstle, @arvvoid Thank you for your contributions @dagwieers: No objection, thank you for this.

dagwieers commented 4 years ago

@horstle I am not 100% sure, but I think all translators can update the original ticket to add/update their translated language. Can you check and let me know if you have this access?

horstle commented 4 years ago

I thought so too, but no, I can't edit that message.