add-ons / translations

Workspace for Kodi add-on translators
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Translate script.module.inputstreamhelper #5

Open emilsvennesson opened 4 years ago

emilsvennesson commented 4 years ago

We would like to request translations for add-on script.module.inputstreamhelper.

You can find the translations at:

Here is the list of Kodi-addons languages and their status. (See below for an error log)

Legend Meaning
✔️ Translation complete
⚠️ Missing strings or syntax problems
No translations
Language ISO Status Last translator PR
Bosnian bs_ba
Bulgarian bg_bg
Montenegrin cnr_me
Czech cs_cz
Danish da_dk
German de_de ✔️ @tweimer OK
Greek el_gr ✔️ @Twilight0 OK
English en_gb (default language)
Spanish es_es ✔️ @roliverosc OK
Mexican es_mx
Finnish fi_fi
French fr_fr ✔️ @mediaminister emilsvennesson/script.module.inputstreamhelper#367
Hebrew he_il
Croatian hr_hr ✔️ @arvvoid OK
Hungarian hu_hu ✔️ @frodo19 emilsvennesson/script.module.inputstreamhelper#345
Hindi in_hi ✔️ @tmihai20 emilsvennesson/script.module.inputstreamhelper#303
Italian it_it ✔️ @pinoelefante OK
Japanese ja_jp ⚠️ @Thunderbird2086
Korean ko_kr ⚠️ @Thunderbird2086
Lithuanian lt_lt
Latvian lv_lv
Macedonian mk_mk
Norwegian nb_no
Dutch nl_nl ✔️ @dnicolaas OK
Polish pl_pl
Brazilian pt_br
Portuguese pt_pt
Romanian ro_ro ✔️ @tmihai20 emilsvennesson/script.module.inputstreamhelper#371
Russian ru_ru ✔️ @vlmaksime OK
Serbian sr_rs
Slovak sk_sk
Slovenian sl_si
Swedish sv_se ✔️ @Sopor OK
Turkish tr_tr
Taiwanese zh_tw

NOTE: Not all past translators have accepted the invitation yet.

Translation errors

[dag@moria script.module.inputstreamhelper]$ make check-translations
= Starting language test
resources/language/resource.language.ja_JP/strings.po:272: this message is untranslated
resources/language/resource.language.ja_JP/strings.po:330: this message is untranslated
resources/language/resource.language.ja_JP/strings.po:272: warning: this message is not used
resources/language/resource.language.ja_JP/strings.po:330: warning: this message is not used
msgcmp: found 2 fatal errors
resources/language/resource.language.ko_KR/strings.po:272: this message is untranslated
resources/language/resource.language.ko_KR/strings.po:330: this message is untranslated
resources/language/resource.language.ko_KR/strings.po:272: warning: this message is not used
resources/language/resource.language.ko_KR/strings.po:330: warning: this message is not used
msgcmp: found 2 fatal errors

cc @add-ons/translators

tmihai20 commented 4 years ago

Just made Romanian translation

mediaminister commented 4 years ago

Translation update request for InputStream Helper v0.5.0

I'm planning a new v0.5.0 release by the end of June. Some new strings need a translation and I would like to have your help to get them translated.

cc @add-ons/translators

tmihai20 commented 4 years ago

Romanian translation was updated with PR

roliverosc-zz commented 4 years ago

Update spanish translation for last release

mediaminister commented 4 years ago

I'll release v0.5.0 tomorrow. Be quick if you want your language in the new version.