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Physically meaningful cross sections in complex environments #301

Open myurkin opened 2 years ago

myurkin commented 2 years ago

Extinction, absorption, and scattering cross sections (or, more generally, powers - making it applicable to arbitrary incident field) are ubiquitously used for scattering in a non-absorbing homogeneous medium (e.g., in vacuum). The corresponding powers have well-defined meanings based on integrals of the Poynting vector over closed surfaces and/or potential detector readings.

When more complicated environment is considered, the physical meaning of cross sections can be questioned. This cases include planar substrate (potentially, multi-layered - #235) or absorbing homogeneous medium (#219). Moreover, it makes sense to calculate more quantities instead of three basic ones. The following summarizes some ideas, which should guide the implementation of various new features (complex environments) in ADDA.

Specific actions that I see at this point


  1. Section 4.7 of Egel A., Czajkowski K.M., Theobald D., Ladutenko K., Kuznetsov A.S., and Pattelli L. SMUTHI: A python package for the simulation of light scattering by multiple particles near or between planar interfaces, J. Quant. Spectrosc. Radiat. Transfer 273, 107846 (2021).
  2. Section IX of Moskalensky A.E. and Yurkin M.A. Energy budget and optical theorem for scattering of source-induced fields, Phys. Rev. A 99, 053824 (2019).

/cc @Sunmosk @AmosEgel

AmosEgel commented 2 years ago

Dear Maxim!

As you know, I also had to find a way how to treat cross sections for systems involving planarly layered media in a meaningful way during the development of the SMUTHI code.Your above summary seems already quite well developed to me, and I think there is not much new that I can add, but I'll still share what we came up with, maybe some of the details are interesting.

Two or more far field components



In general, I prefer to define quantities with regard to measurable observables in contrast to terms of mathematical expressions (e.g., extinction as some cross term in a specific mathematical expression). But I think this is a matter of taste.

As you already wrote, in SMUTHI we follow a picture of extinction in the sense of "power taken away from the specular (reflected/transmitted) components". This notion is related to the cross term (i.e., interference) between incident plane wave and scattered field. The approach yields two extinction quantities, one for reflection and one for transmission. Again, we haven't pushed that to the case of absorbing bottom or top layer. In such a case, we just return a single extinction figure (namely the extinction in reflection from, e.g., a particle on a metal substrate).

So far, we have only considered extinction for plane wave excitation. I am not aware of how to physically (i.e., in terms of measurable quantities) define extinction for other initial fied types. For that reason, the extinction signal can only have a guided wave contribution if the initial field is a guided wave, too. This is currently not supported by SMUTHI, but may be in a future version.


To me, this is a very interesting topic. I am curious to learn what concept you and your colleagues will finally implement in ADDA. I acknowledge that it is not at all trivial to identify a consistent picture in which the naive notion of "extinction = scattering + absorption" still makes sense for scenarios with absorbing and/or planarly layered media. Wish you all the best with that quest :)


[1] B. Hu and W. C. Chew, “Fast inhomogeneous plane wave algorithm for electromagnetic solutions in layered medium structures: Two-dimensional case,” Radio Science 35, 31–43 (2000).

AmosEgel commented 2 years ago

P.S.: I forgot to mention that with the concept of extinction as implemented in SMUTHI, negative extinction can occur when the layer absorption is reduced by a particle. For example, imagine a reflecting particle on a dark substrate. Without the particle, less power is reflected into the specular direction than with the particle. So, the particle takes away a negative amount of power from the reflected signal.

myurkin commented 2 years ago

Amos, thanks a lot for valuable comments. Especially, now I better understand guided mode contribution - this seems to require a separate design of output. It seems that for each mode we have a separate phase function (versus phi) and a separate set of cross sections (scattering and, maybe, extinction and absoption). And the description of these guiding modes (including effective refractive indices) requires a separate output as well.

Also, it seems that some cross sections (or similar quantities) are easier to compute with one code (e.g. DDA-based), while others - with T-matrix based codes. So even after writing the whole "energy budget" with a lot of components, efficient evaluation of all these components may require combination of several codes.

Concerning the negative extinction. If one looks at it as a difference, it is natural to have it of any sign. The common expectation of the extinction to be positive spans, in my opinion, from the optical theorem in the simplest free-space case (Wext=Wabs+Wsca). Since both its two constituents are positive (or non-negative), so is the extinction. In more complicated environments, it is this simple optical theorem that first breaks down, although Wabs and Wsca are still non-negative (at least, when some of the possible definitions are employed).