addam / Export-Paper-Model-from-Blender

Python addon for creating paper models in Blender (development version)
403 stars 53 forks source link

Provide tab/space functionality for laser cutting plywood etc #38

Open dynamodan opened 8 years ago

dynamodan commented 8 years ago

I don't think it would be too difficult to modify the tabbing behaviour to place a square tab (or series of them) instead of the paper tabs, and alternated tabs on the other part to make "snap together" plywood panels. These would then be cut on a laser cutter or CNC machine. I already use BlenderCAM for machining on a CNC router. Excellent work, BTW!!

dynamodan commented 8 years ago

I answered my own question: it's not too difficult. I added some new functions in a fork, here:

I am still curious if anyone else has tried to do something like this. I know there are some other forks but not sure if they address this particular topic.