adde88 / Nerdpack-Zylla

Zylla's Combat Routines for NerdPack
MIT License
6 stars 8 forks source link

Getting Lua errors on DH #22

Closed Jefferyasbell closed 7 years ago

Jefferyasbell commented 7 years ago

5x Nerdpack-Zylla\actions.lua:29: attempt to index field 'Actions' (a nil value) Nerdpack-Zylla\actions.lua:29: in main chunk

Locals: _ = "Nerdpack-Zylla" NeP =

{ f_update = defined @Nerdpack-Zylla\core.lua:591 AutoDoT = defined @Nerdpack-Zylla\core.lua:97 UnitDot = defined @Nerdpack-Zylla\core.lua:212 f_cp = 0 Blacklist =
{ } Scan_IgnorePain = defined @Nerdpack-Zylla\core.lua:168 Donate = defined @Nerdpack-Zylla\core.lua:59 prepots =
{ } f_events =
{ } nep_ver = "1.11" Author = "Zylla" spell_timers =
{ } Voidform_Summary = true f_updateDmg = defined @Nerdpack-Zylla\core.lua:607 TravelTime = defined @Nerdpack-Zylla\core.lua:676 KilJaedenTrinket =
{ } dynEval = defined @Nerdpack-Zylla\core.lua:699 Branch = "RELEASE" SpellIDs =
{ } f_debuffID =
{ } PetMode = 0 ShortNumber = defined @Nerdpack-Zylla\core.lua:72 ExeOnLoad = defined @Nerdpack-Zylla\core.lua:42 setsTable =
{ } isAFK = false GetPredictedHealth = defined @Nerdpack-Zylla\core.lua:703 getIgnorePain = defined @Nerdpack-Zylla\core.lua:230 Logo_GUI =
{ } Version = "2.6" AutoDoT2 = defined @Nerdpack-Zylla\core.lua:129 AFKCheck = defined @Nerdpack-Zylla\core.lua:36 S2M_Summary = true Overlay = { } PaidCR_GUI =
{ } pets =
{ } wow_ver = "7.3.2" addonColor = "8801C0" GuiSettings =
{ } f_lastUpdate = 0 ClassColor = "|cffFFFFFF" timer =
{ } f_cancelCleanUp = defined @Nerdpack-Zylla\core.lua:647 faketarget =
{ } SA_Cleanup = defined @Nerdpack-Zylla\core.lua:511 f_Snapshots =
{ } f_buffID =
{ } flySpells =
{ } Mythic_Plus =
{ } GetNumberSetPieces = defined @Nerdpack-Zylla\core.lua:491 UnitHot = defined @Nerdpack-Zylla\core.lua:197 Mythic_GUI =
{ } Round = defined @Nerdpack-Zylla\core.lua:63 f_cleanUp = defined @Nerdpack-Zylla\core.lua:630 PayPal_GUI =
{ } PayPal_IMG =
{ } ts = defined @Nerdpack-Zylla\core.lua:726 ChatOverlay = defined @Nerdpack-Zylla\overlay.lua:26 Splash = defined @Nerdpack-Zylla\splash.lua:41 tt = defined @Nerdpack-Zylla\core.lua:720 onFlagChange = defined @Nerdpack-Zylla\core.lua:18 NrHealsAroundFriendly = defined @Nerdpack-Zylla\core.lua:707 Travel_Times =
{ } ExeOnUnload = defined @Nerdpack-Zylla\core.lua:55 DonateURL = "" Class = 12 Name = "NerdPack - Zylla's Rotations" f_buffs =
{ } Scan_SpellCost = defined @Nerdpack-Zylla\core.lua:156 wpets =
{ } f_strings =
{ } } _G =
{ UpdateOnBarHighlightMarksBySpell = defined @FrameXML\ActionButton.lua:70 ERR_OUT_OF_CHI = "Not enough chi" DH_HAVOC_CORE_ABILITY_2 = "Strong melee attack that consumes Fury. If it critical strikes, some Fury is refunded." MultiCastActionButton6Cooldown = MultiCastActionButton6Cooldown { } MerchantItem9ItemButtonStock = MerchantItem9ItemButtonStock { } GetTrainerServiceTypeFilter = defined =[C]:-1 UNIT_NAMES_COMBATLOG_TOOLTIP = "Color unit names." NePDATA =
{ } SetTrainerServiceTypeFilter = defined =[C]:-1 LE_GAME_ERR_CHAT_RAID_RESTRICTED_TRIAL = 734 SPELL_FAILED_CUSTOM_ERROR_71 = "This partygoer wants to dance with you." LE_GAME_ERR_PET_SPELL_TARGETS_DEAD = 394 RecruitAFriendFrame = Re

Jefferyasbell commented 7 years ago

The above error persists thru all my characters sorry for previous post where AI said it was just DH.

adde88 commented 7 years ago

I think i know whatms causing it. Will check it asap. when i have time :)

adde88 commented 7 years ago

Fixed in latest commit.