addejans / ev-routing

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Move Car on Map Based on Returned Waypoints #5

Open addejans opened 1 week ago

addejans commented 1 week ago

As a user,
I want to see the car move along the route between the start and end points on the map based on the waypoints provided by the backend,
so that I can visualize the journey progression in real-time.

Acceptance Criteria:

  1. Map Display:

    • The map should display on the home page, showing the route between the start and end points.
    • The route should be rendered based on waypoints returned from the backend.
  2. Car Marker Display:

    • A car icon/marker should be displayed on the map to represent the vehicle.
    • The car marker should start at the first waypoint (the start point).
  3. Movement of Car:

    • The car marker should move smoothly along the route following the waypoints in sequential order.
    • Movement speed should be based on the distance between waypoints and the associated speed provided in the response.
    • The car's position should update at regular intervals to simulate continuous movement.
    • The movement should reflect realistic travel progress between waypoints (e.g., using linear interpolation).
  4. Start, End, and Waypoint Markers:

    • The map should display distinct markers for the start and end locations.
    • Optionally, you can display waypoint markers to indicate key positions along the route, but they may be hidden depending on the UI needs.
  5. Handling of Backend Response:

    • The front-end should handle the response from the backend, which includes a list of waypoints, coordinates, speed, and any other relevant data.
    • The car marker should update as soon as the waypoints data is received, and the route should be drawn on the map accordingly.
  6. Map Auto-Centering:

    • The map should automatically center itself as the car moves along the route to keep the vehicle in view.
    • If the user interacts with the map (panning or zooming), they should still be able to control the map while the car moves.
  7. No Page Refresh Required:

    • The car movement and route rendering should happen in real-time on the front-end without requiring a page reload.

Additional Considerations:

Technical Notes:


  1. Setup Map Display:

    • [ ] Display the map on the home page.
    • [ ] Render the start and end locations using markers.
  2. Draw Route:

    • [ ] Use the returned waypoints to draw the full route on the map.
  3. Move Car Along Route:

    • [ ] Add a car marker that moves along the route based on the waypoints.
    • [ ] Calculate the time interval for each movement based on the speed between waypoints.
  4. Map Centering:

    • [ ] Ensure the map centers on the moving car as it progresses through the route.
  5. Test and Optimize:

    • [ ] Test smooth car movement on different routes.
    • [ ] Optimize for responsiveness and performance on different devices.