addyosmani / essential-js-design-patterns

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Decorator Pattern extend() #222

Open iramirezc opened 5 years ago

iramirezc commented 5 years ago

Hi Addy,

I wonder why in this line of code we are extending CaseDecorator with MacbookDecorator. As functions, they don't have any enumerable properties by their own yet. Shouldn't happen the extension in the prototype like:

extend(CaseDecorator.prototype, MacbookDecorator.prototype);

because trying to do this console.log(decoratedMacbookPro.addEngraving()); results in a TypeError: decoratedMacbookPro.addEngraving is not a function

iramirezc commented 5 years ago

Also, in this constructor:

shouldn't CaseDecorator be a "subclass" of MacbookDecorator as we learned from the Mixins Pattern:

var CaseDecorator = function( macbook ){, macbook)

That way, when doing we are ensuring that the MacbookPro instance fulfills the required interface.