adellantado / bot-template-framework

Easy to build bot scenarios and run them on top of Botman
MIT License
17 stars 4 forks source link

Thanks for great package. Please help, have some questions on coding #3

Open jay2success opened 4 years ago

jay2success commented 4 years ago

Hi, i am very happy to find your package, its very great package but i have some coding issues and need some guidance, please help me.

  1. How i can apply steps of blocks just like on manychat flow builder ? So every step has their own multiple blocks and they can be connected together.
  2. How to use button callback so when its clicked, it goes to other block? does on button callback, i fill it with template name of other block?
  3. How to use "locale" on each blocks? Do i replicate the block twice with same block name but different locale, and translate the template and text?
  4. How to send text with buttons/menu? in botman doc, its called ButtonTemplate
  5. How to add "quick replies" ?
  6. How to handle "payload" ?
  7. How to use "personas" ?
  8. How to add "receipts" and "buy" template?
  9. How to send message tag ? (
  10. How to send OTN ? (
  11. How to use webview ? (

Thanks and sorry for lots of questions.

adellantado commented 3 years ago


  1. Use "next" field to build flows, flow is a line of blocks
  2. Yes, you can use "template" to listen to key phrases, and use "ask" and "menu2" blocks to refer to a block by name
  3. The locale would be replaced in the next releases, much easier to create blocks with different names, like "My Block ENG" and "My Block FRA"
  4. Use "menu", "menu2", "ask" blocks
  5. Use mode="quick"
  6. Use "payload" block or use Botman for direct requests (or your own). Remember that this framework is built atop of Botman so you can always use Botman instead. 7.-11. Just implement your own solution if needed with this framework (e.g. you can extend it with your own blocks)

Hope I've answered all your questions. Cheers!