ademalidurmus / fatura

eArşiv / eFatura Fatura Oluşturucu
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composer problemi #4

Closed emreakdas closed 3 years ago

emreakdas commented 3 years ago

composer problemi paket bir türlü indirilemiyor

ademalidurmus commented 3 years ago

Merhaba @emreakdas Bey, Projenin mdf/mdf ile herhangi bir bagimliligi yok.

➜  fatura git:(master) ✗ composer show --tree | grep -c mdf

Typo yapmis olma ihtimalinize karsin mpdf/mpdf paketi ile ilgili bagimliligini da kontrol ettim, onunla da yok.

➜  fatura git:(master) ✗ composer show --tree | grep -c mpdf
Tum bagimliliklarin listesi ise burada yer aliyor, dilerseniz inceleyebilirsiniz. ```bash ➜ fatura git:(master) ✗ composer update --no-dev ➜ fatura git:(master) ✗ composer show --tree kwn/number-to-words 1.12.1 Multi language standalone PHP number to words converter. Fully tested, open for extensions and new languages. └──php >=5.6|>=7.1 ramsey/uuid 2.9.0 A PHP 5.3+ library for generating RFC 4122 version 1, 3, 4, and 5 universally unique identifiers (UUID). ├──paragonie/random_compat ^1.0|^2.0 │ └──php >=5.2.0 └──php >=5.3.3 ``` ```bash ➜ fatura git:(master) ✗ composer update ➜ fatura git:(master) ✗ composer show --tree kwn/number-to-words 1.12.1 Multi language standalone PHP number to words converter. Fully tested, open for extensions and new languages. └──php >=5.6|>=7.1 phpunit/phpunit 9.5.4 The PHP Unit Testing framework. ├──doctrine/instantiator ^1.3.1 │ └──php ^7.1 || ^8.0 ├──ext-dom * ├──ext-json * ├──ext-libxml * ├──ext-mbstring * ├──ext-xml * ├──ext-xmlwriter * ├──myclabs/deep-copy ^1.10.1 │ └──php ^7.1 || ^8.0 ├──phar-io/manifest ^2.0.1 │ ├──ext-dom * │ ├──ext-phar * │ ├──ext-xmlwriter * │ ├──phar-io/version ^3.0.1 │ │ └──php ^7.2 || ^8.0 │ └──php ^7.2 || ^8.0 ├──phar-io/version ^3.0.2 │ └──php ^7.2 || ^8.0 ├──php >=7.3 ├──phpspec/prophecy ^1.12.1 │ ├──doctrine/instantiator ^1.2 │ │ └──php ^7.1 || ^8.0 │ ├──php ^7.2 || ~8.0, <8.1 │ ├──phpdocumentor/reflection-docblock ^5.2 │ │ ├──ext-filter * │ │ ├──php ^7.2 || ^8.0 │ │ ├──phpdocumentor/reflection-common ^2.2 │ │ │ └──php ^7.2 || ^8.0 │ │ ├──phpdocumentor/type-resolver ^1.3 │ │ │ ├──php ^7.2 || ^8.0 │ │ │ └──phpdocumentor/reflection-common ^2.0 │ │ │ └──php ^7.2 || ^8.0 │ │ └──webmozart/assert ^1.9.1 │ │ ├──php ^7.2 || ^8.0 │ │ └──symfony/polyfill-ctype ^1.8 │ │ └──php >=7.1 │ ├──sebastian/comparator ^3.0 || ^4.0 │ │ ├──php >=7.3 │ │ ├──sebastian/diff ^4.0 │ │ │ └──php >=7.3 │ │ └──sebastian/exporter ^4.0 │ │ ├──php >=7.3 │ │ └──sebastian/recursion-context ^4.0 │ │ └──php >=7.3 │ └──sebastian/recursion-context ^3.0 || ^4.0 │ └──php >=7.3 ├──phpunit/php-code-coverage ^9.2.3 │ ├──ext-dom * │ ├──ext-libxml * │ ├──ext-xmlwriter * │ ├──nikic/php-parser ^4.10.2 │ │ ├──ext-tokenizer * │ │ └──php >=7.0 │ ├──php >=7.3 │ ├──phpunit/php-file-iterator ^3.0.3 │ │ └──php >=7.3 │ ├──phpunit/php-text-template ^2.0.2 │ │ └──php >=7.3 │ ├──sebastian/code-unit-reverse-lookup ^2.0.2 │ │ └──php >=7.3 │ ├──sebastian/complexity ^2.0 │ │ ├──nikic/php-parser ^4.7 │ │ │ ├──ext-tokenizer * │ │ │ └──php >=7.0 │ │ └──php >=7.3 │ ├──sebastian/environment ^5.1.2 │ │ └──php >=7.3 │ ├──sebastian/lines-of-code ^1.0.3 │ │ ├──nikic/php-parser ^4.6 │ │ │ ├──ext-tokenizer * │ │ │ └──php >=7.0 │ │ └──php >=7.3 │ ├──sebastian/version ^3.0.1 │ │ └──php >=7.3 │ └──theseer/tokenizer ^1.2.0 │ ├──ext-dom * │ ├──ext-tokenizer * │ ├──ext-xmlwriter * │ └──php ^7.2 || ^8.0 ├──phpunit/php-file-iterator ^3.0.5 │ └──php >=7.3 ├──phpunit/php-invoker ^3.1.1 │ └──php >=7.3 ├──phpunit/php-text-template ^2.0.3 │ └──php >=7.3 ├──phpunit/php-timer ^5.0.2 │ └──php >=7.3 ├──sebastian/cli-parser ^1.0.1 │ └──php >=7.3 ├──sebastian/code-unit ^1.0.6 │ └──php >=7.3 ├──sebastian/comparator ^4.0.5 │ ├──php >=7.3 │ ├──sebastian/diff ^4.0 │ │ └──php >=7.3 │ └──sebastian/exporter ^4.0 │ ├──php >=7.3 │ └──sebastian/recursion-context ^4.0 │ └──php >=7.3 ├──sebastian/diff ^4.0.3 │ └──php >=7.3 ├──sebastian/environment ^5.1.3 │ └──php >=7.3 ├──sebastian/exporter ^4.0.3 │ ├──php >=7.3 │ └──sebastian/recursion-context ^4.0 │ └──php >=7.3 ├──sebastian/global-state ^5.0.1 │ ├──php >=7.3 │ ├──sebastian/object-reflector ^2.0 │ │ └──php >=7.3 │ └──sebastian/recursion-context ^4.0 │ └──php >=7.3 ├──sebastian/object-enumerator ^4.0.3 │ ├──php >=7.3 │ ├──sebastian/object-reflector ^2.0 │ │ └──php >=7.3 │ └──sebastian/recursion-context ^4.0 │ └──php >=7.3 ├──sebastian/resource-operations ^3.0.3 │ └──php >=7.3 ├──sebastian/type ^2.3 │ └──php >=7.3 └──sebastian/version ^3.0.2 └──php >=7.3 ramsey/uuid 2.9.0 A PHP 5.3+ library for generating RFC 4122 version 1, 3, 4, and 5 universally unique identifiers (UUID). ├──paragonie/random_compat ^1.0|^2.0 │ └──php >=5.2.0 └──php >=5.3.3 squizlabs/php_codesniffer 3.6.0 PHP_CodeSniffer tokenizes PHP, JavaScript and CSS files and detects violations of a defined set of coding standards. ├──ext-simplexml * ├──ext-tokenizer * ├──ext-xmlwriter * └──php >=5.4.0 ```

Sorun projenizde kullandiginiz baska bir paketten kaynaklaniyor olabilir. Buradaki adimlar sorununuzun cozumunde sizlere yardimci olabilir.

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emreakdas commented 3 years ago


pardon mdf değil paketi indirirken hata alıyorum.

ademalidurmus commented 3 years ago

Merhaba @emreakdas Bey, Paketi composer araciligi ile projenize dahil edebilmeniz icin oncelikle projenizin composer paket yoneticisi araciligi ile ayagi kaldirilmis olmasi gerekiyor. Projenizde compose.json dosayyi olmadigi icin bu hatayi aliyorsunuz. Sayet projenizde composer.json dosyasi var ise composer require aad/fatura komutunu ilgili dizindeyken calistirin. Daha once bu sekilde bir proje gelistirmediyseniz @hadeyici'nin Kisaca Composer yazisini okumanizi tavsiye ederim.

Sayet projeniz composer paket yoneticisi ile ayagi kaldirilmadiysa baska bir deyisle legacy projede bu paketi kullanmak istiyorsaniz o zaman asagidaki adimlari takip edebilirsiniz.

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