We have information on our website that needs to be updated frequently and updated by a wide range of people (both by developers and non-developers).
The process of editing React websites takes too long (make a Branch, open IDE, make PR, wait for deployment) and it involves understanding coding.
The current solution (in #387 and #381) was to use Notion as our CMS and connect it via a backend.
The problem with this approach is that the Notion API that we are using is unstable because it's based on the private API and can change at any time. The official Notion API launched recently, before those PRs were made so we could consider using that.
However, if we use the NOTION API, we might still need to set up a server to act as a middleware between the Notion API and the client web app.
Action Items
create page in client-web-app called atila.ca/p/ that displays any given Notion Page
Why are We Doing This
We have information on our website that needs to be updated frequently and updated by a wide range of people (both by developers and non-developers).
The process of editing React websites takes too long (make a Branch, open IDE, make PR, wait for deployment) and it involves understanding coding.
The current solution (in #387 and #381) was to use Notion as our CMS and connect it via a backend.
The problem with this approach is that the Notion API that we are using is unstable because it's based on the private API and can change at any time. The official Notion API launched recently, before those PRs were made so we could consider using that.
However, if we use the NOTION API, we might still need to set up a server to act as a middleware between the Notion API and the client web app.
Action Items
Environment. apiUrlNodeMicroservice
and sample usage here: https://github.com/ademidun/atila-client-web-app/blob/8c75759ab2e2d42e10e33f32ede94b2890cde261/src/services/AnalyticsService.js#L6NotionRenderer
(or we might have to create our own custom renderer)