adesigns / calendar-bundle

This bundle allows you to integrate the jQuery FullCalendar plugin into your Symfony2 application.
MIT License
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fullcalendar source is obsolete #3

Open garak opened 11 years ago

garak commented 11 years ago

Current available version is 1.6.1, see Maybe it would be a good idea to strip any Javascript/CSS source from bundle, while adding instructions on how to retrieve it from original websites

mikeyudin commented 11 years ago

I will look into upgrading the JS/CSS source. Stripping all of the JS/CSS from the bundle would defeat the purpose of it. The goal is to get the calendar up and running for users with minimal configuration. Users are free to implement their own JS/CSS solution as they see fit.

Additionally, fullcalendar does not appear to be available via composer, so this gives users easy access to it. Hopefully as this bundle gains more traction, users can help keep the source up-to-date.


garak commented 11 years ago

I disagree: putting an external library in your bundle is a bad practice, since you're forced to update your code every time external library is updated. Best thing you could do is using a CDN for javascript and css. Unfortunately, full calendar seems not be available ad CDN resource (maybe you can open an issue with its author, or provide a CDN yourself). But please, at least strip out jQuery. And, as I already mentioned, just add a small doc to let users of your bundle be able to retrieve js/css libraries.

nurikabe commented 11 years ago

Add the following to your composer.json to grab fullcalendar:

"repositories": [
            "type": "package",
            "package": {
                "name": "arshaw/fullcalendar",
                "version": "1.6.1",
                "dist": {
                    "type": "zip",
                    "url": ""
"require": {
        "arshaw/fullcalendar": "1.6.1",
garak commented 11 years ago "A bundle should not embed third-party libraries written in JavaScript, CSS, or any other language."