Currently the development branch doesn't build for iOS
There are multiple causes for this, like the dependencies itself as well as the new buld engine from Xcode 10
There are multiple issues:
App has to be renamed to "ViroSample" in the package.json
iOS folder with Podfile is missing in repo
add folder, then run sh --ios
go to ios folder and run pod update and pod install
The current version of react-native has issues with third-party / firebase
First build fails due to an error with the glog dependency in /node_modules/react-native/third-party since the third-party folder doesn't exist. After first failed build it should be present but might not show up, because Xcode doesn't recognize it
Clean Project in Xcode and build again
Now there will be an error in demangle.h from third-party, because the included config.h could not be found
rm -rf node_modules
npm cache verify
npm i
run node_modules/react-native/scripts/
(* now build again in Xcode to get third-party folder)
go to node_modules/react-native/third-party/glog-0.3.4/ and run ./configure
clean project and build again
Next error will be libfishhook.a from RCTWebSocket not found
Currently the development branch doesn't build for iOS There are multiple causes for this, like the dependencies itself as well as the new buld engine from Xcode 10
There are multiple issues:
App has to be renamed to "ViroSample" in the package.json
iOS folder with Podfile is missing in repo
sh --ios
The current version of react-native has issues with third-party / firebase
First build fails due to an error with the glog dependency in /node_modules/react-native/third-party since the third-party folder doesn't exist. After first failed build it should be present but might not show up, because Xcode doesn't recognize it
Now there will be an error in demangle.h from third-party, because the included config.h could not be found
Next error will be libfishhook.a from RCTWebSocket not found
Next runner up: Firebase.h not found from RNFirebaseUtil.h
I wasn't able to resolve the issue yet.