adeverse / adespatial

Multivariate Multiscale Spatial Analysis
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AEM #2

Closed guiblanchet closed 7 years ago

guiblanchet commented 7 years ago

This new branch merges the AEM package with the adespatial package. Almost all of the functionality in AEM have now been added to the adespatial package through this branch. I say almost because in the function, there was a bit of code that allowed the user to plot and test Moran's I for each eigenfunction. Since we (Stéphane and I) decided to use the Moran's I function already in adespatial to perform the Moran's I test, for now, I commented it the part of the code in the function that allows the user to plot and test Moran's I. My main reason for commenting out the code at the moment was that I was wondering if it was not a better idea to have a separate plotting function to carry out such task.