adevinta / zoe

The Kafka CLI for humans
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failure: runner 'local' failed #1

Closed rsaltrelli closed 4 years ago

rsaltrelli commented 4 years ago
$ zoe config init
2020-06-18 09:15:51 INFO zoe: creating a new config file...
$ zoe -o table -c local topics list
2020-06-18 09:15:55 INFO zoe: loading config from url : file:/home/salty/.zoe/config/default.yml
2020-06-18 09:15:56 INFO zoe: requesting topics...
failure: runner 'local' failed 
  failure: Instantiation of [simple type, class com.adevinta.oss.zoe.core.functions.CreateTopicRequest] value failed for JSON property name due to missing (therefore NULL) value for creator parameter name which is a non-nullable type
   at [Source: (byte[])"{"props":{"bootstrap.servers":"localhost:29092","key.deserializer":"org.apache.kafka.common.serialization.StringDeserializer","value.deserializer":"org.apache.kafka.common.serialization.StringDeserializer","key.serializer":"org.apache.kafka.common.serialization.StringSerializer","value.serializer":"org.apache.kafka.common.serialization.ByteArraySerializer"}}"; line: 1, column: 360] (through reference chain: com.adevinta.oss.zoe.core.functions.CreateTopicRequest["name"])

The default configuration doesn't work out of the box, which is fine, but the resulting error message doesn't really help me correct the issue and move forward. Seems like something is missing from the yml but I don't know what.

rsaltrelli commented 4 years ago

I'm also a bit confused about why it seems like it's trying to create a topic when I run the topics list command.

wlezzar commented 4 years ago

Hi @rsaltrelli . Thanks a lot for raising the issue :100: I was able to reproduce, it's a regression we have introduced following a recent change indeed : ( . It was a naming collision that I fixed here:

I pushed a new release, and you will soon be able to update zoe to have the issue fixed

wlezzar commented 4 years ago

Version v0.23.0 is ready you can update zoe. Can you tell us if it fixes the issue for you?

rsaltrelli commented 4 years ago

It did! Merci, monsieur!

wlezzar commented 4 years ago

Derien ^^