During registering when we check 'Je souhaite faire un compte vendeur' we need to set the focus automatically to the RIB input.
When we register and succeed we need to skip login and be redirected to home page.
When trying to validate or clear an empty cart we get a success message.
As an admin, available nor accessible the option "Devenir vendeur" should be not.
The possibility to add to cart then buy nothing but our veriest own pictures while impersonating a seller might be not given.
The date of an individual's purchase on display in the "Mes commandes" entry could be intelligible.
We may suggest that an input has been wrongly submitted by displaying an error message of some kind if any user type an incorrect password or login in order to sign in.
Selling a picture with a negative price is a feature which may be seen as debatable from an economical standpoint.
When the price of a picture is fixed above a determined threshold, we could give a feedback saying that the picture is a bit overpriced.
Since our website is focused on the sale of digital pictures, letting the possibility of buying a picture twice, despite its commercial interest, could be perceived as a slightly morally questionable practice.
When a duplicate member is created, the wildfly server shouldn't crying errors until its mere body become dry.
An empty cart shouldn't be possibly validated.
Similarly, an already empty cart shouldn't be possibly emptied.
When someone mess a little with the search engine, it sometimes says the expected number of matching pictures has been found, but return every picture in the database instead. It doesn't seem to be an elasticsearch related issue, since the json and http requests and all that stuff seem fine to me after a bit of investigation, so I suspect that's something which has more to do with the frontend and the way these things are handled instead. Unfortunately, I haven't succeeded in finding the exact buggy pattern after a while on it, but it shows itself quite often (unless when you try to reproduce it, of course).
When someone wants to upload several pictures at once, if the last one is added by using the "Valider et Rajouter" button, and only then the transaction is confirmed thanks to the "Valider et Terminer" button without submitting any other picture this way, there isn't any kind of feedback telling the user that the transaction has succeeded, no message or redirection to the picture management page contrarily to the case where the last picture ends the transaction with the "Valider et Terminer" button.
After adding a picture to an upload transaction with the "Valider et Rajouter" button, the picture, the price and the description fields aren't affected and keep their informations. Nevertheless, one may think that resetting them could be an improvement.
Not sure that an user needs to know its member ID in the "Mon compte" section, coz it's more a system info than something useful for a lambda member.
The pictures layout on the home page can be kinda weird, although the thumbnails are resized to have the same width, the site still struggles to put them into rows rather than into columns, which should be way easier, poor one. That leaves quite many areas unfilled if the pictures' formats differ too much and some could consider the result as a bit unaesthetic.
If we judge keeping in memory pictures for a forecoming purchase a possible use of our feature "add to wishlist", to give the possibility of going on these pictures pages from the "Mes photos favorites" one in one clic, or even better, to add them to cart directly should be a wise improvement.
During registering when we check 'Je souhaite faire un compte vendeur' we need to set the focus automatically to the RIB input.When we register and succeed we need to skip login and be redirected to home page.When trying to validate or clear an empty cart we get a success message.As an admin, available nor accessible the option "Devenir vendeur" should be not.The possibility to add to cart then buy nothing but our veriest own pictures while impersonating a seller might be not given.The date of an individual's purchase on display in the "Mes commandes" entry could be intelligible.We may suggest that an input has been wrongly submitted by displaying an error message of some kind if any user type an incorrect password or login in order to sign in.Selling a picture with a negative price is a feature which may be seen as debatable from an economical standpoint.Since our website is focused on the sale of digital pictures, letting the possibility of buying a picture twice, despite its commercial interest, could be perceived as a slightly morally questionable practice.When a duplicate member is created, the wildfly server shouldn't crying errors until its mere body become dry.An empty cart shouldn't be possibly validated.When someone mess a little with the search engine, it sometimes says the expected number of matching pictures has been found, but return every picture in the database instead. It doesn't seem to be an elasticsearch related issue, since the json and http requests and all that stuff seem fine to me after a bit of investigation, so I suspect that's something which has more to do with the frontend and the way these things are handled instead. Unfortunately, I haven't succeeded in finding the exact buggy pattern after a while on it, but it shows itself quite often (unless when you try to reproduce it, of course).