adhearsion / adhearsion-asr

Adds speech recognition support to Adhearsion as a plugin.
MIT License
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Menu with interruptible recorded voice prompts blocks control flow when prompt is interrupted by user interaction #29

Closed ranlauf closed 8 years ago

ranlauf commented 8 years ago

There seems to be a problem when using interruptible recorded voice prompts. When the caller makes a choice before all the files are played, this blocks subsequent calls of menu or ask.

You will see the following example code fail, when the caller makes their choice before all the prompts are spoken, if they pick the valid options "1" or "2" as a dtmf signal.

What happens, is that on the second pass, adhearsion does not play any file, but seems to wait for input, yet does not accept any. So it feels like a deadlock, the code hangs.

Example code:

class MyCallController < Adhearsion::CallController

  def run
    input_ok = false
    prompts = []
    allowed_inputs = [1,2]
    prompts << '/var/lib/asterisk/sounds/en/question1'
    prompts << '/var/lib/asterisk/sounds/en/question2'
    timeout_announcement = '/var/lib/asterisk/sounds/en/some_file'
    invalid_input_announcement = '/var/lib/asterisk/sounds/en/some_other_file'

    while !input_ok
      menu prompts, :limit => 1, :timeout => 5.seconds, mode: :dtmf, :interruptible => false do
        match allowed_inputs do |dial|
          input = dial
          # input_ok = true        <= this is commented out, so that the loop will actually run again

        timeout do
            interruptible_play timeout_announcement

        invalid do
          interruptible_play invalid_input_announcement

    # do something with input

benlangfeld commented 8 years ago

Could you please provide trace level logs of this happening, as well as confirm the versions of Adhearsion, adhearsion-asr, Punchblock and Asterisk that you are using? Additionally, any further simplification of the example that you can do would be appreciated, such as simple repetition of menu rather than a loop, inlining and reducing the large set of values you have, etc; simply remove anything that is not absolutely necessary to trigger the problem.

ranlauf commented 8 years ago

Hello Ben,

thank you for your quick answer.

Here is a stripped down, but working, example controller which demonstrates the issue. If you press "1" during the first menu, you will hear the vm-pls-try-again, but not the second menu.

This happens on a system with Asterisk 13.4.0 running on CentOS 7.0 Adhearsion 2.6.2 adhearsion-asr 1.5.0 punchblock 2.7.1 jruby 1.7.19 under rvm 1.18.8

Adhearsion can either run on the CentOS 7 machine or remotely on a Unbuntu 12.0.4. It happens in both environments.

class TestController < Adhearsion::CallController

  def run


    menu %w(file://vm-press file://vm-first file://vm-for file://vm-password), :limit => 1 do
      match [1, 2, 3] do |dial| "Caller pressed #{dial}"

    interruptible_play 'file://vm-pls-try-again'

    # this menu is never audible
    menu %w(file://vm-press file://vm-first file://vm-for file://vm-password), :limit => 1 do
      match [1, 2, 3] do |dial| "Caller pressed #{dial}"



Finally, here is the trace log of adhearsion which records one pass of the above controller. I waited some time in the end when the second menu would not play, and finally hung up the calling phone.

Greetings, Rüdiger

=========================== TRACE LOG ========================

[2015-10-20 18:19:05.378] DEBUG Punchblock::Connection::Asterisk: Starting up...
[2015-10-20 18:19:05.397] INFO  Adhearsion::PunchblockPlugin::Initializer: Starting connection to server
[2015-10-20 18:19:05.404] TRACE Punchblock::Connection::Asterisk: [SEND] Action: login
ActionID: 92d78d20-f0d5-4a55-b2d4-8ac9e3b523dc
Username: ...
Secret: ...
Events: On

[2015-10-20 18:19:05.405] TRACE Punchblock::Connection::Asterisk: [RECV] Asterisk Call Manager/2.7.0

[2015-10-20 18:19:05.406] TRACE Punchblock::Connection::Asterisk: [RECV] Response: Success
ActionID: 92d78d20-f0d5-4a55-b2d4-8ac9e3b523dc
Message: Authentication accepted

Event: FullyBooted
Privilege: system,all
Status: Fully Booted

Event: SuccessfulAuth
Privilege: security,all
SequenceNumber: 61604
File: manager.c
Line: 1693
Func: manager_default_msg_cb
EventTV: 2015-10-20T18:13:29.373+0200
Severity: Informational
Service: AMI
EventVersion: 1
AccountID: ahn_ami
SessionID: 0x7f404c2988a8
LocalAddress: IPV4/TCP/
RemoteAddress: IPV4/TCP/
UsingPassword: 0
SessionTV: 2015-10-20T18:13:29.373+0200

[2015-10-20 18:19:05.408] TRACE Punchblock::Connection::Asterisk: [RECV] #<RubyAMI::Response headers={"Response"=>"Success", "ActionID"=>"92d78d20-f0d5-4a55-b2d4-8ac9e3b523dc", "Message"=>"Authentication accepted"}, text_body=nil, events=[]>
[2015-10-20 18:19:05.409] TRACE Punchblock::Connection::Asterisk: [RECV] #<RubyAMI::Event name="FullyBooted", headers={"Privilege"=>"system,all", "Status"=>"Fully Booted"}, text_body=nil, events=[]>
[2015-10-20 18:19:05.411] TRACE Punchblock::Connection::Asterisk: [RECV] #<RubyAMI::Event name="SuccessfulAuth", headers={"Privilege"=>"security,all", "SequenceNumber"=>"61604", "File"=>"manager.c", "Line"=>"1693", "Func"=>"manager_default_msg_cb", "EventTV"=>"2015-10-20T18:13:29.373+0200", "Severity"=>"Informational", "Service"=>"AMI", "EventVersion"=>"1", "AccountID"=>"ahn_ami", "SessionID"=>"0x7f404c2988a8", "LocalAddress"=>"IPV4/TCP/", "RemoteAddress"=>"IPV4/TCP/", "UsingPassword"=>"0", "SessionTV"=>"2015-10-20T18:13:29.373+0200"}, text_body=nil, events=[]>
[2015-10-20 18:19:05.430] TRACE Punchblock::Connection::Asterisk: [SEND] Action: command
ActionID: af9aa43d-c832-4b38-9618-7b36df60ffb9
Command: dialplan add extension 1,1,AGI,agi:async into adhearsion-redirect

[2015-10-20 18:19:05.432] INFO  Adhearsion::PunchblockPlugin::Initializer: Connected to Punchblock server
[2015-10-20 18:19:05.433] TRACE Punchblock::Connection::Asterisk: [RECV] Response: Follows
Privilege: Command
ActionID: af9aa43d-c832-4b38-9618-7b36df60ffb9
Extension 1@adhearsion-redirect with priority 1 already exists
Command 'dialplan add extension 1,1,AGI,agi:async into adhearsion-redirect' failed.

[2015-10-20 18:19:05.436] TRACE Punchblock::Connection::Asterisk: [RECV] #<RubyAMI::Response headers={"Privilege"=>"Command", "ActionID"=>"af9aa43d-c832-4b38-9618-7b36df60ffb9"}, text_body="Extension 1@adhearsion-redirect with priority 1 already exists\nCommand 'dialplan add extension 1,1,AGI,agi:async into adhearsion-redirect' failed.", events=[]>
[2015-10-20 18:19:05.442] TRACE Punchblock::Connection::Asterisk: [SEND] Action: command
ActionID: c2dc2cb6-638e-4af9-8b90-177f3da58b29
Command: dialplan show adhearsion-redirect

[2015-10-20 18:19:05.444] TRACE Punchblock::Connection::Asterisk: [RECV] Response: Follows
Privilege: Command
ActionID: c2dc2cb6-638e-4af9-8b90-177f3da58b29
[ Context 'adhearsion-redirect' created by 'pbx_config' ]
  '1' =>            1. AGI(agi:async)                             [pbx_config]
  '_X' =>           1. AGI(agi:async)                             [pbx_config]

-= 2 extensions (2 priorities) in 1 context. =-

[2015-10-20 18:19:05.446] TRACE Punchblock::Connection::Asterisk: [RECV] #<RubyAMI::Response headers={"Privilege"=>"Command", "ActionID"=>"c2dc2cb6-638e-4af9-8b90-177f3da58b29"}, text_body="[ Context 'adhearsion-redirect' created by 'pbx_config' ]\n  '1' =>            1. AGI(agi:async)                             [pbx_config]\n  '_X' =>           1. AGI(agi:async)                             [pbx_config]\n\n-= 2 extensions (2 priorities) in 1 context. =-", events=[]>
[2015-10-20 18:19:05.459] WARN  Punchblock::Translator::Asterisk: Recordings directory /var/punchblock/record does not exist. Recording might not work. This warning can be ignored if Adhearsion is running on a separate machine than Asterisk. See
[2015-10-20 18:19:05.464] INFO  Adhearsion::Process: Transitioning from booting to running with 0 active calls due to booted event.
[2015-10-20 18:19:05.471] INFO  Adhearsion::Initializer: Adhearsion v2.6.2 initialized in "development"!
[2015-10-20 18:19:08.255] TRACE Punchblock::Connection::Asterisk: [RECV] Event: Newchannel
Privilege: call,all
SequenceNumber: 61605
File: manager_channels.c
Line: 652
Func: channel_snapshot_update
Channel: IAX2/iax_dialout_vitrade_dev2-629
ChannelState: 4
ChannelStateDesc: Ring
CallerIDNum: 9711
CallerIDName: Ruediger Anlauf
ConnectedLineNum: <unknown>
ConnectedLineName: <unknown>
Language: en
Context: toplink_incoming
Exten: 777
Priority: 1
Uniqueid: 1445357612.5960

Event: CEL
Privilege: call,all
SequenceNumber: 61606
File: cel_manager.c
Line: 299
Func: manager_log
CallerIDnum: 9711
CallerIDname: Ruediger Anlauf
Exten: 777
Context: toplink_incoming
Channel: IAX2/iax_dialout_vitrade_dev2-629
EventTime: 2015-10-20 18:13:32
UniqueID: 1445357612.5960
LinkedID: 1445357612.5960

Event: Newexten
Privilege: call,all
SequenceNumber: 61607
File: manager_channels.c
Line: 652
Func: channel_snapshot_update
Channel: IAX2/iax_dialout_vitrade_dev2-629
ChannelState: 4
ChannelStateDesc: Ring
CallerIDNum: 9711
CallerIDName: Ruediger Anlauf
ConnectedLineNum: <unknown>
ConnectedLineName: <unknown>
Language: en
Context: toplink_incoming
Exten: 777
Priority: 1
Uniqueid: 1445357612.5960
Extension: 777
Application: NoOp
AppData: Eingehend über IAX2, Extension: 777

Event: Newexten
Privilege: call,all
SequenceNumber: 61608
File: manager_channels.c
Line: 652
Func: channel_snapshot_update
Channel: IAX2/iax_dialout_vitrade_dev2-629
ChannelState: 4
ChannelStateDesc: Ring
CallerIDNum: 9711
CallerIDName: Ruediger Anlauf
ConnectedLineNum: <unknown>
ConnectedLineName: <unknown>
Language: en
Context: toplink_incoming
Exten: 777
Priority: 2
Uniqueid: 1445357612.5960
Extension: 777
Application: Set
AppData: AGI_HOST=

Event: VarSet
Privilege: dialplan,all
SequenceNumber: 61609
File: manager.c
Line: 1693
Func: manager_default_msg_cb
Channel: IAX2/iax_dialout_vitrade_dev2-629
ChannelState: 4
ChannelStateDesc: Ring
CallerIDNum: 9711
CallerIDName: Ruediger Anlauf
ConnectedLineNum: <unknown>
ConnectedLineName: <unknown>
Language: en
Context: toplink_incoming
Exten: 777
Priority: 2
Uniqueid: 1445357612.5960
Variable: AGI_HOST

Event: Newexten
Privilege: call,all
SequenceNumber: 61610
File: manager_channels.c
Line: 652
Func: channel_snapshot_update
Channel: IAX2/iax_dialout_vitrade_dev2-629
ChannelState: 4
ChannelStateDesc: Ring
CallerIDNum: 9711
CallerIDName: Ruediger Anlauf
ConnectedLineNum: <unknown>
ConnectedLineName: <unknown>
Language: en
Context: toplink_incoming
Exten: 777
Priority: 3
Uniqueid: 1445357612.5960
Extension: 777
Application: Goto
AppData: asterisk_incoming,777,1

Event: Newexten
Privilege: call,all
SequenceNumber: 61611
File: manager_channels.c
Line: 652
Func: channel_snapshot_update
Channel: IAX2/iax_dialout_vitrade_dev2-629
ChannelState: 4
ChannelStateDesc: Ring
CallerIDNum: 9711
CallerIDName: Ruediger Anlauf
ConnectedLineNum: <unknown>
ConnectedLineName: <unknown>
Language: en
Context: asterisk_incoming
Exten: 777
Priority: 1
Uniqueid: 1445357612.5960
Extension: 777
Application: Goto
AppData: menu_test,777,1

Event: Newexten
Privilege: call,all
SequenceNumber: 61612
File: manager_channels.c
Line: 652
Func: channel_snapshot_update
Channel: IAX2/iax_dialout_vitrade_dev2-629
ChannelState: 4
ChannelStateDesc: Ring
CallerIDNum: 9711
CallerIDName: Ruediger Anlauf
ConnectedLineNum: <unknown>
ConnectedLineName: <unknown>
Language: en
Context: menu_test
Exten: 777
Priority: 1
Uniqueid: 1445357612.5960
Extension: 777
Application: AGI
AppData: agi:async

Event: AsyncAGIStart
Privilege: agi,all
SequenceNumber: 61613
File: manager.c
Line: 1693
Func: manager_default_msg_cb
Channel: IAX2/iax_dialout_vitrade_dev2-629
ChannelState: 4
[2015-10-20 18:19:08.259] TRACE Punchblock::Connection::Asterisk: [RECV] #<RubyAMI::Event name="Newchannel", headers={"Privilege"=>"call,all", "SequenceNumber"=>"61605", "File"=>"manager_channels.c", "Line"=>"652", "Func"=>"channel_snapshot_update", "Channel"=>"IAX2/iax_dialout_vitrade_dev2-629", "ChannelState"=>"4", "ChannelStateDesc"=>"Ring", "CallerIDNum"=>"9711", "CallerIDName"=>"Ruediger Anlauf", "ConnectedLineNum"=>"<unknown>", "ConnectedLineName"=>"<unknown>", "Language"=>"en", "AccountCode"=>"", "Context"=>"toplink_incoming", "Exten"=>"777", "Priority"=>"1", "Uniqueid"=>"1445357612.5960"}, text_body=nil, events=[]>
[2015-10-20 18:19:08.265] TRACE Punchblock::Connection::Asterisk: [RECV] #<RubyAMI::Event name="CEL", headers={"Privilege"=>"call,all", "SequenceNumber"=>"61606", "File"=>"cel_manager.c", "Line"=>"299", "Func"=>"manager_log", "EventName"=>"CHAN_START", "AccountCode"=>"", "CallerIDnum"=>"9711", "CallerIDname"=>"Ruediger Anlauf", "CallerIDani"=>"", "CallerIDrdnis"=>"", "CallerIDdnid"=>"", "Exten"=>"777", "Context"=>"toplink_incoming", "Channel"=>"IAX2/iax_dialout_vitrade_dev2-629", "Application"=>"", "AppData"=>"", "EventTime"=>"2015-10-20 18:13:32", "AMAFlags"=>"DOCUMENTATION", "UniqueID"=>"1445357612.5960", "LinkedID"=>"1445357612.5960", "Userfield"=>"", "Peer"=>"", "PeerAccount"=>"", "Extra"=>""}, text_body=nil, events=[]>
[2015-10-20 18:19:08.269] TRACE Punchblock::Connection::Asterisk: [RECV] #<RubyAMI::Event name="Newexten", headers={"Privilege"=>"call,all", "SequenceNumber"=>"61607", "File"=>"manager_channels.c", "Line"=>"652", "Func"=>"channel_snapshot_update", "Channel"=>"IAX2/iax_dialout_vitrade_dev2-629", "ChannelState"=>"4", "ChannelStateDesc"=>"Ring", "CallerIDNum"=>"9711", "CallerIDName"=>"Ruediger Anlauf", "ConnectedLineNum"=>"<unknown>", "ConnectedLineName"=>"<unknown>", "Language"=>"en", "AccountCode"=>"", "Context"=>"toplink_incoming", "Exten"=>"777", "Priority"=>"1", "Uniqueid"=>"1445357612.5960", "Extension"=>"777", "Application"=>"NoOp", "AppData"=>"Eingehend \xC3\xBCber IAX2, Extension: 777"}, text_body=nil, events=[]>
[2015-10-20 18:19:08.272] TRACE Punchblock::Connection::Asterisk: [RECV] #<RubyAMI::Event name="Newexten", headers={"Privilege"=>"call,all", "SequenceNumber"=>"61608", "File"=>"manager_channels.c", "Line"=>"652", "Func"=>"channel_snapshot_update", "Channel"=>"IAX2/iax_dialout_vitrade_dev2-629", "ChannelState"=>"4", "ChannelStateDesc"=>"Ring", "CallerIDNum"=>"9711", "CallerIDName"=>"Ruediger Anlauf", "ConnectedLineNum"=>"<unknown>", "ConnectedLineName"=>"<unknown>", "Language"=>"en", "AccountCode"=>"", "Context"=>"toplink_incoming", "Exten"=>"777", "Priority"=>"2", "Uniqueid"=>"1445357612.5960", "Extension"=>"777", "Application"=>"Set", "AppData"=>"AGI_HOST="}, text_body=nil, events=[]>
[2015-10-20 18:19:08.273] TRACE Punchblock::Connection::Asterisk: [RECV] #<RubyAMI::Event name="VarSet", headers={"Privilege"=>"dialplan,all", "SequenceNumber"=>"61609", "File"=>"manager.c", "Line"=>"1693", "Func"=>"manager_default_msg_cb", "Channel"=>"IAX2/iax_dialout_vitrade_dev2-629", "ChannelState"=>"4", "ChannelStateDesc"=>"Ring", "CallerIDNum"=>"9711", "CallerIDName"=>"Ruediger Anlauf", "ConnectedLineNum"=>"<unknown>", "ConnectedLineName"=>"<unknown>", "Language"=>"en", "AccountCode"=>"", "Context"=>"toplink_incoming", "Exten"=>"777", "Priority"=>"2", "Uniqueid"=>"1445357612.5960", "Variable"=>"AGI_HOST", "Value"=>""}, text_body=nil, events=[]>
[2015-10-20 18:19:08.274] TRACE Punchblock::Connection::Asterisk: [RECV] #<RubyAMI::Event name="Newexten", headers={"Privilege"=>"call,all", "SequenceNumber"=>"61610", "File"=>"manager_channels.c", "Line"=>"652", "Func"=>"channel_snapshot_update", "Channel"=>"IAX2/iax_dialout_vitrade_dev2-629", "ChannelState"=>"4", "ChannelStateDesc"=>"Ring", "CallerIDNum"=>"9711", "CallerIDName"=>"Ruediger Anlauf", "ConnectedLineNum"=>"<unknown>", "ConnectedLineName"=>"<unknown>", "Language"=>"en", "AccountCode"=>"", "Context"=>"toplink_incoming", "Exten"=>"777", "Priority"=>"3", "Uniqueid"=>"1445357612.5960", "Extension"=>"777", "Application"=>"Goto", "AppData"=>"asterisk_incoming,777,1"}, text_body=nil, events=[]>
[2015-10-20 18:19:08.276] TRACE Punchblock::Connection::Asterisk: [RECV] #<RubyAMI::Event name="Newexten", headers={"Privilege"=>"call,all", "SequenceNumber"=>"61611", "File"=>"manager_channels.c", "Line"=>"652", "Func"=>"channel_snapshot_update", "Channel"=>"IAX2/iax_dialout_vitrade_dev2-629", "ChannelState"=>"4", "ChannelStateDesc"=>"Ring", "CallerIDNum"=>"9711", "CallerIDName"=>"Ruediger Anlauf", "ConnectedLineNum"=>"<unknown>", "ConnectedLineName"=>"<unknown>", "Language"=>"en", "AccountCode"=>"", "Context"=>"asterisk_incoming", "Exten"=>"777", "Priority"=>"1", "Uniqueid"=>"1445357612.5960", "Extension"=>"777", "Application"=>"Goto", "AppData"=>"menu_test,777,1"}, text_body=nil, events=[]>
[2015-10-20 18:19:08.277] TRACE Punchblock::Connection::Asterisk: [RECV] #<RubyAMI::Event name="Newexten", headers={"Privilege"=>"call,all", "SequenceNumber"=>"61612", "File"=>"manager_channels.c", "Line"=>"652", "Func"=>"channel_snapshot_update", "Channel"=>"IAX2/iax_dialout_vitrade_dev2-629", "ChannelState"=>"4", "ChannelStateDesc"=>"Ring", "CallerIDNum"=>"9711", "CallerIDName"=>"Ruediger Anlauf", "ConnectedLineNum"=>"<unknown>", "ConnectedLineName"=>"<unknown>", "Language"=>"en", "AccountCode"=>"", "Context"=>"menu_test", "Exten"=>"777", "Priority"=>"1", "Uniqueid"=>"1445357612.5960", "Extension"=>"777", "Application"=>"AGI", "AppData"=>"agi:async"}, text_body=nil, events=[]>
[2015-10-20 18:19:08.278] TRACE Punchblock::Connection::Asterisk: [RECV] sc: Ring
CallerIDNum: 9711
CallerIDName: Ruediger Anlauf
ConnectedLineNum: <unknown>
ConnectedLineName: <unknown>
Language: en
Context: menu_test
Exten: 777
Priority: 1
Uniqueid: 1445357612.5960
Env: agi_request%3A%20async%0Aagi_channel%3A%20IAX2%2Fiax_dialout_vitrade_dev2-629%0Aagi_language%3A%20en%0Aagi_type%3A%20IAX2%0Aagi_uniqueid%3A%201445357612.5960%0Aagi_version%3A%2013.4.0%0Aagi_callerid%3A%209711%0Aagi_calleridname%3A%20Ruediger%20Anlauf%0Aagi_callingpres%3A%200%0Aagi_callingani2%3A%200%0Aagi_callington%3A%200%0Aagi_callingtns%3A%200%0Aagi_dnid%3A%20unknown%0Aagi_rdnis%3A%20unknown%0Aagi_context%3A%20menu_test%0Aagi_extension%3A%20777%0Aagi_priority%3A%201%0Aagi_enhanced%3A%200.0%0Aagi_accountcode%3A%20%0Aagi_threadid%3A%20139913242220288%0A%0A

[2015-10-20 18:19:08.281] TRACE Punchblock::Connection::Asterisk: [RECV] #<RubyAMI::Event name="AsyncAGIStart", headers={"Privilege"=>"agi,all", "SequenceNumber"=>"61613", "File"=>"manager.c", "Line"=>"1693", "Func"=>"manager_default_msg_cb", "Channel"=>"IAX2/iax_dialout_vitrade_dev2-629", "ChannelState"=>"4", "ChannelStateDesc"=>"Ring", "CallerIDNum"=>"9711", "CallerIDName"=>"Ruediger Anlauf", "ConnectedLineNum"=>"<unknown>", "ConnectedLineName"=>"<unknown>", "Language"=>"en", "AccountCode"=>"", "Context"=>"menu_test", "Exten"=>"777", "Priority"=>"1", "Uniqueid"=>"1445357612.5960", "Env"=>"agi_request%3A%20async%0Aagi_channel%3A%20IAX2%2Fiax_dialout_vitrade_dev2-629%0Aagi_language%3A%20en%0Aagi_type%3A%20IAX2%0Aagi_uniqueid%3A%201445357612.5960%0Aagi_version%3A%2013.4.0%0Aagi_callerid%3A%209711%0Aagi_calleridname%3A%20Ruediger%20Anlauf%0Aagi_callingpres%3A%200%0Aagi_callingani2%3A%200%0Aagi_callington%3A%200%0Aagi_callingtns%3A%200%0Aagi_dnid%3A%20unknown%0Aagi_rdnis%3A%20unknown%0Aagi_context%3A%20menu_test%0Aagi_extension%3A%20777%0Aagi_priority%3A%201%0Aagi_enhanced%3A%200.0%0Aagi_accountcode%3A%20%0Aagi_threadid%3A%20139913242220288%0A%0A"}, text_body=nil, events=[]>
[2015-10-20 18:19:08.324] DEBUG Adhearsion::Call: @: Receiving message: #<Punchblock::Event::Offer target_call_id="75d89dc2-6fca-4c6c-bc4b-1ac8fe11a2be", target_mixer_name=nil, component_id=nil, source_uri=nil, domain=nil, transport=nil, timestamp=Tue, 20 Oct 2015 18:19:08 +0200, headers={"X-agi_request"=>"async", "X-agi_channel"=>"IAX2/iax_dialout_vitrade_dev2-629", "X-agi_language"=>"en", "X-agi_type"=>"IAX2", "X-agi_uniqueid"=>"1445357612.5960", "X-agi_version"=>"13.4.0", "X-agi_callerid"=>"9711", "X-agi_calleridname"=>"Ruediger Anlauf", "X-agi_callingpres"=>"0", "X-agi_callingani2"=>"0", "X-agi_callington"=>"0", "X-agi_callingtns"=>"0", "X-agi_dnid"=>"unknown", "X-agi_rdnis"=>"unknown", "X-agi_context"=>"menu_test", "X-agi_extension"=>"777", "X-agi_priority"=>"1", "X-agi_enhanced"=>"0.0", "X-agi_accountcode"=>"", "X-agi_threadid"=>"139913242220288"}, to="777", from="Ruediger Anlauf <IAX2/9711>">
[2015-10-20 18:19:08.338] INFO  Adhearsion::Router: Call 75d89dc2-6fca-4c6c-bc4b-1ac8fe11a2be selected route "Test calls for voice menus" (TestController)
[2015-10-20 18:19:08.382] DEBUG Adhearsion::Call: 75d89dc2-6fca-4c6c-bc4b-1ac8fe11a2be@: Executing command #<Punchblock::Command::Accept target_call_id=nil, target_mixer_name=nil, component_id=nil, source_uri=nil, domain=nil, transport=nil, timestamp=Tue, 20 Oct 2015 18:19:08 +0200, request_id="93d0ad37-f111-4f3f-9938-c4a4f0d475cb", headers={}>
[2015-10-20 18:19:08.417] TRACE Punchblock::Connection::Asterisk: [SEND] Action: agi
ActionID: 8a96a883-6bc3-4e30-a9e8-f79cc957d1e7
Channel: IAX2/iax_dialout_vitrade_dev2-629
CommandID: dcb486c5-7909-4604-adac-62b9836c2db7

[2015-10-20 18:19:08.419] TRACE Punchblock::Connection::Asterisk: [RECV] Response: Success
ActionID: 8a96a883-6bc3-4e30-a9e8-f79cc957d1e7
Message: Added AGI command to queue

[2015-10-20 18:19:08.420] TRACE Punchblock::Connection::Asterisk: [RECV] #<RubyAMI::Response headers={"ActionID"=>"8a96a883-6bc3-4e30-a9e8-f79cc957d1e7", "Message"=>"Added AGI command to queue"}, text_body=nil, events=[]>
[2015-10-20 18:19:08.454] TRACE Punchblock::Connection::Asterisk: [RECV] Event: AGIExecStart
Privilege: agi,all
SequenceNumber: 61614
File: manager.c
Line: 1693
Func: manager_default_msg_cb
Channel: IAX2/iax_dialout_vitrade_dev2-629
ChannelState: 4
ChannelStateDesc: Ring
CallerIDNum: 9711
CallerIDName: Ruediger Anlauf
ConnectedLineNum: <unknown>
ConnectedLineName: <unknown>
Language: en
Context: menu_test
Exten: 777
Priority: 1
Uniqueid: 1445357612.5960
CommandId: 1399715645

Event: AGIExecEnd
Privilege: agi,all
SequenceNumber: 61615
File: manager.c
Line: 1693
Func: manager_default_msg_cb
Channel: IAX2/iax_dialout_vitrade_dev2-629
ChannelState: 4
ChannelStateDesc: Ring
CallerIDNum: 9711
CallerIDName: Ruediger Anlauf
ConnectedLineNum: <unknown>
ConnectedLineName: <unknown>
Language: en
Context: menu_test
Exten: 777
Priority: 1
Uniqueid: 1445357612.5960
CommandId: 1399715645
ResultCode: 200
Result: Success

Event: AsyncAGIExec
Privilege: agi,all
SequenceNumber: 61616
File: manager.c
Line: 1693
Func: manager_default_msg_cb
Channel: IAX2/iax_dialout_vitrade_dev2-629
ChannelState: 4
ChannelStateDesc: Ring
CallerIDNum: 9711
CallerIDName: Ruediger Anlauf
ConnectedLineNum: <unknown>
ConnectedLineName: <unknown>
Language: en
Context: menu_test
Exten: 777
Priority: 1
Uniqueid: 1445357612.5960
Result: 200%20result%3D0%0A
CommandId: dcb486c5-7909-4604-adac-62b9836c2db7

[2015-10-20 18:19:08.456] TRACE Punchblock::Connection::Asterisk: [RECV] #<RubyAMI::Event name="AGIExecStart", headers={"Privilege"=>"agi,all", "SequenceNumber"=>"61614", "File"=>"manager.c", "Line"=>"1693", "Func"=>"manager_default_msg_cb", "Channel"=>"IAX2/iax_dialout_vitrade_dev2-629", "ChannelState"=>"4", "ChannelStateDesc"=>"Ring", "CallerIDNum"=>"9711", "CallerIDName"=>"Ruediger Anlauf", "ConnectedLineNum"=>"<unknown>", "ConnectedLineName"=>"<unknown>", "Language"=>"en", "AccountCode"=>"", "Context"=>"menu_test", "Exten"=>"777", "Priority"=>"1", "Uniqueid"=>"1445357612.5960", "CommandId"=>"1399715645", "Command"=>"EXEC RINGING"}, text_body=nil, events=[]>
[2015-10-20 18:19:08.457] TRACE Punchblock::Connection::Asterisk: [RECV] #<RubyAMI::Event name="AGIExecEnd", headers={"Privilege"=>"agi,all", "SequenceNumber"=>"61615", "File"=>"manager.c", "Line"=>"1693", "Func"=>"manager_default_msg_cb", "Channel"=>"IAX2/iax_dialout_vitrade_dev2-629", "ChannelState"=>"4", "ChannelStateDesc"=>"Ring", "CallerIDNum"=>"9711", "CallerIDName"=>"Ruediger Anlauf", "ConnectedLineNum"=>"<unknown>", "ConnectedLineName"=>"<unknown>", "Language"=>"en", "AccountCode"=>"", "Context"=>"menu_test", "Exten"=>"777", "Priority"=>"1", "Uniqueid"=>"1445357612.5960", "CommandId"=>"1399715645", "Command"=>"EXEC RINGING", "ResultCode"=>"200", "Result"=>"Success"}, text_body=nil, events=[]>
[2015-10-20 18:19:08.462] TRACE Punchblock::Connection::Asterisk: [RECV] #<RubyAMI::Event name="AsyncAGIExec", headers={"Privilege"=>"agi,all", "SequenceNumber"=>"61616", "File"=>"manager.c", "Line"=>"1693", "Func"=>"manager_default_msg_cb", "Channel"=>"IAX2/iax_dialout_vitrade_dev2-629", "ChannelState"=>"4", "ChannelStateDesc"=>"Ring", "CallerIDNum"=>"9711", "CallerIDName"=>"Ruediger Anlauf", "ConnectedLineNum"=>"<unknown>", "ConnectedLineName"=>"<unknown>", "Language"=>"en", "AccountCode"=>"", "Context"=>"menu_test", "Exten"=>"777", "Priority"=>"1", "Uniqueid"=>"1445357612.5960", "Result"=>"200%20result%3D0%0A", "CommandId"=>"dcb486c5-7909-4604-adac-62b9836c2db7"}, text_body=nil, events=[]>
[2015-10-20 18:19:08.496] DEBUG Adhearsion::Call: 75d89dc2-6fca-4c6c-bc4b-1ac8fe11a2be@: Receiving message: #<Punchblock::Event::Asterisk::AMI::Event target_call_id="75d89dc2-6fca-4c6c-bc4b-1ac8fe11a2be", target_mixer_name=nil, component_id=nil, source_uri=nil, domain=nil, transport=nil, timestamp=Tue, 20 Oct 2015 18:19:08 +0200, name="AGIExecStart", headers={"Privilege"=>"agi,all", "SequenceNumber"=>"61614", "File"=>"manager.c", "Line"=>"1693", "Func"=>"manager_default_msg_cb", "Channel"=>"IAX2/iax_dialout_vitrade_dev2-629", "ChannelState"=>"4", "ChannelStateDesc"=>"Ring", "CallerIDNum"=>"9711", "CallerIDName"=>"Ruediger Anlauf", "ConnectedLineNum"=>"<unknown>", "ConnectedLineName"=>"<unknown>", "Language"=>"en", "AccountCode"=>"", "Context"=>"menu_test", "Exten"=>"777", "Priority"=>"1", "Uniqueid"=>"1445357612.5960", "CommandId"=>"1399715645", "Command"=>"EXEC RINGING"}>
[2015-10-20 18:19:08.501] DEBUG Adhearsion::Call: 75d89dc2-6fca-4c6c-bc4b-1ac8fe11a2be@: Receiving message: #<Punchblock::Event::Asterisk::AMI::Event target_call_id="75d89dc2-6fca-4c6c-bc4b-1ac8fe11a2be", target_mixer_name=nil, component_id=nil, source_uri=nil, domain=nil, transport=nil, timestamp=Tue, 20 Oct 2015 18:19:08 +0200, name="AGIExecEnd", headers={"Privilege"=>"agi,all", "SequenceNumber"=>"61615", "File"=>"manager.c", "Line"=>"1693", "Func"=>"manager_default_msg_cb", "Channel"=>"IAX2/iax_dialout_vitrade_dev2-629", "ChannelState"=>"4", "ChannelStateDesc"=>"Ring", "CallerIDNum"=>"9711", "CallerIDName"=>"Ruediger Anlauf", "ConnectedLineNum"=>"<unknown>", "ConnectedLineName"=>"<unknown>", "Language"=>"en", "AccountCode"=>"", "Context"=>"menu_test", "Exten"=>"777", "Priority"=>"1", "Uniqueid"=>"1445357612.5960", "CommandId"=>"1399715645", "Command"=>"EXEC RINGING", "ResultCode"=>"200", "Result"=>"Success"}>
[2015-10-20 18:19:08.512] DEBUG Adhearsion::Call: 75d89dc2-6fca-4c6c-bc4b-1ac8fe11a2be@: Receiving message: #<Punchblock::Event::Asterisk::AMI::Event target_call_id="75d89dc2-6fca-4c6c-bc4b-1ac8fe11a2be", target_mixer_name=nil, component_id=nil, source_uri=nil, domain=nil, transport=nil, timestamp=Tue, 20 Oct 2015 18:19:08 +0200, name="AsyncAGIExec", headers={"Privilege"=>"agi,all", "SequenceNumber"=>"61616", "File"=>"manager.c", "Line"=>"1693", "Func"=>"manager_default_msg_cb", "Channel"=>"IAX2/iax_dialout_vitrade_dev2-629", "ChannelState"=>"4", "ChannelStateDesc"=>"Ring", "CallerIDNum"=>"9711", "CallerIDName"=>"Ruediger Anlauf", "ConnectedLineNum"=>"<unknown>", "ConnectedLineName"=>"<unknown>", "Language"=>"en", "AccountCode"=>"", "Context"=>"menu_test", "Exten"=>"777", "Priority"=>"1", "Uniqueid"=>"1445357612.5960", "Result"=>"200%20result%3D0%0A", "CommandId"=>"dcb486c5-7909-4604-adac-62b9836c2db7"}>
[2015-10-20 18:19:08.519] INFO  Adhearsion::Call: 75d89dc2-6fca-4c6c-bc4b-1ac8fe11a2be@: Executing controller #<TestController call=75d89dc2-6fca-4c6c-bc4b-1ac8fe11a2be, metadata={}>
[2015-10-20 18:19:08.522] DEBUG Adhearsion::Call: 75d89dc2-6fca-4c6c-bc4b-1ac8fe11a2be@: Receiving message: #<Punchblock::Event::Offer target_call_id="75d89dc2-6fca-4c6c-bc4b-1ac8fe11a2be", target_mixer_name=nil, component_id=nil, source_uri=nil, domain=nil, transport=nil, timestamp=Tue, 20 Oct 2015 18:19:08 +0200, headers={"X-agi_request"=>"async", "X-agi_channel"=>"IAX2/iax_dialout_vitrade_dev2-629", "X-agi_language"=>"en", "X-agi_type"=>"IAX2", "X-agi_uniqueid"=>"1445357612.5960", "X-agi_version"=>"13.4.0", "X-agi_callerid"=>"9711", "X-agi_calleridname"=>"Ruediger Anlauf", "X-agi_callingpres"=>"0", "X-agi_callingani2"=>"0", "X-agi_callington"=>"0", "X-agi_callingtns"=>"0", "X-agi_dnid"=>"unknown", "X-agi_rdnis"=>"unknown", "X-agi_context"=>"menu_test", "X-agi_extension"=>"777", "X-agi_priority"=>"1", "X-agi_enhanced"=>"0.0", "X-agi_accountcode"=>"", "X-agi_threadid"=>"139913242220288"}, to="777", from="Ruediger Anlauf <IAX2/9711>">
[2015-10-20 18:19:08.541] DEBUG Adhearsion::Call: 75d89dc2-6fca-4c6c-bc4b-1ac8fe11a2be@: Executing command #<Punchblock::Command::Answer target_call_id=nil, target_mixer_name=nil, component_id=nil, source_uri=nil, domain=nil, transport=nil, timestamp=Tue, 20 Oct 2015 18:19:08 +0200, request_id="b105bbb6-6ba3-49a5-8e35-5de1a9e44b07", headers={}>
[2015-10-20 18:19:08.553] TRACE Punchblock::Connection::Asterisk: [SEND] Action: agi
ActionID: e2649127-620c-48db-b360-2661743ff0ee
Channel: IAX2/iax_dialout_vitrade_dev2-629
Command: ANSWER
CommandID: 1409dca1-3936-428b-a52e-9c57582d5cc7

[2015-10-20 18:19:08.555] TRACE Punchblock::Connection::Asterisk: [RECV] Response: Success
ActionID: e2649127-620c-48db-b360-2661743ff0ee
Message: Added AGI command to queue

[2015-10-20 18:19:08.556] TRACE Punchblock::Connection::Asterisk: [RECV] #<RubyAMI::Response headers={"ActionID"=>"e2649127-620c-48db-b360-2661743ff0ee", "Message"=>"Added AGI command to queue"}, text_body=nil, events=[]>
[2015-10-20 18:19:08.655] TRACE Punchblock::Connection::Asterisk: [RECV] Event: AGIExecStart
Privilege: agi,all
SequenceNumber: 61617
File: manager.c
Line: 1693
Func: manager_default_msg_cb
Channel: IAX2/iax_dialout_vitrade_dev2-629
ChannelState: 4
ChannelStateDesc: Ring
CallerIDNum: 9711
CallerIDName: Ruediger Anlauf
ConnectedLineNum: <unknown>
ConnectedLineName: <unknown>
Language: en
Context: menu_test
Exten: 777
Priority: 1
Uniqueid: 1445357612.5960
CommandId: 1865896404
Command: ANSWER

Event: Newstate
Privilege: call,all
SequenceNumber: 61618
File: manager_channels.c
Line: 652
Func: channel_snapshot_update
Channel: IAX2/iax_dialout_vitrade_dev2-629
ChannelState: 6
ChannelStateDesc: Up
CallerIDNum: 9711
CallerIDName: Ruediger Anlauf
ConnectedLineNum: <unknown>
ConnectedLineName: <unknown>
Language: en
Context: menu_test
Exten: 777
Priority: 1
Uniqueid: 1445357612.5960

Event: CEL
Privilege: call,all
SequenceNumber: 61619
File: cel_manager.c
Line: 299
Func: manager_log
EventName: ANSWER
CallerIDnum: 9711
CallerIDname: Ruediger Anlauf
CallerIDani: 9711
Exten: 777
Context: menu_test
Channel: IAX2/iax_dialout_vitrade_dev2-629
Application: AGI
AppData: agi:async
EventTime: 2015-10-20 18:13:32
UniqueID: 1445357612.5960
LinkedID: 1445357612.5960

[2015-10-20 18:19:08.659] TRACE Punchblock::Connection::Asterisk: [RECV] #<RubyAMI::Event name="AGIExecStart", headers={"Privilege"=>"agi,all", "SequenceNumber"=>"61617", "File"=>"manager.c", "Line"=>"1693", "Func"=>"manager_default_msg_cb", "Channel"=>"IAX2/iax_dialout_vitrade_dev2-629", "ChannelState"=>"4", "ChannelStateDesc"=>"Ring", "CallerIDNum"=>"9711", "CallerIDName"=>"Ruediger Anlauf", "ConnectedLineNum"=>"<unknown>", "ConnectedLineName"=>"<unknown>", "Language"=>"en", "AccountCode"=>"", "Context"=>"menu_test", "Exten"=>"777", "Priority"=>"1", "Uniqueid"=>"1445357612.5960", "CommandId"=>"1865896404", "Command"=>"ANSWER"}, text_body=nil, events=[]>
[2015-10-20 18:19:08.663] TRACE Punchblock::Connection::Asterisk: [RECV] #<RubyAMI::Event name="Newstate", headers={"Privilege"=>"call,all", "SequenceNumber"=>"61618", "File"=>"manager_channels.c", "Line"=>"652", "Func"=>"channel_snapshot_update", "Channel"=>"IAX2/iax_dialout_vitrade_dev2-629", "ChannelState"=>"6", "ChannelStateDesc"=>"Up", "CallerIDNum"=>"9711", "CallerIDName"=>"Ruediger Anlauf", "ConnectedLineNum"=>"<unknown>", "ConnectedLineName"=>"<unknown>", "Language"=>"en", "AccountCode"=>"", "Context"=>"menu_test", "Exten"=>"777", "Priority"=>"1", "Uniqueid"=>"1445357612.5960"}, text_body=nil, events=[]>
[2015-10-20 18:19:08.666] TRACE Punchblock::Connection::Asterisk: [RECV] #<RubyAMI::Event name="CEL", headers={"Privilege"=>"call,all", "SequenceNumber"=>"61619", "File"=>"cel_manager.c", "Line"=>"299", "Func"=>"manager_log", "EventName"=>"ANSWER", "AccountCode"=>"", "CallerIDnum"=>"9711", "CallerIDname"=>"Ruediger Anlauf", "CallerIDani"=>"9711", "CallerIDrdnis"=>"", "CallerIDdnid"=>"", "Exten"=>"777", "Context"=>"menu_test", "Channel"=>"IAX2/iax_dialout_vitrade_dev2-629", "Application"=>"AGI", "AppData"=>"agi:async", "EventTime"=>"2015-10-20 18:13:32", "AMAFlags"=>"DOCUMENTATION", "UniqueID"=>"1445357612.5960", "LinkedID"=>"1445357612.5960", "Userfield"=>"", "Peer"=>"", "PeerAccount"=>"", "Extra"=>""}, text_body=nil, events=[]>
[2015-10-20 18:19:08.676] DEBUG Adhearsion::Call: 75d89dc2-6fca-4c6c-bc4b-1ac8fe11a2be@: Receiving message: #<Punchblock::Event::Asterisk::AMI::Event target_call_id="75d89dc2-6fca-4c6c-bc4b-1ac8fe11a2be", target_mixer_name=nil, component_id=nil, source_uri=nil, domain=nil, transport=nil, timestamp=Tue, 20 Oct 2015 18:19:08 +0200, name="AGIExecStart", headers={"Privilege"=>"agi,all", "SequenceNumber"=>"61617", "File"=>"manager.c", "Line"=>"1693", "Func"=>"manager_default_msg_cb", "Channel"=>"IAX2/iax_dialout_vitrade_dev2-629", "ChannelState"=>"4", "ChannelStateDesc"=>"Ring", "CallerIDNum"=>"9711", "CallerIDName"=>"Ruediger Anlauf", "ConnectedLineNum"=>"<unknown>", "ConnectedLineName"=>"<unknown>", "Language"=>"en", "AccountCode"=>"", "Context"=>"menu_test", "Exten"=>"777", "Priority"=>"1", "Uniqueid"=>"1445357612.5960", "CommandId"=>"1865896404", "Command"=>"ANSWER"}>
[2015-10-20 18:19:08.680] DEBUG Adhearsion::Call: 75d89dc2-6fca-4c6c-bc4b-1ac8fe11a2be@: Receiving message: #<Punchblock::Event::Asterisk::AMI::Event target_call_id="75d89dc2-6fca-4c6c-bc4b-1ac8fe11a2be", target_mixer_name=nil, component_id=nil, source_uri=nil, domain=nil, transport=nil, timestamp=Tue, 20 Oct 2015 18:19:08 +0200, name="Newstate", headers={"Privilege"=>"call,all", "SequenceNumber"=>"61618", "File"=>"manager_channels.c", "Line"=>"652", "Func"=>"channel_snapshot_update", "Channel"=>"IAX2/iax_dialout_vitrade_dev2-629", "ChannelState"=>"6", "ChannelStateDesc"=>"Up", "CallerIDNum"=>"9711", "CallerIDName"=>"Ruediger Anlauf", "ConnectedLineNum"=>"<unknown>", "ConnectedLineName"=>"<unknown>", "Language"=>"en", "AccountCode"=>"", "Context"=>"menu_test", "Exten"=>"777", "Priority"=>"1", "Uniqueid"=>"1445357612.5960"}>
[2015-10-20 18:19:08.684] DEBUG Adhearsion::Call: 75d89dc2-6fca-4c6c-bc4b-1ac8fe11a2be@: Receiving message: #<Punchblock::Event::Asterisk::AMI::Event target_call_id="75d89dc2-6fca-4c6c-bc4b-1ac8fe11a2be", target_mixer_name=nil, component_id=nil, source_uri=nil, domain=nil, transport=nil, timestamp=Tue, 20 Oct 2015 18:19:08 +0200, name="CEL", headers={"Privilege"=>"call,all", "SequenceNumber"=>"61619", "File"=>"cel_manager.c", "Line"=>"299", "Func"=>"manager_log", "EventName"=>"ANSWER", "AccountCode"=>"", "CallerIDnum"=>"9711", "CallerIDname"=>"Ruediger Anlauf", "CallerIDani"=>"9711", "CallerIDrdnis"=>"", "CallerIDdnid"=>"", "Exten"=>"777", "Context"=>"menu_test", "Channel"=>"IAX2/iax_dialout_vitrade_dev2-629", "Application"=>"AGI", "AppData"=>"agi:async", "EventTime"=>"2015-10-20 18:13:32", "AMAFlags"=>"DOCUMENTATION", "UniqueID"=>"1445357612.5960", "LinkedID"=>"1445357612.5960", "Userfield"=>"", "Peer"=>"", "PeerAccount"=>"", "Extra"=>""}>
[2015-10-20 18:19:08.902] TRACE Punchblock::Connection::Asterisk: [RECV] Event: AGIExecEnd
Privilege: agi,all
SequenceNumber: 61620
File: manager.c
Line: 1693
Func: manager_default_msg_cb
Channel: IAX2/iax_dialout_vitrade_dev2-629
ChannelState: 6
ChannelStateDesc: Up
CallerIDNum: 9711
CallerIDName: Ruediger Anlauf
ConnectedLineNum: <unknown>
ConnectedLineName: <unknown>
Language: en
Context: menu_test
Exten: 777
Priority: 1
Uniqueid: 1445357612.5960
CommandId: 1865896404
Command: ANSWER
ResultCode: 200
Result: Success

Event: AsyncAGIExec
Privilege: agi,all
SequenceNumber: 61621
File: manager.c
Line: 1693
Func: manager_default_msg_cb
Channel: IAX2/iax_dialout_vitrade_dev2-629
ChannelState: 6
ChannelStateDesc: Up
CallerIDNum: 9711
CallerIDName: Ruediger Anlauf
ConnectedLineNum: <unknown>
ConnectedLineName: <unknown>
Language: en
Context: menu_test
Exten: 777
Priority: 1
Uniqueid: 1445357612.5960
Result: 200%20result%3D0%0A
CommandId: 1409dca1-3936-428b-a52e-9c57582d5cc7

[2015-10-20 18:19:08.906] TRACE Punchblock::Connection::Asterisk: [RECV] #<RubyAMI::Event name="AGIExecEnd", headers={"Privilege"=>"agi,all", "SequenceNumber"=>"61620", "File"=>"manager.c", "Line"=>"1693", "Func"=>"manager_default_msg_cb", "Channel"=>"IAX2/iax_dialout_vitrade_dev2-629", "ChannelState"=>"6", "ChannelStateDesc"=>"Up", "CallerIDNum"=>"9711", "CallerIDName"=>"Ruediger Anlauf", "ConnectedLineNum"=>"<unknown>", "ConnectedLineName"=>"<unknown>", "Language"=>"en", "AccountCode"=>"", "Context"=>"menu_test", "Exten"=>"777", "Priority"=>"1", "Uniqueid"=>"1445357612.5960", "CommandId"=>"1865896404", "Command"=>"ANSWER", "ResultCode"=>"200", "Result"=>"Success"}, text_body=nil, events=[]>
[2015-10-20 18:19:08.908] TRACE Punchblock::Connection::Asterisk: [RECV] #<RubyAMI::Event name="AsyncAGIExec", headers={"Privilege"=>"agi,all", "SequenceNumber"=>"61621", "File"=>"manager.c", "Line"=>"1693", "Func"=>"manager_default_msg_cb", "Channel"=>"IAX2/iax_dialout_vitrade_dev2-629", "ChannelState"=>"6", "ChannelStateDesc"=>"Up", "CallerIDNum"=>"9711", "CallerIDName"=>"Ruediger Anlauf", "ConnectedLineNum"=>"<unknown>", "ConnectedLineName"=>"<unknown>", "Language"=>"en", "AccountCode"=>"", "Context"=>"menu_test", "Exten"=>"777", "Priority"=>"1", "Uniqueid"=>"1445357612.5960", "Result"=>"200%20result%3D0%0A", "CommandId"=>"1409dca1-3936-428b-a52e-9c57582d5cc7"}, text_body=nil, events=[]>
[2015-10-20 18:19:08.915] DEBUG Adhearsion::Call: 75d89dc2-6fca-4c6c-bc4b-1ac8fe11a2be@: Receiving message: #<Punchblock::Event::Asterisk::AMI::Event target_call_id="75d89dc2-6fca-4c6c-bc4b-1ac8fe11a2be", target_mixer_name=nil, component_id=nil, source_uri=nil, domain=nil, transport=nil, timestamp=Tue, 20 Oct 2015 18:19:08 +0200, name="AGIExecEnd", headers={"Privilege"=>"agi,all", "SequenceNumber"=>"61620", "File"=>"manager.c", "Line"=>"1693", "Func"=>"manager_default_msg_cb", "Channel"=>"IAX2/iax_dialout_vitrade_dev2-629", "ChannelState"=>"6", "ChannelStateDesc"=>"Up", "CallerIDNum"=>"9711", "CallerIDName"=>"Ruediger Anlauf", "ConnectedLineNum"=>"<unknown>", "ConnectedLineName"=>"<unknown>", "Language"=>"en", "AccountCode"=>"", "Context"=>"menu_test", "Exten"=>"777", "Priority"=>"1", "Uniqueid"=>"1445357612.5960", "CommandId"=>"1865896404", "Command"=>"ANSWER", "ResultCode"=>"200", "Result"=>"Success"}>
[2015-10-20 18:19:08.921] DEBUG Adhearsion::Call: 75d89dc2-6fca-4c6c-bc4b-1ac8fe11a2be@: Receiving message: #<Punchblock::Event::Asterisk::AMI::Event target_call_id="75d89dc2-6fca-4c6c-bc4b-1ac8fe11a2be", target_mixer_name=nil, component_id=nil, source_uri=nil, domain=nil, transport=nil, timestamp=Tue, 20 Oct 2015 18:19:08 +0200, name="AsyncAGIExec", headers={"Privilege"=>"agi,all", "SequenceNumber"=>"61621", "File"=>"manager.c", "Line"=>"1693", "Func"=>"manager_default_msg_cb", "Channel"=>"IAX2/iax_dialout_vitrade_dev2-629", "ChannelState"=>"6", "ChannelStateDesc"=>"Up", "CallerIDNum"=>"9711", "CallerIDName"=>"Ruediger Anlauf", "ConnectedLineNum"=>"<unknown>", "ConnectedLineName"=>"<unknown>", "Language"=>"en", "AccountCode"=>"", "Context"=>"menu_test", "Exten"=>"777", "Priority"=>"1", "Uniqueid"=>"1445357612.5960", "Result"=>"200%20result%3D0%0A", "CommandId"=>"1409dca1-3936-428b-a52e-9c57582d5cc7"}>
[2015-10-20 18:19:09.229] DEBUG Adhearsion::Call: 75d89dc2-6fca-4c6c-bc4b-1ac8fe11a2be@: Executing command #<Punchblock::Component::Prompt target_call_id=nil, target_mixer_name=nil, component_id=nil, source_uri=nil, domain=nil, transport=nil, timestamp=Tue, 20 Oct 2015 18:19:09 +0200, request_id="781611d8-0860-45bb-b601-6de945b82599", barge_in=true, output=#<Punchblock::Component::Output target_call_id=nil, target_mixer_name=nil, component_id=nil, source_uri=nil, domain=nil, transport=nil, timestamp=Tue, 20 Oct 2015 18:19:09 +0200, request_id="202ed904-dd22-4c38-a33e-1be74f35ba58", headers={}, voice=nil, interrupt_on=nil, start_offset=nil, start_paused=nil, repeat_interval=nil, repeat_times=nil, max_time=nil, renderer=nil, render_documents=[#<Punchblock::Component::Output::Document target_call_id=nil, target_mixer_name=nil, component_id=nil, source_uri=nil, domain=nil, transport=nil, timestamp=Tue, 20 Oct 2015 18:19:09 +0200, url=nil, content_type="application/ssml+xml", value=<speak version="1.0" xml:lang="en-US" xmlns=""><audio src="file://vm-press"/><audio src="file://vm-first"/><audio src="file://vm-for"/><audio src="file://vm-password"/></speak>>]>, input=#<Punchblock::Component::Input target_call_id=nil, target_mixer_name=nil, component_id=nil, source_uri=nil, domain=nil, transport=nil, timestamp=Tue, 20 Oct 2015 18:19:09 +0200, request_id="16f471e1-420f-4451-8001-f9345ac2582b", headers={}, max_silence=5000, min_confidence=0.5, mode=:dtmf, recognizer=nil, language="en-US", terminator=nil, sensitivity=0.5, initial_timeout=5000, inter_digit_timeout=2000, recognition_timeout=nil, grammars=[#<Punchblock::Component::Input::Grammar target_call_id=nil, target_mixer_name=nil, component_id=nil, source_uri=nil, domain=nil, transport=nil, timestamp=Tue, 20 Oct 2015 18:19:09 +0200, value=<grammar mode="dtmf" root="options" tag-format="semantics/1.0-literals" version="1.0" xml:lang="en-US" xmlns=""><rule id="options" scope="public"><item><one-of><item><tag>0</tag><one-of><item>1</item><item>2</item><item>3</item></one-of></item></one-of></item></rule></grammar>, content_type="application/srgs+xml", url=nil>]>>
[2015-10-20 18:19:09.308] TRACE Punchblock::Connection::Asterisk: [SEND] Action: agi
ActionID: 39b0317b-650a-4bef-9271-af1f7c801df4
Channel: IAX2/iax_dialout_vitrade_dev2-629
Command: EXEC Playback "vm-press&vm-first&vm-for&vm-password"
CommandID: 8eb7eb10-bfba-40a8-b17e-5c24ab065220

[2015-10-20 18:19:09.311] TRACE Punchblock::Connection::Asterisk: [RECV] Response: Success
ActionID: 39b0317b-650a-4bef-9271-af1f7c801df4
Message: Added AGI command to queue

[2015-10-20 18:19:09.313] TRACE Punchblock::Connection::Asterisk: [RECV] #<RubyAMI::Response headers={"ActionID"=>"39b0317b-650a-4bef-9271-af1f7c801df4", "Message"=>"Added AGI command to queue"}, text_body=nil, events=[]>
[2015-10-20 18:19:09.331] TRACE Punchblock::Connection::Asterisk: [RECV] Event: AGIExecStart
Privilege: agi,all
SequenceNumber: 61622
File: manager.c
Line: 1693
Func: manager_default_msg_cb
Channel: IAX2/iax_dialout_vitrade_dev2-629
ChannelState: 6
ChannelStateDesc: Up
CallerIDNum: 9711
CallerIDName: Ruediger Anlauf
ConnectedLineNum: <unknown>
ConnectedLineName: <unknown>
Language: en
Context: menu_test
Exten: 777
Priority: 1
Uniqueid: 1445357612.5960
CommandId: 1256584697
Command: EXEC Playback "vm-press&vm-first&vm-for&vm-password"

[2015-10-20 18:19:09.333] TRACE Punchblock::Connection::Asterisk: [RECV] #<RubyAMI::Event name="AGIExecStart", headers={"Privilege"=>"agi,all", "SequenceNumber"=>"61622", "File"=>"manager.c", "Line"=>"1693", "Func"=>"manager_default_msg_cb", "Channel"=>"IAX2/iax_dialout_vitrade_dev2-629", "ChannelState"=>"6", "ChannelStateDesc"=>"Up", "CallerIDNum"=>"9711", "CallerIDName"=>"Ruediger Anlauf", "ConnectedLineNum"=>"<unknown>", "ConnectedLineName"=>"<unknown>", "Language"=>"en", "AccountCode"=>"", "Context"=>"menu_test", "Exten"=>"777", "Priority"=>"1", "Uniqueid"=>"1445357612.5960", "CommandId"=>"1256584697", "Command"=>"EXEC Playback \"vm-press&vm-first&vm-for&vm-password\""}, text_body=nil, events=[]>
[2015-10-20 18:19:09.341] DEBUG Adhearsion::Call: 75d89dc2-6fca-4c6c-bc4b-1ac8fe11a2be@: Receiving message: #<Punchblock::Event::Asterisk::AMI::Event target_call_id="75d89dc2-6fca-4c6c-bc4b-1ac8fe11a2be", target_mixer_name=nil, component_id=nil, source_uri=nil, domain=nil, transport=nil, timestamp=Tue, 20 Oct 2015 18:19:09 +0200, name="AGIExecStart", headers={"Privilege"=>"agi,all", "SequenceNumber"=>"61622", "File"=>"manager.c", "Line"=>"1693", "Func"=>"manager_default_msg_cb", "Channel"=>"IAX2/iax_dialout_vitrade_dev2-629", "ChannelState"=>"6", "ChannelStateDesc"=>"Up", "CallerIDNum"=>"9711", "CallerIDName"=>"Ruediger Anlauf", "ConnectedLineNum"=>"<unknown>", "ConnectedLineName"=>"<unknown>", "Language"=>"en", "AccountCode"=>"", "Context"=>"menu_test", "Exten"=>"777", "Priority"=>"1", "Uniqueid"=>"1445357612.5960", "CommandId"=>"1256584697", "Command"=>"EXEC Playback \"vm-press&vm-first&vm-for&vm-password\""}>
[2015-10-20 18:19:09.811] TRACE Punchblock::Connection::Asterisk: [RECV] Event: DTMFBegin
Privilege: dtmf,all
SequenceNumber: 61623
File: manager_channels.c
Line: 806
Func: channel_dtmf_begin_cb
Channel: IAX2/iax_dialout_vitrade_dev2-629
ChannelState: 6
ChannelStateDesc: Up
CallerIDNum: 9711
CallerIDName: Ruediger Anlauf
ConnectedLineNum: <unknown>
ConnectedLineName: <unknown>
Language: en
Context: menu_test
Exten: 777
Priority: 1
Uniqueid: 1445357612.5960
Digit: 1
Direction: Received

[2015-10-20 18:19:09.812] TRACE Punchblock::Connection::Asterisk: [RECV] #<RubyAMI::Event name="DTMFBegin", headers={"Privilege"=>"dtmf,all", "SequenceNumber"=>"61623", "File"=>"manager_channels.c", "Line"=>"806", "Func"=>"channel_dtmf_begin_cb", "Channel"=>"IAX2/iax_dialout_vitrade_dev2-629", "ChannelState"=>"6", "ChannelStateDesc"=>"Up", "CallerIDNum"=>"9711", "CallerIDName"=>"Ruediger Anlauf", "ConnectedLineNum"=>"<unknown>", "ConnectedLineName"=>"<unknown>", "Language"=>"en", "AccountCode"=>"", "Context"=>"menu_test", "Exten"=>"777", "Priority"=>"1", "Uniqueid"=>"1445357612.5960", "Digit"=>"1", "Direction"=>"Received"}, text_body=nil, events=[]>
[2015-10-20 18:19:09.819] DEBUG Adhearsion::Call: 75d89dc2-6fca-4c6c-bc4b-1ac8fe11a2be@: Receiving message: #<Punchblock::Event::Asterisk::AMI::Event target_call_id="75d89dc2-6fca-4c6c-bc4b-1ac8fe11a2be", target_mixer_name=nil, component_id=nil, source_uri=nil, domain=nil, transport=nil, timestamp=Tue, 20 Oct 2015 18:19:09 +0200, name="DTMFBegin", headers={"Privilege"=>"dtmf,all", "SequenceNumber"=>"61623", "File"=>"manager_channels.c", "Line"=>"806", "Func"=>"channel_dtmf_begin_cb", "Channel"=>"IAX2/iax_dialout_vitrade_dev2-629", "ChannelState"=>"6", "ChannelStateDesc"=>"Up", "CallerIDNum"=>"9711", "CallerIDName"=>"Ruediger Anlauf", "ConnectedLineNum"=>"<unknown>", "ConnectedLineName"=>"<unknown>", "Language"=>"en", "AccountCode"=>"", "Context"=>"menu_test", "Exten"=>"777", "Priority"=>"1", "Uniqueid"=>"1445357612.5960", "Digit"=>"1", "Direction"=>"Received"}>
[2015-10-20 18:19:09.877] TRACE Punchblock::Connection::Asterisk: [RECV] Event: DTMFEnd
Privilege: dtmf,all
SequenceNumber: 61624
File: manager_channels.c
Line: 853
Func: channel_dtmf_end_cb
Channel: IAX2/iax_dialout_vitrade_dev2-629
ChannelState: 6
ChannelStateDesc: Up
CallerIDNum: 9711
CallerIDName: Ruediger Anlauf
ConnectedLineNum: <unknown>
ConnectedLineName: <unknown>
Language: en
Context: menu_test
Exten: 777
Priority: 1
Uniqueid: 1445357612.5960
Digit: 1
DurationMs: 0
Direction: Received

[2015-10-20 18:19:09.878] TRACE Punchblock::Connection::Asterisk: [RECV] #<RubyAMI::Event name="DTMFEnd", headers={"Privilege"=>"dtmf,all", "SequenceNumber"=>"61624", "File"=>"manager_channels.c", "Line"=>"853", "Func"=>"channel_dtmf_end_cb", "Channel"=>"IAX2/iax_dialout_vitrade_dev2-629", "ChannelState"=>"6", "ChannelStateDesc"=>"Up", "CallerIDNum"=>"9711", "CallerIDName"=>"Ruediger Anlauf", "ConnectedLineNum"=>"<unknown>", "ConnectedLineName"=>"<unknown>", "Language"=>"en", "AccountCode"=>"", "Context"=>"menu_test", "Exten"=>"777", "Priority"=>"1", "Uniqueid"=>"1445357612.5960", "Digit"=>"1", "DurationMs"=>"0", "Direction"=>"Received"}, text_body=nil, events=[]>
[2015-10-20 18:19:09.886] DEBUG Adhearsion::Call: 75d89dc2-6fca-4c6c-bc4b-1ac8fe11a2be@: Receiving message: #<Punchblock::Event::Asterisk::AMI::Event target_call_id="75d89dc2-6fca-4c6c-bc4b-1ac8fe11a2be", target_mixer_name=nil, component_id=nil, source_uri=nil, domain=nil, transport=nil, timestamp=Tue, 20 Oct 2015 18:19:09 +0200, name="DTMFEnd", headers={"Privilege"=>"dtmf,all", "SequenceNumber"=>"61624", "File"=>"manager_channels.c", "Line"=>"853", "Func"=>"channel_dtmf_end_cb", "Channel"=>"IAX2/iax_dialout_vitrade_dev2-629", "ChannelState"=>"6", "ChannelStateDesc"=>"Up", "CallerIDNum"=>"9711", "CallerIDName"=>"Ruediger Anlauf", "ConnectedLineNum"=>"<unknown>", "ConnectedLineName"=>"<unknown>", "Language"=>"en", "AccountCode"=>"", "Context"=>"menu_test", "Exten"=>"777", "Priority"=>"1", "Uniqueid"=>"1445357612.5960", "Digit"=>"1", "DurationMs"=>"0", "Direction"=>"Received"}>
[2015-10-20 18:19:09.887] TRACE Punchblock::Connection::Asterisk: [SEND] Action: redirect
ActionID: ba985cd2-9ed8-4d50-8509-68e6a7a56581
Channel: IAX2/iax_dialout_vitrade_dev2-629
Exten: 1
Priority: 1
Context: adhearsion-redirect

[2015-10-20 18:19:09.889] TRACE Punchblock::Connection::Asterisk: [RECV] Response: Success
ActionID: ba985cd2-9ed8-4d50-8509-68e6a7a56581
Message: Redirect successful

[2015-10-20 18:19:09.889] TRACE Punchblock::Connection::Asterisk: [RECV] #<RubyAMI::Response headers={"ActionID"=>"ba985cd2-9ed8-4d50-8509-68e6a7a56581", "Message"=>"Redirect successful"}, text_body=nil, events=[]>
[2015-10-20 18:19:09.890] TRACE Punchblock::Connection::Asterisk: [RECV] Event: VarSet
Privilege: dialplan,all
SequenceNumber: 61625
File: manager.c
Line: 1693
Func: manager_default_msg_cb
Channel: IAX2/iax_dialout_vitrade_dev2-629
ChannelState: 6
ChannelStateDesc: Up
CallerIDNum: 9711
CallerIDName: Ruediger Anlauf
ConnectedLineNum: <unknown>
ConnectedLineName: <unknown>
Language: en
Context: menu_test
Exten: 777
Priority: 1
Uniqueid: 1445357612.5960

Event: AGIExecEnd
Privilege: agi,all
SequenceNumber: 61626
File: manager.c
Line: 1693
Func: manager_default_msg_cb
Channel: IAX2/iax_dialout_vitrade_dev2-629
ChannelState: 6
ChannelStateDesc: Up
CallerIDNum: 9711
CallerIDName: Ruediger Anlauf
ConnectedLineNum: <unknown>
ConnectedLineName: <unknown>
Language: en
Context: menu_test
Exten: 777
Priority: 1
Uniqueid: 1445357612.5960
CommandId: 1256584697
Command: EXEC Playback "vm-press&vm-first&vm-for&vm-password"
ResultCode: 200
Result: Success

Event: AsyncAGIExec
Privilege: agi,all
SequenceNumber: 61627
File: manager.c
Line: 1693
Func: manager_default_msg_cb
Channel: IAX2/iax_dialout_vitrade_dev2-629
ChannelState: 6
ChannelStateDesc: Up
CallerIDNum: 9711
CallerIDName: Ruediger Anlauf
ConnectedLineNum: <unknown>
ConnectedLineName: <unknown>
Language: en
Context: menu_test
Exten: 777
Priority: 1
Uniqueid: 1445357612.5960
Result: 200%20result%3D0%0A
CommandId: 8eb7eb10-bfba-40a8-b17e-5c24ab065220

Event: AsyncAGIEnd
Privilege: agi,all
SequenceNumber: 61628
File: manager.c
Line: 1693
Func: manager_default_msg_cb
Channel: IAX2/iax_dialout_vitrade_dev2-629
ChannelState: 6
ChannelStateDesc: Up
CallerIDNum: 9711
CallerIDName: Ruediger Anlauf
ConnectedLineNum: <unknown>
ConnectedLineName: <unknown>
Language: en
Context: menu_test
Exten: 777
Priority: 1
Uniqueid: 1445357612.5960

Event: VarSet
Privilege: dialplan,all
SequenceNumber: 61629
File: manager.c
Line: 1693
Func: manager_default_msg_cb
Channel: IAX2/iax_dialout_vitrade_dev2-629
ChannelState: 6
ChannelStateDesc: Up
CallerIDNum: 9711
CallerIDName: Ruediger Anlauf
ConnectedLineNum: <unknown>
ConnectedLineName: <unknown>
Language: en
Context: menu_test
Exten: 777
Priority: 1
Uniqueid: 1445357612.5960

Event: Newexten
Privilege: call,all
SequenceNumber: 61630
File: manager_channels.c
Line: 652
Func: channel_snapshot_update
Channel: IAX2/iax_dialout_vitrade_dev2-629
ChannelState: 6
ChannelStateDesc: Up
CallerIDNum: 9711
CallerIDName: Ruediger Anlauf
ConnectedLineNum: <unknown>
ConnectedLineName: <unknown>
Language: en
Context: adhearsion-redirect
Exten: 1
Priority: 1
Uniqueid: 1445357612.5960
Extension: 1
Application: AGI
AppData: agi:async

[2015-10-20 18:19:09.892] TRACE Punchblock::Connection::Asterisk: [RECV] #<RubyAMI::Event name="VarSet", headers={"Privilege"=>"dialplan,all", "SequenceNumber"=>"61625", "File"=>"manager.c", "Line"=>"1693", "Func"=>"manager_default_msg_cb", "Channel"=>"IAX2/iax_dialout_vitrade_dev2-629", "ChannelState"=>"6", "ChannelStateDesc"=>"Up", "CallerIDNum"=>"9711", "CallerIDName"=>"Ruediger Anlauf", "ConnectedLineNum"=>"<unknown>", "ConnectedLineName"=>"<unknown>", "Language"=>"en", "AccountCode"=>"", "Context"=>"menu_test", "Exten"=>"777", "Priority"=>"1", "Uniqueid"=>"1445357612.5960", "Variable"=>"PLAYBACKSTATUS", "Value"=>"FAILED"}, text_body=nil, events=[]>
[2015-10-20 18:19:09.893] TRACE Punchblock::Connection::Asterisk: [RECV] #<RubyAMI::Event name="AGIExecEnd", headers={"Privilege"=>"agi,all", "SequenceNumber"=>"61626", "File"=>"manager.c", "Line"=>"1693", "Func"=>"manager_default_msg_cb", "Channel"=>"IAX2/iax_dialout_vitrade_dev2-629", "ChannelState"=>"6", "ChannelStateDesc"=>"Up", "CallerIDNum"=>"9711", "CallerIDName"=>"Ruediger Anlauf", "ConnectedLineNum"=>"<unknown>", "ConnectedLineName"=>"<unknown>", "Language"=>"en", "AccountCode"=>"", "Context"=>"menu_test", "Exten"=>"777", "Priority"=>"1", "Uniqueid"=>"1445357612.5960", "CommandId"=>"1256584697", "Command"=>"EXEC Playback \"vm-press&vm-first&vm-for&vm-password\"", "ResultCode"=>"200", "Result"=>"Success"}, text_body=nil, events=[]>
[2015-10-20 18:19:09.894] TRACE Punchblock::Connection::Asterisk: [RECV] #<RubyAMI::Event name="AsyncAGIExec", headers={"Privilege"=>"agi,all", "SequenceNumber"=>"61627", "File"=>"manager.c", "Line"=>"1693", "Func"=>"manager_default_msg_cb", "Channel"=>"IAX2/iax_dialout_vitrade_dev2-629", "ChannelState"=>"6", "ChannelStateDesc"=>"Up", "CallerIDNum"=>"9711", "CallerIDName"=>"Ruediger Anlauf", "ConnectedLineNum"=>"<unknown>", "ConnectedLineName"=>"<unknown>", "Language"=>"en", "AccountCode"=>"", "Context"=>"menu_test", "Exten"=>"777", "Priority"=>"1", "Uniqueid"=>"1445357612.5960", "Result"=>"200%20result%3D0%0A", "CommandId"=>"8eb7eb10-bfba-40a8-b17e-5c24ab065220"}, text_body=nil, events=[]>
[2015-10-20 18:19:09.895] TRACE Punchblock::Connection::Asterisk: [RECV] #<RubyAMI::Event name="AsyncAGIEnd", headers={"Privilege"=>"agi,all", "SequenceNumber"=>"61628", "File"=>"manager.c", "Line"=>"1693", "Func"=>"manager_default_msg_cb", "Channel"=>"IAX2/iax_dialout_vitrade_dev2-629", "ChannelState"=>"6", "ChannelStateDesc"=>"Up", "CallerIDNum"=>"9711", "CallerIDName"=>"Ruediger Anlauf", "ConnectedLineNum"=>"<unknown>", "ConnectedLineName"=>"<unknown>", "Language"=>"en", "AccountCode"=>"", "Context"=>"menu_test", "Exten"=>"777", "Priority"=>"1", "Uniqueid"=>"1445357612.5960"}, text_body=nil, events=[]>
[2015-10-20 18:19:09.896] TRACE Punchblock::Connection::Asterisk: [RECV] #<RubyAMI::Event name="VarSet", headers={"Privilege"=>"dialplan,all", "SequenceNumber"=>"61629", "File"=>"manager.c", "Line"=>"1693", "Func"=>"manager_default_msg_cb", "Channel"=>"IAX2/iax_dialout_vitrade_dev2-629", "ChannelState"=>"6", "ChannelStateDesc"=>"Up", "CallerIDNum"=>"9711", "CallerIDName"=>"Ruediger Anlauf", "ConnectedLineNum"=>"<unknown>", "ConnectedLineName"=>"<unknown>", "Language"=>"en", "AccountCode"=>"", "Context"=>"menu_test", "Exten"=>"777", "Priority"=>"1", "Uniqueid"=>"1445357612.5960", "Variable"=>"AGISTATUS", "Value"=>"HANGUP"}, text_body=nil, events=[]>
[2015-10-20 18:19:09.897] TRACE Punchblock::Connection::Asterisk: [RECV] #<RubyAMI::Event name="Newexten", headers={"Privilege"=>"call,all", "SequenceNumber"=>"61630", "File"=>"manager_channels.c", "Line"=>"652", "Func"=>"channel_snapshot_update", "Channel"=>"IAX2/iax_dialout_vitrade_dev2-629", "ChannelState"=>"6", "ChannelStateDesc"=>"Up", "CallerIDNum"=>"9711", "CallerIDName"=>"Ruediger Anlauf", "ConnectedLineNum"=>"<unknown>", "ConnectedLineName"=>"<unknown>", "Language"=>"en", "AccountCode"=>"", "Context"=>"adhearsion-redirect", "Exten"=>"1", "Priority"=>"1", "Uniqueid"=>"1445357612.5960", "Extension"=>"1", "Application"=>"AGI", "AppData"=>"agi:async"}, text_body=nil, events=[]>
[2015-10-20 18:19:09.898] TRACE Punchblock::Connection::Asterisk: [RECV] Event: AsyncAGIStart
Privilege: agi,all
SequenceNumber: 61631
File: manager.c
Line: 1693
Func: manager_default_msg_cb
Channel: IAX2/iax_dialout_vitrade_dev2-629
ChannelState: 6
ChannelStateDesc: Up
CallerIDNum: 9711
CallerIDName: Ruediger Anlauf
ConnectedLineNum: <unknown>
ConnectedLineName: <unknown>
Language: en
Context: adhearsion-redirect
Exten: 1
Priority: 1
Uniqueid: 1445357612.5960
Env: agi_request%3A%20async%0Aagi_channel%3A%20IAX2%2Fiax_dialout_vitrade_dev2-629%0Aagi_language%3A%20en%0Aagi_type%3A%20IAX2%0Aagi_uniqueid%3A%201445357612.5960%0Aagi_version%3A%2013.4.0%0Aagi_callerid%3A%209711%0Aagi_calleridname%3A%20Ruediger%20Anlauf%0Aagi_callingpres%3A%200%0Aagi_callingani2%3A%200%0Aagi_callington%3A%200%0Aagi_callingtns%3A%200%0Aagi_dnid%3A%20unknown%0Aagi_rdnis%3A%20unknown%0Aagi_context%3A%20adhearsion-redirect%0Aagi_extension%3A%201%0Aagi_priority%3A%201%0Aagi_enhanced%3A%200.0%0Aagi_accountcode%3A%20%0Aagi_threadid%3A%20139913242220288%0A%0A

[2015-10-20 18:19:09.899] TRACE Punchblock::Connection::Asterisk: [RECV] #<RubyAMI::Event name="AsyncAGIStart", headers={"Privilege"=>"agi,all", "SequenceNumber"=>"61631", "File"=>"manager.c", "Line"=>"1693", "Func"=>"manager_default_msg_cb", "Channel"=>"IAX2/iax_dialout_vitrade_dev2-629", "ChannelState"=>"6", "ChannelStateDesc"=>"Up", "CallerIDNum"=>"9711", "CallerIDName"=>"Ruediger Anlauf", "ConnectedLineNum"=>"<unknown>", "ConnectedLineName"=>"<unknown>", "Language"=>"en", "AccountCode"=>"", "Context"=>"adhearsion-redirect", "Exten"=>"1", "Priority"=>"1", "Uniqueid"=>"1445357612.5960", "Env"=>"agi_request%3A%20async%0Aagi_channel%3A%20IAX2%2Fiax_dialout_vitrade_dev2-629%0Aagi_language%3A%20en%0Aagi_type%3A%20IAX2%0Aagi_uniqueid%3A%201445357612.5960%0Aagi_version%3A%2013.4.0%0Aagi_callerid%3A%209711%0Aagi_calleridname%3A%20Ruediger%20Anlauf%0Aagi_callingpres%3A%200%0Aagi_callingani2%3A%200%0Aagi_callington%3A%200%0Aagi_callingtns%3A%200%0Aagi_dnid%3A%20unknown%0Aagi_rdnis%3A%20unknown%0Aagi_context%3A%20adhearsion-redirect%0Aagi_extension%3A%201%0Aagi_priority%3A%201%0Aagi_enhanced%3A%200.0%0Aagi_accountcode%3A%20%0Aagi_threadid%3A%20139913242220288%0A%0A"}, text_body=nil, events=[]>
[2015-10-20 18:19:09.908] DEBUG Adhearsion::Call: 75d89dc2-6fca-4c6c-bc4b-1ac8fe11a2be@: Receiving message: #<Punchblock::Event::Asterisk::AMI::Event target_call_id="75d89dc2-6fca-4c6c-bc4b-1ac8fe11a2be", target_mixer_name=nil, component_id=nil, source_uri=nil, domain=nil, transport=nil, timestamp=Tue, 20 Oct 2015 18:19:09 +0200, name="VarSet", headers={"Privilege"=>"dialplan,all", "SequenceNumber"=>"61625", "File"=>"manager.c", "Line"=>"1693", "Func"=>"manager_default_msg_cb", "Channel"=>"IAX2/iax_dialout_vitrade_dev2-629", "ChannelState"=>"6", "ChannelStateDesc"=>"Up", "CallerIDNum"=>"9711", "CallerIDName"=>"Ruediger Anlauf", "ConnectedLineNum"=>"<unknown>", "ConnectedLineName"=>"<unknown>", "Language"=>"en", "AccountCode"=>"", "Context"=>"menu_test", "Exten"=>"777", "Priority"=>"1", "Uniqueid"=>"1445357612.5960", "Variable"=>"PLAYBACKSTATUS", "Value"=>"FAILED"}>
[2015-10-20 18:19:09.915] DEBUG Adhearsion::Call: 75d89dc2-6fca-4c6c-bc4b-1ac8fe11a2be@: Receiving message: #<Punchblock::Event::Asterisk::AMI::Event target_call_id="75d89dc2-6fca-4c6c-bc4b-1ac8fe11a2be", target_mixer_name=nil, component_id=nil, source_uri=nil, domain=nil, transport=nil, timestamp=Tue, 20 Oct 2015 18:19:09 +0200, name="AGIExecEnd", headers={"Privilege"=>"agi,all", "SequenceNumber"=>"61626", "File"=>"manager.c", "Line"=>"1693", "Func"=>"manager_default_msg_cb", "Channel"=>"IAX2/iax_dialout_vitrade_dev2-629", "ChannelState"=>"6", "ChannelStateDesc"=>"Up", "CallerIDNum"=>"9711", "CallerIDName"=>"Ruediger Anlauf", "ConnectedLineNum"=>"<unknown>", "ConnectedLineName"=>"<unknown>", "Language"=>"en", "AccountCode"=>"", "Context"=>"menu_test", "Exten"=>"777", "Priority"=>"1", "Uniqueid"=>"1445357612.5960", "CommandId"=>"1256584697", "Command"=>"EXEC Playback \"vm-press&vm-first&vm-for&vm-password\"", "ResultCode"=>"200", "Result"=>"Success"}>
[2015-10-20 18:19:09.920] DEBUG Adhearsion::Call: 75d89dc2-6fca-4c6c-bc4b-1ac8fe11a2be@: Receiving message: #<Punchblock::Event::Asterisk::AMI::Event target_call_id="75d89dc2-6fca-4c6c-bc4b-1ac8fe11a2be", target_mixer_name=nil, component_id=nil, source_uri=nil, domain=nil, transport=nil, timestamp=Tue, 20 Oct 2015 18:19:09 +0200, name="AsyncAGIExec", headers={"Privilege"=>"agi,all", "SequenceNumber"=>"61627", "File"=>"manager.c", "Line"=>"1693", "Func"=>"manager_default_msg_cb", "Channel"=>"IAX2/iax_dialout_vitrade_dev2-629", "ChannelState"=>"6", "ChannelStateDesc"=>"Up", "CallerIDNum"=>"9711", "CallerIDName"=>"Ruediger Anlauf", "ConnectedLineNum"=>"<unknown>", "ConnectedLineName"=>"<unknown>", "Language"=>"en", "AccountCode"=>"", "Context"=>"menu_test", "Exten"=>"777", "Priority"=>"1", "Uniqueid"=>"1445357612.5960", "Result"=>"200%20result%3D0%0A", "CommandId"=>"8eb7eb10-bfba-40a8-b17e-5c24ab065220"}>
[2015-10-20 18:19:09.953] DEBUG Adhearsion::Call: 75d89dc2-6fca-4c6c-bc4b-1ac8fe11a2be@: Receiving message: #<Punchblock::Event::Asterisk::AMI::Event target_call_id="75d89dc2-6fca-4c6c-bc4b-1ac8fe11a2be", target_mixer_name=nil, component_id=nil, source_uri=nil, domain=nil, transport=nil, timestamp=Tue, 20 Oct 2015 18:19:09 +0200, name="AsyncAGIEnd", headers={"Privilege"=>"agi,all", "SequenceNumber"=>"61628", "File"=>"manager.c", "Line"=>"1693", "Func"=>"manager_default_msg_cb", "Channel"=>"IAX2/iax_dialout_vitrade_dev2-629", "ChannelState"=>"6", "ChannelStateDesc"=>"Up", "CallerIDNum"=>"9711", "CallerIDName"=>"Ruediger Anlauf", "ConnectedLineNum"=>"<unknown>", "ConnectedLineName"=>"<unknown>", "Language"=>"en", "AccountCode"=>"", "Context"=>"menu_test", "Exten"=>"777", "Priority"=>"1", "Uniqueid"=>"1445357612.5960"}>
[2015-10-20 18:19:09.955] DEBUG Adhearsion::Call: 75d89dc2-6fca-4c6c-bc4b-1ac8fe11a2be@: Receiving message: #<Punchblock::Event::Asterisk::AMI::Event target_call_id="75d89dc2-6fca-4c6c-bc4b-1ac8fe11a2be", target_mixer_name=nil, component_id=nil, source_uri=nil, domain=nil, transport=nil, timestamp=Tue, 20 Oct 2015 18:19:09 +0200, name="VarSet", headers={"Privilege"=>"dialplan,all", "SequenceNumber"=>"61629", "File"=>"manager.c", "Line"=>"1693", "Func"=>"manager_default_msg_cb", "Channel"=>"IAX2/iax_dialout_vitrade_dev2-629", "ChannelState"=>"6", "ChannelStateDesc"=>"Up", "CallerIDNum"=>"9711", "CallerIDName"=>"Ruediger Anlauf", "ConnectedLineNum"=>"<unknown>", "ConnectedLineName"=>"<unknown>", "Language"=>"en", "AccountCode"=>"", "Context"=>"menu_test", "Exten"=>"777", "Priority"=>"1", "Uniqueid"=>"1445357612.5960", "Variable"=>"AGISTATUS", "Value"=>"HANGUP"}>
[2015-10-20 18:19:09.961] DEBUG Adhearsion::Call: 75d89dc2-6fca-4c6c-bc4b-1ac8fe11a2be@: Receiving message: #<Punchblock::Event::Asterisk::AMI::Event target_call_id="75d89dc2-6fca-4c6c-bc4b-1ac8fe11a2be", target_mixer_name=nil, component_id=nil, source_uri=nil, domain=nil, transport=nil, timestamp=Tue, 20 Oct 2015 18:19:09 +0200, name="Newexten", headers={"Privilege"=>"call,all", "SequenceNumber"=>"61630", "File"=>"manager_channels.c", "Line"=>"652", "Func"=>"channel_snapshot_update", "Channel"=>"IAX2/iax_dialout_vitrade_dev2-629", "ChannelState"=>"6", "ChannelStateDesc"=>"Up", "CallerIDNum"=>"9711", "CallerIDName"=>"Ruediger Anlauf", "ConnectedLineNum"=>"<unknown>", "ConnectedLineName"=>"<unknown>", "Language"=>"en", "AccountCode"=>"", "Context"=>"adhearsion-redirect", "Exten"=>"1", "Priority"=>"1", "Uniqueid"=>"1445357612.5960", "Extension"=>"1", "Application"=>"AGI", "AppData"=>"agi:async"}>
[2015-10-20 18:19:09.966] DEBUG Adhearsion::Call: 75d89dc2-6fca-4c6c-bc4b-1ac8fe11a2be@: Receiving message: #<Punchblock::Event::Asterisk::AMI::Event target_call_id="75d89dc2-6fca-4c6c-bc4b-1ac8fe11a2be", target_mixer_name=nil, component_id=nil, source_uri=nil, domain=nil, transport=nil, timestamp=Tue, 20 Oct 2015 18:19:09 +0200, name="AsyncAGIStart", headers={"Privilege"=>"agi,all", "SequenceNumber"=>"61631", "File"=>"manager.c", "Line"=>"1693", "Func"=>"manager_default_msg_cb", "Channel"=>"IAX2/iax_dialout_vitrade_dev2-629", "ChannelState"=>"6", "ChannelStateDesc"=>"Up", "CallerIDNum"=>"9711", "CallerIDName"=>"Ruediger Anlauf", "ConnectedLineNum"=>"<unknown>", "ConnectedLineName"=>"<unknown>", "Language"=>"en", "AccountCode"=>"", "Context"=>"adhearsion-redirect", "Exten"=>"1", "Priority"=>"1", "Uniqueid"=>"1445357612.5960", "Env"=>"agi_request%3A%20async%0Aagi_channel%3A%20IAX2%2Fiax_dialout_vitrade_dev2-629%0Aagi_language%3A%20en%0Aagi_type%3A%20IAX2%0Aagi_uniqueid%3A%201445357612.5960%0Aagi_version%3A%2013.4.0%0Aagi_callerid%3A%209711%0Aagi_calleridname%3A%20Ruediger%20Anlauf%0Aagi_callingpres%3A%200%0Aagi_callingani2%3A%200%0Aagi_callington%3A%200%0Aagi_callingtns%3A%200%0Aagi_dnid%3A%20unknown%0Aagi_rdnis%3A%20unknown%0Aagi_context%3A%20adhearsion-redirect%0Aagi_extension%3A%201%0Aagi_priority%3A%201%0Aagi_enhanced%3A%200.0%0Aagi_accountcode%3A%20%0Aagi_threadid%3A%20139913242220288%0A%0A"}>
[2015-10-20 18:19:09.972] DEBUG Adhearsion::Call: 75d89dc2-6fca-4c6c-bc4b-1ac8fe11a2be@: Receiving message: #<Punchblock::Event::Complete target_call_id="75d89dc2-6fca-4c6c-bc4b-1ac8fe11a2be", target_mixer_name=nil, component_id="3d48b6fb-3b35-496a-acaa-9bc39eb78969", source_uri="3d48b6fb-3b35-496a-acaa-9bc39eb78969", domain=nil, transport=nil, timestamp=Tue, 20 Oct 2015 18:19:09 +0200, reason=#<Punchblock::Event::Complete::Error target_call_id=nil, target_mixer_name=nil, component_id=nil, source_uri=nil, domain=nil, transport=nil, timestamp=Tue, 20 Oct 2015 18:19:09 +0200, name=:error, details="Terminated due to playback error">, recording=nil, fax=nil, fax_metadata={}>
[2015-10-20 18:19:09.982] DEBUG Adhearsion::Call: 75d89dc2-6fca-4c6c-bc4b-1ac8fe11a2be@: Receiving message: #<Punchblock::Event::Complete target_call_id="75d89dc2-6fca-4c6c-bc4b-1ac8fe11a2be", target_mixer_name=nil, component_id="c020add1-754c-4ea9-aea6-71e66b8c498d", source_uri="c020add1-754c-4ea9-aea6-71e66b8c498d", domain=nil, transport=nil, timestamp=Tue, 20 Oct 2015 18:19:09 +0200, reason=#<Punchblock::Component::Input::Complete::Match target_call_id=nil, target_mixer_name=nil, component_id=nil, source_uri=nil, domain=nil, transport=nil, timestamp=Tue, 20 Oct 2015 18:19:09 +0200, name=:match, content_type="application/nlsml+xml", nlsml=#<Nokogiri::XML::Element:0x10d2 name="result" namespace=#<Nokogiri::XML::Namespace:0x10c2 href=""> children=[#<Nokogiri::XML::Element:0x10d0 name="interpretation" namespace=#<Nokogiri::XML::Namespace:0x10c2 href=""> attributes=[#<Nokogiri::XML::Attr:0x10c4 name="confidence" value="1.0">] children=[#<Nokogiri::XML::Element:0x10c8 name="instance" namespace=#<Nokogiri::XML::Namespace:0x10c2 href=""> children=[#<Nokogiri::XML::Text:0x10c6 "0">]>, #<Nokogiri::XML::Element:0x10ce name="input" namespace=#<Nokogiri::XML::Namespace:0x10c2 href=""> attributes=[#<Nokogiri::XML::Attr:0x10ca name="mode" value="dtmf">] children=[#<Nokogiri::XML::Text:0x10cc "1">]>]>]>>, recording=nil, fax=nil, fax_metadata={}>
[2015-10-20 18:19:09.988] DEBUG AdhearsionASR::PromptBuilder: Ask completed with result #<AdhearsionASR::Result status=:match, confidence=1.0, utterance="1", interpretation="0", nlsml=#<Nokogiri::XML::Element:0x10d2 name="result" namespace=#<Nokogiri::XML::Namespace:0x10c2 href=""> children=[#<Nokogiri::XML::Element:0x10d0 name="interpretation" namespace=#<Nokogiri::XML::Namespace:0x10c2 href=""> attributes=[#<Nokogiri::XML::Attr:0x10c4 name="confidence" value="1.0">] children=[#<Nokogiri::XML::Element:0x10c8 name="instance" namespace=#<Nokogiri::XML::Namespace:0x10c2 href=""> children=[#<Nokogiri::XML::Text:0x10c6 "0">]>, #<Nokogiri::XML::Element:0x10ce name="input" namespace=#<Nokogiri::XML::Namespace:0x10c2 href=""> attributes=[#<Nokogiri::XML::Attr:0x10ca name="mode" value="dtmf">] children=[#<Nokogiri::XML::Text:0x10cc "1">]>]>]>>
[2015-10-20 18:19:09.990] INFO  Adhearsion::Call: 75d89dc2-6fca-4c6c-bc4b-1ac8fe11a2be@: Caller pressed 1
[2015-10-20 18:19:10.022] DEBUG Adhearsion::Call: 75d89dc2-6fca-4c6c-bc4b-1ac8fe11a2be@: Executing command #<Punchblock::Component::Output target_call_id=nil, target_mixer_name=nil, component_id=nil, source_uri=nil, domain=nil, transport=nil, timestamp=Tue, 20 Oct 2015 18:19:10 +0200, request_id="f25752cd-84f9-4a74-9fb2-25a808d1c32f", headers={}, voice=nil, interrupt_on=nil, start_offset=nil, start_paused=nil, repeat_interval=nil, repeat_times=nil, max_time=nil, renderer=nil, render_documents=[#<Punchblock::Component::Output::Document target_call_id=nil, target_mixer_name=nil, component_id=nil, source_uri=nil, domain=nil, transport=nil, timestamp=Tue, 20 Oct 2015 18:19:10 +0200, url=nil, content_type="application/ssml+xml", value=<speak version="1.0" xml:lang="en-US" xmlns=""><audio src="file://vm-pls-try-again"/></speak>>]>
[2015-10-20 18:19:10.032] TRACE Punchblock::Connection::Asterisk: [SEND] Action: agi
ActionID: b185244e-5c7e-49ad-ba22-2304e770444c
Channel: IAX2/iax_dialout_vitrade_dev2-629
Command: EXEC Playback "vm-pls-try-again"
CommandID: 10a77f7c-f6ab-47f4-82e9-ab541ab0d3a5

[2015-10-20 18:19:10.034] TRACE Punchblock::Connection::Asterisk: [RECV] Response: Success
ActionID: b185244e-5c7e-49ad-ba22-2304e770444c
Message: Added AGI command to queue

[2015-10-20 18:19:10.035] TRACE Punchblock::Connection::Asterisk: [RECV] #<RubyAMI::Response headers={"ActionID"=>"b185244e-5c7e-49ad-ba22-2304e770444c", "Message"=>"Added AGI command to queue"}, text_body=nil, events=[]>
[2015-10-20 18:19:10.040] DEBUG Adhearsion::Call: 75d89dc2-6fca-4c6c-bc4b-1ac8fe11a2be@: Executing command #<Punchblock::Component::Input target_call_id=nil, target_mixer_name=nil, component_id=nil, source_uri=nil, domain=nil, transport=nil, timestamp=Tue, 20 Oct 2015 18:19:10 +0200, request_id="1db8a008-54e6-4dd2-a348-e495351ba3db", headers={}, max_silence=nil, min_confidence=nil, mode=:dtmf, recognizer=nil, language=nil, terminator=nil, sensitivity=nil, initial_timeout=nil, inter_digit_timeout=nil, recognition_timeout=nil, grammars=[#<Punchblock::Component::Input::Grammar target_call_id=nil, target_mixer_name=nil, component_id=nil, source_uri=nil, domain=nil, transport=nil, timestamp=Tue, 20 Oct 2015 18:19:10 +0200, value=<grammar mode="dtmf" root="inputdigits" version="1.0" xml:lang="en-US" xmlns=""><rule id="inputdigits" scope="public"><one-of><item>0</item><item>1</item><item>2</item><item>3</item><item>4</item><item>5</item><item>6</item><item>7</item><item>8</item><item>9</item><item>#</item><item>*</item></one-of></rule></grammar>, content_type="application/srgs+xml", url=nil>]>
[2015-10-20 18:19:10.051] TRACE Punchblock::Connection::Asterisk: [RECV] Event: AGIExecStart
Privilege: agi,all
SequenceNumber: 61632
File: manager.c
Line: 1693
Func: manager_default_msg_cb
Channel: IAX2/iax_dialout_vitrade_dev2-629
ChannelState: 6
ChannelStateDesc: Up
CallerIDNum: 9711
CallerIDName: Ruediger Anlauf
ConnectedLineNum: <unknown>
ConnectedLineName: <unknown>
Language: en
Context: adhearsion-redirect
Exten: 1
Priority: 1
Uniqueid: 1445357612.5960
CommandId: 250810816
Command: EXEC Playback "vm-pls-try-again"

[2015-10-20 18:19:10.052] TRACE Punchblock::Connection::Asterisk: [RECV] #<RubyAMI::Event name="AGIExecStart", headers={"Privilege"=>"agi,all", "SequenceNumber"=>"61632", "File"=>"manager.c", "Line"=>"1693", "Func"=>"manager_default_msg_cb", "Channel"=>"IAX2/iax_dialout_vitrade_dev2-629", "ChannelState"=>"6", "ChannelStateDesc"=>"Up", "CallerIDNum"=>"9711", "CallerIDName"=>"Ruediger Anlauf", "ConnectedLineNum"=>"<unknown>", "ConnectedLineName"=>"<unknown>", "Language"=>"en", "AccountCode"=>"", "Context"=>"adhearsion-redirect", "Exten"=>"1", "Priority"=>"1", "Uniqueid"=>"1445357612.5960", "CommandId"=>"250810816", "Command"=>"EXEC Playback \"vm-pls-try-again\""}, text_body=nil, events=[]>
[2015-10-20 18:19:10.061] DEBUG Adhearsion::Call: 75d89dc2-6fca-4c6c-bc4b-1ac8fe11a2be@: Receiving message: #<Punchblock::Event::Asterisk::AMI::Event target_call_id="75d89dc2-6fca-4c6c-bc4b-1ac8fe11a2be", target_mixer_name=nil, component_id=nil, source_uri=nil, domain=nil, transport=nil, timestamp=Tue, 20 Oct 2015 18:19:10 +0200, name="AGIExecStart", headers={"Privilege"=>"agi,all", "SequenceNumber"=>"61632", "File"=>"manager.c", "Line"=>"1693", "Func"=>"manager_default_msg_cb", "Channel"=>"IAX2/iax_dialout_vitrade_dev2-629", "ChannelState"=>"6", "ChannelStateDesc"=>"Up", "CallerIDNum"=>"9711", "CallerIDName"=>"Ruediger Anlauf", "ConnectedLineNum"=>"<unknown>", "ConnectedLineName"=>"<unknown>", "Language"=>"en", "AccountCode"=>"", "Context"=>"adhearsion-redirect", "Exten"=>"1", "Priority"=>"1", "Uniqueid"=>"1445357612.5960", "CommandId"=>"250810816", "Command"=>"EXEC Playback \"vm-pls-try-again\""}>
[2015-10-20 18:19:11.453] TRACE Punchblock::Connection::Asterisk: [RECV] Event: VarSet
Privilege: dialplan,all
SequenceNumber: 61633
File: manager.c
Line: 1693
Func: manager_default_msg_cb
Channel: IAX2/iax_dialout_vitrade_dev2-629
ChannelState: 6
ChannelStateDesc: Up
CallerIDNum: 9711
CallerIDName: Ruediger Anlauf
ConnectedLineNum: <unknown>
ConnectedLineName: <unknown>
Language: en
Context: adhearsion-redirect
Exten: 1
Priority: 1
Uniqueid: 1445357612.5960

Event: AGIExecEnd
Privilege: agi,all
SequenceNumber: 61634
File: manager.c
Line: 1693
Func: manager_default_msg_cb
Channel: IAX2/iax_dialout_vitrade_dev2-629
ChannelState: 6
ChannelStateDesc: Up
CallerIDNum: 9711
CallerIDName: Ruediger Anlauf
ConnectedLineNum: <unknown>
ConnectedLineName: <unknown>
Language: en
Context: adhearsion-redirect
Exten: 1
Priority: 1
Uniqueid: 1445357612.5960
CommandId: 250810816
Command: EXEC Playback "vm-pls-try-again"
ResultCode: 200
Result: Success

Event: AsyncAGIExec
Privilege: agi,all
SequenceNumber: 61635
File: manager.c
Line: 1693
Func: manager_default_msg_cb
Channel: IAX2/iax_dialout_vitrade_dev2-629
ChannelState: 6
ChannelStateDesc: Up
CallerIDNum: 9711
CallerIDName: Ruediger Anlauf
ConnectedLineNum: <unknown>
ConnectedLineName: <unknown>
Language: en
Context: adhearsion-redirect
Exten: 1
Priority: 1
Uniqueid: 1445357612.5960
Result: 200%20result%3D0%0A
CommandId: 10a77f7c-f6ab-47f4-82e9-ab541ab0d3a5

[2015-10-20 18:19:11.458] TRACE Punchblock::Connection::Asterisk: [RECV] #<RubyAMI::Event name="VarSet", headers={"Privilege"=>"dialplan,all", "SequenceNumber"=>"61633", "File"=>"manager.c", "Line"=>"1693", "Func"=>"manager_default_msg_cb", "Channel"=>"IAX2/iax_dialout_vitrade_dev2-629", "ChannelState"=>"6", "ChannelStateDesc"=>"Up", "CallerIDNum"=>"9711", "CallerIDName"=>"Ruediger Anlauf", "ConnectedLineNum"=>"<unknown>", "ConnectedLineName"=>"<unknown>", "Language"=>"en", "AccountCode"=>"", "Context"=>"adhearsion-redirect", "Exten"=>"1", "Priority"=>"1", "Uniqueid"=>"1445357612.5960", "Variable"=>"PLAYBACKSTATUS", "Value"=>"SUCCESS"}, text_body=nil, events=[]>
[2015-10-20 18:19:11.465] TRACE Punchblock::Connection::Asterisk: [RECV] #<RubyAMI::Event name="AGIExecEnd", headers={"Privilege"=>"agi,all", "SequenceNumber"=>"61634", "File"=>"manager.c", "Line"=>"1693", "Func"=>"manager_default_msg_cb", "Channel"=>"IAX2/iax_dialout_vitrade_dev2-629", "ChannelState"=>"6", "ChannelStateDesc"=>"Up", "CallerIDNum"=>"9711", "CallerIDName"=>"Ruediger Anlauf", "ConnectedLineNum"=>"<unknown>", "ConnectedLineName"=>"<unknown>", "Language"=>"en", "AccountCode"=>"", "Context"=>"adhearsion-redirect", "Exten"=>"1", "Priority"=>"1", "Uniqueid"=>"1445357612.5960", "CommandId"=>"250810816", "Command"=>"EXEC Playback \"vm-pls-try-again\"", "ResultCode"=>"200", "Result"=>"Success"}, text_body=nil, events=[]>
[2015-10-20 18:19:11.466] DEBUG Adhearsion::Call: 75d89dc2-6fca-4c6c-bc4b-1ac8fe11a2be@: Receiving message: #<Punchblock::Event::Asterisk::AMI::Event target_call_id="75d89dc2-6fca-4c6c-bc4b-1ac8fe11a2be", target_mixer_name=nil, component_id=nil, source_uri=nil, domain=nil, transport=nil, timestamp=Tue, 20 Oct 2015 18:19:11 +0200, name="VarSet", headers={"Privilege"=>"dialplan,all", "SequenceNumber"=>"61633", "File"=>"manager.c", "Line"=>"1693", "Func"=>"manager_default_msg_cb", "Channel"=>"IAX2/iax_dialout_vitrade_dev2-629", "ChannelState"=>"6", "ChannelStateDesc"=>"Up", "CallerIDNum"=>"9711", "CallerIDName"=>"Ruediger Anlauf", "ConnectedLineNum"=>"<unknown>", "ConnectedLineName"=>"<unknown>", "Language"=>"en", "AccountCode"=>"", "Context"=>"adhearsion-redirect", "Exten"=>"1", "Priority"=>"1", "Uniqueid"=>"1445357612.5960", "Variable"=>"PLAYBACKSTATUS", "Value"=>"SUCCESS"}>
[2015-10-20 18:19:11.470] TRACE Punchblock::Connection::Asterisk: [RECV] #<RubyAMI::Event name="AsyncAGIExec", headers={"Privilege"=>"agi,all", "SequenceNumber"=>"61635", "File"=>"manager.c", "Line"=>"1693", "Func"=>"manager_default_msg_cb", "Channel"=>"IAX2/iax_dialout_vitrade_dev2-629", "ChannelState"=>"6", "ChannelStateDesc"=>"Up", "CallerIDNum"=>"9711", "CallerIDName"=>"Ruediger Anlauf", "ConnectedLineNum"=>"<unknown>", "ConnectedLineName"=>"<unknown>", "Language"=>"en", "AccountCode"=>"", "Context"=>"adhearsion-redirect", "Exten"=>"1", "Priority"=>"1", "Uniqueid"=>"1445357612.5960", "Result"=>"200%20result%3D0%0A", "CommandId"=>"10a77f7c-f6ab-47f4-82e9-ab541ab0d3a5"}, text_body=nil, events=[]>
[2015-10-20 18:19:11.474] DEBUG Adhearsion::Call: 75d89dc2-6fca-4c6c-bc4b-1ac8fe11a2be@: Receiving message: #<Punchblock::Event::Asterisk::AMI::Event target_call_id="75d89dc2-6fca-4c6c-bc4b-1ac8fe11a2be", target_mixer_name=nil, component_id=nil, source_uri=nil, domain=nil, transport=nil, timestamp=Tue, 20 Oct 2015 18:19:11 +0200, name="AGIExecEnd", headers={"Privilege"=>"agi,all", "SequenceNumber"=>"61634", "File"=>"manager.c", "Line"=>"1693", "Func"=>"manager_default_msg_cb", "Channel"=>"IAX2/iax_dialout_vitrade_dev2-629", "ChannelState"=>"6", "ChannelStateDesc"=>"Up", "CallerIDNum"=>"9711", "CallerIDName"=>"Ruediger Anlauf", "ConnectedLineNum"=>"<unknown>", "ConnectedLineName"=>"<unknown>", "Language"=>"en", "AccountCode"=>"", "Context"=>"adhearsion-redirect", "Exten"=>"1", "Priority"=>"1", "Uniqueid"=>"1445357612.5960", "CommandId"=>"250810816", "Command"=>"EXEC Playback \"vm-pls-try-again\"", "ResultCode"=>"200", "Result"=>"Success"}>
[2015-10-20 18:19:11.479] DEBUG Adhearsion::Call: 75d89dc2-6fca-4c6c-bc4b-1ac8fe11a2be@: Receiving message: #<Punchblock::Event::Asterisk::AMI::Event target_call_id="75d89dc2-6fca-4c6c-bc4b-1ac8fe11a2be", target_mixer_name=nil, component_id=nil, source_uri=nil, domain=nil, transport=nil, timestamp=Tue, 20 Oct 2015 18:19:11 +0200, name="AsyncAGIExec", headers={"Privilege"=>"agi,all", "SequenceNumber"=>"61635", "File"=>"manager.c", "Line"=>"1693", "Func"=>"manager_default_msg_cb", "Channel"=>"IAX2/iax_dialout_vitrade_dev2-629", "ChannelState"=>"6", "ChannelStateDesc"=>"Up", "CallerIDNum"=>"9711", "CallerIDName"=>"Ruediger Anlauf", "ConnectedLineNum"=>"<unknown>", "ConnectedLineName"=>"<unknown>", "Language"=>"en", "AccountCode"=>"", "Context"=>"adhearsion-redirect", "Exten"=>"1", "Priority"=>"1", "Uniqueid"=>"1445357612.5960", "Result"=>"200%20result%3D0%0A", "CommandId"=>"10a77f7c-f6ab-47f4-82e9-ab541ab0d3a5"}>
[2015-10-20 18:20:01.124] TRACE Punchblock::Connection::Asterisk: [RECV] Event: HangupRequest
Privilege: call,all
SequenceNumber: 61636
File: manager_channels.c
Line: 707
Func: channel_hangup_request_cb
Channel: IAX2/iax_dialout_vitrade_dev2-629
ChannelState: 6
ChannelStateDesc: Up
CallerIDNum: 9711
CallerIDName: Ruediger Anlauf
ConnectedLineNum: <unknown>
ConnectedLineName: <unknown>
Language: en
Context: adhearsion-redirect
Exten: 1
Priority: 1
Uniqueid: 1445357612.5960

Event: AsyncAGIEnd
Privilege: agi,all
SequenceNumber: 61637
File: manager.c
Line: 1693
Func: manager_default_msg_cb
Channel: IAX2/iax_dialout_vitrade_dev2-629
ChannelState: 6
ChannelStateDesc: Up
CallerIDNum: 9711
CallerIDName: Ruediger Anlauf
ConnectedLineNum: <unknown>
ConnectedLineName: <unknown>
Language: en
Context: adhearsion-redirect
Exten: 1
Priority: 1
Uniqueid: 1445357612.5960

Event: VarSet
Privilege: dialplan,all
SequenceNumber: 61638
File: manager.c
Line: 1693
Func: manager_default_msg_cb
Channel: IAX2/iax_dialout_vitrade_dev2-629
ChannelState: 6
ChannelStateDesc: Up
CallerIDNum: 9711
CallerIDName: Ruediger Anlauf
ConnectedLineNum: <unknown>
ConnectedLineName: <unknown>
Language: en
Context: adhearsion-redirect
Exten: 1
Priority: 1
Uniqueid: 1445357612.5960

Event: SoftHangupRequest
Privilege: call,all
SequenceNumber: 61639
File: manager_channels.c
Line: 707
Func: channel_hangup_request_cb
Channel: IAX2/iax_dialout_vitrade_dev2-629
ChannelState: 6
ChannelStateDesc: Up
CallerIDNum: 9711
CallerIDName: Ruediger Anlauf
ConnectedLineNum: <unknown>
ConnectedLineName: <unknown>
Language: en
Context: adhearsion-redirect
Exten: 1
Priority: 1
Uniqueid: 1445357612.5960
Cause: 16

Event: HangupRequest
Privilege: call,all
SequenceNumber: 61640
File: manager_channels.c
Line: 707
Func: channel_hangup_request_cb
Channel: IAX2/iax_dialout_vitrade_dev2-629
ChannelState: 6
ChannelStateDesc: Up
CallerIDNum: 9711
CallerIDName: Ruediger Anlauf
ConnectedLineNum: <unknown>
ConnectedLineName: <unknown>
Language: en
Context: adhearsion-redirect
Exten: 1
Priority: 1
Uniqueid: 1445357612.5960

Event: CEL
Privilege: call,all
SequenceNumber: 61641
File: cel_manager.c
Line: 299
Func: manager_log
EventName: HANGUP
CallerIDnum: 9711
CallerIDname: Ruediger Anlauf
CallerIDani: 9711
Exten: 1
Context: adhearsion-redirect
Channel: IAX2/iax_dialout_vitrade_dev2-629
EventTime: 2015-10-20 18:14:25
UniqueID: 1445357612.5960
LinkedID: 1445357612.5960
Extra: {"hangupsource":"IAX2/iax_dialout_vitrade_dev2-629","hangupcause":16,"dialstatus":""}

Event: CEL
Privilege: call,all
SequenceNumber: 61642
File: cel_manager.c
Line: 299
Func: manager_log
EventName: CHAN_END
CallerIDnum: 9711
CallerIDname: Ruediger Anlauf
CallerIDani: 9711
Exten: 1
Context: adhearsion-redirect
Channel: IAX2/iax_dialout_vitrade_dev2-629
EventTime: 2015-10-20 18:14:25
UniqueID: 1445357612.5960
LinkedID: 1445357612.5960

Event: Hangup
Privilege: call,all
SequenceNumber: 61643
File: manager_channels.c
Line: 652
Func: channel_snapshot_update
Channel: IAX2/iax_dialout_vitrade_dev2-629
ChannelState: 6
ChannelStateDesc: Up
CallerIDNum: 9711
CallerIDName: Ruediger Anlauf
ConnectedLineNum: <unknown>
ConnectedLineName: <unknown>
Language: en
Context: adhearsion-redirect
Exten: 1
Priority: 1
Uniqueid: 1445357612.5960
Cause: 16
Cause-txt: Normal Clearing

[2015-10-20 18:20:01.129] TRACE Punchblock::Connection::Asterisk: [RECV] #<RubyAMI::Event name="HangupRequest", headers={"Privilege"=>"call,all", "SequenceNumber"=>"61636", "File"=>"manager_channels.c", "Line"=>"707", "Func"=>"channel_hangup_request_cb", "Channel"=>"IAX2/iax_dialout_vitrade_dev2-629", "ChannelState"=>"6", "ChannelStateDesc"=>"Up", "CallerIDNum"=>"9711", "CallerIDName"=>"Ruediger Anlauf", "ConnectedLineNum"=>"<unknown>", "ConnectedLineName"=>"<unknown>", "Language"=>"en", "AccountCode"=>"", "Context"=>"adhearsion-redirect", "Exten"=>"1", "Priority"=>"1", "Uniqueid"=>"1445357612.5960"}, text_body=nil, events=[]>
[2015-10-20 18:20:01.134] DEBUG Adhearsion::Call: 75d89dc2-6fca-4c6c-bc4b-1ac8fe11a2be@: Receiving message: #<Punchblock::Event::Asterisk::AMI::Event target_call_id="75d89dc2-6fca-4c6c-bc4b-1ac8fe11a2be", target_mixer_name=nil, component_id=nil, source_uri=nil, domain=nil, transport=nil, timestamp=Tue, 20 Oct 2015 18:20:01 +0200, name="HangupRequest", headers={"Privilege"=>"call,all", "SequenceNumber"=>"61636", "File"=>"manager_channels.c", "Line"=>"707", "Func"=>"channel_hangup_request_cb", "Channel"=>"IAX2/iax_dialout_vitrade_dev2-629", "ChannelState"=>"6", "ChannelStateDesc"=>"Up", "CallerIDNum"=>"9711", "CallerIDName"=>"Ruediger Anlauf", "ConnectedLineNum"=>"<unknown>", "ConnectedLineName"=>"<unknown>", "Language"=>"en", "AccountCode"=>"", "Context"=>"adhearsion-redirect", "Exten"=>"1", "Priority"=>"1", "Uniqueid"=>"1445357612.5960"}>
[2015-10-20 18:20:01.137] TRACE Punchblock::Connection::Asterisk: [RECV] #<RubyAMI::Event name="AsyncAGIEnd", headers={"Privilege"=>"agi,all", "SequenceNumber"=>"61637", "File"=>"manager.c", "Line"=>"1693", "Func"=>"manager_default_msg_cb", "Channel"=>"IAX2/iax_dialout_vitrade_dev2-629", "ChannelState"=>"6", "ChannelStateDesc"=>"Up", "CallerIDNum"=>"9711", "CallerIDName"=>"Ruediger Anlauf", "ConnectedLineNum"=>"<unknown>", "ConnectedLineName"=>"<unknown>", "Language"=>"en", "AccountCode"=>"", "Context"=>"adhearsion-redirect", "Exten"=>"1", "Priority"=>"1", "Uniqueid"=>"1445357612.5960"}, text_body=nil, events=[]>
[2015-10-20 18:20:01.138] TRACE Punchblock::Connection::Asterisk: [RECV] #<RubyAMI::Event name="VarSet", headers={"Privilege"=>"dialplan,all", "SequenceNumber"=>"61638", "File"=>"manager.c", "Line"=>"1693", "Func"=>"manager_default_msg_cb", "Channel"=>"IAX2/iax_dialout_vitrade_dev2-629", "ChannelState"=>"6", "ChannelStateDesc"=>"Up", "CallerIDNum"=>"9711", "CallerIDName"=>"Ruediger Anlauf", "ConnectedLineNum"=>"<unknown>", "ConnectedLineName"=>"<unknown>", "Language"=>"en", "AccountCode"=>"", "Context"=>"adhearsion-redirect", "Exten"=>"1", "Priority"=>"1", "Uniqueid"=>"1445357612.5960", "Variable"=>"AGISTATUS", "Value"=>"HANGUP"}, text_body=nil, events=[]>
[2015-10-20 18:20:01.139] TRACE Punchblock::Connection::Asterisk: [RECV] #<RubyAMI::Event name="SoftHangupRequest", headers={"Privilege"=>"call,all", "SequenceNumber"=>"61639", "File"=>"manager_channels.c", "Line"=>"707", "Func"=>"channel_hangup_request_cb", "Channel"=>"IAX2/iax_dialout_vitrade_dev2-629", "ChannelState"=>"6", "ChannelStateDesc"=>"Up", "CallerIDNum"=>"9711", "CallerIDName"=>"Ruediger Anlauf", "ConnectedLineNum"=>"<unknown>", "ConnectedLineName"=>"<unknown>", "Language"=>"en", "AccountCode"=>"", "Context"=>"adhearsion-redirect", "Exten"=>"1", "Priority"=>"1", "Uniqueid"=>"1445357612.5960", "Cause"=>"16"}, text_body=nil, events=[]>
[2015-10-20 18:20:01.140] TRACE Punchblock::Connection::Asterisk: [RECV] #<RubyAMI::Event name="HangupRequest", headers={"Privilege"=>"call,all", "SequenceNumber"=>"61640", "File"=>"manager_channels.c", "Line"=>"707", "Func"=>"channel_hangup_request_cb", "Channel"=>"IAX2/iax_dialout_vitrade_dev2-629", "ChannelState"=>"6", "ChannelStateDesc"=>"Up", "CallerIDNum"=>"9711", "CallerIDName"=>"Ruediger Anlauf", "ConnectedLineNum"=>"<unknown>", "ConnectedLineName"=>"<unknown>", "Language"=>"en", "AccountCode"=>"", "Context"=>"adhearsion-redirect", "Exten"=>"1", "Priority"=>"1", "Uniqueid"=>"1445357612.5960"}, text_body=nil, events=[]>
[2015-10-20 18:20:01.141] TRACE Punchblock::Connection::Asterisk: [RECV] #<RubyAMI::Event name="CEL", headers={"Privilege"=>"call,all", "SequenceNumber"=>"61641", "File"=>"cel_manager.c", "Line"=>"299", "Func"=>"manager_log", "EventName"=>"HANGUP", "AccountCode"=>"", "CallerIDnum"=>"9711", "CallerIDname"=>"Ruediger Anlauf", "CallerIDani"=>"9711", "CallerIDrdnis"=>"", "CallerIDdnid"=>"", "Exten"=>"1", "Context"=>"adhearsion-redirect", "Channel"=>"IAX2/iax_dialout_vitrade_dev2-629", "Application"=>"", "AppData"=>"", "EventTime"=>"2015-10-20 18:14:25", "AMAFlags"=>"DOCUMENTATION", "UniqueID"=>"1445357612.5960", "LinkedID"=>"1445357612.5960", "Userfield"=>"", "Peer"=>"", "PeerAccount"=>"", "Extra"=>"{\"hangupsource\":\"IAX2/iax_dialout_vitrade_dev2-629\",\"hangupcause\":16,\"dialstatus\":\"\"}"}, text_body=nil, events=[]>
[2015-10-20 18:20:01.142] TRACE Punchblock::Connection::Asterisk: [RECV] #<RubyAMI::Event name="CEL", headers={"Privilege"=>"call,all", "SequenceNumber"=>"61642", "File"=>"cel_manager.c", "Line"=>"299", "Func"=>"manager_log", "EventName"=>"CHAN_END", "AccountCode"=>"", "CallerIDnum"=>"9711", "CallerIDname"=>"Ruediger Anlauf", "CallerIDani"=>"9711", "CallerIDrdnis"=>"", "CallerIDdnid"=>"", "Exten"=>"1", "Context"=>"adhearsion-redirect", "Channel"=>"IAX2/iax_dialout_vitrade_dev2-629", "Application"=>"", "AppData"=>"", "EventTime"=>"2015-10-20 18:14:25", "AMAFlags"=>"DOCUMENTATION", "UniqueID"=>"1445357612.5960", "LinkedID"=>"1445357612.5960", "Userfield"=>"", "Peer"=>"", "PeerAccount"=>"", "Extra"=>""}, text_body=nil, events=[]>
[2015-10-20 18:20:01.143] TRACE Punchblock::Connection::Asterisk: [RECV] #<RubyAMI::Event name="Hangup", headers={"Privilege"=>"call,all", "SequenceNumber"=>"61643", "File"=>"manager_channels.c", "Line"=>"652", "Func"=>"channel_snapshot_update", "Channel"=>"IAX2/iax_dialout_vitrade_dev2-629", "ChannelState"=>"6", "ChannelStateDesc"=>"Up", "CallerIDNum"=>"9711", "CallerIDName"=>"Ruediger Anlauf", "ConnectedLineNum"=>"<unknown>", "ConnectedLineName"=>"<unknown>", "Language"=>"en", "AccountCode"=>"", "Context"=>"adhearsion-redirect", "Exten"=>"1", "Priority"=>"1", "Uniqueid"=>"1445357612.5960", "Cause"=>"16", "Cause-txt"=>"Normal Clearing"}, text_body=nil, events=[]>
[2015-10-20 18:20:01.145] DEBUG Adhearsion::Call: 75d89dc2-6fca-4c6c-bc4b-1ac8fe11a2be@: Receiving message: #<Punchblock::Event::Asterisk::AMI::Event target_call_id="75d89dc2-6fca-4c6c-bc4b-1ac8fe11a2be", target_mixer_name=nil, component_id=nil, source_uri=nil, domain=nil, transport=nil, timestamp=Tue, 20 Oct 2015 18:20:01 +0200, name="AsyncAGIEnd", headers={"Privilege"=>"agi,all", "SequenceNumber"=>"61637", "File"=>"manager.c", "Line"=>"1693", "Func"=>"manager_default_msg_cb", "Channel"=>"IAX2/iax_dialout_vitrade_dev2-629", "ChannelState"=>"6", "ChannelStateDesc"=>"Up", "CallerIDNum"=>"9711", "CallerIDName"=>"Ruediger Anlauf", "ConnectedLineNum"=>"<unknown>", "ConnectedLineName"=>"<unknown>", "Language"=>"en", "AccountCode"=>"", "Context"=>"adhearsion-redirect", "Exten"=>"1", "Priority"=>"1", "Uniqueid"=>"1445357612.5960"}>
[2015-10-20 18:20:01.150] DEBUG Adhearsion::Call: 75d89dc2-6fca-4c6c-bc4b-1ac8fe11a2be@: Receiving message: #<Punchblock::Event::Asterisk::AMI::Event target_call_id="75d89dc2-6fca-4c6c-bc4b-1ac8fe11a2be", target_mixer_name=nil, component_id=nil, source_uri=nil, domain=nil, transport=nil, timestamp=Tue, 20 Oct 2015 18:20:01 +0200, name="VarSet", headers={"Privilege"=>"dialplan,all", "SequenceNumber"=>"61638", "File"=>"manager.c", "Line"=>"1693", "Func"=>"manager_default_msg_cb", "Channel"=>"IAX2/iax_dialout_vitrade_dev2-629", "ChannelState"=>"6", "ChannelStateDesc"=>"Up", "CallerIDNum"=>"9711", "CallerIDName"=>"Ruediger Anlauf", "ConnectedLineNum"=>"<unknown>", "ConnectedLineName"=>"<unknown>", "Language"=>"en", "AccountCode"=>"", "Context"=>"adhearsion-redirect", "Exten"=>"1", "Priority"=>"1", "Uniqueid"=>"1445357612.5960", "Variable"=>"AGISTATUS", "Value"=>"HANGUP"}>
[2015-10-20 18:20:01.164] DEBUG Adhearsion::Call: 75d89dc2-6fca-4c6c-bc4b-1ac8fe11a2be@: Receiving message: #<Punchblock::Event::Asterisk::AMI::Event target_call_id="75d89dc2-6fca-4c6c-bc4b-1ac8fe11a2be", target_mixer_name=nil, component_id=nil, source_uri=nil, domain=nil, transport=nil, timestamp=Tue, 20 Oct 2015 18:20:01 +0200, name="SoftHangupRequest", headers={"Privilege"=>"call,all", "SequenceNumber"=>"61639", "File"=>"manager_channels.c", "Line"=>"707", "Func"=>"channel_hangup_request_cb", "Channel"=>"IAX2/iax_dialout_vitrade_dev2-629", "ChannelState"=>"6", "ChannelStateDesc"=>"Up", "CallerIDNum"=>"9711", "CallerIDName"=>"Ruediger Anlauf", "ConnectedLineNum"=>"<unknown>", "ConnectedLineName"=>"<unknown>", "Language"=>"en", "AccountCode"=>"", "Context"=>"adhearsion-redirect", "Exten"=>"1", "Priority"=>"1", "Uniqueid"=>"1445357612.5960", "Cause"=>"16"}>
[2015-10-20 18:20:01.169] DEBUG Adhearsion::Call: 75d89dc2-6fca-4c6c-bc4b-1ac8fe11a2be@: Receiving message: #<Punchblock::Event::Asterisk::AMI::Event target_call_id="75d89dc2-6fca-4c6c-bc4b-1ac8fe11a2be", target_mixer_name=nil, component_id=nil, source_uri=nil, domain=nil, transport=nil, timestamp=Tue, 20 Oct 2015 18:20:01 +0200, name="HangupRequest", headers={"Privilege"=>"call,all", "SequenceNumber"=>"61640", "File"=>"manager_channels.c", "Line"=>"707", "Func"=>"channel_hangup_request_cb", "Channel"=>"IAX2/iax_dialout_vitrade_dev2-629", "ChannelState"=>"6", "ChannelStateDesc"=>"Up", "CallerIDNum"=>"9711", "CallerIDName"=>"Ruediger Anlauf", "ConnectedLineNum"=>"<unknown>", "ConnectedLineName"=>"<unknown>", "Language"=>"en", "AccountCode"=>"", "Context"=>"adhearsion-redirect", "Exten"=>"1", "Priority"=>"1", "Uniqueid"=>"1445357612.5960"}>
[2015-10-20 18:20:01.171] DEBUG Adhearsion::Call: 75d89dc2-6fca-4c6c-bc4b-1ac8fe11a2be@: Receiving message: #<Punchblock::Event::Asterisk::AMI::Event target_call_id="75d89dc2-6fca-4c6c-bc4b-1ac8fe11a2be", target_mixer_name=nil, component_id=nil, source_uri=nil, domain=nil, transport=nil, timestamp=Tue, 20 Oct 2015 18:20:01 +0200, name="CEL", headers={"Privilege"=>"call,all", "SequenceNumber"=>"61641", "File"=>"cel_manager.c", "Line"=>"299", "Func"=>"manager_log", "EventName"=>"HANGUP", "AccountCode"=>"", "CallerIDnum"=>"9711", "CallerIDname"=>"Ruediger Anlauf", "CallerIDani"=>"9711", "CallerIDrdnis"=>"", "CallerIDdnid"=>"", "Exten"=>"1", "Context"=>"adhearsion-redirect", "Channel"=>"IAX2/iax_dialout_vitrade_dev2-629", "Application"=>"", "AppData"=>"", "EventTime"=>"2015-10-20 18:14:25", "AMAFlags"=>"DOCUMENTATION", "UniqueID"=>"1445357612.5960", "LinkedID"=>"1445357612.5960", "Userfield"=>"", "Peer"=>"", "PeerAccount"=>"", "Extra"=>"{\"hangupsource\":\"IAX2/iax_dialout_vitrade_dev2-629\",\"hangupcause\":16,\"dialstatus\":\"\"}"}>
[2015-10-20 18:20:01.173] DEBUG Adhearsion::Call: 75d89dc2-6fca-4c6c-bc4b-1ac8fe11a2be@: Receiving message: #<Punchblock::Event::Asterisk::AMI::Event target_call_id="75d89dc2-6fca-4c6c-bc4b-1ac8fe11a2be", target_mixer_name=nil, component_id=nil, source_uri=nil, domain=nil, transport=nil, timestamp=Tue, 20 Oct 2015 18:20:01 +0200, name="CEL", headers={"Privilege"=>"call,all", "SequenceNumber"=>"61642", "File"=>"cel_manager.c", "Line"=>"299", "Func"=>"manager_log", "EventName"=>"CHAN_END", "AccountCode"=>"", "CallerIDnum"=>"9711", "CallerIDname"=>"Ruediger Anlauf", "CallerIDani"=>"9711", "CallerIDrdnis"=>"", "CallerIDdnid"=>"", "Exten"=>"1", "Context"=>"adhearsion-redirect", "Channel"=>"IAX2/iax_dialout_vitrade_dev2-629", "Application"=>"", "AppData"=>"", "EventTime"=>"2015-10-20 18:14:25", "AMAFlags"=>"DOCUMENTATION", "UniqueID"=>"1445357612.5960", "LinkedID"=>"1445357612.5960", "Userfield"=>"", "Peer"=>"", "PeerAccount"=>"", "Extra"=>""}>
[2015-10-20 18:20:01.176] DEBUG Adhearsion::Call: 75d89dc2-6fca-4c6c-bc4b-1ac8fe11a2be@: Receiving message: #<Punchblock::Event::Asterisk::AMI::Event target_call_id="75d89dc2-6fca-4c6c-bc4b-1ac8fe11a2be", target_mixer_name=nil, component_id=nil, source_uri=nil, domain=nil, transport=nil, timestamp=Tue, 20 Oct 2015 18:20:01 +0200, name="Hangup", headers={"Privilege"=>"call,all", "SequenceNumber"=>"61643", "File"=>"manager_channels.c", "Line"=>"652", "Func"=>"channel_snapshot_update", "Channel"=>"IAX2/iax_dialout_vitrade_dev2-629", "ChannelState"=>"6", "ChannelStateDesc"=>"Up", "CallerIDNum"=>"9711", "CallerIDName"=>"Ruediger Anlauf", "ConnectedLineNum"=>"<unknown>", "ConnectedLineName"=>"<unknown>", "Language"=>"en", "AccountCode"=>"", "Context"=>"adhearsion-redirect", "Exten"=>"1", "Priority"=>"1", "Uniqueid"=>"1445357612.5960", "Cause"=>"16", "Cause-txt"=>"Normal Clearing"}>
[2015-10-20 18:20:01.180] DEBUG Adhearsion::Call: 75d89dc2-6fca-4c6c-bc4b-1ac8fe11a2be@: Receiving message: #<Punchblock::Event::Complete target_call_id="75d89dc2-6fca-4c6c-bc4b-1ac8fe11a2be", target_mixer_name=nil, component_id="fed21f90-1ad9-44f7-a77c-0332b3d876b1", source_uri="fed21f90-1ad9-44f7-a77c-0332b3d876b1", domain=nil, transport=nil, timestamp=Tue, 20 Oct 2015 18:20:01 +0200, reason=#<Punchblock::Event::Complete::Hangup target_call_id=nil, target_mixer_name=nil, component_id=nil, source_uri=nil, domain=nil, transport=nil, timestamp=Tue, 20 Oct 2015 18:20:01 +0200, name=:hangup>, recording=nil, fax=nil, fax_metadata={}>
[2015-10-20 18:20:01.198] DEBUG Adhearsion::Call: 75d89dc2-6fca-4c6c-bc4b-1ac8fe11a2be@: Receiving message: #<Punchblock::Event::Complete target_call_id="75d89dc2-6fca-4c6c-bc4b-1ac8fe11a2be", target_mixer_name=nil, component_id="7a8788fd-b308-490f-9a89-369528045d14", source_uri="7a8788fd-b308-490f-9a89-369528045d14", domain=nil, transport=nil, timestamp=Tue, 20 Oct 2015 18:20:01 +0200, reason=#<Punchblock::Event::Complete::Hangup target_call_id=nil, target_mixer_name=nil, component_id=nil, source_uri=nil, domain=nil, transport=nil, timestamp=Tue, 20 Oct 2015 18:20:01 +0200, name=:hangup>, recording=nil, fax=nil, fax_metadata={}>
[2015-10-20 18:20:01.202] DEBUG Adhearsion::Call: 75d89dc2-6fca-4c6c-bc4b-1ac8fe11a2be@: Receiving message: #<Punchblock::Event::End target_call_id="75d89dc2-6fca-4c6c-bc4b-1ac8fe11a2be", target_mixer_name=nil, component_id=nil, source_uri=nil, domain=nil, transport=nil, timestamp=Tue, 20 Oct 2015 18:20:01 +0200, headers={}, reason=:hungup, platform_code="16">
[2015-10-20 18:20:01.203] INFO  Adhearsion::Call: 75d89dc2-6fca-4c6c-bc4b-1ac8fe11a2be@: Call Ruediger Anlauf <IAX2/9711> -> 777 ended due to hungup (code 16)
[2015-10-20 18:20:01.228] DEBUG Adhearsion::Call: 75d89dc2-6fca-4c6c-bc4b-1ac8fe11a2be@: Finished executing controller #<TestController call=75d89dc2-6fca-4c6c-bc4b-1ac8fe11a2be, metadata={}>
[2015-10-20 18:20:01.230] INFO  Adhearsion::Router::Route: Call 75d89dc2-6fca-4c6c-bc4b-1ac8fe11a2be routing completed. Call was already hung up.
[2015-10-20 18:20:23.218] DEBUG Celluloid: Terminating 6 actors...
[2015-10-20 18:20:23.220] WARN  Celluloid: Terminating task: type=:call, meta={:method_name=>:execute_command}, status=:receiving
[2015-10-20 18:20:23.221] DEBUG Punchblock::Connection::Asterisk: Finalizing stream
[2015-10-20 18:20:23.224] WARN  Celluloid: Terminating task: type=:call, meta={:method_name=>:run}, status=:iowait
[2015-10-20 18:20:23.228] INFO  Adhearsion::Process: Transitioning from running to booting with 0 active calls due to reset event.
[2015-10-20 18:20:23.229] ERROR Adhearsion::PunchblockPlugin::Initializer: Connection lost. Attempting reconnect 1 of Infinity
benlangfeld commented 8 years ago

It looks like Asterisk is clearing your call as soon as the #interruptible_play ends. To understand why, I'm going to need to see high verbosity Asterisk logs, preferably with SIP tracing turned on.

ranlauf commented 8 years ago

Here is the Asterisk Log over the duration of the call. Hoping it sheds some light on the issue.

[Oct 23 15:12:15] DEBUG[3143][C-0000001e] pbx.c: Result of 'EXTEN' is '777'
[Oct 23 15:12:15] DEBUG[3143][C-0000001e] pbx.c: Launching 'NoOp'
[Oct 23 15:12:15] DEBUG[3143][C-0000001e] pbx.c: Launching 'Set'
[Oct 23 15:12:15] DEBUG[3143][C-0000001e] pbx.c: Result of 'EXTEN' is '777'
[Oct 23 15:12:15] DEBUG[3143][C-0000001e] pbx.c: Launching 'Goto'
[Oct 23 15:12:15] DEBUG[3143][C-0000001e] pbx.c: Result of 'EXTEN' is '777'
[Oct 23 15:12:15] DEBUG[3143][C-0000001e] pbx.c: Launching 'Goto'
[Oct 23 15:12:15] DEBUG[1665] manager.c: Mansession: 0x7f64a40024e8 refcount now 2
[Oct 23 15:12:15] DEBUG[3143][C-0000001e] pbx.c: Launching 'AGI'
[Oct 23 15:12:15] DEBUG[1697] manager.c: Mansession: 0x7f64a40024e8 refcount now 2
[Oct 23 15:12:15] DEBUG[1697] manager.c: Mansession: 0x7f64a40024e8 refcount now 2
[Oct 23 15:12:15] DEBUG[1697] manager.c: Mansession: 0x7f64a40024e8 refcount now 2
[Oct 23 15:12:15] DEBUG[1697] manager.c: Mansession: 0x7f64a40024e8 refcount now 2
[Oct 23 15:12:15] DEBUG[1697] manager.c: Mansession: 0x7f64a40024e8 refcount now 2
[Oct 23 15:12:15] DEBUG[1697] manager.c: Mansession: 0x7f64a40024e8 refcount now 2
[Oct 23 15:12:15] DEBUG[1697] manager.c: Mansession: 0x7f64a40024e8 refcount now 2
[Oct 23 15:12:15] DEBUG[2826] manager.c: Examining AMI event:
Event: CEL
Privilege: call,all
SequenceNumber: 1197
File: cel_manager.c
Line: 299
Func: manager_log
CallerIDnum: 9711
CallerIDname: Ruediger Anlauf
Exten: 777
Context: toplink_incoming
Channel: IAX2/iax_dialout_dev2-1449
EventTime: 2015-10-23 15:12:15
UniqueID: 1445605935.176
LinkedID: 1445605935.176

[Oct 23 15:12:15] DEBUG[2826] manager.c: Examining AMI event:
Event: Newchannel
Privilege: call,all
SequenceNumber: 1198
File: manager_channels.c
Line: 652
Func: channel_snapshot_update
Channel: IAX2/iax_dialout_dev2-1449
ChannelState: 4
ChannelStateDesc: Ring
CallerIDNum: 9711
CallerIDName: Ruediger Anlauf
ConnectedLineNum: <unknown>
ConnectedLineName: <unknown>
Language: en
Context: toplink_incoming
Exten: 777
Priority: 1
Uniqueid: 1445605935.176

[Oct 23 15:12:15] DEBUG[2826] manager.c: Examining AMI event:
Event: Newexten
Privilege: call,all
SequenceNumber: 1199
File: manager_channels.c
Line: 652
Func: channel_snapshot_update
Channel: IAX2/iax_dialout_dev2-1449
ChannelState: 4
ChannelStateDesc: Ring
CallerIDNum: 9711
CallerIDName: Ruediger Anlauf
ConnectedLineNum: <unknown>
ConnectedLineName: <unknown>
Language: en
Context: toplink_incoming
Exten: 777
Priority: 1
Uniqueid: 1445605935.176
Extension: 777
Application: NoOp
AppData: Eingehend über IAX2, Extension: 777

[Oct 23 15:12:15] DEBUG[2826] manager.c: Examining AMI event:
Event: Newexten
Privilege: call,all
SequenceNumber: 1200
File: manager_channels.c
Line: 652
Func: channel_snapshot_update
Channel: IAX2/iax_dialout_dev2-1449
ChannelState: 4
ChannelStateDesc: Ring
CallerIDNum: 9711
CallerIDName: Ruediger Anlauf
ConnectedLineNum: <unknown>
ConnectedLineName: <unknown>
Language: en
Context: toplink_incoming
Exten: 777
Priority: 2
Uniqueid: 1445605935.176
Extension: 777
Application: Set
AppData: AGI_HOST=

[Oct 23 15:12:15] DEBUG[2826] manager.c: Examining AMI event:
Event: VarSet
Privilege: dialplan,all
SequenceNumber: 1201
File: manager.c
Line: 1693
Func: manager_default_msg_cb
Channel: IAX2/iax_dialout_dev2-1449
ChannelState: 4
ChannelStateDesc: Ring
CallerIDNum: 9711
CallerIDName: Ruediger Anlauf
ConnectedLineNum: <unknown>
ConnectedLineName: <unknown>
Language: en
Context: toplink_incoming
Exten: 777
Priority: 2
Uniqueid: 1445605935.176
Variable: AGI_HOST

[Oct 23 15:12:15] DEBUG[2826] manager.c: Examining AMI event:
Event: Newexten
Privilege: call,all
SequenceNumber: 1202
File: manager_channels.c
Line: 652
Func: channel_snapshot_update
Channel: IAX2/iax_dialout_dev2-1449
ChannelState: 4
ChannelStateDesc: Ring
CallerIDNum: 9711
CallerIDName: Ruediger Anlauf
ConnectedLineNum: <unknown>
ConnectedLineName: <unknown>
Language: en
Context: toplink_incoming
Exten: 777
Priority: 3
Uniqueid: 1445605935.176
Extension: 777
Application: Goto
AppData: asterisk_incoming,777,1

[Oct 23 15:12:15] DEBUG[2826] manager.c: Examining AMI event:
Event: Newexten
Privilege: call,all
SequenceNumber: 1203
File: manager_channels.c
Line: 652
Func: channel_snapshot_update
Channel: IAX2/iax_dialout_dev2-1449
ChannelState: 4
ChannelStateDesc: Ring
CallerIDNum: 9711
CallerIDName: Ruediger Anlauf
ConnectedLineNum: <unknown>
ConnectedLineName: <unknown>
Language: en
Context: asterisk_incoming
Exten: 777
Priority: 1
Uniqueid: 1445605935.176
Extension: 777
Application: Goto
AppData: menu_test,777,1

[Oct 23 15:12:15] DEBUG[2826] manager.c: Examining AMI event:
Event: Newexten
Privilege: call,all
SequenceNumber: 1204
File: manager_channels.c
Line: 652
Func: channel_snapshot_update
Channel: IAX2/iax_dialout_dev2-1449
ChannelState: 4
ChannelStateDesc: Ring
CallerIDNum: 9711
CallerIDName: Ruediger Anlauf
ConnectedLineNum: <unknown>
ConnectedLineName: <unknown>
Language: en
Context: menu_test
Exten: 777
Priority: 1
Uniqueid: 1445605935.176
Extension: 777
Application: AGI
AppData: agi:async

[Oct 23 15:12:15] DEBUG[1697] manager.c: Mansession: 0x7f64a40024e8 refcount now 2
[Oct 23 15:12:15] DEBUG[2826] manager.c: Examining AMI event:
Event: AsyncAGIStart
Privilege: agi,all
SequenceNumber: 1205
File: manager.c
Line: 1693
Func: manager_default_msg_cb
Channel: IAX2/iax_dialout_dev2-1449
ChannelState: 4
ChannelStateDesc: Ring
CallerIDNum: 9711
CallerIDName: Ruediger Anlauf
ConnectedLineNum: <unknown>
ConnectedLineName: <unknown>
Language: en
Context: menu_test
Exten: 777
Priority: 1
Uniqueid: 1445605935.176
Env: agi_request%3A%20async%0Aagi_channel%3A%20IAX2%2Fiax_dialout_dev2-1449%0Aagi_language%3A%20en%0Aagi_type%3A%20IAX2%0Aagi_uniqueid%3A%201445605935.176%0Aagi_version%3A%2013.4.0%0Aagi_callerid%3A%209711%0Aagi_calleridname%3A%20Ruediger%20Anlauf%0Aagi_callingpres%3A%200%0Aagi_callingani2%3A%200%0Aagi_callington%3A%200%0Aagi_callingtns%3A%200%0Aagi_dnid%3A%20unknown%0Aagi_rdnis%3A%20unknown%0Aagi_context%3A%20menu_test%0Aagi_extension%3A%20777%0Aagi_priority%3A%201%0Aagi_enhanced%3A%200.0%0Aagi_accountcode%3A%20%0Aagi_threadid%3A%20140070317938432%0A%0A

[Oct 23 15:12:15] DEBUG[2826] manager.c: Running action 'AGI'
[Oct 23 15:12:16] DEBUG[1697] manager.c: Mansession: 0x7f64a40024e8 refcount now 2
[Oct 23 15:12:16] DEBUG[1697] manager.c: Mansession: 0x7f64a40024e8 refcount now 2
[Oct 23 15:12:16] DEBUG[1697] manager.c: Mansession: 0x7f64a40024e8 refcount now 2
[Oct 23 15:12:16] DEBUG[2826] manager.c: Examining AMI event:
Event: AGIExecStart
Privilege: agi,all
SequenceNumber: 1206
File: manager.c
Line: 1693
Func: manager_default_msg_cb
Channel: IAX2/iax_dialout_dev2-1449
ChannelState: 4
ChannelStateDesc: Ring
CallerIDNum: 9711
CallerIDName: Ruediger Anlauf
ConnectedLineNum: <unknown>
ConnectedLineName: <unknown>
Language: en
Context: menu_test
Exten: 777
Priority: 1
Uniqueid: 1445605935.176
CommandId: 1622539867

[Oct 23 15:12:16] DEBUG[2826] manager.c: Examining AMI event:
Event: AGIExecEnd
Privilege: agi,all
SequenceNumber: 1207
File: manager.c
Line: 1693
Func: manager_default_msg_cb
Channel: IAX2/iax_dialout_dev2-1449
ChannelState: 4
ChannelStateDesc: Ring
CallerIDNum: 9711
CallerIDName: Ruediger Anlauf
ConnectedLineNum: <unknown>
ConnectedLineName: <unknown>
Language: en
Context: menu_test
Exten: 777
Priority: 1
Uniqueid: 1445605935.176
CommandId: 1622539867
ResultCode: 200
Result: Success

[Oct 23 15:12:16] DEBUG[2826] manager.c: Examining AMI event:
Event: AsyncAGIExec
Privilege: agi,all
SequenceNumber: 1208
File: manager.c
Line: 1693
Func: manager_default_msg_cb
Channel: IAX2/iax_dialout_dev2-1449
ChannelState: 4
ChannelStateDesc: Ring
CallerIDNum: 9711
CallerIDName: Ruediger Anlauf
ConnectedLineNum: <unknown>
ConnectedLineName: <unknown>
Language: en
Context: menu_test
Exten: 777
Priority: 1
Uniqueid: 1445605935.176
Result: 200%20result%3D0%0A
CommandId: 9ea1d27f-8e72-4ab2-a4bb-e215e7acf9e8

[Oct 23 15:12:16] DEBUG[2826] manager.c: Running action 'AGI'
[Oct 23 15:12:16] DEBUG[3143][C-0000001e] chan_iax2.c: Answering IAX2 call
[Oct 23 15:12:16] DEBUG[1665] manager.c: Mansession: 0x7f64a40024e8 refcount now 2
[Oct 23 15:12:16] DEBUG[1697] manager.c: Mansession: 0x7f64a40024e8 refcount now 2
[Oct 23 15:12:16] DEBUG[1697] manager.c: Mansession: 0x7f64a40024e8 refcount now 2
[Oct 23 15:12:16] DEBUG[2826] manager.c: Examining AMI event:
Event: CEL
Privilege: call,all
SequenceNumber: 1209
File: cel_manager.c
Line: 299
Func: manager_log
EventName: ANSWER
CallerIDnum: 9711
CallerIDname: Ruediger Anlauf
CallerIDani: 9711
Exten: 777
Context: menu_test
Channel: IAX2/iax_dialout_dev2-1449
Application: AGI
AppData: agi:async
EventTime: 2015-10-23 15:12:16
UniqueID: 1445605935.176
LinkedID: 1445605935.176

[Oct 23 15:12:16] DEBUG[1447] devicestate.c: No provider found, checking channel drivers for IAX2 - iax_dialout_vitrade_dev2
[Oct 23 15:12:16] DEBUG[1447] chan_iax2.c: Checking device state for device iax_dialout_vitrade_dev2
[Oct 23 15:12:16] DEBUG[2826] manager.c: Examining AMI event:
Event: AGIExecStart
Privilege: agi,all
SequenceNumber: 1210
File: manager.c
Line: 1693
Func: manager_default_msg_cb
Channel: IAX2/iax_dialout_dev2-1449
ChannelState: 4
ChannelStateDesc: Ring
CallerIDNum: 9711
CallerIDName: Ruediger Anlauf
ConnectedLineNum: <unknown>
ConnectedLineName: <unknown>
Language: en
Context: menu_test
Exten: 777
Priority: 1
Uniqueid: 1445605935.176
CommandId: 1544072889
Command: ANSWER

[Oct 23 15:12:16] DEBUG[1447] devicestate.c: Changing state for IAX2/iax_dialout_vitrade_dev2 - state 4 (Invalid)
[Oct 23 15:12:16] DEBUG[2826] manager.c: Examining AMI event:
Event: Newstate
Privilege: call,all
SequenceNumber: 1211
File: manager_channels.c
Line: 652
Func: channel_snapshot_update
Channel: IAX2/iax_dialout_dev2-1449
ChannelState: 6
ChannelStateDesc: Up
CallerIDNum: 9711
CallerIDName: Ruediger Anlauf
ConnectedLineNum: <unknown>
ConnectedLineName: <unknown>
Language: en
Context: menu_test
Exten: 777
Priority: 1
Uniqueid: 1445605935.176

[Oct 23 15:12:16] DEBUG[2196] chan_iax2.c: Callno 1449: Blocked receiving control frame 20.
[Oct 23 15:12:16] DEBUG[2196] chan_iax2.c: Callno 1449: Blocked receiving control frame 20.
[Oct 23 15:12:16] DEBUG[2196] chan_iax2.c: Callno 1449: Blocked receiving control frame 20.
[Oct 23 15:12:16] DEBUG[2202] chan_iax2.c: Ooh, voice format changed to 'gsm'
[Oct 23 15:12:16] DEBUG[1697] manager.c: Mansession: 0x7f64a40024e8 refcount now 2
[Oct 23 15:12:16] DEBUG[1697] manager.c: Mansession: 0x7f64a40024e8 refcount now 2
[Oct 23 15:12:16] DEBUG[2826] manager.c: Examining AMI event:
Event: AGIExecEnd
Privilege: agi,all
SequenceNumber: 1212
File: manager.c
Line: 1693
Func: manager_default_msg_cb
Channel: IAX2/iax_dialout_dev2-1449
ChannelState: 6
ChannelStateDesc: Up
CallerIDNum: 9711
CallerIDName: Ruediger Anlauf
ConnectedLineNum: <unknown>
ConnectedLineName: <unknown>
Language: en
Context: menu_test
Exten: 777
Priority: 1
Uniqueid: 1445605935.176
CommandId: 1544072889
ResultCode: 200
Command: ANSWER
Result: Success

[Oct 23 15:12:16] DEBUG[2826] manager.c: Examining AMI event:
Event: AsyncAGIExec
Privilege: agi,all
SequenceNumber: 1213
File: manager.c
Line: 1693
Func: manager_default_msg_cb
Channel: IAX2/iax_dialout_dev2-1449
ChannelState: 6
ChannelStateDesc: Up
CallerIDNum: 9711
CallerIDName: Ruediger Anlauf
ConnectedLineNum: <unknown>
ConnectedLineName: <unknown>
Language: en
Context: menu_test
Exten: 777
Priority: 1
Uniqueid: 1445605935.176
Result: 200%20result%3D0%0A
CommandId: 08f9b3b2-bf77-426c-ac97-4cac6ab105ed

[Oct 23 15:12:16] DEBUG[2826] manager.c: Running action 'AGI'
[Oct 23 15:12:16] DEBUG[1697] manager.c: Mansession: 0x7f64a40024e8 refcount now 2
[Oct 23 15:12:16] DEBUG[2826] manager.c: Examining AMI event:
Event: AGIExecStart
Privilege: agi,all
SequenceNumber: 1214
File: manager.c
Line: 1693
Func: manager_default_msg_cb
Channel: IAX2/iax_dialout_dev2-1449
ChannelState: 6
ChannelStateDesc: Up
CallerIDNum: 9711
CallerIDName: Ruediger Anlauf
ConnectedLineNum: <unknown>
ConnectedLineName: <unknown>
Language: en
Context: menu_test
Exten: 777
Priority: 1
Uniqueid: 1445605935.176
CommandId: 1059418923
Command: EXEC Playback "vm-press&vm-first&vm-for&vm-password"

[Oct 23 15:12:16] DEBUG[3143][C-0000001e] channel.c: Scheduling timer at (50 requested / 50 actual) timer ticks per second
[Oct 23 15:12:16] DTMF[3143][C-0000001e] channel.c: DTMF begin '1' received on IAX2/iax_dialout_dev2-1449
[Oct 23 15:12:16] DTMF[3143][C-0000001e] channel.c: DTMF begin ignored '1' on IAX2/iax_dialout_dev2-1449
[Oct 23 15:12:16] DEBUG[1697] manager.c: Mansession: 0x7f64a40024e8 refcount now 2
[Oct 23 15:12:16] DEBUG[2826] manager.c: Examining AMI event:
Event: DTMFBegin
Privilege: dtmf,all
SequenceNumber: 1215
File: manager_channels.c
Line: 806
Func: channel_dtmf_begin_cb
Channel: IAX2/iax_dialout_dev2-1449
ChannelState: 6
ChannelStateDesc: Up
CallerIDNum: 9711
CallerIDName: Ruediger Anlauf
ConnectedLineNum: <unknown>
ConnectedLineName: <unknown>
Language: en
Context: menu_test
Exten: 777
Priority: 1
Uniqueid: 1445605935.176
Digit: 1
Direction: Received

[Oct 23 15:12:17] DTMF[3143][C-0000001e] channel.c: DTMF end '1' received on IAX2/iax_dialout_dev2-1449, duration 0 ms
[Oct 23 15:12:17] DTMF[3143][C-0000001e] channel.c: DTMF end accepted without begin '1' on IAX2/iax_dialout_dev2-1449
[Oct 23 15:12:17] DTMF[3143][C-0000001e] channel.c: DTMF end passthrough '1' on IAX2/iax_dialout_dev2-1449
[Oct 23 15:12:17] DEBUG[1697] manager.c: Mansession: 0x7f64a40024e8 refcount now 2
[Oct 23 15:12:17] DEBUG[2826] manager.c: Examining AMI event:
Event: DTMFEnd
Privilege: dtmf,all
SequenceNumber: 1216
File: manager_channels.c
Line: 853
Func: channel_dtmf_end_cb
Channel: IAX2/iax_dialout_dev2-1449
ChannelState: 6
ChannelStateDesc: Up
CallerIDNum: 9711
CallerIDName: Ruediger Anlauf
ConnectedLineNum: <unknown>
ConnectedLineName: <unknown>
Language: en
Context: menu_test
Exten: 777
Priority: 1
Uniqueid: 1445605935.176
Digit: 1
DurationMs: 0
Direction: Received

[Oct 23 15:12:17] DEBUG[2826] manager.c: Running action 'Redirect'
[Oct 23 15:12:17] DEBUG[2826] channel.c: Soft-Hanging (0x02) up channel 'IAX2/iax_dialout_dev2-1449'
[Oct 23 15:12:17] DEBUG[3143][C-0000001e] channel.c: Scheduling timer at (0 requested / 0 actual) timer ticks per second
[Oct 23 15:12:17] DEBUG[3143][C-0000001e] channel.c: Scheduling timer at (0 requested / 0 actual) timer ticks per second
[Oct 23 15:12:17] DEBUG[3143][C-0000001e] file.c: Failed to write frame
[Oct 23 15:12:17] DEBUG[3143][C-0000001e] channel.c: Scheduling timer at (0 requested / 0 actual) timer ticks per second
[Oct 23 15:12:17] DEBUG[3143][C-0000001e] channel.c: Scheduling timer at (0 requested / 0 actual) timer ticks per second
[Oct 23 15:12:17] DEBUG[3143][C-0000001e] channel.c: Scheduling timer at (0 requested / 0 actual) timer ticks per second
[Oct 23 15:12:17] DEBUG[3143][C-0000001e] file.c: Failed to write frame
[Oct 23 15:12:17] DEBUG[3143][C-0000001e] channel.c: Scheduling timer at (0 requested / 0 actual) timer ticks per second
[Oct 23 15:12:17] DEBUG[3143][C-0000001e] channel.c: Scheduling timer at (0 requested / 0 actual) timer ticks per second
[Oct 23 15:12:17] DEBUG[3143][C-0000001e] channel.c: Scheduling timer at (0 requested / 0 actual) timer ticks per second
[Oct 23 15:12:17] DEBUG[3143][C-0000001e] file.c: Failed to write frame
[Oct 23 15:12:17] DEBUG[3143][C-0000001e] channel.c: Scheduling timer at (0 requested / 0 actual) timer ticks per second
[Oct 23 15:12:17] DEBUG[3143][C-0000001e] res_agi.c: No frame read on channel IAX2/iax_dialout_dev2-1449, going out ...
[Oct 23 15:12:17] DEBUG[1697] manager.c: Mansession: 0x7f64a40024e8 refcount now 2
[Oct 23 15:12:17] DEBUG[3143][C-0000001e] pbx.c: Spawn extension (adhearsion-redirect,1,1) exited non-zero on 'IAX2/iax_dialout_dev2-1449'
[Oct 23 15:12:17] DEBUG[1697] manager.c: Mansession: 0x7f64a40024e8 refcount now 2
[Oct 23 15:12:17] DEBUG[3143][C-0000001e] pbx.c: Launching 'AGI'
[Oct 23 15:12:17] DEBUG[1697] manager.c: Mansession: 0x7f64a40024e8 refcount now 2
[Oct 23 15:12:17] DEBUG[1697] manager.c: Mansession: 0x7f64a40024e8 refcount now 2
[Oct 23 15:12:17] DEBUG[1697] manager.c: Mansession: 0x7f64a40024e8 refcount now 2
[Oct 23 15:12:17] DEBUG[1697] manager.c: Mansession: 0x7f64a40024e8 refcount now 2
[Oct 23 15:12:17] DEBUG[2826] manager.c: Examining AMI event:
Event: VarSet
Privilege: dialplan,all
SequenceNumber: 1217
File: manager.c
Line: 1693
Func: manager_default_msg_cb
Channel: IAX2/iax_dialout_dev2-1449
ChannelState: 6
ChannelStateDesc: Up
CallerIDNum: 9711
CallerIDName: Ruediger Anlauf
ConnectedLineNum: <unknown>
ConnectedLineName: <unknown>
Language: en
Context: menu_test
Exten: 777
Priority: 1
Uniqueid: 1445605935.176

[Oct 23 15:12:17] DEBUG[2826] manager.c: Examining AMI event:
Event: AGIExecEnd
Privilege: agi,all
SequenceNumber: 1218
File: manager.c
Line: 1693
Func: manager_default_msg_cb
Channel: IAX2/iax_dialout_dev2-1449
ChannelState: 6
ChannelStateDesc: Up
CallerIDNum: 9711
CallerIDName: Ruediger Anlauf
ConnectedLineNum: <unknown>
ConnectedLineName: <unknown>
Language: en
Context: menu_test
Exten: 777
Priority: 1
Uniqueid: 1445605935.176
CommandId: 1059418923
ResultCode: 200
Command: EXEC Playback "vm-press&vm-first&vm-for&vm-password"
Result: Success

[Oct 23 15:12:17] DEBUG[2826] manager.c: Examining AMI event:
Event: AsyncAGIExec
Privilege: agi,all
SequenceNumber: 1219
File: manager.c
Line: 1693
Func: manager_default_msg_cb
Channel: IAX2/iax_dialout_dev2-1449
ChannelState: 6
ChannelStateDesc: Up
CallerIDNum: 9711
CallerIDName: Ruediger Anlauf
ConnectedLineNum: <unknown>
ConnectedLineName: <unknown>
Language: en
Context: menu_test
Exten: 777
Priority: 1
Uniqueid: 1445605935.176
Result: 200%20result%3D0%0A
CommandId: 94225abf-32d0-4e89-9b18-59a9e25881b8

[Oct 23 15:12:17] DEBUG[2826] manager.c: Examining AMI event:
Event: AsyncAGIEnd
Privilege: agi,all
SequenceNumber: 1220
File: manager.c
Line: 1693
Func: manager_default_msg_cb
Channel: IAX2/iax_dialout_dev2-1449
ChannelState: 6
ChannelStateDesc: Up
CallerIDNum: 9711
CallerIDName: Ruediger Anlauf
ConnectedLineNum: <unknown>
ConnectedLineName: <unknown>
Language: en
Context: menu_test
Exten: 777
Priority: 1
Uniqueid: 1445605935.176

[Oct 23 15:12:17] DEBUG[2826] manager.c: Examining AMI event:
Event: VarSet
Privilege: dialplan,all
SequenceNumber: 1221
File: manager.c
Line: 1693
Func: manager_default_msg_cb
Channel: IAX2/iax_dialout_dev2-1449
ChannelState: 6
ChannelStateDesc: Up
CallerIDNum: 9711
CallerIDName: Ruediger Anlauf
ConnectedLineNum: <unknown>
ConnectedLineName: <unknown>
Language: en
Context: menu_test
Exten: 777
Priority: 1
Uniqueid: 1445605935.176

[Oct 23 15:12:17] DEBUG[2826] manager.c: Examining AMI event:
Event: Newexten
Privilege: call,all
SequenceNumber: 1222
File: manager_channels.c
Line: 652
Func: channel_snapshot_update
Channel: IAX2/iax_dialout_dev2-1449
ChannelState: 6
ChannelStateDesc: Up
CallerIDNum: 9711
CallerIDName: Ruediger Anlauf
ConnectedLineNum: <unknown>
ConnectedLineName: <unknown>
Language: en
Context: adhearsion-redirect
Exten: 1
Priority: 1
Uniqueid: 1445605935.176
Extension: 1
Application: AGI
AppData: agi:async

[Oct 23 15:12:17] DEBUG[1697] manager.c: Mansession: 0x7f64a40024e8 refcount now 2
[Oct 23 15:12:17] DEBUG[2826] manager.c: Examining AMI event:
Event: AsyncAGIStart
Privilege: agi,all
SequenceNumber: 1223
File: manager.c
Line: 1693
Func: manager_default_msg_cb
Channel: IAX2/iax_dialout_dev2-1449
ChannelState: 6
ChannelStateDesc: Up
CallerIDNum: 9711
CallerIDName: Ruediger Anlauf
ConnectedLineNum: <unknown>
ConnectedLineName: <unknown>
Language: en
Context: adhearsion-redirect
Exten: 1
Priority: 1
Uniqueid: 1445605935.176
Env: agi_request%3A%20async%0Aagi_channel%3A%20IAX2%2Fiax_dialout_dev2-1449%0Aagi_language%3A%20en%0Aagi_type%3A%20IAX2%0Aagi_uniqueid%3A%201445605935.176%0Aagi_version%3A%2013.4.0%0Aagi_callerid%3A%209711%0Aagi_calleridname%3A%20Ruediger%20Anlauf%0Aagi_callingpres%3A%200%0Aagi_callingani2%3A%200%0Aagi_callington%3A%200%0Aagi_callingtns%3A%200%0Aagi_dnid%3A%20unknown%0Aagi_rdnis%3A%20unknown%0Aagi_context%3A%20adhearsion-redirect%0Aagi_extension%3A%201%0Aagi_priority%3A%201%0Aagi_enhanced%3A%200.0%0Aagi_accountcode%3A%20%0Aagi_threadid%3A%20140070317938432%0A%0A

[Oct 23 15:12:17] DEBUG[2826] manager.c: Running action 'AGI'
[Oct 23 15:12:17] DEBUG[3143][C-0000001e] channel.c: Scheduling timer at (0 requested / 0 actual) timer ticks per second
[Oct 23 15:12:17] DEBUG[3143][C-0000001e] channel.c: Scheduling timer at (0 requested / 0 actual) timer ticks per second
[Oct 23 15:12:17] DEBUG[3143][C-0000001e] channel.c: Scheduling timer at (50 requested / 50 actual) timer ticks per second
[Oct 23 15:12:17] DEBUG[1697] manager.c: Mansession: 0x7f64a40024e8 refcount now 2
[Oct 23 15:12:17] DEBUG[2826] manager.c: Examining AMI event:
Event: AGIExecStart
Privilege: agi,all
SequenceNumber: 1224
File: manager.c
Line: 1693
Func: manager_default_msg_cb
Channel: IAX2/iax_dialout_dev2-1449
ChannelState: 6
ChannelStateDesc: Up
CallerIDNum: 9711
CallerIDName: Ruediger Anlauf
ConnectedLineNum: <unknown>
ConnectedLineName: <unknown>
Language: en
Context: adhearsion-redirect
Exten: 1
Priority: 1
Uniqueid: 1445605935.176
CommandId: 1348520497
Command: EXEC Playback "vm-pls-try-again"

[Oct 23 15:12:18] DEBUG[1702] manager.c: Mansession: 0x7f64a40024e8 refcount now 2
[Oct 23 15:12:18] DEBUG[3143][C-0000001e] channel.c: Scheduling timer at (0 requested / 0 actual) timer ticks per second
[Oct 23 15:12:18] DEBUG[3143][C-0000001e] channel.c: Scheduling timer at (0 requested / 0 actual) timer ticks per second
[Oct 23 15:12:18] DEBUG[3143][C-0000001e] channel.c: Scheduling timer at (0 requested / 0 actual) timer ticks per second
[Oct 23 15:12:18] DEBUG[1697] manager.c: Mansession: 0x7f64a40024e8 refcount now 2
[Oct 23 15:12:18] DEBUG[1697] manager.c: Mansession: 0x7f64a40024e8 refcount now 2
[Oct 23 15:12:18] DEBUG[1697] manager.c: Mansession: 0x7f64a40024e8 refcount now 2
[Oct 23 15:12:18] DEBUG[2826] manager.c: Examining AMI event:
Event: VarSet
Privilege: dialplan,all
SequenceNumber: 1225
File: manager.c
Line: 1693
Func: manager_default_msg_cb
Channel: IAX2/iax_dialout_dev2-1449
ChannelState: 6
ChannelStateDesc: Up
CallerIDNum: 9711
CallerIDName: Ruediger Anlauf
ConnectedLineNum: <unknown>
ConnectedLineName: <unknown>
Language: en
Context: adhearsion-redirect
Exten: 1
Priority: 1
Uniqueid: 1445605935.176

[Oct 23 15:12:18] DEBUG[2826] manager.c: Examining AMI event:
Event: AGIExecEnd
Privilege: agi,all
SequenceNumber: 1226
File: manager.c
Line: 1693
Func: manager_default_msg_cb
Channel: IAX2/iax_dialout_dev2-1449
ChannelState: 6
ChannelStateDesc: Up
CallerIDNum: 9711
CallerIDName: Ruediger Anlauf
ConnectedLineNum: <unknown>
ConnectedLineName: <unknown>
Language: en
Context: adhearsion-redirect
Exten: 1
Priority: 1
Uniqueid: 1445605935.176
CommandId: 1348520497
ResultCode: 200
Command: EXEC Playback "vm-pls-try-again"
Result: Success

[Oct 23 15:12:18] DEBUG[2826] manager.c: Examining AMI event:
Event: AsyncAGIExec
Privilege: agi,all
SequenceNumber: 1227
File: manager.c
Line: 1693
Func: manager_default_msg_cb
Channel: IAX2/iax_dialout_dev2-1449
ChannelState: 6
ChannelStateDesc: Up
CallerIDNum: 9711
CallerIDName: Ruediger Anlauf
ConnectedLineNum: <unknown>
ConnectedLineName: <unknown>
Language: en
Context: adhearsion-redirect
Exten: 1
Priority: 1
Uniqueid: 1445605935.176
Result: 200%20result%3D0%0A
CommandId: 37001240-a72b-4fb5-914b-ecffbe8af4de

[Oct 23 15:12:22] DEBUG[2193] chan_iax2.c: Callno 1449: Blocked receiving control frame 20.
[Oct 23 15:12:23] DEBUG[1702] manager.c: Mansession: 0x7f64a40024e8 refcount now 2
[Oct 23 15:12:24] DEBUG[2198] chan_iax2.c: Immediately destroying 1449, having received hangup
[Oct 23 15:12:24] DEBUG[1697] manager.c: Mansession: 0x7f64a40024e8 refcount now 2
[Oct 23 15:12:24] DEBUG[2826] manager.c: Examining AMI event:
Event: HangupRequest
Privilege: call,all
SequenceNumber: 1228
File: manager_channels.c
Line: 707
Func: channel_hangup_request_cb
Channel: IAX2/iax_dialout_dev2-1449
ChannelState: 6
ChannelStateDesc: Up
CallerIDNum: 9711
CallerIDName: Ruediger Anlauf
ConnectedLineNum: <unknown>
ConnectedLineName: <unknown>
Language: en
Context: adhearsion-redirect
Exten: 1
Priority: 1
Uniqueid: 1445605935.176

[Oct 23 15:12:24] DEBUG[3143][C-0000001e] res_agi.c: No frame read on channel IAX2/iax_dialout_dev2-1449, going out ...
[Oct 23 15:12:24] DEBUG[3143][C-0000001e] pbx.c: Spawn extension (adhearsion-redirect,1,1) exited non-zero on 'IAX2/iax_dialout_dev2-1449'
[Oct 23 15:12:24] DEBUG[3143][C-0000001e] channel.c: Soft-Hanging (0x10) up channel 'IAX2/iax_dialout_dev2-1449'
[Oct 23 15:12:24] DEBUG[3143][C-0000001e] channel.c: Hanging up channel 'IAX2/iax_dialout_dev2-1449'
[Oct 23 15:12:24] DEBUG[3143][C-0000001e] chan_iax2.c: We're hanging up IAX2/iax_dialout_dev2-1449 now...
[Oct 23 15:12:24] DEBUG[3143][C-0000001e] chan_iax2.c: Really destroying IAX2/iax_dialout_dev2-1449 now...
[Oct 23 15:12:24] DEBUG[3143][C-0000001e] chan_iax2.c: schedule decrement of callno used for in 60 seconds
[Oct 23 15:12:24] DEBUG[1447] devicestate.c: No provider found, checking channel drivers for IAX2 - iax_dialout_vitrade_dev2
[Oct 23 15:12:24] DEBUG[1447] chan_iax2.c: Checking device state for device iax_dialout_vitrade_dev2
[Oct 23 15:12:24] DEBUG[1447] devicestate.c: Changing state for IAX2/iax_dialout_vitrade_dev2 - state 4 (Invalid)
[Oct 23 15:12:24] DEBUG[1665] manager.c: Mansession: 0x7f64a40024e8 refcount now 2
[Oct 23 15:12:24] DEBUG[1665] manager.c: Mansession: 0x7f64a40024e8 refcount now 2
[Oct 23 15:12:24] DEBUG[1608] cdr.c: Finalized CDR for IAX2/iax_dialout_dev2-1449 - start 1445605935.917063 answer 1445605936.118539 end 1445605944.438628 dispo ANSWERED
[Oct 23 15:12:24] DEBUG[1697] manager.c: Mansession: 0x7f64a40024e8 refcount now 2
[Oct 23 15:12:24] DEBUG[1697] manager.c: Mansession: 0x7f64a40024e8 refcount now 2
[Oct 23 15:12:24] DEBUG[1697] manager.c: Mansession: 0x7f64a40024e8 refcount now 2
[Oct 23 15:12:24] DEBUG[1697] manager.c: Mansession: 0x7f64a40024e8 refcount now 2
[Oct 23 15:12:24] DEBUG[1697] manager.c: Mansession: 0x7f64a40024e8 refcount now 2
[Oct 23 15:12:24] DEBUG[2826] manager.c: Examining AMI event:
Event: CEL
Privilege: call,all
SequenceNumber: 1229
File: cel_manager.c
Line: 299
Func: manager_log
EventName: HANGUP
CallerIDnum: 9711
CallerIDname: Ruediger Anlauf
CallerIDani: 9711
Exten: 1
Context: adhearsion-redirect
Channel: IAX2/iax_dialout_dev2-1449
EventTime: 2015-10-23 15:12:24
UniqueID: 1445605935.176
LinkedID: 1445605935.176
Extra: {"hangupcause":16,"hangupsource":"IAX2/iax_dialout_dev2-1449","dialstatus":""}

[Oct 23 15:12:24] DEBUG[2826] manager.c: Examining AMI event:
Event: CEL
Privilege: call,all
SequenceNumber: 1230
File: cel_manager.c
Line: 299
Func: manager_log
EventName: CHAN_END
CallerIDnum: 9711
CallerIDname: Ruediger Anlauf
CallerIDani: 9711
Exten: 1
Context: adhearsion-redirect
Channel: IAX2/iax_dialout_dev2-1449
EventTime: 2015-10-23 15:12:24
UniqueID: 1445605935.176
LinkedID: 1445605935.176

[Oct 23 15:12:24] DEBUG[2826] manager.c: Examining AMI event:
Event: AsyncAGIEnd
Privilege: agi,all
SequenceNumber: 1231
File: manager.c
Line: 1693
Func: manager_default_msg_cb
Channel: IAX2/iax_dialout_dev2-1449
ChannelState: 6
ChannelStateDesc: Up
CallerIDNum: 9711
CallerIDName: Ruediger Anlauf
ConnectedLineNum: <unknown>
ConnectedLineName: <unknown>
Language: en
Context: adhearsion-redirect
Exten: 1
Priority: 1
Uniqueid: 1445605935.176

[Oct 23 15:12:24] DEBUG[2826] manager.c: Examining AMI event:
Event: VarSet
Privilege: dialplan,all
SequenceNumber: 1232
File: manager.c
Line: 1693
Func: manager_default_msg_cb
Channel: IAX2/iax_dialout_dev2-1449
ChannelState: 6
ChannelStateDesc: Up
CallerIDNum: 9711
CallerIDName: Ruediger Anlauf
ConnectedLineNum: <unknown>
ConnectedLineName: <unknown>
Language: en
Context: adhearsion-redirect
Exten: 1
Priority: 1
Uniqueid: 1445605935.176

[Oct 23 15:12:24] DEBUG[2826] manager.c: Examining AMI event:
Event: SoftHangupRequest
Privilege: call,all
SequenceNumber: 1233
File: manager_channels.c
Line: 707
Func: channel_hangup_request_cb
Channel: IAX2/iax_dialout_dev2-1449
ChannelState: 6
ChannelStateDesc: Up
CallerIDNum: 9711
CallerIDName: Ruediger Anlauf
ConnectedLineNum: <unknown>
ConnectedLineName: <unknown>
Language: en
Context: adhearsion-redirect
Exten: 1
Priority: 1
Uniqueid: 1445605935.176
Cause: 16

[Oct 23 15:12:24] DEBUG[2826] manager.c: Examining AMI event:
Event: HangupRequest
Privilege: call,all
SequenceNumber: 1234
File: manager_channels.c
Line: 707
Func: channel_hangup_request_cb
Channel: IAX2/iax_dialout_dev2-1449
ChannelState: 6
ChannelStateDesc: Up
CallerIDNum: 9711
CallerIDName: Ruediger Anlauf
ConnectedLineNum: <unknown>
ConnectedLineName: <unknown>
Language: en
Context: adhearsion-redirect
Exten: 1
Priority: 1
Uniqueid: 1445605935.176

[Oct 23 15:12:24] DEBUG[2826] manager.c: Examining AMI event:
Event: Hangup
Privilege: call,all
SequenceNumber: 1235
File: manager_channels.c
Line: 652
Func: channel_snapshot_update
Channel: IAX2/iax_dialout_dev2-1449
ChannelState: 6
ChannelStateDesc: Up
CallerIDNum: 9711
CallerIDName: Ruediger Anlauf
ConnectedLineNum: <unknown>
ConnectedLineName: <unknown>
Language: en
Context: adhearsion-redirect
Exten: 1
Priority: 1
Uniqueid: 1445605935.176
Cause: 16
Cause-txt: Normal Clearing
benlangfeld commented 8 years ago

This really looks like an Asterisk bug. I would follow up with the Asterisk community about it. You may be able to sidestep the issue implementing the ControlPlayback stuff mentioned in, but there is not currently an ETA for that from the core team.

ranlauf commented 8 years ago

Well, thanks for your help so far. So what exactly is the problem? Is it this:

Event: VarSet
Privilege: dialplan,all
SequenceNumber: 1217
File: manager.c
Line: 1693
Func: manager_default_msg_cb
Channel: IAX2/iax_dialout_dev2-1449
ChannelState: 6
ChannelStateDesc: Up
CallerIDNum: 9711
CallerIDName: Ruediger Anlauf
ConnectedLineNum: <unknown>
ConnectedLineName: <unknown>
Language: en
Context: menu_test
Exten: 777
Priority: 1
Uniqueid: 1445605935.176

What i believe to see here is that Asterisk thinks the playback failed because it was interrupted. Is that the issue?

benlangfeld commented 8 years ago

No, really everything from here onwards:

[Oct 23 15:12:22] DEBUG[2193] chan_iax2.c: Callno 1449: Blocked receiving control frame 20.
[Oct 23 15:12:23] DEBUG[1702] manager.c: Mansession: 0x7f64a40024e8 refcount now 2
[Oct 23 15:12:24] DEBUG[2198] chan_iax2.c: Immediately destroying 1449, having received hangup
[Oct 23 15:12:24] DEBUG[1697] manager.c: Mansession: 0x7f64a40024e8 refcount now 2
[Oct 23 15:12:24] DEBUG[2826] manager.c: Examining AMI event:
Event: HangupRequest
Privilege: call,all
SequenceNumber: 1228
File: manager_channels.c
Line: 707
Func: channel_hangup_request_cb
Channel: IAX2/iax_dialout_dev2-1449
ChannelState: 6
ChannelStateDesc: Up
CallerIDNum: 9711
CallerIDName: Ruediger Anlauf
ConnectedLineNum: <unknown>
ConnectedLineName: <unknown>
Language: en
Context: adhearsion-redirect
Exten: 1
Priority: 1
Uniqueid: 1445605935.176

It is Asterisk terminating the call because of some failure which I don't fully understand right now. That is why I say the Asterisk community will be able to help better pinpoint the issue. I do now notice that you are using IAX, though, and wonder why, and if that might have anything to do with it. A trace of IAX traffic might shed some more light on the situation.

ranlauf commented 8 years ago

After addressing the issue on the Asterisk JIRA ( i have been told that Asterisk is behaving as it should. Seemingly, Adhearsion redirects the call into the adhearsion-redirect context after the DTMF signal, which initiates the hangup on the old channel. (Please ignore the SIP BYE issue mentioned on the Asterisk JIRA, it is a phantom problem.) What I believe is happening then, is that after redirecting the call into the adhearsion-redirect context, Adhearsion does not pick up and process the call again, hence the control flow simply stops. Furthermore, the redirect does not happen when we do not send a DTMF signal prematurely, but let the menu play all of its voice prompts before we press a key on the phone.

Is there something we can do to validate this assumption? For example, where to put the breakpoint to debug the issue in the IDE?

To further simplify things, we also reproduced the scenario with a SIP phone instead of a IAX2 call.


[Nov 19 12:01:17] Asterisk 13.6.0 built by root @ callcenter-centos7-dit on a x86_64 running Linux on 2015-11-13 15:49:30 UTC
[Nov 19 12:01:18] VERBOSE[1235] chan_iax2.c: Rx-Frame Retry[ No] -- OSeqno: 000 ISeqno: 000 Type: IAX     Subclass: POKE   
[Nov 19 12:01:18] VERBOSE[1235] chan_iax2.c:    Timestamp: 00008ms  SCall: 01959  DCall: 00000
[Nov 19 12:01:18] VERBOSE[1235] chan_iax2.c: 
[Nov 19 12:01:18] VERBOSE[1235] chan_iax2.c: Tx-Frame Retry[ No] -- OSeqno: 000 ISeqno: 001 Type: IAX     Subclass: PONG   
[Nov 19 12:01:18] VERBOSE[1235] chan_iax2.c:    Timestamp: 00008ms  SCall: 00001  DCall: 01959
[Nov 19 12:01:18] VERBOSE[1229] chan_iax2.c: Rx-Frame Retry[ No] -- OSeqno: 001 ISeqno: 001 Type: IAX     Subclass: ACK    
[Nov 19 12:01:18] VERBOSE[1229] chan_iax2.c:    Timestamp: 00008ms  SCall: 01959  DCall: 00001
[Nov 19 12:01:21] DEBUG[1224] chan_sip.c: Allocating new SIP dialog for 6e33ec4d2c1de4b036a0f96609e4f5f0@ - OPTIONS (No RTP)
[Nov 19 12:01:21] DEBUG[1224] chan_sip.c: OBPROXY: Not applying OBproxy to this call
[Nov 19 12:01:21] DEBUG[1224] acl.c: For destination '', our source address is ''.
[Nov 19 12:01:21] DEBUG[1224] chan_sip.c: Setting AST_TRANSPORT_UDP with address
[Nov 19 12:01:21] DEBUG[1224] chan_sip.c: SIP call-id changed from '6e33ec4d2c1de4b036a0f96609e4f5f0@' to '4eacab5f19a09416168e23bf4d7f9d53@'
[Nov 19 12:01:21] DEBUG[1224] chan_sip.c: Initializing initreq for method OPTIONS - callid 4eacab5f19a09416168e23bf4d7f9d53@
[Nov 19 12:01:21] DEBUG[1224] chan_sip.c:  Header  0 [ 55]: OPTIONS sip:111@;line=n8nouw93 SIP/2.0
[Nov 19 12:01:21] DEBUG[1224] chan_sip.c:  Header  1 [ 56]: Via: SIP/2.0/UDP;branch=z9hG4bK45a6836a
[Nov 19 12:01:21] DEBUG[1224] chan_sip.c:  Header  2 [ 16]: Max-Forwards: 70
[Nov 19 12:01:21] DEBUG[1224] chan_sip.c:  Header  3 [ 58]: From: "asterisk" <sip:asterisk@>;tag=as12fa0168
[Nov 19 12:01:21] DEBUG[1224] chan_sip.c:  Header  4 [ 45]: To: <sip:111@;line=n8nouw93>
[Nov 19 12:01:21] DEBUG[1224] chan_sip.c:  Header  5 [ 40]: Contact: <sip:asterisk@>
[Nov 19 12:01:21] DEBUG[1224] chan_sip.c:  Header  6 [ 58]: Call-ID: 4eacab5f19a09416168e23bf4d7f9d53@
[Nov 19 12:01:21] DEBUG[1224] chan_sip.c:  Header  7 [ 17]: CSeq: 102 OPTIONS
[Nov 19 12:01:21] DEBUG[1224] chan_sip.c:  Header  8 [ 31]: User-Agent: Asterisk PBX 13.6.0
[Nov 19 12:01:21] DEBUG[1224] chan_sip.c:  Header  9 [ 35]: Date: Thu, 19 Nov 2015 11:01:21 GMT
[Nov 19 12:01:21] DEBUG[1224] chan_sip.c:  Header 10 [ 90]: Allow: INVITE, ACK, CANCEL, OPTIONS, BYE, REFER, SUBSCRIBE, NOTIFY, INFO, PUBLISH, MESSAGE
[Nov 19 12:01:21] DEBUG[1224] chan_sip.c:  Header 11 [ 26]: Supported: replaces, timer
[Nov 19 12:01:21] VERBOSE[1224] chan_sip.c: Reliably Transmitting (no NAT) to
OPTIONS sip:111@;line=n8nouw93 SIP/2.0
Via: SIP/2.0/UDP;branch=z9hG4bK45a6836a
Max-Forwards: 70
From: "asterisk" <sip:asterisk@>;tag=as12fa0168
To: <sip:111@;line=n8nouw93>
Contact: <sip:asterisk@>
Call-ID: 4eacab5f19a09416168e23bf4d7f9d53@
User-Agent: Asterisk PBX 13.6.0
Date: Thu, 19 Nov 2015 11:01:21 GMT
Supported: replaces, timer
Content-Length: 0

[Nov 19 12:01:21] DEBUG[1224] chan_sip.c: *** SIP TIMER: Initializing retransmit timer on packet: Id  #15
[Nov 19 12:01:21] DEBUG[1224] chan_sip.c: Trying to put 'OPTIONS sip' onto UDP socket destined for
[Nov 19 12:01:21] VERBOSE[1224] chan_sip.c: 
<--- SIP read from UDP: --->
SIP/2.0 200 OK
Via: SIP/2.0/UDP;branch=z9hG4bK45a6836a
From: "asterisk" <sip:asterisk@>;tag=as12fa0168
To: <sip:111@;line=n8nouw93>;tag=lqhq48ttqp
Call-ID: 4eacab5f19a09416168e23bf4d7f9d53@
User-Agent: snom320/
Contact: <sip:111@;line=n8nouw93>;reg-id=1
Accept-Language: en
Accept: application/sdp
Allow-Events: talk, hold, refer, call-info
Supported: timer, 100rel, replaces, from-change
Content-Length: 0

[Nov 19 12:01:21] DEBUG[1224] chan_sip.c:  Header  0 [ 14]: SIP/2.0 200 OK
[Nov 19 12:01:21] DEBUG[1224] chan_sip.c:  Header  1 [ 56]: Via: SIP/2.0/UDP;branch=z9hG4bK45a6836a
[Nov 19 12:01:21] DEBUG[1224] chan_sip.c:  Header  2 [ 58]: From: "asterisk" <sip:asterisk@>;tag=as12fa0168
[Nov 19 12:01:21] DEBUG[1224] chan_sip.c:  Header  3 [ 60]: To: <sip:111@;line=n8nouw93>;tag=lqhq48ttqp
[Nov 19 12:01:21] DEBUG[1224] chan_sip.c:  Header  4 [ 58]: Call-ID: 4eacab5f19a09416168e23bf4d7f9d53@
[Nov 19 12:01:21] DEBUG[1224] chan_sip.c:  Header  5 [ 17]: CSeq: 102 OPTIONS
[Nov 19 12:01:21] DEBUG[1224] chan_sip.c:  Header  6 [ 28]: User-Agent: snom320/
[Nov 19 12:01:21] DEBUG[1224] chan_sip.c:  Header  7 [ 59]: Contact: <sip:111@;line=n8nouw93>;reg-id=1
[Nov 19 12:01:21] DEBUG[1224] chan_sip.c:  Header  8 [ 19]: Accept-Language: en
[Nov 19 12:01:21] DEBUG[1224] chan_sip.c:  Header  9 [ 23]: Accept: application/sdp
[Nov 19 12:01:21] DEBUG[1224] chan_sip.c:  Header 10 [ 96]: Allow: INVITE, ACK, CANCEL, BYE, REFER, OPTIONS, NOTIFY, SUBSCRIBE, PRACK, MESSAGE, INFO, UPDATE
[Nov 19 12:01:21] DEBUG[1224] chan_sip.c:  Header 11 [ 42]: Allow-Events: talk, hold, refer, call-info
[Nov 19 12:01:21] DEBUG[1224] chan_sip.c:  Header 12 [ 47]: Supported: timer, 100rel, replaces, from-change
[Nov 19 12:01:21] DEBUG[1224] chan_sip.c:  Header 13 [ 17]: Content-Length: 0
[Nov 19 12:01:21] VERBOSE[1224] chan_sip.c: --- (14 headers 0 lines) ---
[Nov 19 12:01:21] DEBUG[1224] chan_sip.c: = Looking for  Call ID: 4eacab5f19a09416168e23bf4d7f9d53@ (Checking To) --From tag as12fa0168 --To-tag lqhq48ttqp  
[Nov 19 12:01:21] DEBUG[1224] chan_sip.c: ** SIP TIMER: Cancelling retransmit of packet (reply received) Retransid #15
[Nov 19 12:01:21] DEBUG[1224] chan_sip.c: Stopping retransmission on '4eacab5f19a09416168e23bf4d7f9d53@' of Request 102: Match Found
[Nov 19 12:01:21] DEBUG[1224] chan_sip.c: Destroying SIP dialog 4eacab5f19a09416168e23bf4d7f9d53@
[Nov 19 12:01:21] VERBOSE[1224] chan_sip.c: Really destroying SIP dialog '4eacab5f19a09416168e23bf4d7f9d53@' Method: OPTIONS
[Nov 19 12:01:21] DEBUG[1209] manager.c: Mansession: 0x7f981c002218 refcount now 2
[Nov 19 12:01:24] VERBOSE[1224] chan_sip.c: 
<--- SIP read from UDP: --->
INVITE sip:777@ SIP/2.0
Via: SIP/2.0/UDP;branch=z9hG4bK-xebdxrobi7ju;rport
From: "biw CC 111" <sip:111@>;tag=geqmvi9x42
To: <sip:777@>
Call-ID: 313434373933303838323234353631-k7cwb8ag4ff6
Max-Forwards: 70
User-Agent: snom320/
Contact: <sip:111@;line=n8nouw93>;reg-id=1
X-Serialnumber: 000413381C8C
P-Key-Flags: keys="3"
Accept: application/sdp
Allow-Events: talk, hold, refer, call-info
Supported: timer, 100rel, replaces, from-change
Session-Expires: 3600
Min-SE: 90
Content-Type: application/sdp
Content-Length: 403

o=root 1510274555 1510274555 IN IP4
c=IN IP4
t=0 0
m=audio 49774 RTP/AVP 9 0 8 3 99 112 18 101
a=rtpmap:9 G722/8000
a=rtpmap:0 PCMU/8000
a=rtpmap:8 PCMA/8000
a=rtpmap:3 GSM/8000
a=rtpmap:99 G726-32/8000
a=rtpmap:112 AAL2-G726-32/8000
a=rtpmap:18 G729/8000
a=fmtp:18 annexb=no
a=rtpmap:101 telephone-event/8000
a=fmtp:101 0-15
[Nov 19 12:01:24] DEBUG[1224] chan_sip.c:  Header  0 [ 34]: INVITE sip:777@ SIP/2.0
[Nov 19 12:01:24] DEBUG[1224] chan_sip.c:  Header  1 [ 68]: Via: SIP/2.0/UDP;branch=z9hG4bK-xebdxrobi7ju;rport
[Nov 19 12:01:24] DEBUG[1224] chan_sip.c:  Header  2 [ 55]: From: "biw CC 111" <sip:111@>;tag=geqmvi9x42
[Nov 19 12:01:24] DEBUG[1224] chan_sip.c:  Header  3 [ 25]: To: <sip:777@>
[Nov 19 12:01:24] DEBUG[1224] chan_sip.c:  Header  4 [ 52]: Call-ID: 313434373933303838323234353631-k7cwb8ag4ff6
[Nov 19 12:01:24] DEBUG[1224] chan_sip.c:  Header  5 [ 14]: CSeq: 1 INVITE
[Nov 19 12:01:24] DEBUG[1224] chan_sip.c:  Header  6 [ 16]: Max-Forwards: 70
[Nov 19 12:01:24] DEBUG[1224] chan_sip.c:  Header  7 [ 28]: User-Agent: snom320/
[Nov 19 12:01:24] DEBUG[1224] chan_sip.c:  Header  8 [ 59]: Contact: <sip:111@;line=n8nouw93>;reg-id=1
[Nov 19 12:01:24] DEBUG[1224] chan_sip.c:  Header  9 [ 28]: X-Serialnumber: 000413381C8C
[Nov 19 12:01:24] DEBUG[1224] chan_sip.c:  Header 10 [ 21]: P-Key-Flags: keys="3"
[Nov 19 12:01:24] DEBUG[1224] chan_sip.c:  Header 11 [ 23]: Accept: application/sdp
[Nov 19 12:01:24] DEBUG[1224] chan_sip.c:  Header 12 [ 96]: Allow: INVITE, ACK, CANCEL, BYE, REFER, OPTIONS, NOTIFY, SUBSCRIBE, PRACK, MESSAGE, INFO, UPDATE
[Nov 19 12:01:24] DEBUG[1224] chan_sip.c:  Header 13 [ 42]: Allow-Events: talk, hold, refer, call-info
[Nov 19 12:01:24] DEBUG[1224] chan_sip.c:  Header 14 [ 47]: Supported: timer, 100rel, replaces, from-change
[Nov 19 12:01:24] DEBUG[1224] chan_sip.c:  Header 15 [ 21]: Session-Expires: 3600
[Nov 19 12:01:24] DEBUG[1224] chan_sip.c:  Header 16 [ 10]: Min-SE: 90
[Nov 19 12:01:24] DEBUG[1224] chan_sip.c:  Header 17 [ 29]: Content-Type: application/sdp
[Nov 19 12:01:24] DEBUG[1224] chan_sip.c:  Header 18 [ 19]: Content-Length: 403
[Nov 19 12:01:24] DEBUG[1224] chan_sip.c:  Header 19 [  0]: 
[Nov 19 12:01:24] DEBUG[1224] chan_sip.c:    Body  0 [  3]: v=0
[Nov 19 12:01:24] DEBUG[1224] chan_sip.c:    Body  1 [ 48]: o=root 1510274555 1510274555 IN IP4
[Nov 19 12:01:24] DEBUG[1224] chan_sip.c:    Body  2 [  6]: s=call
[Nov 19 12:01:24] DEBUG[1224] chan_sip.c:    Body  3 [ 21]: c=IN IP4
[Nov 19 12:01:24] DEBUG[1224] chan_sip.c:    Body  4 [  5]: t=0 0
[Nov 19 12:01:24] DEBUG[1224] chan_sip.c:    Body  5 [ 43]: m=audio 49774 RTP/AVP 9 0 8 3 99 112 18 101
[Nov 19 12:01:24] DEBUG[1224] chan_sip.c:    Body  6 [ 20]: a=rtpmap:9 G722/8000
[Nov 19 12:01:24] DEBUG[1224] chan_sip.c:    Body  7 [ 20]: a=rtpmap:0 PCMU/8000
[Nov 19 12:01:24] DEBUG[1224] chan_sip.c:    Body  8 [ 20]: a=rtpmap:8 PCMA/8000
[Nov 19 12:01:24] DEBUG[1224] chan_sip.c:    Body  9 [ 19]: a=rtpmap:3 GSM/8000
[Nov 19 12:01:24] DEBUG[1224] chan_sip.c:    Body 10 [ 24]: a=rtpmap:99 G726-32/8000
[Nov 19 12:01:24] DEBUG[1224] chan_sip.c:    Body 11 [ 30]: a=rtpmap:112 AAL2-G726-32/8000
[Nov 19 12:01:24] DEBUG[1224] chan_sip.c:    Body 12 [ 21]: a=rtpmap:18 G729/8000
[Nov 19 12:01:24] DEBUG[1224] chan_sip.c:    Body 13 [ 19]: a=fmtp:18 annexb=no
[Nov 19 12:01:24] DEBUG[1224] chan_sip.c:    Body 14 [ 33]: a=rtpmap:101 telephone-event/8000
[Nov 19 12:01:24] DEBUG[1224] chan_sip.c:    Body 15 [ 15]: a=fmtp:101 0-15
[Nov 19 12:01:24] DEBUG[1224] chan_sip.c:    Body 16 [ 10]: a=ptime:20
[Nov 19 12:01:24] DEBUG[1224] chan_sip.c:    Body 17 [ 10]: a=sendrecv
[Nov 19 12:01:24] VERBOSE[1224] chan_sip.c: --- (19 headers 18 lines) ---
[Nov 19 12:01:24] DEBUG[1224] chan_sip.c: = Looking for  Call ID: 313434373933303838323234353631-k7cwb8ag4ff6 (Checking From) --From tag geqmvi9x42 --To-tag   
[Nov 19 12:01:24] DEBUG[1224] acl.c: For destination '', our source address is ''.
[Nov 19 12:01:24] DEBUG[1224] chan_sip.c: Setting AST_TRANSPORT_UDP with address
[Nov 19 12:01:24] DEBUG[1224] netsock2.c: Splitting '' into...
[Nov 19 12:01:24] DEBUG[1224] netsock2.c: '' and port '5060'.
[Nov 19 12:01:24] VERBOSE[1224] chan_sip.c: Sending to (no NAT)
[Nov 19 12:01:24] DEBUG[1224] chan_sip.c: Allocating new SIP dialog for 313434373933303838323234353631-k7cwb8ag4ff6 - INVITE (No RTP)
[Nov 19 12:01:24] DEBUG[1224][C-0000003d] chan_sip.c: **** Received INVITE (5) - Command in SIP INVITE
[Nov 19 12:01:24] DEBUG[1224][C-0000003d] sip/reqresp_parser.c: Begin: parsing SIP "Supported: timer, 100rel, replaces, from-change"
[Nov 19 12:01:24] DEBUG[1224][C-0000003d] sip/reqresp_parser.c: Found SIP option: -timer-
[Nov 19 12:01:24] DEBUG[1224][C-0000003d] sip/reqresp_parser.c: Matched SIP option: timer
[Nov 19 12:01:24] DEBUG[1224][C-0000003d] sip/reqresp_parser.c: Found SIP option: -100rel-
[Nov 19 12:01:24] DEBUG[1224][C-0000003d] sip/reqresp_parser.c: Matched SIP option: 100rel
[Nov 19 12:01:24] DEBUG[1224][C-0000003d] sip/reqresp_parser.c: Found SIP option: -replaces-
[Nov 19 12:01:24] DEBUG[1224][C-0000003d] sip/reqresp_parser.c: Matched SIP option: replaces
[Nov 19 12:01:24] DEBUG[1224][C-0000003d] sip/reqresp_parser.c: Found SIP option: -from-change-
[Nov 19 12:01:24] DEBUG[1224][C-0000003d] sip/reqresp_parser.c: Matched SIP option: from-change
[Nov 19 12:01:24] DEBUG[1224][C-0000003d] netsock2.c: Splitting '' into...
[Nov 19 12:01:24] DEBUG[1224][C-0000003d] netsock2.c: '' and port '5060'.
[Nov 19 12:01:24] VERBOSE[1224][C-0000003d] chan_sip.c: Sending to (no NAT)
[Nov 19 12:01:24] DEBUG[1224][C-0000003d] chan_sip.c: Initializing initreq for method INVITE - callid 313434373933303838323234353631-k7cwb8ag4ff6
[Nov 19 12:01:24] VERBOSE[1224][C-0000003d] chan_sip.c: Using INVITE request as basis request - 313434373933303838323234353631-k7cwb8ag4ff6
[Nov 19 12:01:24] DEBUG[1224][C-0000003d] netsock2.c: Splitting '' into...
[Nov 19 12:01:24] DEBUG[1224][C-0000003d] netsock2.c: '' and port ''.
[Nov 19 12:01:24] VERBOSE[1224][C-0000003d] chan_sip.c: Found peer '111' for '111' from
[Nov 19 12:01:24] VERBOSE[1224][C-0000003d] chan_sip.c: 
<--- Reliably Transmitting (no NAT) to --->
SIP/2.0 401 Unauthorized
Via: SIP/2.0/UDP;branch=z9hG4bK-xebdxrobi7ju;received=;rport=5060
From: "biw CC 111" <sip:111@>;tag=geqmvi9x42
To: <sip:777@>;tag=as160fad93
Call-ID: 313434373933303838323234353631-k7cwb8ag4ff6
Server: Asterisk PBX 13.6.0
Supported: replaces, timer
WWW-Authenticate: Digest algorithm=MD5, realm="asterisk", nonce="374dcd18"
Content-Length: 0

[Nov 19 12:01:24] DEBUG[1224][C-0000003d] chan_sip.c: *** SIP TIMER: Initializing retransmit timer on packet: Id  #14
[Nov 19 12:01:24] DEBUG[1224][C-0000003d] chan_sip.c: Trying to put 'SIP/2.0 401' onto UDP socket destined for
[Nov 19 12:01:24] VERBOSE[1224][C-0000003d] chan_sip.c: Scheduling destruction of SIP dialog '313434373933303838323234353631-k7cwb8ag4ff6' in 6400 ms (Method: INVITE)
[Nov 19 12:01:24] DEBUG[1207] manager.c: Mansession: 0x7f981c002218 refcount now 2
[Nov 19 12:01:24] DEBUG[23729] manager.c: Examining AMI event:
Event: ChallengeSent
Privilege: security,all
SequenceNumber: 3707
File: manager.c
Line: 1693
Func: manager_default_msg_cb
EventTV: 2015-11-19T12:01:24.145+0100
Severity: Informational
Service: SIP
EventVersion: 1
AccountID: sip:111@
SessionID: 0x7f9810026ac8
LocalAddress: IPV4/UDP/
RemoteAddress: IPV4/UDP/
Challenge: 374dcd18

[Nov 19 12:01:24] DEBUG[1224] chan_sip.c: SIP TIMER: Rescheduling retransmission #14 (1) SIP/2.0 - 1
[Nov 19 12:01:24] DEBUG[1224] chan_sip.c: ** SIP timers: Rescheduling retransmission 2 to 200 ms (t1 100 ms (Retrans id #14)) 
[Nov 19 12:01:24] VERBOSE[1224] chan_sip.c: Retransmitting #1 (no NAT) to
SIP/2.0 401 Unauthorized
Via: SIP/2.0/UDP;branch=z9hG4bK-xebdxrobi7ju;received=;rport=5060
From: "biw CC 111" <sip:111@>;tag=geqmvi9x42
To: <sip:777@>;tag=as160fad93
Call-ID: 313434373933303838323234353631-k7cwb8ag4ff6
Server: Asterisk PBX 13.6.0
Supported: replaces, timer
WWW-Authenticate: Digest algorithm=MD5, realm="asterisk", nonce="374dcd18"
Content-Length: 0

[Nov 19 12:01:24] DEBUG[1224] chan_sip.c: Trying to put 'SIP/2.0 401' onto UDP socket destined for
[Nov 19 12:01:24] VERBOSE[1224] chan_sip.c: 
<--- SIP read from UDP: --->
ACK sip:777@ SIP/2.0
Via: SIP/2.0/UDP;branch=z9hG4bK-xebdxrobi7ju;rport
From: "biw CC 111" <sip:111@>;tag=geqmvi9x42
To: <sip:777@>;tag=as160fad93
Call-ID: 313434373933303838323234353631-k7cwb8ag4ff6
CSeq: 1 ACK
Max-Forwards: 70
User-Agent: snom320/
Contact: <sip:111@;line=n8nouw93>;reg-id=1
Content-Length: 0

[Nov 19 12:01:24] DEBUG[1224] chan_sip.c:  Header  0 [ 31]: ACK sip:777@ SIP/2.0
[Nov 19 12:01:24] DEBUG[1224] chan_sip.c:  Header  1 [ 68]: Via: SIP/2.0/UDP;branch=z9hG4bK-xebdxrobi7ju;rport
[Nov 19 12:01:24] DEBUG[1224] chan_sip.c:  Header  2 [ 55]: From: "biw CC 111" <sip:111@>;tag=geqmvi9x42
[Nov 19 12:01:24] DEBUG[1224] chan_sip.c:  Header  3 [ 40]: To: <sip:777@>;tag=as160fad93
[Nov 19 12:01:24] DEBUG[1224] chan_sip.c:  Header  4 [ 52]: Call-ID: 313434373933303838323234353631-k7cwb8ag4ff6
[Nov 19 12:01:24] DEBUG[1224] chan_sip.c:  Header  5 [ 11]: CSeq: 1 ACK
[Nov 19 12:01:24] DEBUG[1224] chan_sip.c:  Header  6 [ 16]: Max-Forwards: 70
[Nov 19 12:01:24] DEBUG[1224] chan_sip.c:  Header  7 [ 28]: User-Agent: snom320/
[Nov 19 12:01:24] DEBUG[1224] chan_sip.c:  Header  8 [ 59]: Contact: <sip:111@;line=n8nouw93>;reg-id=1
[Nov 19 12:01:24] DEBUG[1224] chan_sip.c:  Header  9 [ 17]: Content-Length: 0
[Nov 19 12:01:24] VERBOSE[1224] chan_sip.c: --- (10 headers 0 lines) ---
[Nov 19 12:01:24] DEBUG[1224] chan_sip.c: = Looking for  Call ID: 313434373933303838323234353631-k7cwb8ag4ff6 (Checking From) --From tag geqmvi9x42 --To-tag as160fad93  
[Nov 19 12:01:24] DEBUG[1224][C-0000003d] chan_sip.c: **** Received ACK (6) - Command in SIP ACK
[Nov 19 12:01:24] DEBUG[1224][C-0000003d] chan_sip.c: ** SIP TIMER: Cancelling retransmit of packet (reply received) Retransid #14
[Nov 19 12:01:24] DEBUG[1224][C-0000003d] chan_sip.c: Stopping retransmission on '313434373933303838323234353631-k7cwb8ag4ff6' of Response 1: Match Found
[Nov 19 12:01:24] VERBOSE[1224] chan_sip.c: 
<--- SIP read from UDP: --->
INVITE sip:777@ SIP/2.0
Via: SIP/2.0/UDP;branch=z9hG4bK-nrovidjclhaf;rport
From: "biw CC 111" <sip:111@>;tag=geqmvi9x42
To: <sip:777@>
Call-ID: 313434373933303838323234353631-k7cwb8ag4ff6
Max-Forwards: 70
User-Agent: snom320/
Contact: <sip:111@;line=n8nouw93>;reg-id=1
X-Serialnumber: 000413381C8C
P-Key-Flags: keys="3"
Accept: application/sdp
Allow-Events: talk, hold, refer, call-info
Supported: timer, 100rel, replaces, from-change
Session-Expires: 3600
Min-SE: 90
Authorization: Digest username="111",realm="asterisk",nonce="374dcd18",uri="sip:777@",response="73ca424a44fa4835a6d8f16be555ccc8",algorithm=MD5
Content-Type: application/sdp
Content-Length: 403

o=root 1510274555 1510274555 IN IP4
c=IN IP4
t=0 0
m=audio 49774 RTP/AVP 9 0 8 3 99 112 18 101
a=rtpmap:9 G722/8000
a=rtpmap:0 PCMU/8000
a=rtpmap:8 PCMA/8000
a=rtpmap:3 GSM/8000
a=rtpmap:99 G726-32/8000
a=rtpmap:112 AAL2-G726-32/8000
a=rtpmap:18 G729/8000
a=fmtp:18 annexb=no
a=rtpmap:101 telephone-event/8000
a=fmtp:101 0-15
[Nov 19 12:01:24] DEBUG[1224] chan_sip.c:  Header  0 [ 34]: INVITE sip:777@ SIP/2.0
[Nov 19 12:01:24] DEBUG[1224] chan_sip.c:  Header  1 [ 68]: Via: SIP/2.0/UDP;branch=z9hG4bK-nrovidjclhaf;rport
[Nov 19 12:01:24] DEBUG[1224] chan_sip.c:  Header  2 [ 55]: From: "biw CC 111" <sip:111@>;tag=geqmvi9x42
[Nov 19 12:01:24] DEBUG[1224] chan_sip.c:  Header  3 [ 25]: To: <sip:777@>
[Nov 19 12:01:24] DEBUG[1224] chan_sip.c:  Header  4 [ 52]: Call-ID: 313434373933303838323234353631-k7cwb8ag4ff6
[Nov 19 12:01:24] DEBUG[1224] chan_sip.c:  Header  5 [ 14]: CSeq: 2 INVITE
[Nov 19 12:01:24] DEBUG[1224] chan_sip.c:  Header  6 [ 16]: Max-Forwards: 70
[Nov 19 12:01:24] DEBUG[1224] chan_sip.c:  Header  7 [ 28]: User-Agent: snom320/
[Nov 19 12:01:24] DEBUG[1224] chan_sip.c:  Header  8 [ 59]: Contact: <sip:111@;line=n8nouw93>;reg-id=1
[Nov 19 12:01:24] DEBUG[1224] chan_sip.c:  Header  9 [ 28]: X-Serialnumber: 000413381C8C
[Nov 19 12:01:24] DEBUG[1224] chan_sip.c:  Header 10 [ 21]: P-Key-Flags: keys="3"
[Nov 19 12:01:24] DEBUG[1224] chan_sip.c:  Header 11 [ 23]: Accept: application/sdp
[Nov 19 12:01:24] DEBUG[1224] chan_sip.c:  Header 12 [ 96]: Allow: INVITE, ACK, CANCEL, BYE, REFER, OPTIONS, NOTIFY, SUBSCRIBE, PRACK, MESSAGE, INFO, UPDATE
[Nov 19 12:01:24] DEBUG[1224] chan_sip.c:  Header 13 [ 42]: Allow-Events: talk, hold, refer, call-info
[Nov 19 12:01:24] DEBUG[1224] chan_sip.c:  Header 14 [ 47]: Supported: timer, 100rel, replaces, from-change
[Nov 19 12:01:24] DEBUG[1224] chan_sip.c:  Header 15 [ 21]: Session-Expires: 3600
[Nov 19 12:01:24] DEBUG[1224] chan_sip.c:  Header 16 [ 10]: Min-SE: 90
[Nov 19 12:01:24] DEBUG[1224] chan_sip.c:  Header 17 [154]: Authorization: Digest username="111",realm="asterisk",nonce="374dcd18",uri="sip:777@",response="73ca424a44fa4835a6d8f16be555ccc8",algorithm=MD5
[Nov 19 12:01:24] DEBUG[1224] chan_sip.c:  Header 18 [ 29]: Content-Type: application/sdp
[Nov 19 12:01:24] DEBUG[1224] chan_sip.c:  Header 19 [ 19]: Content-Length: 403
[Nov 19 12:01:24] DEBUG[1224] chan_sip.c:  Header 20 [  0]: 
[Nov 19 12:01:24] DEBUG[1224] chan_sip.c:    Body  0 [  3]: v=0
[Nov 19 12:01:24] DEBUG[1224] chan_sip.c:    Body  1 [ 48]: o=root 1510274555 1510274555 IN IP4
[Nov 19 12:01:24] DEBUG[1224] chan_sip.c:    Body  2 [  6]: s=call
[Nov 19 12:01:24] DEBUG[1224] chan_sip.c:    Body  3 [ 21]: c=IN IP4
[Nov 19 12:01:24] DEBUG[1224] chan_sip.c:    Body  4 [  5]: t=0 0
[Nov 19 12:01:24] DEBUG[1224] chan_sip.c:    Body  5 [ 43]: m=audio 49774 RTP/AVP 9 0 8 3 99 112 18 101
[Nov 19 12:01:24] DEBUG[1224] chan_sip.c:    Body  6 [ 20]: a=rtpmap:9 G722/8000
[Nov 19 12:01:24] DEBUG[1224] chan_sip.c:    Body  7 [ 20]: a=rtpmap:0 PCMU/8000
[Nov 19 12:01:24] DEBUG[1224] chan_sip.c:    Body  8 [ 20]: a=rtpmap:8 PCMA/8000
[Nov 19 12:01:24] DEBUG[1224] chan_sip.c:    Body  9 [ 19]: a=rtpmap:3 GSM/8000
[Nov 19 12:01:24] DEBUG[1224] chan_sip.c:    Body 10 [ 24]: a=rtpmap:99 G726-32/8000
[Nov 19 12:01:24] DEBUG[1224] chan_sip.c:    Body 11 [ 30]: a=rtpmap:112 AAL2-G726-32/8000
[Nov 19 12:01:24] DEBUG[1224] chan_sip.c:    Body 12 [ 21]: a=rtpmap:18 G729/8000
[Nov 19 12:01:24] DEBUG[1224] chan_sip.c:    Body 13 [ 19]: a=fmtp:18 annexb=no
[Nov 19 12:01:24] DEBUG[1224] chan_sip.c:    Body 14 [ 33]: a=rtpmap:101 telephone-event/8000
[Nov 19 12:01:24] DEBUG[1224] chan_sip.c:    Body 15 [ 15]: a=fmtp:101 0-15
[Nov 19 12:01:24] DEBUG[1224] chan_sip.c:    Body 16 [ 10]: a=ptime:20
[Nov 19 12:01:24] DEBUG[1224] chan_sip.c:    Body 17 [ 10]: a=sendrecv
[Nov 19 12:01:24] VERBOSE[1224] chan_sip.c: --- (20 headers 18 lines) ---
[Nov 19 12:01:24] DEBUG[1224] chan_sip.c: = Looking for  Call ID: 313434373933303838323234353631-k7cwb8ag4ff6 (Checking From) --From tag geqmvi9x42 --To-tag   
[Nov 19 12:01:24] DEBUG[1224] netsock2.c: Splitting '' into...
[Nov 19 12:01:24] DEBUG[1224] netsock2.c: '' and port ''.
[Nov 19 12:01:24] DEBUG[1224] netsock2.c: Splitting '' into...
[Nov 19 12:01:24] DEBUG[1224] netsock2.c: '' and port ''.
[Nov 19 12:01:24] DEBUG[1224][C-0000003d] chan_sip.c: **** Received INVITE (5) - Command in SIP INVITE
[Nov 19 12:01:24] DEBUG[1224][C-0000003d] netsock2.c: Splitting '' into...
[Nov 19 12:01:24] DEBUG[1224][C-0000003d] netsock2.c: '' and port '5060'.
[Nov 19 12:01:24] VERBOSE[1224][C-0000003d] chan_sip.c: Sending to (no NAT)
[Nov 19 12:01:24] DEBUG[1224][C-0000003d] chan_sip.c: Initializing initreq for method INVITE - callid 313434373933303838323234353631-k7cwb8ag4ff6
[Nov 19 12:01:24] VERBOSE[1224][C-0000003d] chan_sip.c: Using INVITE request as basis request - 313434373933303838323234353631-k7cwb8ag4ff6
[Nov 19 12:01:24] DEBUG[1224][C-0000003d] netsock2.c: Splitting '' into...
[Nov 19 12:01:24] DEBUG[1224][C-0000003d] netsock2.c: '' and port ''.
[Nov 19 12:01:24] VERBOSE[1224][C-0000003d] chan_sip.c: Found peer '111' for '111' from
[Nov 19 12:01:24] DEBUG[1224][C-0000003d] rtp_engine.c: Using engine 'asterisk' for RTP instance '0x7f9810013828'
[Nov 19 12:01:24] DEBUG[1224][C-0000003d] res_rtp_asterisk.c: Allocated port 16404 for RTP instance '0x7f9810013828'
[Nov 19 12:01:24] DEBUG[1224][C-0000003d] rtp_engine.c: RTP instance '0x7f9810013828' is setup and ready to go
[Nov 19 12:01:24] DEBUG[1224][C-0000003d] res_rtp_asterisk.c: Setup RTCP on RTP instance '0x7f9810013828'
[Nov 19 12:01:24] DEBUG[1224][C-0000003d] chan_sip.c: Setting NAT on RTP to Off
[Nov 19 12:01:24] DEBUG[1224][C-0000003d] chan_sip.c: Processing session-level SDP v=0... UNSUPPORTED OR FAILED.
[Nov 19 12:01:24] DEBUG[1224][C-0000003d] chan_sip.c: Processing session-level SDP o=root 1510274555 1510274555 IN IP4 OK.
[Nov 19 12:01:24] DEBUG[1224][C-0000003d] chan_sip.c: Processing session-level SDP s=call... UNSUPPORTED OR FAILED.
[Nov 19 12:01:24] DEBUG[1224][C-0000003d] netsock2.c: Splitting '' into...
[Nov 19 12:01:24] DEBUG[1224][C-0000003d] netsock2.c: '' and port ''.
[Nov 19 12:01:24] DEBUG[1224][C-0000003d] chan_sip.c: Processing session-level SDP c=IN IP4 OK.
[Nov 19 12:01:24] DEBUG[1224][C-0000003d] chan_sip.c: Processing session-level SDP t=0 0... UNSUPPORTED OR FAILED.
[Nov 19 12:01:24] VERBOSE[1224][C-0000003d] chan_sip.c: Found RTP audio format 9
[Nov 19 12:01:24] DEBUG[1224][C-0000003d] rtp_engine.c: Setting tx payload type 9 based on m type on 0x7f97f50602d0
[Nov 19 12:01:24] VERBOSE[1224][C-0000003d] chan_sip.c: Found RTP audio format 0
[Nov 19 12:01:24] DEBUG[1224][C-0000003d] rtp_engine.c: Setting tx payload type 0 based on m type on 0x7f97f50602d0
[Nov 19 12:01:24] VERBOSE[1224][C-0000003d] chan_sip.c: Found RTP audio format 8
[Nov 19 12:01:24] DEBUG[1224][C-0000003d] rtp_engine.c: Setting tx payload type 8 based on m type on 0x7f97f50602d0
[Nov 19 12:01:24] VERBOSE[1224][C-0000003d] chan_sip.c: Found RTP audio format 3
[Nov 19 12:01:24] DEBUG[1224][C-0000003d] rtp_engine.c: Setting tx payload type 3 based on m type on 0x7f97f50602d0
[Nov 19 12:01:24] VERBOSE[1224][C-0000003d] chan_sip.c: Found RTP audio format 99
[Nov 19 12:01:24] DEBUG[1224][C-0000003d] rtp_engine.c: Setting tx payload type 99 based on m type on 0x7f97f50602d0
[Nov 19 12:01:24] VERBOSE[1224][C-0000003d] chan_sip.c: Found RTP audio format 112
[Nov 19 12:01:24] DEBUG[1224][C-0000003d] rtp_engine.c: Setting tx payload type 112 based on m type on 0x7f97f50602d0
[Nov 19 12:01:24] VERBOSE[1224][C-0000003d] chan_sip.c: Found RTP audio format 18
[Nov 19 12:01:24] DEBUG[1224][C-0000003d] rtp_engine.c: Setting tx payload type 18 based on m type on 0x7f97f50602d0
[Nov 19 12:01:24] VERBOSE[1224][C-0000003d] chan_sip.c: Found RTP audio format 101
[Nov 19 12:01:24] DEBUG[1224][C-0000003d] rtp_engine.c: Setting tx payload type 101 based on m type on 0x7f97f50602d0
[Nov 19 12:01:24] VERBOSE[1224][C-0000003d] chan_sip.c: Found audio description format G722 for ID 9
[Nov 19 12:01:24] DEBUG[1224][C-0000003d] chan_sip.c: Processing media-level (audio) SDP a=rtpmap:9 G722/8000... OK.
[Nov 19 12:01:24] VERBOSE[1224][C-0000003d] chan_sip.c: Found audio description format PCMU for ID 0
[Nov 19 12:01:24] DEBUG[1224][C-0000003d] chan_sip.c: Processing media-level (audio) SDP a=rtpmap:0 PCMU/8000... OK.
[Nov 19 12:01:24] VERBOSE[1224][C-0000003d] chan_sip.c: Found audio description format PCMA for ID 8
[Nov 19 12:01:24] DEBUG[1224][C-0000003d] chan_sip.c: Processing media-level (audio) SDP a=rtpmap:8 PCMA/8000... OK.
[Nov 19 12:01:24] VERBOSE[1224][C-0000003d] chan_sip.c: Found audio description format GSM for ID 3
[Nov 19 12:01:24] DEBUG[1224][C-0000003d] chan_sip.c: Processing media-level (audio) SDP a=rtpmap:3 GSM/8000... OK.
[Nov 19 12:01:24] VERBOSE[1224][C-0000003d] chan_sip.c: Found audio description format G726-32 for ID 99
[Nov 19 12:01:24] DEBUG[1224][C-0000003d] chan_sip.c: Processing media-level (audio) SDP a=rtpmap:99 G726-32/8000... OK.
[Nov 19 12:01:24] VERBOSE[1224][C-0000003d] chan_sip.c: Found audio description format AAL2-G726-32 for ID 112
[Nov 19 12:01:24] DEBUG[1224][C-0000003d] chan_sip.c: Processing media-level (audio) SDP a=rtpmap:112 AAL2-G726-32/8000... OK.
[Nov 19 12:01:24] VERBOSE[1224][C-0000003d] chan_sip.c: Found audio description format G729 for ID 18
[Nov 19 12:01:24] DEBUG[1224][C-0000003d] chan_sip.c: Processing media-level (audio) SDP a=rtpmap:18 G729/8000... OK.
[Nov 19 12:01:24] DEBUG[1224][C-0000003d] chan_sip.c: Processing media-level (audio) SDP a=fmtp:18 annexb=no... OK.
[Nov 19 12:01:24] VERBOSE[1224][C-0000003d] chan_sip.c: Found audio description format telephone-event for ID 101
[Nov 19 12:01:24] DEBUG[1224][C-0000003d] chan_sip.c: Processing media-level (audio) SDP a=rtpmap:101 telephone-event/8000... OK.
[Nov 19 12:01:24] DEBUG[1224][C-0000003d] chan_sip.c: Processing media-level (audio) SDP a=fmtp:101 0-15... UNSUPPORTED OR FAILED.
[Nov 19 12:01:24] DEBUG[1224][C-0000003d] chan_sip.c: Processing media-level (audio) SDP a=ptime:20... OK.
[Nov 19 12:01:24] DEBUG[1224][C-0000003d] chan_sip.c: Processing media-level (audio) SDP a=sendrecv... OK.
[Nov 19 12:01:24] VERBOSE[1224][C-0000003d] chan_sip.c: Capabilities: us - (ulaw|alaw|gsm), peer - audio=(ulaw|gsm|alaw|g722|g729|g726|g726aal2)/video=(nothing)/text=(nothing), combined - (ulaw|alaw|gsm)
[Nov 19 12:01:24] VERBOSE[1224][C-0000003d] chan_sip.c: Non-codec capabilities (dtmf): us - 0x1 (telephone-event|), peer - 0x1 (telephone-event|), combined - 0x1 (telephone-event|)
[Nov 19 12:01:24] DEBUG[1224][C-0000003d] res_rtp_asterisk.c: Setting RTCP address on RTP instance '0x7f9810013828'
[Nov 19 12:01:24] VERBOSE[1224][C-0000003d] chan_sip.c: Peer audio RTP is at port
[Nov 19 12:01:24] DEBUG[1224][C-0000003d] rtp_engine.c: Copying payload 0 (0x7f9810022570) from 0x7f97f50602d0 to 0x7f98100139f0
[Nov 19 12:01:24] DEBUG[1224][C-0000003d] rtp_engine.c: Copying payload 3 (0x7f9810013010) from 0x7f97f50602d0 to 0x7f98100139f0
[Nov 19 12:01:24] DEBUG[1224][C-0000003d] rtp_engine.c: Copying payload 8 (0x7f98100225b0) from 0x7f97f50602d0 to 0x7f98100139f0
[Nov 19 12:01:24] DEBUG[1224][C-0000003d] rtp_engine.c: Copying payload 9 (0x7f98100012a0) from 0x7f97f50602d0 to 0x7f98100139f0
[Nov 19 12:01:24] DEBUG[1224][C-0000003d] rtp_engine.c: Copying payload 18 (0x7f98100167d0) from 0x7f97f50602d0 to 0x7f98100139f0
[Nov 19 12:01:24] DEBUG[1224][C-0000003d] rtp_engine.c: Copying payload 99 (0x7f9810013050) from 0x7f97f50602d0 to 0x7f98100139f0
[Nov 19 12:01:24] DEBUG[1224][C-0000003d] rtp_engine.c: Copying payload 101 (0x7f9810016790) from 0x7f97f50602d0 to 0x7f98100139f0
[Nov 19 12:01:24] DEBUG[1224][C-0000003d] rtp_engine.c: Copying payload 112 (0x7f9810013090) from 0x7f97f50602d0 to 0x7f98100139f0
[Nov 19 12:01:24] DEBUG[1224][C-0000003d] res_rtp_asterisk.c: Ignoring duplicate RTCP property on RTP instance '0x7f9810013828'
[Nov 19 12:01:24] DEBUG[1224][C-0000003d] chan_sip.c: We're settling with these formats: (ulaw|alaw|gsm)
[Nov 19 12:01:24] DEBUG[1224][C-0000003d] chan_sip.c: Checking SIP call limits for device 111
[Nov 19 12:01:24] DEBUG[1224][C-0000003d] chan_sip.c: Updating call counter for incoming call
[Nov 19 12:01:24] DEBUG[1224][C-0000003d] chan_sip.c: Call from peer '111' is 1 out of 2
[Nov 19 12:01:24] DEBUG[1224][C-0000003d] netsock2.c: Splitting '' into...
[Nov 19 12:01:24] DEBUG[1224][C-0000003d] netsock2.c: '' and port ''.
[Nov 19 12:01:24] DEBUG[1224][C-0000003d] netsock2.c: Splitting '' into...
[Nov 19 12:01:24] DEBUG[1224][C-0000003d] netsock2.c: '' and port ''.
[Nov 19 12:01:24] VERBOSE[1224][C-0000003d] chan_sip.c: Looking for 777 in from_sip (domain
[Nov 19 12:01:24] DEBUG[1224][C-0000003d] chan_sip.c: Incoming INVITE with 'timer' option supported
[Nov 19 12:01:24] DEBUG[1224][C-0000003d] chan_sip.c: INVITE also has "Session-Expires" header.
[Nov 19 12:01:24] DEBUG[1224][C-0000003d] chan_sip.c: Session-Expires: 3600
[Nov 19 12:01:24] DEBUG[1224][C-0000003d] chan_sip.c: INVITE also has "Min-SE" header.
[Nov 19 12:01:24] DEBUG[1224][C-0000003d] chan_sip.c: Received Min-SE: 90
[Nov 19 12:01:24] DEBUG[1224][C-0000003d] chan_sip.c: *** Our native formats are (ulaw) 
[Nov 19 12:01:24] DEBUG[1224][C-0000003d] chan_sip.c: *** Joint capabilities are (ulaw|alaw|gsm) 
[Nov 19 12:01:24] DEBUG[1224][C-0000003d] chan_sip.c: *** Our capabilities are (ulaw|alaw|gsm) 
[Nov 19 12:01:24] DEBUG[1224][C-0000003d] chan_sip.c: *** AST_CODEC_CHOOSE formats are ulaw 
[Nov 19 12:01:24] DEBUG[1224][C-0000003d] chan_sip.c: This channel will not be able to handle video.
[Nov 19 12:01:24] VERBOSE[1224][C-0000003d] sip/route.c: sip_route_dump: route/path hop: <sip:111@;line=n8nouw93>
[Nov 19 12:01:24] DEBUG[1224][C-0000003d] chan_sip.c: SIP/111-0000002a: New call is still down.... Trying... 
[Nov 19 12:01:24] VERBOSE[1224][C-0000003d] chan_sip.c: 
<--- Transmitting (no NAT) to --->
SIP/2.0 100 Trying
Via: SIP/2.0/UDP;branch=z9hG4bK-nrovidjclhaf;received=;rport=5060
From: "biw CC 111" <sip:111@>;tag=geqmvi9x42
To: <sip:777@>
Call-ID: 313434373933303838323234353631-k7cwb8ag4ff6
Server: Asterisk PBX 13.6.0
Supported: replaces, timer
Session-Expires: 1800;refresher=uas
Contact: <sip:777@>
Content-Length: 0

[Nov 19 12:01:24] DEBUG[1224][C-0000003d] chan_sip.c: Trying to put 'SIP/2.0 100' onto UDP socket destined for
[Nov 19 12:01:24] DEBUG[1202] devicestate.c: No provider found, checking channel drivers for SIP - 111
[Nov 19 12:01:24] DEBUG[1202] chan_sip.c: Checking device state for peer 111
[Nov 19 12:01:24] DEBUG[1202] devicestate.c: Changing state for SIP/111 - state 2 (In use)
[Nov 19 12:01:24] DEBUG[1202] devicestate.c: No provider found, checking channel drivers for SIP - 111
[Nov 19 12:01:24] DEBUG[1202] chan_sip.c: Checking device state for peer 111
[Nov 19 12:01:24] DEBUG[1202] devicestate.c: Changing state for SIP/111 - state 2 (In use)
[Nov 19 12:01:24] DEBUG[1190] threadpool.c: Increasing threadpool stasis-core's size by 1
[Nov 19 12:01:24] DEBUG[1207] manager.c: Mansession: 0x7f981c002218 refcount now 2
[Nov 19 12:01:24] DEBUG[1207] manager.c: Mansession: 0x7f981c002218 refcount now 2
[Nov 19 12:01:24] DEBUG[1207] manager.c: Mansession: 0x7f981c002218 refcount now 2
[Nov 19 12:01:24] DEBUG[1207] manager.c: Mansession: 0x7f981c002218 refcount now 2
[Nov 19 12:01:24] DEBUG[1207] manager.c: Mansession: 0x7f981c002218 refcount now 2
[Nov 19 12:01:24] DEBUG[1207] manager.c: Mansession: 0x7f981c002218 refcount now 2
[Nov 19 12:01:24] DEBUG[1207] manager.c: Mansession: 0x7f981c002218 refcount now 2
[Nov 19 12:01:24] DEBUG[1207] manager.c: Mansession: 0x7f981c002218 refcount now 2
[Nov 19 12:01:24] DEBUG[23729] manager.c: Examining AMI event:
Event: Newchannel
Privilege: call,all
SequenceNumber: 3708
File: manager_channels.c
Line: 677
Func: channel_snapshot_update
Channel: SIP/111-0000002a
ChannelState: 0
ChannelStateDesc: Down
CallerIDNum: 111
CallerIDName: biw CC 111
ConnectedLineNum: <unknown>
ConnectedLineName: <unknown>
Language: en
Context: from_sip
Exten: 777
Priority: 1
Uniqueid: 1447930884.372
Linkedid: 1447930884.372

[Nov 19 12:01:24] DEBUG[23729] manager.c: Examining AMI event:
Event: VarSet
Privilege: dialplan,all
SequenceNumber: 3709
File: manager.c
Line: 1693
Func: manager_default_msg_cb
Channel: SIP/111-0000002a
ChannelState: 0
ChannelStateDesc: Down
CallerIDNum: 111
CallerIDName: biw CC 111
ConnectedLineNum: <unknown>
ConnectedLineName: <unknown>
Language: en
Context: from_sip
Exten: 777
Priority: 1
Uniqueid: 1447930884.372
Linkedid: 1447930884.372
Variable: SIPURI
Value: sip:111@

[Nov 19 12:01:24] DEBUG[23729] manager.c: Examining AMI event:
Event: VarSet
Privilege: dialplan,all
SequenceNumber: 3710
File: manager.c
Line: 1693
Func: manager_default_msg_cb
Channel: SIP/111-0000002a
ChannelState: 0
ChannelStateDesc: Down
CallerIDNum: 111
CallerIDName: biw CC 111
ConnectedLineNum: <unknown>
ConnectedLineName: <unknown>
Language: en
Context: from_sip
Exten: 777
Priority: 1
Uniqueid: 1447930884.372
Linkedid: 1447930884.372

[Nov 19 12:01:24] DEBUG[23729] manager.c: Examining AMI event:
Event: VarSet
Privilege: dialplan,all
SequenceNumber: 3711
File: manager.c
Line: 1693
Func: manager_default_msg_cb
Channel: SIP/111-0000002a
ChannelState: 0
ChannelStateDesc: Down
CallerIDNum: 111
CallerIDName: biw CC 111
ConnectedLineNum: <unknown>
ConnectedLineName: <unknown>
Language: en
Context: from_sip
Exten: 777
Priority: 1
Uniqueid: 1447930884.372
Linkedid: 1447930884.372
Value: 313434373933303838323234353631-k7cwb8ag4ff6

[Nov 19 12:01:24] DEBUG[23729] manager.c: Examining AMI event:
Event: VarSet
Privilege: dialplan,all
SequenceNumber: 3712
File: manager.c
Line: 1693
Func: manager_default_msg_cb
Channel: SIP/111-0000002a
ChannelState: 0
ChannelStateDesc: Down
CallerIDNum: 111
CallerIDName: biw CC 111
ConnectedLineNum: <unknown>
ConnectedLineName: <unknown>
Language: en
Context: from_sip
Exten: 777
Priority: 1
Uniqueid: 1447930884.372
Linkedid: 1447930884.372
Variable: basterisk
Value: 1

[Nov 19 12:01:24] DEBUG[23729] manager.c: Examining AMI event:
Event: Newstate
Privilege: call,all
SequenceNumber: 3713
File: manager_channels.c
Line: 677
Func: channel_snapshot_update
Channel: SIP/111-0000002a
ChannelState: 4
ChannelStateDesc: Ring
CallerIDNum: 111
CallerIDName: biw CC 111
ConnectedLineNum: <unknown>
ConnectedLineName: <unknown>
Language: de
Context: from_sip
Exten: 777
Priority: 1
Uniqueid: 1447930884.372
Linkedid: 1447930884.372

[Nov 19 12:01:24] DEBUG[23729] manager.c: Examining AMI event:
Event: SuccessfulAuth
Privilege: security,all
SequenceNumber: 3714
File: manager.c
Line: 1693
Func: manager_default_msg_cb
EventTV: 2015-11-19T12:01:24.296+0100
Severity: Informational
Service: SIP
EventVersion: 1
AccountID: 777
SessionID: 0x7f9810026ac8
LocalAddress: IPV4/UDP/
RemoteAddress: IPV4/UDP/
UsingPassword: 1

[Nov 19 12:01:24] DEBUG[23729] manager.c: Examining AMI event:
Event: DeviceStateChange
Privilege: call,all
SequenceNumber: 3715
File: manager.c
Line: 1693
Func: manager_default_msg_cb
Device: SIP/111
State: INUSE

[Nov 19 12:01:24] DEBUG[1255] app_queue.c: Device 'SIP/111' changed to state '2' (In use) but we don't care because they're not a member of any queue.
[Nov 19 12:01:24] DEBUG[24199][C-0000003d] pbx.c: Result of 'EXTEN' is '777'
[Nov 19 12:01:24] DEBUG[24199][C-0000003d] pbx.c: Launching 'NoOp'
[Nov 19 12:01:24] DEBUG[24199][C-0000003d] pbx.c: Launching 'Set'
[Nov 19 12:01:24] DEBUG[24199][C-0000003d] pbx.c: Result of 'EXTEN' is '777'
[Nov 19 12:01:24] DEBUG[24199][C-0000003d] pbx.c: Launching 'Goto'
[Nov 19 12:01:24] DEBUG[24199][C-0000003d] pbx.c: Launching 'AGI'
[Nov 19 12:01:24] DEBUG[1207] manager.c: Mansession: 0x7f981c002218 refcount now 2
[Nov 19 12:01:24] DEBUG[1207] manager.c: Mansession: 0x7f981c002218 refcount now 2
[Nov 19 12:01:24] DEBUG[1207] manager.c: Mansession: 0x7f981c002218 refcount now 2
[Nov 19 12:01:24] DEBUG[1207] manager.c: Mansession: 0x7f981c002218 refcount now 2
[Nov 19 12:01:24] DEBUG[1207] manager.c: Mansession: 0x7f981c002218 refcount now 2
[Nov 19 12:01:24] DEBUG[1207] manager.c: Mansession: 0x7f981c002218 refcount now 2
[Nov 19 12:01:24] DEBUG[23729] manager.c: Examining AMI event:
Event: Newexten
Privilege: call,all
SequenceNumber: 3716
File: manager_channels.c
Line: 677
Func: channel_snapshot_update
Channel: SIP/111-0000002a
ChannelState: 4
ChannelStateDesc: Ring
CallerIDNum: 111
CallerIDName: biw CC 111
ConnectedLineNum: <unknown>
ConnectedLineName: <unknown>
Language: de
Context: from_sip
Exten: 777
Priority: 1
Uniqueid: 1447930884.372
Linkedid: 1447930884.372
Extension: 777
Application: NoOp
AppData: Extension: 777

[Nov 19 12:01:24] DEBUG[23729] manager.c: Examining AMI event:
Event: Newexten
Privilege: call,all
SequenceNumber: 3717
File: manager_channels.c
Line: 677
Func: channel_snapshot_update
Channel: SIP/111-0000002a
ChannelState: 4
ChannelStateDesc: Ring
CallerIDNum: 111
CallerIDName: biw CC 111
ConnectedLineNum: <unknown>
ConnectedLineName: <unknown>
Language: de
Context: from_sip
Exten: 777
Priority: 2
Uniqueid: 1447930884.372
Linkedid: 1447930884.372
Extension: 777
Application: Set
AppData: AGI_HOST=

[Nov 19 12:01:24] DEBUG[23729] manager.c: Examining AMI event:
Event: VarSet
Privilege: dialplan,all
SequenceNumber: 3718
File: manager.c
Line: 1693
Func: manager_default_msg_cb
Channel: SIP/111-0000002a
ChannelState: 4
ChannelStateDesc: Ring
CallerIDNum: 111
CallerIDName: biw CC 111
ConnectedLineNum: <unknown>
ConnectedLineName: <unknown>
Language: de
Context: from_sip
Exten: 777
Priority: 2
Uniqueid: 1447930884.372
Linkedid: 1447930884.372
Variable: AGI_HOST

[Nov 19 12:01:24] DEBUG[23729] manager.c: Examining AMI event:
Event: Newexten
Privilege: call,all
SequenceNumber: 3719
File: manager_channels.c
Line: 677
Func: channel_snapshot_update
Channel: SIP/111-0000002a
ChannelState: 4
ChannelStateDesc: Ring
CallerIDNum: 111
CallerIDName: biw CC 111
ConnectedLineNum: <unknown>
ConnectedLineName: <unknown>
Language: de
Context: from_sip
Exten: 777
Priority: 3
Uniqueid: 1447930884.372
Linkedid: 1447930884.372
Extension: 777
Application: Goto
AppData: menu_test,777,1

[Nov 19 12:01:24] DEBUG[23729] manager.c: Examining AMI event:
Event: Newexten
Privilege: call,all
SequenceNumber: 3720
File: manager_channels.c
Line: 677
Func: channel_snapshot_update
Channel: SIP/111-0000002a
ChannelState: 4
ChannelStateDesc: Ring
CallerIDNum: 111
CallerIDName: biw CC 111
ConnectedLineNum: <unknown>
ConnectedLineName: <unknown>
Language: de
Context: menu_test
Exten: 777
Priority: 1
Uniqueid: 1447930884.372
Linkedid: 1447930884.372
Extension: 777
Application: AGI
AppData: agi:async

[Nov 19 12:01:24] DEBUG[23729] manager.c: Examining AMI event:
Event: AsyncAGIStart
Privilege: agi,all
SequenceNumber: 3721
File: manager.c
Line: 1693
Func: manager_default_msg_cb
Channel: SIP/111-0000002a
ChannelState: 4
ChannelStateDesc: Ring
CallerIDNum: 111
CallerIDName: biw CC 111
ConnectedLineNum: <unknown>
ConnectedLineName: <unknown>
Language: de
Context: menu_test
Exten: 777
Priority: 1
Uniqueid: 1447930884.372
Linkedid: 1447930884.372
Env: agi_request%3A%20async%0Aagi_channel%3A%20SIP%2F111-0000002a%0Aagi_language%3A%20de%0Aagi_type%3A%20SIP%0Aagi_uniqueid%3A%201447930884.372%0Aagi_version%3A%2013.6.0%0Aagi_callerid%3A%20111%0Aagi_calleridname%3A%20biw%20CC%20111%0Aagi_callingpres%3A%200%0Aagi_callingani2%3A%200%0Aagi_callington%3A%200%0Aagi_callingtns%3A%200%0Aagi_dnid%3A%20777%0Aagi_rdnis%3A%20unknown%0Aagi_context%3A%20menu_test%0Aagi_extension%3A%20777%0Aagi_priority%3A%201%0Aagi_enhanced%3A%200.0%0Aagi_accountcode%3A%20%0Aagi_threadid%3A%20140291147958016%0A%0A

[Nov 19 12:01:24] DEBUG[1206] manager.c: Mansession: 0x7f981c002218 refcount now 2
[Nov 19 12:01:24] DEBUG[23729] manager.c: Examining AMI event:
Event: CEL
Privilege: call,all
SequenceNumber: 3722
File: cel_manager.c
Line: 299
Func: manager_log
CallerIDnum: 111
CallerIDname: biw CC 111
Exten: 777
Context: from_sip
Channel: SIP/111-0000002a
EventTime: 2015-11-19 12:01:24
UniqueID: 1447930884.372
LinkedID: 1447930884.372

[Nov 19 12:01:24] VERBOSE[1224] chan_sip.c: 
<--- SIP read from UDP: --->
ACK sip:777@ SIP/2.0
Via: SIP/2.0/UDP;branch=z9hG4bK-xebdxrobi7ju;rport
From: "biw CC 111" <sip:111@>;tag=geqmvi9x42
To: <sip:777@>;tag=as160fad93
Call-ID: 313434373933303838323234353631-k7cwb8ag4ff6
CSeq: 1 ACK
Max-Forwards: 70
User-Agent: snom320/
Contact: <sip:111@;line=n8nouw93>;reg-id=1
Content-Length: 0

[Nov 19 12:01:24] DEBUG[1224] chan_sip.c:  Header  0 [ 31]: ACK sip:777@ SIP/2.0
[Nov 19 12:01:24] DEBUG[1224] chan_sip.c:  Header  1 [ 68]: Via: SIP/2.0/UDP;branch=z9hG4bK-xebdxrobi7ju;rport
[Nov 19 12:01:24] DEBUG[1224] chan_sip.c:  Header  2 [ 55]: From: "biw CC 111" <sip:111@>;tag=geqmvi9x42
[Nov 19 12:01:24] DEBUG[1224] chan_sip.c:  Header  3 [ 40]: To: <sip:777@>;tag=as160fad93
[Nov 19 12:01:24] DEBUG[1224] chan_sip.c:  Header  4 [ 52]: Call-ID: 313434373933303838323234353631-k7cwb8ag4ff6
[Nov 19 12:01:24] DEBUG[1224] chan_sip.c:  Header  5 [ 11]: CSeq: 1 ACK
[Nov 19 12:01:24] DEBUG[1224] chan_sip.c:  Header  6 [ 16]: Max-Forwards: 70
[Nov 19 12:01:24] DEBUG[1224] chan_sip.c:  Header  7 [ 28]: User-Agent: snom320/
[Nov 19 12:01:24] DEBUG[1224] chan_sip.c:  Header  8 [ 59]: Contact: <sip:111@;line=n8nouw93>;reg-id=1
[Nov 19 12:01:24] DEBUG[1224] chan_sip.c:  Header  9 [ 17]: Content-Length: 0
[Nov 19 12:01:24] VERBOSE[1224] chan_sip.c: --- (10 headers 0 lines) ---
[Nov 19 12:01:24] DEBUG[1224] chan_sip.c: = Looking for  Call ID: 313434373933303838323234353631-k7cwb8ag4ff6 (Checking From) --From tag geqmvi9x42 --To-tag as160fad93  
[Nov 19 12:01:24] DEBUG[1224] chan_sip.c: Invalid SIP message - rejected , no callid, len 387
[Nov 19 12:01:24] DEBUG[23729] manager.c: Running action 'AGI'
[Nov 19 12:01:24] VERBOSE[24199][C-0000003d] chan_sip.c: 
<--- Transmitting (no NAT) to --->
SIP/2.0 180 Ringing
Via: SIP/2.0/UDP;branch=z9hG4bK-nrovidjclhaf;received=;rport=5060
From: "biw CC 111" <sip:111@>;tag=geqmvi9x42
To: <sip:777@>;tag=as6ca3b252
Call-ID: 313434373933303838323234353631-k7cwb8ag4ff6
Server: Asterisk PBX 13.6.0
Supported: replaces, timer
Session-Expires: 1800;refresher=uas
Contact: <sip:777@>
Content-Length: 0

[Nov 19 12:01:24] DEBUG[24199][C-0000003d] chan_sip.c: Trying to put 'SIP/2.0 180' onto UDP socket destined for
[Nov 19 12:01:24] DEBUG[1207] manager.c: Mansession: 0x7f981c002218 refcount now 2
[Nov 19 12:01:24] DEBUG[1207] manager.c: Mansession: 0x7f981c002218 refcount now 2
[Nov 19 12:01:24] DEBUG[1207] manager.c: Mansession: 0x7f981c002218 refcount now 2
[Nov 19 12:01:24] DEBUG[23729] manager.c: Examining AMI event:
Event: AGIExecStart
Privilege: agi,all
SequenceNumber: 3723
File: manager.c
Line: 1693
Func: manager_default_msg_cb
Channel: SIP/111-0000002a
ChannelState: 4
ChannelStateDesc: Ring
CallerIDNum: 111
CallerIDName: biw CC 111
ConnectedLineNum: <unknown>
ConnectedLineName: <unknown>
Language: de
Context: menu_test
Exten: 777
Priority: 1
Uniqueid: 1447930884.372
Linkedid: 1447930884.372
CommandId: 1873483067

[Nov 19 12:01:24] DEBUG[23729] manager.c: Examining AMI event:
Event: AGIExecEnd
Privilege: agi,all
SequenceNumber: 3724
File: manager.c
Line: 1693
Func: manager_default_msg_cb
Channel: SIP/111-0000002a
ChannelState: 4
ChannelStateDesc: Ring
CallerIDNum: 111
CallerIDName: biw CC 111
ConnectedLineNum: <unknown>
ConnectedLineName: <unknown>
Language: de
Context: menu_test
Exten: 777
Priority: 1
Uniqueid: 1447930884.372
Linkedid: 1447930884.372
CommandId: 1873483067
ResultCode: 200
Result: Success

[Nov 19 12:01:24] DEBUG[23729] manager.c: Examining AMI event:
Event: AsyncAGIExec
Privilege: agi,all
SequenceNumber: 3725
File: manager.c
Line: 1693
Func: manager_default_msg_cb
Channel: SIP/111-0000002a
ChannelState: 4
ChannelStateDesc: Ring
CallerIDNum: 111
CallerIDName: biw CC 111
ConnectedLineNum: <unknown>
ConnectedLineName: <unknown>
Language: de
Context: menu_test
Exten: 777
Priority: 1
Uniqueid: 1447930884.372
Linkedid: 1447930884.372
Result: 200%20result%3D0%0A
CommandId: 52aa6c9b-145a-45ec-98c4-af23c9fd4b36

[Nov 19 12:01:24] DEBUG[23729] manager.c: Running action 'AGI'
[Nov 19 12:01:24] DEBUG[24199][C-0000003d] chan_sip.c: SIP answering channel: SIP/111-0000002a
[Nov 19 12:01:24] DEBUG[24199][C-0000003d] res_rtp_asterisk.c: Setting the marker bit due to a source update
[Nov 19 12:01:24] DEBUG[24199][C-0000003d] chan_sip.c: Setting framing from config on incoming call
[Nov 19 12:01:24] DEBUG[24199][C-0000003d] chan_sip.c: ** Our capability: (ulaw|alaw|gsm) Video flag: True Text flag: True
[Nov 19 12:01:24] DEBUG[24199][C-0000003d] chan_sip.c: ** Our prefcodec: (nothing) 
[Nov 19 12:01:24] VERBOSE[24199][C-0000003d] chan_sip.c: Audio is at 16404
[Nov 19 12:01:24] VERBOSE[24199][C-0000003d] chan_sip.c: Adding codec ulaw to SDP
[Nov 19 12:01:24] VERBOSE[24199][C-0000003d] chan_sip.c: Adding codec alaw to SDP
[Nov 19 12:01:24] VERBOSE[24199][C-0000003d] chan_sip.c: Adding codec gsm to SDP
[Nov 19 12:01:24] VERBOSE[24199][C-0000003d] chan_sip.c: Adding non-codec 0x1 (telephone-event) to SDP
[Nov 19 12:01:24] DEBUG[24199][C-0000003d] chan_sip.c: -- Done with adding codecs to SDP
[Nov 19 12:01:24] DEBUG[24199][C-0000003d] chan_sip.c: Done building SDP. Settling with this capability: (ulaw|alaw|gsm)
[Nov 19 12:01:24] VERBOSE[24199][C-0000003d] chan_sip.c: 
<--- Reliably Transmitting (no NAT) to --->
SIP/2.0 200 OK
Via: SIP/2.0/UDP;branch=z9hG4bK-nrovidjclhaf;received=;rport=5060
From: "biw CC 111" <sip:111@>;tag=geqmvi9x42
To: <sip:777@>;tag=as6ca3b252
Call-ID: 313434373933303838323234353631-k7cwb8ag4ff6
Server: Asterisk PBX 13.6.0
Supported: replaces, timer
Session-Expires: 1800;refresher=uas
Contact: <sip:777@>
Content-Type: application/sdp
Require: timer
Content-Length: 284

o=root 2077492015 2077492015 IN IP4
s=Asterisk PBX 13.6.0
c=IN IP4
t=0 0
m=audio 16404 RTP/AVP 0 8 3 101
a=rtpmap:0 PCMU/8000
a=rtpmap:8 PCMA/8000
a=rtpmap:3 GSM/8000
a=rtpmap:101 telephone-event/8000
a=fmtp:101 0-16

[Nov 19 12:01:24] DEBUG[24199][C-0000003d] chan_sip.c: *** SIP TIMER: Initializing retransmit timer on packet: Id  #4
[Nov 19 12:01:24] DEBUG[24199][C-0000003d] chan_sip.c: Trying to put 'SIP/2.0 200' onto UDP socket destined for
[Nov 19 12:01:24] DEBUG[24199][C-0000003d] chan_sip.c: Session timer started: 5 - 313434373933303838323234353631-k7cwb8ag4ff6 900000ms
[Nov 19 12:01:24] DEBUG[1206] manager.c: Mansession: 0x7f981c002218 refcount now 2
[Nov 19 12:01:24] DEBUG[1207] manager.c: Mansession: 0x7f981c002218 refcount now 2
[Nov 19 12:01:24] DEBUG[1207] manager.c: Mansession: 0x7f981c002218 refcount now 2
[Nov 19 12:01:24] DEBUG[1202] devicestate.c: No provider found, checking channel drivers for SIP - 111
[Nov 19 12:01:24] DEBUG[1202] chan_sip.c: Checking device state for peer 111
[Nov 19 12:01:24] DEBUG[1202] devicestate.c: Changing state for SIP/111 - state 2 (In use)
[Nov 19 12:01:24] DEBUG[23729] manager.c: Examining AMI event:
Event: CEL
Privilege: call,all
SequenceNumber: 3726
File: cel_manager.c
Line: 299
Func: manager_log
EventName: ANSWER
CallerIDnum: 111
CallerIDname: biw CC 111
CallerIDani: 111
CallerIDdnid: 777
Exten: 777
Context: menu_test
Channel: SIP/111-0000002a
Application: AGI
AppData: agi:async
EventTime: 2015-11-19 12:01:24
UniqueID: 1447930884.372
LinkedID: 1447930884.372

[Nov 19 12:01:24] DEBUG[23729] manager.c: Examining AMI event:
Event: AGIExecStart
Privilege: agi,all
SequenceNumber: 3727
File: manager.c
Line: 1693
Func: manager_default_msg_cb
Channel: SIP/111-0000002a
ChannelState: 4
ChannelStateDesc: Ring
CallerIDNum: 111
CallerIDName: biw CC 111
ConnectedLineNum: <unknown>
ConnectedLineName: <unknown>
Language: de
Context: menu_test
Exten: 777
Priority: 1
Uniqueid: 1447930884.372
Linkedid: 1447930884.372
CommandId: 1632223165
Command: ANSWER

[Nov 19 12:01:24] DEBUG[23729] manager.c: Examining AMI event:
Event: Newstate
Privilege: call,all
SequenceNumber: 3728
File: manager_channels.c
Line: 677
Func: channel_snapshot_update
Channel: SIP/111-0000002a
ChannelState: 6
ChannelStateDesc: Up
CallerIDNum: 111
CallerIDName: biw CC 111
ConnectedLineNum: <unknown>
ConnectedLineName: <unknown>
Language: de
Context: menu_test
Exten: 777
Priority: 1
Uniqueid: 1447930884.372
Linkedid: 1447930884.372

[Nov 19 12:01:24] VERBOSE[1224] chan_sip.c: 
<--- SIP read from UDP: --->
ACK sip:777@ SIP/2.0
Via: SIP/2.0/UDP;branch=z9hG4bK-05s0tjx7uu56;rport
From: "biw CC 111" <sip:111@>;tag=geqmvi9x42
To: <sip:777@>;tag=as6ca3b252
Call-ID: 313434373933303838323234353631-k7cwb8ag4ff6
CSeq: 2 ACK
Max-Forwards: 70
User-Agent: snom320/
Contact: <sip:111@;line=n8nouw93>;reg-id=1
Content-Length: 0

[Nov 19 12:01:24] DEBUG[1224] chan_sip.c:  Header  0 [ 36]: ACK sip:777@ SIP/2.0
[Nov 19 12:01:24] DEBUG[1224] chan_sip.c:  Header  1 [ 68]: Via: SIP/2.0/UDP;branch=z9hG4bK-05s0tjx7uu56;rport
[Nov 19 12:01:24] DEBUG[1224] chan_sip.c:  Header  2 [ 55]: From: "biw CC 111" <sip:111@>;tag=geqmvi9x42
[Nov 19 12:01:24] DEBUG[1224] chan_sip.c:  Header  3 [ 40]: To: <sip:777@>;tag=as6ca3b252
[Nov 19 12:01:24] DEBUG[1224] chan_sip.c:  Header  4 [ 52]: Call-ID: 313434373933303838323234353631-k7cwb8ag4ff6
[Nov 19 12:01:24] DEBUG[1224] chan_sip.c:  Header  5 [ 11]: CSeq: 2 ACK
[Nov 19 12:01:24] DEBUG[1224] chan_sip.c:  Header  6 [ 16]: Max-Forwards: 70
[Nov 19 12:01:24] DEBUG[1224] chan_sip.c:  Header  7 [ 28]: User-Agent: snom320/
[Nov 19 12:01:24] DEBUG[1224] chan_sip.c:  Header  8 [ 59]: Contact: <sip:111@;line=n8nouw93>;reg-id=1
[Nov 19 12:01:24] DEBUG[1224] chan_sip.c:  Header  9 [ 17]: Content-Length: 0
[Nov 19 12:01:24] VERBOSE[1224] chan_sip.c: --- (10 headers 0 lines) ---
[Nov 19 12:01:24] DEBUG[1224] chan_sip.c: = Looking for  Call ID: 313434373933303838323234353631-k7cwb8ag4ff6 (Checking From) --From tag geqmvi9x42 --To-tag as6ca3b252  
[Nov 19 12:01:24] DEBUG[1224][C-0000003d] chan_sip.c: **** Received ACK (6) - Command in SIP ACK
[Nov 19 12:01:24] DEBUG[1224][C-0000003d] chan_sip.c: ** SIP TIMER: Cancelling retransmit of packet (reply received) Retransid #4
[Nov 19 12:01:24] DEBUG[1224][C-0000003d] chan_sip.c: Stopping retransmission on '313434373933303838323234353631-k7cwb8ag4ff6' of Response 2: Match Found
[Nov 19 12:01:24] DEBUG[24199][C-0000003d] res_rtp_asterisk.c: Got RTCP report of 48 bytes
[Nov 19 12:01:24] DEBUG[24199][C-0000003d] acl.c: Not an IPv4 nor IPv6 address, cannot get port.
[Nov 19 12:01:24] DEBUG[24199][C-0000003d] netsock2.c: Splitting 'callcenter-centos7-dit' into...
[Nov 19 12:01:24] DEBUG[24199][C-0000003d] netsock2.c: 'callcenter-centos7-dit' and port ''.
[Nov 19 12:01:24] DEBUG[24199][C-0000003d] acl.c: Not an IPv4 nor IPv6 address, cannot get port.
[Nov 19 12:01:24] DEBUG[24199][C-0000003d] acl.c: Attached to given IP address
[Nov 19 12:01:24] DEBUG[1207] manager.c: Mansession: 0x7f981c002218 refcount now 2
[Nov 19 12:01:24] DEBUG[1254] netsock2.c: Splitting '' into...
[Nov 19 12:01:24] DEBUG[1254] netsock2.c: '' and port '49775'.
[Nov 19 12:01:24] DEBUG[1254] netsock2.c: Splitting '' into...
[Nov 19 12:01:24] DEBUG[1254] netsock2.c: '' and port '0'.
[Nov 19 12:01:24] DEBUG[23729] manager.c: Examining AMI event:
Event: RTCPReceived
Privilege: reporting,all
SequenceNumber: 3729
File: manager.c
Line: 1693
Func: manager_default_msg_cb
Channel: SIP/111-0000002a
ChannelState: 6
ChannelStateDesc: Up
CallerIDNum: 111
CallerIDName: biw CC 111
ConnectedLineNum: <unknown>
ConnectedLineName: <unknown>
Language: de
Context: menu_test
Exten: 777
Priority: 1
Uniqueid: 1447930884.372
Linkedid: 1447930884.372
RTT: 0.0000
SSRC: 0x2fd34d8b
PT: 201(RR)
ReportCount: 1
Report0SourceSSRC: 0x7b36c937
Report0FractionLost: 0
Report0CumulativeLost: 0
Report0HighestSequence: 0
Report0SequenceNumberCycles: 0
Report0IAJitter: 0
Report0LSR: 0
Report0DLSR: 0.0000

[Nov 19 12:01:24] DEBUG[24199][C-0000003d] res_rtp_asterisk.c: 0x7f981001d200 -- Probation learning mode pass with source address
[Nov 19 12:01:24] DEBUG[1207] manager.c: Mansession: 0x7f981c002218 refcount now 2
[Nov 19 12:01:24] DEBUG[1207] manager.c: Mansession: 0x7f981c002218 refcount now 2
[Nov 19 12:01:24] DEBUG[23729] manager.c: Examining AMI event:
Event: AGIExecEnd
Privilege: agi,all
SequenceNumber: 3730
File: manager.c
Line: 1693
Func: manager_default_msg_cb
Channel: SIP/111-0000002a
ChannelState: 6
ChannelStateDesc: Up
CallerIDNum: 111
CallerIDName: biw CC 111
ConnectedLineNum: <unknown>
ConnectedLineName: <unknown>
Language: de
Context: menu_test
Exten: 777
Priority: 1
Uniqueid: 1447930884.372
Linkedid: 1447930884.372
CommandId: 1632223165
Command: ANSWER
ResultCode: 200
Result: Success

[Nov 19 12:01:24] DEBUG[23729] manager.c: Examining AMI event:
Event: AsyncAGIExec
Privilege: agi,all
SequenceNumber: 3731
File: manager.c
Line: 1693
Func: manager_default_msg_cb
Channel: SIP/111-0000002a
ChannelState: 6
ChannelStateDesc: Up
CallerIDNum: 111
CallerIDName: biw CC 111
ConnectedLineNum: <unknown>
ConnectedLineName: <unknown>
Language: de
Context: menu_test
Exten: 777
Priority: 1
Uniqueid: 1447930884.372
Linkedid: 1447930884.372
Result: 200%20result%3D0%0A
CommandId: fb5223f8-bd40-4196-bdc9-bc0e7b01a738

[Nov 19 12:01:24] DEBUG[23729] manager.c: Running action 'AGI'
[Nov 19 12:01:24] DEBUG[24199][C-0000003d] channel.c: Channel SIP/111-0000002a setting write format path: gsm -> ulaw
[Nov 19 12:01:24] DEBUG[24199][C-0000003d] res_rtp_asterisk.c: Ooh, format changed from none to ulaw
[Nov 19 12:01:24] DEBUG[24199][C-0000003d] channel.c: Scheduling timer at (50 requested / 50 actual) timer ticks per second
[Nov 19 12:01:24] DEBUG[1207] manager.c: Mansession: 0x7f981c002218 refcount now 2
[Nov 19 12:01:24] DEBUG[23729] manager.c: Examining AMI event:
Event: AGIExecStart
Privilege: agi,all
SequenceNumber: 3732
File: manager.c
Line: 1693
Func: manager_default_msg_cb
Channel: SIP/111-0000002a
ChannelState: 6
ChannelStateDesc: Up
CallerIDNum: 111
CallerIDName: biw CC 111
ConnectedLineNum: <unknown>
ConnectedLineName: <unknown>
Language: de
Context: menu_test
Exten: 777
Priority: 1
Uniqueid: 1447930884.372
Linkedid: 1447930884.372
CommandId: 709975042
Command: EXEC Playback "vm-press&vm-first&vm-for&vm-password"

[Nov 19 12:01:25] DEBUG[24199][C-0000003d] channel.c: Scheduling timer at (0 requested / 0 actual) timer ticks per second
[Nov 19 12:01:25] DEBUG[24199][C-0000003d] channel.c: Scheduling timer at (0 requested / 0 actual) timer ticks per second
[Nov 19 12:01:25] DEBUG[24199][C-0000003d] channel.c: Scheduling timer at (0 requested / 0 actual) timer ticks per second
[Nov 19 12:01:25] DEBUG[24199][C-0000003d] channel.c: Channel SIP/111-0000002a setting write format path: ulaw -> ulaw
[Nov 19 12:01:25] DEBUG[24199][C-0000003d] channel.c: Channel SIP/111-0000002a setting write format path: gsm -> ulaw
[Nov 19 12:01:25] DEBUG[24199][C-0000003d] channel.c: Scheduling timer at (50 requested / 50 actual) timer ticks per second
[Nov 19 12:01:26] DEBUG[24199][C-0000003d] channel.c: Scheduling timer at (0 requested / 0 actual) timer ticks per second
[Nov 19 12:01:26] DEBUG[24199][C-0000003d] channel.c: Scheduling timer at (0 requested / 0 actual) timer ticks per second
[Nov 19 12:01:26] DEBUG[24199][C-0000003d] channel.c: Scheduling timer at (0 requested / 0 actual) timer ticks per second
[Nov 19 12:01:26] DEBUG[24199][C-0000003d] channel.c: Channel SIP/111-0000002a setting write format path: ulaw -> ulaw
[Nov 19 12:01:26] DEBUG[24199][C-0000003d] channel.c: Channel SIP/111-0000002a setting write format path: gsm -> ulaw
[Nov 19 12:01:26] DEBUG[24199][C-0000003d] channel.c: Scheduling timer at (50 requested / 50 actual) timer ticks per second
[Nov 19 12:01:26] DEBUG[1209] manager.c: Mansession: 0x7f981c002218 refcount now 2
[Nov 19 12:01:26] DEBUG[24199][C-0000003d] channel.c: Scheduling timer at (0 requested / 0 actual) timer ticks per second
[Nov 19 12:01:26] DEBUG[24199][C-0000003d] channel.c: Scheduling timer at (0 requested / 0 actual) timer ticks per second
[Nov 19 12:01:26] DEBUG[24199][C-0000003d] channel.c: Scheduling timer at (0 requested / 0 actual) timer ticks per second
[Nov 19 12:01:26] DEBUG[24199][C-0000003d] channel.c: Channel SIP/111-0000002a setting write format path: ulaw -> ulaw
[Nov 19 12:01:26] DEBUG[24199][C-0000003d] channel.c: Channel SIP/111-0000002a setting write format path: gsm -> ulaw
[Nov 19 12:01:26] DEBUG[24199][C-0000003d] channel.c: Scheduling timer at (50 requested / 50 actual) timer ticks per second
[Nov 19 12:01:28] DEBUG[24199][C-0000003d] channel.c: Scheduling timer at (0 requested / 0 actual) timer ticks per second
[Nov 19 12:01:28] DEBUG[24199][C-0000003d] channel.c: Scheduling timer at (0 requested / 0 actual) timer ticks per second
[Nov 19 12:01:28] DEBUG[24199][C-0000003d] channel.c: Scheduling timer at (0 requested / 0 actual) timer ticks per second
[Nov 19 12:01:28] DEBUG[24199][C-0000003d] channel.c: Channel SIP/111-0000002a setting write format path: ulaw -> ulaw
[Nov 19 12:01:28] DEBUG[1207] manager.c: Mansession: 0x7f981c002218 refcount now 2
[Nov 19 12:01:28] DEBUG[1207] manager.c: Mansession: 0x7f981c002218 refcount now 2
[Nov 19 12:01:28] DEBUG[1207] manager.c: Mansession: 0x7f981c002218 refcount now 2
[Nov 19 12:01:28] DEBUG[23729] manager.c: Examining AMI event:
Event: VarSet
Privilege: dialplan,all
SequenceNumber: 3733
File: manager.c
Line: 1693
Func: manager_default_msg_cb
Channel: SIP/111-0000002a
ChannelState: 6
ChannelStateDesc: Up
CallerIDNum: 111
CallerIDName: biw CC 111
ConnectedLineNum: <unknown>
ConnectedLineName: <unknown>
Language: de
Context: menu_test
Exten: 777
Priority: 1
Uniqueid: 1447930884.372
Linkedid: 1447930884.372

[Nov 19 12:01:28] DEBUG[23729] manager.c: Examining AMI event:
Event: AGIExecEnd
Privilege: agi,all
SequenceNumber: 3734
File: manager.c
Line: 1693
Func: manager_default_msg_cb
Channel: SIP/111-0000002a
ChannelState: 6
ChannelStateDesc: Up
CallerIDNum: 111
CallerIDName: biw CC 111
ConnectedLineNum: <unknown>
ConnectedLineName: <unknown>
Language: de
Context: menu_test
Exten: 777
Priority: 1
Uniqueid: 1447930884.372
Linkedid: 1447930884.372
CommandId: 709975042
Command: EXEC Playback "vm-press&vm-first&vm-for&vm-password"
ResultCode: 200
Result: Success

[Nov 19 12:01:28] DEBUG[23729] manager.c: Examining AMI event:
Event: AsyncAGIExec
Privilege: agi,all
SequenceNumber: 3735
File: manager.c
Line: 1693
Func: manager_default_msg_cb
Channel: SIP/111-0000002a
ChannelState: 6
ChannelStateDesc: Up
CallerIDNum: 111
CallerIDName: biw CC 111
ConnectedLineNum: <unknown>
ConnectedLineName: <unknown>
Language: de
Context: menu_test
Exten: 777
Priority: 1
Uniqueid: 1447930884.372
Linkedid: 1447930884.372
Result: 200%20result%3D0%0A
CommandId: 65d0b314-c260-4752-bfba-8174b99889f9

[Nov 19 12:01:29] DEBUG[24199][C-0000003d] res_rtp_asterisk.c: Creating BEGIN DTMF Frame: 49 (1), at
[Nov 19 12:01:29] DTMF[24199][C-0000003d] channel.c: DTMF begin '1' received on SIP/111-0000002a
[Nov 19 12:01:29] DTMF[24199][C-0000003d] channel.c: DTMF begin passthrough '1' on SIP/111-0000002a
[Nov 19 12:01:29] DEBUG[1207] manager.c: Mansession: 0x7f981c002218 refcount now 2
[Nov 19 12:01:29] DEBUG[23729] manager.c: Examining AMI event:
Event: DTMFBegin
Privilege: dtmf,all
SequenceNumber: 3736
File: manager_channels.c
Line: 831
Func: channel_dtmf_begin_cb
Channel: SIP/111-0000002a
ChannelState: 6
ChannelStateDesc: Up
CallerIDNum: 111
CallerIDName: biw CC 111
ConnectedLineNum: <unknown>
ConnectedLineName: <unknown>
Language: de
Context: menu_test
Exten: 777
Priority: 1
Uniqueid: 1447930884.372
Linkedid: 1447930884.372
Digit: 1
Direction: Received

[Nov 19 12:01:29] DEBUG[24199][C-0000003d] res_rtp_asterisk.c: Got RTCP report of 68 bytes
[Nov 19 12:01:29] DEBUG[24199][C-0000003d] acl.c: Not an IPv4 nor IPv6 address, cannot get port.
[Nov 19 12:01:29] DEBUG[24199][C-0000003d] netsock2.c: Splitting 'callcenter-centos7-dit' into...
[Nov 19 12:01:29] DEBUG[24199][C-0000003d] netsock2.c: 'callcenter-centos7-dit' and port ''.
[Nov 19 12:01:29] DEBUG[24199][C-0000003d] acl.c: Not an IPv4 nor IPv6 address, cannot get port.
[Nov 19 12:01:29] DEBUG[24199][C-0000003d] acl.c: Attached to given IP address
[Nov 19 12:01:29] DEBUG[1207] manager.c: Mansession: 0x7f981c002218 refcount now 2
[Nov 19 12:01:29] DEBUG[1254] netsock2.c: Splitting '' into...
[Nov 19 12:01:29] DEBUG[1254] netsock2.c: '' and port '49775'.
[Nov 19 12:01:29] DEBUG[1254] netsock2.c: Splitting '' into...
[Nov 19 12:01:29] DEBUG[1254] netsock2.c: '' and port '0'.
[Nov 19 12:01:29] DEBUG[23729] manager.c: Examining AMI event:
Event: RTCPReceived
Privilege: reporting,all
SequenceNumber: 3737
File: manager.c
Line: 1693
Func: manager_default_msg_cb
Channel: SIP/111-0000002a
ChannelState: 6
ChannelStateDesc: Up
CallerIDNum: 111
CallerIDName: biw CC 111
ConnectedLineNum: <unknown>
ConnectedLineName: <unknown>
Language: de
Context: menu_test
Exten: 777
Priority: 1
Uniqueid: 1447930884.372
Linkedid: 1447930884.372
RTT: 0.0000
SSRC: 0x2fd34d8b
PT: 200(SR)
ReportCount: 1
SentNTP: 2085980020.17537672769536
SentRTP: 11828248
SentPackets: 243
SentOctets: 38412
Report0SourceSSRC: 0x04df0d18
Report0FractionLost: 0
Report0CumulativeLost: 0
Report0HighestSequence: 4138
Report0SequenceNumberCycles: 0
Report0IAJitter: 0
Report0LSR: 0
Report0DLSR: 0.0000

[Nov 19 12:01:29] DEBUG[24199][C-0000003d] res_rtp_asterisk.c: Creating END DTMF Frame: 49 (1), at
[Nov 19 12:01:29] DTMF[24199][C-0000003d] channel.c: DTMF end '1' received on SIP/111-0000002a, duration 100 ms
[Nov 19 12:01:29] DTMF[24199][C-0000003d] channel.c: DTMF end accepted with begin '1' on SIP/111-0000002a
[Nov 19 12:01:29] DTMF[24199][C-0000003d] channel.c: DTMF end '1' detected to have actual duration 71 on the wire, emulation will be triggered on SIP/111-0000002a
[Nov 19 12:01:29] DTMF[24199][C-0000003d] channel.c: DTMF end '1' has duration 71 but want minimum 80, emulating on SIP/111-0000002a
[Nov 19 12:01:29] DEBUG[1207] manager.c: Mansession: 0x7f981c002218 refcount now 2
[Nov 19 12:01:29] DEBUG[23729] manager.c: Examining AMI event:
Event: DTMFEnd
Privilege: dtmf,all
SequenceNumber: 3738
File: manager_channels.c
Line: 878
Func: channel_dtmf_end_cb
Channel: SIP/111-0000002a
ChannelState: 6
ChannelStateDesc: Up
CallerIDNum: 111
CallerIDName: biw CC 111
ConnectedLineNum: <unknown>
ConnectedLineName: <unknown>
Language: de
Context: menu_test
Exten: 777
Priority: 1
Uniqueid: 1447930884.372
Linkedid: 1447930884.372
Digit: 1
DurationMs: 100
Direction: Received

[Nov 19 12:01:29] DTMF[24199][C-0000003d] channel.c: DTMF end emulation of '1' queued on SIP/111-0000002a
[Nov 19 12:01:29] DEBUG[23729] manager.c: Running action 'AGI'
[Nov 19 12:01:29] DEBUG[24199][C-0000003d] channel.c: Channel SIP/111-0000002a setting write format path: gsm -> ulaw
[Nov 19 12:01:29] DEBUG[23729] manager.c: Examining AMI event:
Event: AGIExecStart
Privilege: agi,all
SequenceNumber: 3739
File: manager.c
Line: 1693
Func: manager_default_msg_cb
Channel: SIP/111-0000002a
ChannelState: 6
ChannelStateDesc: Up
CallerIDNum: 111
CallerIDName: biw CC 111
ConnectedLineNum: <unknown>
ConnectedLineName: <unknown>
Language: de
Context: menu_test
Exten: 777
Priority: 1
Uniqueid: 1447930884.372
Linkedid: 1447930884.372
CommandId: 259024147
Command: EXEC Playback "vm-pls-try-again"

[Nov 19 12:01:29] DEBUG[1207] manager.c: Mansession: 0x7f981c002218 refcount now 2
[Nov 19 12:01:29] DEBUG[24199][C-0000003d] res_rtp_asterisk.c: Difference is 6696, ms is 857
[Nov 19 12:01:29] DEBUG[24199][C-0000003d] channel.c: Scheduling timer at (50 requested / 50 actual) timer ticks per second
[Nov 19 12:01:29] DEBUG[1224] acl.c: Not an IPv4 nor IPv6 address, cannot get port.
[Nov 19 12:01:29] DEBUG[1224] netsock2.c: Splitting 'callcenter-centos7-dit' into...
[Nov 19 12:01:29] DEBUG[1224] netsock2.c: 'callcenter-centos7-dit' and port ''.
[Nov 19 12:01:29] DEBUG[1224] acl.c: Not an IPv4 nor IPv6 address, cannot get port.
[Nov 19 12:01:29] DEBUG[1224] acl.c: Attached to given IP address
[Nov 19 12:01:29] DEBUG[1254] netsock2.c: Splitting '' into...
[Nov 19 12:01:29] DEBUG[1254] netsock2.c: '' and port '0'.
[Nov 19 12:01:29] DEBUG[1254] netsock2.c: Splitting '' into...
[Nov 19 12:01:29] DEBUG[1254] netsock2.c: '' and port '49775'.
[Nov 19 12:01:29] DEBUG[1207] manager.c: Mansession: 0x7f981c002218 refcount now 2
[Nov 19 12:01:29] DEBUG[23729] manager.c: Examining AMI event:
Event: RTCPSent
Privilege: reporting,all
SequenceNumber: 3740
File: manager.c
Line: 1693
Func: manager_default_msg_cb
Channel: SIP/111-0000002a
ChannelState: 6
ChannelStateDesc: Up
CallerIDNum: 111
CallerIDName: biw CC 111
ConnectedLineNum: <unknown>
ConnectedLineName: <unknown>
Language: de
Context: menu_test
Exten: 777
Priority: 1
Uniqueid: 1447930884.372
Linkedid: 1447930884.372
SSRC: 0x04df0d18
PT: 200(SR)
ReportCount: 1
SentNTP: 1447930889.2784043008
SentRTP: 39336
SentPackets: 204
SentOctets: 32640
Report0SourceSSRC: 0x2fd34d8b
Report0FractionLost: 0
Report0CumulativeLost: 0
Report0HighestSequence: 27725
Report0SequenceNumberCycles: 0
Report0IAJitter: 54
Report0LSR: 99928768
Report0DLSR: 0.1060

[Nov 19 12:01:31] DEBUG[24199][C-0000003d] channel.c: Scheduling timer at (0 requested / 0 actual) timer ticks per second
[Nov 19 12:01:31] DEBUG[24199][C-0000003d] channel.c: Scheduling timer at (0 requested / 0 actual) timer ticks per second
[Nov 19 12:01:31] DEBUG[24199][C-0000003d] channel.c: Scheduling timer at (0 requested / 0 actual) timer ticks per second
[Nov 19 12:01:31] DEBUG[24199][C-0000003d] channel.c: Channel SIP/111-0000002a setting write format path: ulaw -> ulaw
[Nov 19 12:01:31] DEBUG[1207] manager.c: Mansession: 0x7f981c002218 refcount now 2
[Nov 19 12:01:31] DEBUG[1207] manager.c: Mansession: 0x7f981c002218 refcount now 2
[Nov 19 12:01:31] DEBUG[1207] manager.c: Mansession: 0x7f981c002218 refcount now 2
[Nov 19 12:01:31] DEBUG[23729] manager.c: Examining AMI event:
Event: VarSet
Privilege: dialplan,all
SequenceNumber: 3741
File: manager.c
Line: 1693
Func: manager_default_msg_cb
Channel: SIP/111-0000002a
ChannelState: 6
ChannelStateDesc: Up
CallerIDNum: 111
CallerIDName: biw CC 111
ConnectedLineNum: <unknown>
ConnectedLineName: <unknown>
Language: de
Context: menu_test
Exten: 777
Priority: 1
Uniqueid: 1447930884.372
Linkedid: 1447930884.372

[Nov 19 12:01:31] DEBUG[23729] manager.c: Examining AMI event:
Event: AGIExecEnd
Privilege: agi,all
SequenceNumber: 3742
File: manager.c
Line: 1693
Func: manager_default_msg_cb
Channel: SIP/111-0000002a
ChannelState: 6
ChannelStateDesc: Up
CallerIDNum: 111
CallerIDName: biw CC 111
ConnectedLineNum: <unknown>
ConnectedLineName: <unknown>
Language: de
Context: menu_test
Exten: 777
Priority: 1
Uniqueid: 1447930884.372
Linkedid: 1447930884.372
CommandId: 259024147
Command: EXEC Playback "vm-pls-try-again"
ResultCode: 200
Result: Success

[Nov 19 12:01:31] DEBUG[23729] manager.c: Examining AMI event:
Event: AsyncAGIExec
Privilege: agi,all
SequenceNumber: 3743
File: manager.c
Line: 1693
Func: manager_default_msg_cb
Channel: SIP/111-0000002a
ChannelState: 6
ChannelStateDesc: Up
CallerIDNum: 111
CallerIDName: biw CC 111
ConnectedLineNum: <unknown>
ConnectedLineName: <unknown>
Language: de
Context: menu_test
Exten: 777
Priority: 1
Uniqueid: 1447930884.372
Linkedid: 1447930884.372
Result: 200%20result%3D0%0A
CommandId: b6f8faa1-a28c-4d17-a9cf-7a1a0c13ea5b

[Nov 19 12:01:31] DEBUG[23729] manager.c: Running action 'AGI'
[Nov 19 12:01:31] DEBUG[1207] manager.c: Mansession: 0x7f981c002218 refcount now 2
[Nov 19 12:01:31] DEBUG[24199][C-0000003d] channel.c: Channel SIP/111-0000002a setting write format path: gsm -> ulaw
[Nov 19 12:01:31] DEBUG[23729] manager.c: Examining AMI event:
Event: AGIExecStart
Privilege: agi,all
SequenceNumber: 3744
File: manager.c
Line: 1693
Func: manager_default_msg_cb
Channel: SIP/111-0000002a
ChannelState: 6
ChannelStateDesc: Up
CallerIDNum: 111
CallerIDName: biw CC 111
ConnectedLineNum: <unknown>
ConnectedLineName: <unknown>
Language: de
Context: menu_test
Exten: 777
Priority: 1
Uniqueid: 1447930884.372
Linkedid: 1447930884.372
CommandId: 1527798705
Command: EXEC Playback "vm-press&vm-first&vm-for&vm-password"

[Nov 19 12:01:31] DEBUG[24199][C-0000003d] channel.c: Scheduling timer at (50 requested / 50 actual) timer ticks per second
[Nov 19 12:01:31] DEBUG[1209] manager.c: Mansession: 0x7f981c002218 refcount now 2
[Nov 19 12:01:31] DEBUG[24199][C-0000003d] channel.c: Scheduling timer at (0 requested / 0 actual) timer ticks per second
[Nov 19 12:01:31] DEBUG[24199][C-0000003d] channel.c: Scheduling timer at (0 requested / 0 actual) timer ticks per second
[Nov 19 12:01:31] DEBUG[24199][C-0000003d] channel.c: Scheduling timer at (0 requested / 0 actual) timer ticks per second
[Nov 19 12:01:31] DEBUG[24199][C-0000003d] channel.c: Channel SIP/111-0000002a setting write format path: ulaw -> ulaw
[Nov 19 12:01:31] DEBUG[24199][C-0000003d] channel.c: Channel SIP/111-0000002a setting write format path: gsm -> ulaw
[Nov 19 12:01:31] DEBUG[24199][C-0000003d] channel.c: Scheduling timer at (50 requested / 50 actual) timer ticks per second
[Nov 19 12:01:32] DEBUG[24199][C-0000003d] channel.c: Scheduling timer at (0 requested / 0 actual) timer ticks per second
[Nov 19 12:01:32] DEBUG[24199][C-0000003d] channel.c: Scheduling timer at (0 requested / 0 actual) timer ticks per second
[Nov 19 12:01:32] DEBUG[24199][C-0000003d] channel.c: Scheduling timer at (0 requested / 0 actual) timer ticks per second
[Nov 19 12:01:32] DEBUG[24199][C-0000003d] channel.c: Channel SIP/111-0000002a setting write format path: ulaw -> ulaw
[Nov 19 12:01:32] DEBUG[24199][C-0000003d] channel.c: Channel SIP/111-0000002a setting write format path: gsm -> ulaw
[Nov 19 12:01:32] DEBUG[24199][C-0000003d] channel.c: Scheduling timer at (50 requested / 50 actual) timer ticks per second
[Nov 19 12:01:32] DEBUG[24199][C-0000003d] channel.c: Scheduling timer at (0 requested / 0 actual) timer ticks per second
[Nov 19 12:01:32] DEBUG[24199][C-0000003d] channel.c: Scheduling timer at (0 requested / 0 actual) timer ticks per second
[Nov 19 12:01:32] DEBUG[24199][C-0000003d] channel.c: Scheduling timer at (0 requested / 0 actual) timer ticks per second
[Nov 19 12:01:32] DEBUG[24199][C-0000003d] channel.c: Channel SIP/111-0000002a setting write format path: ulaw -> ulaw
[Nov 19 12:01:32] DEBUG[24199][C-0000003d] channel.c: Channel SIP/111-0000002a setting write format path: gsm -> ulaw
[Nov 19 12:01:32] DEBUG[24199][C-0000003d] channel.c: Scheduling timer at (50 requested / 50 actual) timer ticks per second
[Nov 19 12:01:34] DEBUG[24199][C-0000003d] res_rtp_asterisk.c: Got RTCP report of 68 bytes
[Nov 19 12:01:34] DEBUG[24199][C-0000003d] acl.c: Not an IPv4 nor IPv6 address, cannot get port.
[Nov 19 12:01:34] DEBUG[24199][C-0000003d] netsock2.c: Splitting 'callcenter-centos7-dit' into...
[Nov 19 12:01:34] DEBUG[24199][C-0000003d] netsock2.c: 'callcenter-centos7-dit' and port ''.
[Nov 19 12:01:34] DEBUG[24199][C-0000003d] acl.c: Not an IPv4 nor IPv6 address, cannot get port.
[Nov 19 12:01:34] DEBUG[24199][C-0000003d] acl.c: Attached to given IP address
[Nov 19 12:01:34] DEBUG[1207] manager.c: Mansession: 0x7f981c002218 refcount now 2
[Nov 19 12:01:34] DEBUG[1254] netsock2.c: Splitting '' into...
[Nov 19 12:01:34] DEBUG[1254] netsock2.c: '' and port '49775'.
[Nov 19 12:01:34] DEBUG[1254] netsock2.c: Splitting '' into...
[Nov 19 12:01:34] DEBUG[1254] netsock2.c: '' and port '0'.
[Nov 19 12:01:34] DEBUG[23729] manager.c: Examining AMI event:
Event: RTCPReceived
Privilege: reporting,all
SequenceNumber: 3745
File: manager.c
Line: 1693
Func: manager_default_msg_cb
Channel: SIP/111-0000002a
ChannelState: 6
ChannelStateDesc: Up
CallerIDNum: 111
CallerIDName: biw CC 111
ConnectedLineNum: <unknown>
ConnectedLineName: <unknown>
Language: de
Context: menu_test
Exten: 777
Priority: 1
Uniqueid: 1447930884.372
Linkedid: 1447930884.372
RTT: 69775.0766
SSRC: 0x2fd34d8b
PT: 200(SR)
ReportCount: 1
SentNTP: 2085980030.17537672769536
SentRTP: 11874168
SentPackets: 489
SentOctets: 77148
Report0SourceSSRC: 0x04df0d18
Report0FractionLost: 0
Report0CumulativeLost: 0
Report0HighestSequence: 4379
Report0SequenceNumberCycles: 0
Report0IAJitter: 0
Report0LSR: 713666048
Report0DLSR: 50.3080

[Nov 19 12:01:34] DEBUG[1224] acl.c: Not an IPv4 nor IPv6 address, cannot get port.
[Nov 19 12:01:34] DEBUG[1224] netsock2.c: Splitting 'callcenter-centos7-dit' into...
[Nov 19 12:01:34] DEBUG[1224] netsock2.c: 'callcenter-centos7-dit' and port ''.
[Nov 19 12:01:34] DEBUG[1224] acl.c: Not an IPv4 nor IPv6 address, cannot get port.
[Nov 19 12:01:34] DEBUG[1224] acl.c: Attached to given IP address
[Nov 19 12:01:34] DEBUG[1207] manager.c: Mansession: 0x7f981c002218 refcount now 2
[Nov 19 12:01:34] DEBUG[1254] netsock2.c: Splitting '' into...
[Nov 19 12:01:34] DEBUG[1254] netsock2.c: '' and port '0'.
[Nov 19 12:01:34] DEBUG[1254] netsock2.c: Splitting '' into...
[Nov 19 12:01:34] DEBUG[1254] netsock2.c: '' and port '49775'.
[Nov 19 12:01:34] DEBUG[23729] manager.c: Examining AMI event:
Event: RTCPSent
Privilege: reporting,all
SequenceNumber: 3746
File: manager.c
Line: 1693
Func: manager_default_msg_cb
Channel: SIP/111-0000002a
ChannelState: 6
ChannelStateDesc: Up
CallerIDNum: 111
CallerIDName: biw CC 111
ConnectedLineNum: <unknown>
ConnectedLineName: <unknown>
Language: de
Context: menu_test
Exten: 777
Priority: 1
Uniqueid: 1447930884.372
Linkedid: 1447930884.372
SSRC: 0x04df0d18
PT: 200(SR)
ReportCount: 1
SentNTP: 1447930894.2789388288
SentRTP: 78696
SentPackets: 450
SentOctets: 72000
Report0SourceSSRC: 0x2fd34d8b
Report0FractionLost: 0
Report0CumulativeLost: 0
Report0HighestSequence: 27971
Report0SequenceNumberCycles: 0
Report0IAJitter: 0
Report0LSR: 100584128
Report0DLSR: 0.1070

[Nov 19 12:01:35] DEBUG[24199][C-0000003d] channel.c: Scheduling timer at (0 requested / 0 actual) timer ticks per second
[Nov 19 12:01:35] DEBUG[24199][C-0000003d] channel.c: Scheduling timer at (0 requested / 0 actual) timer ticks per second
[Nov 19 12:01:35] DEBUG[24199][C-0000003d] channel.c: Scheduling timer at (0 requested / 0 actual) timer ticks per second
[Nov 19 12:01:35] DEBUG[24199][C-0000003d] channel.c: Channel SIP/111-0000002a setting write format path: ulaw -> ulaw
[Nov 19 12:01:35] DEBUG[1207] manager.c: Mansession: 0x7f981c002218 refcount now 2
[Nov 19 12:01:35] DEBUG[1207] manager.c: Mansession: 0x7f981c002218 refcount now 2
[Nov 19 12:01:35] DEBUG[1207] manager.c: Mansession: 0x7f981c002218 refcount now 2
[Nov 19 12:01:35] DEBUG[23729] manager.c: Examining AMI event:
Event: VarSet
Privilege: dialplan,all
SequenceNumber: 3747
File: manager.c
Line: 1693
Func: manager_default_msg_cb
Channel: SIP/111-0000002a
ChannelState: 6
ChannelStateDesc: Up
CallerIDNum: 111
CallerIDName: biw CC 111
ConnectedLineNum: <unknown>
ConnectedLineName: <unknown>
Language: de
Context: menu_test
Exten: 777
Priority: 1
Uniqueid: 1447930884.372
Linkedid: 1447930884.372

[Nov 19 12:01:35] DEBUG[23729] manager.c: Examining AMI event:
Event: AGIExecEnd
Privilege: agi,all
SequenceNumber: 3748
File: manager.c
Line: 1693
Func: manager_default_msg_cb
Channel: SIP/111-0000002a
ChannelState: 6
ChannelStateDesc: Up
CallerIDNum: 111
CallerIDName: biw CC 111
ConnectedLineNum: <unknown>
ConnectedLineName: <unknown>
Language: de
Context: menu_test
Exten: 777
Priority: 1
Uniqueid: 1447930884.372
Linkedid: 1447930884.372
CommandId: 1527798705
Command: EXEC Playback "vm-press&vm-first&vm-for&vm-password"
ResultCode: 200
Result: Success

[Nov 19 12:01:35] DEBUG[23729] manager.c: Examining AMI event:
Event: AsyncAGIExec
Privilege: agi,all
SequenceNumber: 3749
File: manager.c
Line: 1693
Func: manager_default_msg_cb
Channel: SIP/111-0000002a
ChannelState: 6
ChannelStateDesc: Up
CallerIDNum: 111
CallerIDName: biw CC 111
ConnectedLineNum: <unknown>
ConnectedLineName: <unknown>
Language: de
Context: menu_test
Exten: 777
Priority: 1
Uniqueid: 1447930884.372
Linkedid: 1447930884.372
Result: 200%20result%3D0%0A
CommandId: 88d5e67b-05cd-4f07-894f-b54249524bfd

[Nov 19 12:01:36] DEBUG[1209] manager.c: Mansession: 0x7f981c002218 refcount now 2
[Nov 19 12:01:39] DEBUG[24199][C-0000003d] res_rtp_asterisk.c: Got RTCP report of 68 bytes
[Nov 19 12:01:39] DEBUG[24199][C-0000003d] acl.c: Not an IPv4 nor IPv6 address, cannot get port.
[Nov 19 12:01:39] DEBUG[24199][C-0000003d] netsock2.c: Splitting 'callcenter-centos7-dit' into...
[Nov 19 12:01:39] DEBUG[24199][C-0000003d] netsock2.c: 'callcenter-centos7-dit' and port ''.
[Nov 19 12:01:39] DEBUG[24199][C-0000003d] acl.c: Not an IPv4 nor IPv6 address, cannot get port.
[Nov 19 12:01:39] DEBUG[24199][C-0000003d] acl.c: Attached to given IP address
[Nov 19 12:01:39] DEBUG[1254] netsock2.c: Splitting '' into...
[Nov 19 12:01:39] DEBUG[1254] netsock2.c: '' and port '49775'.
[Nov 19 12:01:39] DEBUG[1254] netsock2.c: Splitting '' into...
[Nov 19 12:01:39] DEBUG[1254] netsock2.c: '' and port '0'.
[Nov 19 12:01:39] DEBUG[1207] manager.c: Mansession: 0x7f981c002218 refcount now 2
[Nov 19 12:01:39] DEBUG[23729] manager.c: Examining AMI event:
Event: RTCPReceived
Privilege: reporting,all
SequenceNumber: 3750
File: manager.c
Line: 1693
Func: manager_default_msg_cb
Channel: SIP/111-0000002a
ChannelState: 6
ChannelStateDesc: Up
CallerIDNum: 111
CallerIDName: biw CC 111
ConnectedLineNum: <unknown>
ConnectedLineName: <unknown>
Language: de
Context: menu_test
Exten: 777
Priority: 1
Uniqueid: 1447930884.372
Linkedid: 1447930884.372
RTT: 69770.2959
SSRC: 0x2fd34d8b
PT: 200(SR)
ReportCount: 1
SentNTP: 2085980040.17537672769536
SentRTP: 11879288
SentPackets: 739
SentOctets: 117148
Report0SourceSSRC: 0x04df0d18
Report0FractionLost: 0
Report0CumulativeLost: 0
Report0HighestSequence: 4411
Report0SequenceNumberCycles: 0
Report0IAJitter: 0
Report0LSR: 713993814
Report0DLSR: 55.3030

[Nov 19 12:01:39] DEBUG[1224] acl.c: Not an IPv4 nor IPv6 address, cannot get port.
[Nov 19 12:01:39] DEBUG[1224] netsock2.c: Splitting 'callcenter-centos7-dit' into...
[Nov 19 12:01:39] DEBUG[1224] netsock2.c: 'callcenter-centos7-dit' and port ''.
[Nov 19 12:01:39] DEBUG[1224] acl.c: Not an IPv4 nor IPv6 address, cannot get port.
[Nov 19 12:01:39] DEBUG[1224] acl.c: Attached to given IP address
[Nov 19 12:01:39] DEBUG[1207] manager.c: Mansession: 0x7f981c002218 refcount now 2
[Nov 19 12:01:39] DEBUG[1254] netsock2.c: Splitting '' into...
[Nov 19 12:01:39] DEBUG[1254] netsock2.c: '' and port '0'.
[Nov 19 12:01:39] DEBUG[1254] netsock2.c: Splitting '' into...
[Nov 19 12:01:39] DEBUG[1254] netsock2.c: '' and port '49775'.
[Nov 19 12:01:39] DEBUG[23729] manager.c: Examining AMI event:
Event: RTCPSent
Privilege: reporting,all
SequenceNumber: 3751
File: manager.c
Line: 1693
Func: manager_default_msg_cb
Channel: SIP/111-0000002a
ChannelState: 6
ChannelStateDesc: Up
CallerIDNum: 111
CallerIDName: biw CC 111
ConnectedLineNum: <unknown>
ConnectedLineName: <unknown>
Language: de
Context: menu_test
Exten: 777
Priority: 1
Uniqueid: 1447930884.372
Linkedid: 1447930884.372
SSRC: 0x04df0d18
PT: 200(SR)
ReportCount: 1
SentNTP: 1447930899.2790313984
SentRTP: 82856
SentPackets: 476
SentOctets: 76160
Report0SourceSSRC: 0x2fd34d8b
Report0FractionLost: 0
Report0CumulativeLost: 0
Report0HighestSequence: 28221
Report0SequenceNumberCycles: 0
Report0IAJitter: 0
Report0LSR: 101239488
Report0DLSR: 0.1080

[Nov 19 12:01:40] DEBUG[23729] manager.c: Running action 'Hangup'
[Nov 19 12:01:40] DEBUG[23729] channel.c: Setting hangupcause of channel SIP/111-0000002a to 16 (is 0 now)
[Nov 19 12:01:40] DEBUG[23729] channel.c: Soft-Hanging (0x20) up channel 'SIP/111-0000002a'
[Nov 19 12:01:40] DEBUG[24199][C-0000003d] res_agi.c: No frame read on channel SIP/111-0000002a, going out ...
[Nov 19 12:01:40] DEBUG[24199][C-0000003d] pbx.c: Spawn extension (menu_test,777,1) exited non-zero on 'SIP/111-0000002a'
[Nov 19 12:01:40] DEBUG[24199][C-0000003d] channel.c: Soft-Hanging (0x10) up channel 'SIP/111-0000002a'
[Nov 19 12:01:40] DEBUG[1207] manager.c: Mansession: 0x7f981c002218 refcount now 2
[Nov 19 12:01:40] DEBUG[24199][C-0000003d] channel.c: Hanging up channel 'SIP/111-0000002a'
[Nov 19 12:01:40] DEBUG[24199][C-0000003d] chan_sip.c: Hangup call SIP/111-0000002a, SIP callid 313434373933303838323234353631-k7cwb8ag4ff6
[Nov 19 12:01:40] DEBUG[24199][C-0000003d] chan_sip.c: update_call_counter(111) - decrement call limit counter on hangup
[Nov 19 12:01:40] DEBUG[24199][C-0000003d] chan_sip.c: Updating call counter for incoming call
[Nov 19 12:01:40] DEBUG[24199][C-0000003d] chan_sip.c: Call from peer '111' removed from call limit 2
[Nov 19 12:01:40] DEBUG[1207] manager.c: Mansession: 0x7f981c002218 refcount now 2
[Nov 19 12:01:40] DEBUG[1207] manager.c: Mansession: 0x7f981c002218 refcount now 2
[Nov 19 12:01:40] DEBUG[24199][C-0000003d] res_rtp_asterisk.c: Setting RTCP address on RTP instance '0x7f9810013828'
[Nov 19 12:01:40] VERBOSE[24199][C-0000003d] chan_sip.c: Scheduling destruction of SIP dialog '313434373933303838323234353631-k7cwb8ag4ff6' in 6400 ms (Method: ACK)
[Nov 19 12:01:40] DEBUG[24199][C-0000003d] chan_sip.c: Session timer stopped: 5 - 313434373933303838323234353631-k7cwb8ag4ff6
[Nov 19 12:01:40] DEBUG[23729] manager.c: Examining AMI event:
Event: AsyncAGIEnd
Privilege: agi,all
SequenceNumber: 3752
File: manager.c
Line: 1693
Func: manager_default_msg_cb
Channel: SIP/111-0000002a
ChannelState: 6
ChannelStateDesc: Up
CallerIDNum: 111
CallerIDName: biw CC 111
ConnectedLineNum: <unknown>
ConnectedLineName: <unknown>
Language: de
Context: menu_test
Exten: 777
Priority: 1
Uniqueid: 1447930884.372
Linkedid: 1447930884.372

[Nov 19 12:01:40] DEBUG[23729] manager.c: Examining AMI event:
Event: VarSet
Privilege: dialplan,all
SequenceNumber: 3753
File: manager.c
Line: 1693
Func: manager_default_msg_cb
Channel: SIP/111-0000002a
ChannelState: 6
ChannelStateDesc: Up
CallerIDNum: 111
CallerIDName: biw CC 111
ConnectedLineNum: <unknown>
ConnectedLineName: <unknown>
Language: de
Context: menu_test
Exten: 777
Priority: 1
Uniqueid: 1447930884.372
Linkedid: 1447930884.372

[Nov 19 12:01:40] DEBUG[23729] manager.c: Examining AMI event:
Event: SoftHangupRequest
Privilege: call,all
SequenceNumber: 3754
File: manager_channels.c
Line: 732
Func: channel_hangup_request_cb
Channel: SIP/111-0000002a
ChannelState: 6
ChannelStateDesc: Up
CallerIDNum: 111
CallerIDName: biw CC 111
ConnectedLineNum: <unknown>
ConnectedLineName: <unknown>
Language: de
Context: menu_test
Exten: 777
Priority: 1
Uniqueid: 1447930884.372
Linkedid: 1447930884.372
Cause: 16

[Nov 19 12:01:40] DEBUG[1207] manager.c: Mansession: 0x7f981c002218 refcount now 2
[Nov 19 12:01:40] DEBUG[1207] manager.c: Mansession: 0x7f981c002218 refcount now 2
[Nov 19 12:01:40] DEBUG[24199][C-0000003d] chan_sip.c: Strict routing enforced for session 313434373933303838323234353631-k7cwb8ag4ff6
[Nov 19 12:01:40] DEBUG[1207] manager.c: Mansession: 0x7f981c002218 refcount now 2
[Nov 19 12:01:40] VERBOSE[24199][C-0000003d] chan_sip.c: set_destination: Parsing <sip:111@;line=n8nouw93> for address/port to send to
[Nov 19 12:01:40] DEBUG[24199][C-0000003d] netsock2.c: Splitting '' into...
[Nov 19 12:01:40] DEBUG[1207] manager.c: Mansession: 0x7f981c002218 refcount now 2
[Nov 19 12:01:40] DEBUG[24199][C-0000003d] netsock2.c: '' and port '5060'.
[Nov 19 12:01:40] VERBOSE[24199][C-0000003d] chan_sip.c: set_destination: set destination to
[Nov 19 12:01:40] DEBUG[1207] manager.c: Mansession: 0x7f981c002218 refcount now 2
[Nov 19 12:01:40] DEBUG[23729] manager.c: Examining AMI event:
Event: VarSet
Privilege: dialplan,all
SequenceNumber: 3755
File: manager.c
Line: 1693
Func: manager_default_msg_cb
Channel: SIP/111-0000002a
ChannelState: 6
ChannelStateDesc: Up
CallerIDNum: 111
CallerIDName: biw CC 111
ConnectedLineNum: <unknown>
ConnectedLineName: <unknown>
Language: de
Context: menu_test
Exten: 777
Priority: 1
Uniqueid: 1447930884.372
Linkedid: 1447930884.372
Value: ssrc=81726744;themssrc=802377099;lp=0;rxjitter=0.000000;rxcount=773;txjitter=0.000086;txcount=476;rlp=0;rtt=69770.295920

[Nov 19 12:01:40] DEBUG[23729] manager.c: Examining AMI event:
Event: VarSet
Privilege: dialplan,all
SequenceNumber: 3756
File: manager.c
Line: 1693
Func: manager_default_msg_cb
Channel: SIP/111-0000002a
ChannelState: 6
ChannelStateDesc: Up
CallerIDNum: 111
CallerIDName: biw CC 111
ConnectedLineNum: <unknown>
ConnectedLineName: <unknown>
Language: de
Context: menu_test
Exten: 777
Priority: 1
Uniqueid: 1447930884.372
Linkedid: 1447930884.372
Value: minrxjitter=0.000000;maxrxjitter=0.000000;avgrxjitter=0.000000;stdevrxjitter=0.000000;reported_minjitter=0.000000;reported_maxjitter=0.000000;reported_avgjitter=0.000000;reported_stdevjitter=0.000000;

[Nov 19 12:01:40] VERBOSE[24199][C-0000003d] chan_sip.c: Reliably Transmitting (no NAT) to
BYE sip:111@;line=n8nouw93 SIP/2.0
Via: SIP/2.0/UDP;branch=z9hG4bK085d54c4;rport
Max-Forwards: 70
From: <sip:777@>;tag=as6ca3b252
To: "biw CC 111" <sip:111@>;tag=geqmvi9x42
Call-ID: 313434373933303838323234353631-k7cwb8ag4ff6
CSeq: 102 BYE
User-Agent: Asterisk PBX 13.6.0
Proxy-Authorization: Digest username="111", realm="asterisk", algorithm=MD5, uri="sip:", nonce="374dcd18", response="6e313082f5ef4d9b0eb36456d701eac5"
X-Asterisk-HangupCause: Normal Clearing
X-Asterisk-HangupCauseCode: 16
Content-Length: 0

[Nov 19 12:01:40] DEBUG[23729] manager.c: Examining AMI event:
Event: VarSet
Privilege: dialplan,all
SequenceNumber: 3757
File: manager.c
Line: 1693
Func: manager_default_msg_cb
Channel: SIP/111-0000002a
ChannelState: 6
ChannelStateDesc: Up
CallerIDNum: 111
CallerIDName: biw CC 111
ConnectedLineNum: <unknown>
ConnectedLineName: <unknown>
Language: de
Context: menu_test
Exten: 777
Priority: 1
Uniqueid: 1447930884.372
Linkedid: 1447930884.372
Value: minrxlost=0.000000;maxrxlost=0.000000;avgrxlost=0.000000;stdevrxlost=0.000000;reported_minlost=0.000000;reported_maxlost=0.000000;reported_avglost=0.000000;reported_stdevlost=0.000000;

[Nov 19 12:01:40] DEBUG[24199][C-0000003d] chan_sip.c: *** SIP TIMER: Initializing retransmit timer on packet: Id  #15
[Nov 19 12:01:40] DEBUG[23729] manager.c: Examining AMI event:
Event: VarSet
Privilege: dialplan,all
SequenceNumber: 3758
File: manager.c
Line: 1693
Func: manager_default_msg_cb
Channel: SIP/111-0000002a
ChannelState: 6
ChannelStateDesc: Up
CallerIDNum: 111
CallerIDName: biw CC 111
ConnectedLineNum: <unknown>
ConnectedLineName: <unknown>
Language: de
Context: menu_test
Exten: 777
Priority: 1
Uniqueid: 1447930884.372
Linkedid: 1447930884.372
Value: minrtt=0.000000;maxrtt=0.000000;avgrtt=0.000000;stdevrtt=0.000000;

[Nov 19 12:01:40] DEBUG[24199][C-0000003d] chan_sip.c: Trying to put 'BYE sip:111' onto UDP socket destined for
[Nov 19 12:01:40] DEBUG[23729] manager.c: Examining AMI event:
Event: VarSet
Privilege: dialplan,all
SequenceNumber: 3759
File: manager.c
Line: 1693
Func: manager_default_msg_cb
Channel: SIP/111-0000002a
ChannelState: 6
ChannelStateDesc: Up
CallerIDNum: 111
CallerIDName: biw CC 111
ConnectedLineNum: <unknown>
ConnectedLineName: <unknown>
Language: de
Context: menu_test
Exten: 777
Priority: 1
Uniqueid: 1447930884.372
Linkedid: 1447930884.372
Value: ssrc=81726744;themssrc=802377099;lp=0;rxjitter=0.000000;rxcount=773;txjitter=0.000086;txcount=476;rlp=0;rtt=69770.295920

[Nov 19 12:01:40] DEBUG[1203] cdr.c: Finalized CDR for SIP/111-0000002a - start 1447930884.297932 answer 1447930884.499586 end 1447930900.268840 dispo ANSWERED
[Nov 19 12:01:40] DEBUG[1207] manager.c: Mansession: 0x7f981c002218 refcount now 2
[Nov 19 12:01:40] DEBUG[23729] manager.c: Examining AMI event:
Event: Hangup
Privilege: call,all
SequenceNumber: 3760
File: manager_channels.c
Line: 677
Func: channel_snapshot_update
Channel: SIP/111-0000002a
ChannelState: 6
ChannelStateDesc: Up
CallerIDNum: 111
CallerIDName: biw CC 111
ConnectedLineNum: <unknown>
ConnectedLineName: <unknown>
Language: de
Context: menu_test
Exten: 777
Priority: 1
Uniqueid: 1447930884.372
Linkedid: 1447930884.372
Cause: 16
Cause-txt: Normal Clearing

[Nov 19 12:01:40] DEBUG[1202] devicestate.c: No provider found, checking channel drivers for SIP - 111
[Nov 19 12:01:40] DEBUG[1202] chan_sip.c: Checking device state for peer 111
[Nov 19 12:01:40] DEBUG[1202] devicestate.c: Changing state for SIP/111 - state 1 (Not in use)
[Nov 19 12:01:40] DEBUG[1202] devicestate.c: No provider found, checking channel drivers for SIP - 111
[Nov 19 12:01:40] DEBUG[1202] chan_sip.c: Checking device state for peer 111
[Nov 19 12:01:40] DEBUG[1202] devicestate.c: Changing state for SIP/111 - state 1 (Not in use)
[Nov 19 12:01:40] DEBUG[1206] manager.c: Mansession: 0x7f981c002218 refcount now 2
[Nov 19 12:01:40] DEBUG[1207] manager.c: Mansession: 0x7f981c002218 refcount now 2
[Nov 19 12:01:40] DEBUG[23729] manager.c: Examining AMI event:
Event: CEL
Privilege: call,all
SequenceNumber: 3761
File: cel_manager.c
Line: 299
Func: manager_log
EventName: HANGUP
CallerIDnum: 111
CallerIDname: biw CC 111
CallerIDani: 111
CallerIDdnid: 777
Exten: 777
Context: menu_test
Channel: SIP/111-0000002a
EventTime: 2015-11-19 12:01:40
UniqueID: 1447930884.372
LinkedID: 1447930884.372
Extra: {"hangupcause":16,"hangupsource":"","dialstatus":""}

[Nov 19 12:01:40] DEBUG[23729] manager.c: Examining AMI event:
Event: DeviceStateChange
Privilege: call,all
SequenceNumber: 3762
File: manager.c
Line: 1693
Func: manager_default_msg_cb
Device: SIP/111

[Nov 19 12:01:40] DEBUG[23729] manager.c: Examining AMI event:
Event: CEL
Privilege: call,all
SequenceNumber: 3763
File: cel_manager.c
Line: 299
Func: manager_log
EventName: CHAN_END
CallerIDnum: 111
CallerIDname: biw CC 111
CallerIDani: 111
CallerIDdnid: 777
Exten: 777
Context: menu_test
Channel: SIP/111-0000002a
EventTime: 2015-11-19 12:01:40
UniqueID: 1447930884.372
LinkedID: 1447930884.372

[Nov 19 12:01:40] DEBUG[1206] manager.c: Mansession: 0x7f981c002218 refcount now 2
[Nov 19 12:01:40] DEBUG[1255] app_queue.c: Device 'SIP/111' changed to state '1' (Not in use) but we don't care because they're not a member of any queue.
[Nov 19 12:01:40] VERBOSE[1224] chan_sip.c: 
<--- SIP read from UDP: --->
SIP/2.0 200 OK
Via: SIP/2.0/UDP;branch=z9hG4bK085d54c4;rport=5060
From: <sip:777@>;tag=as6ca3b252
To: "biw CC 111" <sip:111@>;tag=geqmvi9x42
Call-ID: 313434373933303838323234353631-k7cwb8ag4ff6
CSeq: 102 BYE
User-Agent: snom320/
Contact: <sip:111@;line=n8nouw93>;reg-id=1
RTP-RxStat: Total_Rx_Pkts=476,Rx_Pkts=476,Rx_Pkts_Lost=0,Remote_Rx_Pkts_Lost=0
RTP-TxStat: Total_Tx_Pkts=775,Tx_Pkts=775,Remote_Tx_Pkts=476
Content-Length: 0

[Nov 19 12:01:40] DEBUG[1224] chan_sip.c:  Header  0 [ 14]: SIP/2.0 200 OK
[Nov 19 12:01:40] DEBUG[1224] chan_sip.c:  Header  1 [ 67]: Via: SIP/2.0/UDP;branch=z9hG4bK085d54c4;rport=5060
[Nov 19 12:01:40] DEBUG[1224] chan_sip.c:  Header  2 [ 42]: From: <sip:777@>;tag=as6ca3b252
[Nov 19 12:01:40] DEBUG[1224] chan_sip.c:  Header  3 [ 53]: To: "biw CC 111" <sip:111@>;tag=geqmvi9x42
[Nov 19 12:01:40] DEBUG[1224] chan_sip.c:  Header  4 [ 52]: Call-ID: 313434373933303838323234353631-k7cwb8ag4ff6
[Nov 19 12:01:40] DEBUG[1224] chan_sip.c:  Header  5 [ 13]: CSeq: 102 BYE
[Nov 19 12:01:40] DEBUG[1224] chan_sip.c:  Header  6 [ 28]: User-Agent: snom320/
[Nov 19 12:01:40] DEBUG[1224] chan_sip.c:  Header  7 [ 59]: Contact: <sip:111@;line=n8nouw93>;reg-id=1
[Nov 19 12:01:40] DEBUG[1224] chan_sip.c:  Header  8 [ 78]: RTP-RxStat: Total_Rx_Pkts=476,Rx_Pkts=476,Rx_Pkts_Lost=0,Remote_Rx_Pkts_Lost=0
[Nov 19 12:01:40] DEBUG[1224] chan_sip.c:  Header  9 [ 60]: RTP-TxStat: Total_Tx_Pkts=775,Tx_Pkts=775,Remote_Tx_Pkts=476
[Nov 19 12:01:40] DEBUG[1224] chan_sip.c:  Header 10 [ 17]: Content-Length: 0
[Nov 19 12:01:40] VERBOSE[1224] chan_sip.c: --- (11 headers 0 lines) ---
[Nov 19 12:01:40] DEBUG[1224] chan_sip.c: = Looking for  Call ID: 313434373933303838323234353631-k7cwb8ag4ff6 (Checking To) --From tag as6ca3b252 --To-tag geqmvi9x42  
[Nov 19 12:01:40] DEBUG[1224][C-0000003d] chan_sip.c: ** SIP TIMER: Cancelling retransmit of packet (reply received) Retransid #15
[Nov 19 12:01:40] DEBUG[1224][C-0000003d] chan_sip.c: Stopping retransmission on '313434373933303838323234353631-k7cwb8ag4ff6' of Request 102: Match Found
[Nov 19 12:01:40] VERBOSE[1224][C-0000003d] chan_sip.c: SIP Response message for INCOMING dialog BYE arrived
[Nov 19 12:01:40] DEBUG[1224] chan_sip.c: Destroying SIP dialog 313434373933303838323234353631-k7cwb8ag4ff6
[Nov 19 12:01:40] VERBOSE[1224] chan_sip.c: Really destroying SIP dialog '313434373933303838323234353631-k7cwb8ag4ff6' Method: ACK
[Nov 19 12:01:40] DEBUG[1224] rtp_engine.c: Destroyed RTP instance '0x7f9810013828'
[Nov 19 12:01:41] DEBUG[1209] manager.c: Mansession: 0x7f981c002218 refcount now 2
[Nov 19 12:01:46] DEBUG[1209] manager.c: Mansession: 0x7f981c002218 refcount now 2
[Nov 19 12:01:49] DEBUG[1224] chan_sip.c: Allocating new SIP dialog for 2e36cd18474eba2b555712e44461b194@ - OPTIONS (No RTP)
[Nov 19 12:01:49] DEBUG[1224] chan_sip.c: OBPROXY: Not applying OBproxy to this call
[Nov 19 12:01:49] DEBUG[1224] acl.c: For destination '', our source address is ''.
[Nov 19 12:01:49] DEBUG[1224] chan_sip.c: Setting AST_TRANSPORT_UDP with address
[Nov 19 12:01:49] DEBUG[1224] chan_sip.c: SIP call-id changed from '2e36cd18474eba2b555712e44461b194@' to '41db6a453f98fcef6e2a8bd4107fabe1@'
[Nov 19 12:01:49] DEBUG[1224] chan_sip.c: Initializing initreq for method OPTIONS - callid 41db6a453f98fcef6e2a8bd4107fabe1@
[Nov 19 12:01:49] DEBUG[1224] chan_sip.c:  Header  0 [ 55]: OPTIONS sip:110@;line=xiio2hm8 SIP/2.0
[Nov 19 12:01:49] DEBUG[1224] chan_sip.c:  Header  1 [ 56]: Via: SIP/2.0/UDP;branch=z9hG4bK6f97bc4d
[Nov 19 12:01:49] DEBUG[1224] chan_sip.c:  Header  2 [ 16]: Max-Forwards: 70
[Nov 19 12:01:49] DEBUG[1224] chan_sip.c:  Header  3 [ 58]: From: "asterisk" <sip:asterisk@>;tag=as3e04ce50
[Nov 19 12:01:49] DEBUG[1224] chan_sip.c:  Header  4 [ 45]: To: <sip:110@;line=xiio2hm8>
[Nov 19 12:01:49] DEBUG[1224] chan_sip.c:  Header  5 [ 40]: Contact: <sip:asterisk@>
[Nov 19 12:01:49] DEBUG[1224] chan_sip.c:  Header  6 [ 58]: Call-ID: 41db6a453f98fcef6e2a8bd4107fabe1@
[Nov 19 12:01:49] DEBUG[1224] chan_sip.c:  Header  7 [ 17]: CSeq: 102 OPTIONS
[Nov 19 12:01:49] DEBUG[1224] chan_sip.c:  Header  8 [ 31]: User-Agent: Asterisk PBX 13.6.0
[Nov 19 12:01:49] DEBUG[1224] chan_sip.c:  Header  9 [ 35]: Date: Thu, 19 Nov 2015 11:01:49 GMT
[Nov 19 12:01:49] DEBUG[1224] chan_sip.c:  Header 10 [ 90]: Allow: INVITE, ACK, CANCEL, OPTIONS, BYE, REFER, SUBSCRIBE, NOTIFY, INFO, PUBLISH, MESSAGE
[Nov 19 12:01:49] DEBUG[1224] chan_sip.c:  Header 11 [ 26]: Supported: replaces, timer
[Nov 19 12:01:49] VERBOSE[1224] chan_sip.c: Reliably Transmitting (no NAT) to
OPTIONS sip:110@;line=xiio2hm8 SIP/2.0
Via: SIP/2.0/UDP;branch=z9hG4bK6f97bc4d
Max-Forwards: 70
From: "asterisk" <sip:asterisk@>;tag=as3e04ce50
To: <sip:110@;line=xiio2hm8>
Contact: <sip:asterisk@>
Call-ID: 41db6a453f98fcef6e2a8bd4107fabe1@
User-Agent: Asterisk PBX 13.6.0
Date: Thu, 19 Nov 2015 11:01:49 GMT
Supported: replaces, timer
Content-Length: 0

[Nov 19 12:01:49] DEBUG[1224] chan_sip.c: *** SIP TIMER: Initializing retransmit timer on packet: Id  #13
[Nov 19 12:01:49] DEBUG[1224] chan_sip.c: Trying to put 'OPTIONS sip' onto UDP socket destined for
[Nov 19 12:01:49] VERBOSE[1224] chan_sip.c: 
<--- SIP read from UDP: --->
SIP/2.0 200 OK
Via: SIP/2.0/UDP;branch=z9hG4bK6f97bc4d
From: "asterisk" <sip:asterisk@>;tag=as3e04ce50
To: <sip:110@;line=xiio2hm8>
Call-ID: 41db6a453f98fcef6e2a8bd4107fabe1@
Contact: <sip:107@;line=vav9afgv>;reg-id=1
User-Agent: snom320/7.3.30
Accept-Language: en
Accept: application/sdp
Allow-Events: talk, hold, refer, call-info
Supported: timer, 100rel, replaces, from-change
Content-Length: 0

[Nov 19 12:01:49] DEBUG[1224] chan_sip.c:  Header  0 [ 14]: SIP/2.0 200 OK
[Nov 19 12:01:49] DEBUG[1224] chan_sip.c:  Header  1 [ 56]: Via: SIP/2.0/UDP;branch=z9hG4bK6f97bc4d
[Nov 19 12:01:49] DEBUG[1224] chan_sip.c:  Header  2 [ 58]: From: "asterisk" <sip:asterisk@>;tag=as3e04ce50
[Nov 19 12:01:49] DEBUG[1224] chan_sip.c:  Header  3 [ 45]: To: <sip:110@;line=xiio2hm8>
[Nov 19 12:01:49] DEBUG[1224] chan_sip.c:  Header  4 [ 58]: Call-ID: 41db6a453f98fcef6e2a8bd4107fabe1@
[Nov 19 12:01:49] DEBUG[1224] chan_sip.c:  Header  5 [ 17]: CSeq: 102 OPTIONS
[Nov 19 12:01:49] DEBUG[1224] chan_sip.c:  Header  6 [ 59]: Contact: <sip:107@;line=vav9afgv>;reg-id=1
[Nov 19 12:01:49] DEBUG[1224] chan_sip.c:  Header  7 [ 26]: User-Agent: snom320/7.3.30
[Nov 19 12:01:49] DEBUG[1224] chan_sip.c:  Header  8 [ 19]: Accept-Language: en
[Nov 19 12:01:49] DEBUG[1224] chan_sip.c:  Header  9 [ 23]: Accept: application/sdp
[Nov 19 12:01:49] DEBUG[1224] chan_sip.c:  Header 10 [ 88]: Allow: INVITE, ACK, CANCEL, BYE, REFER, OPTIONS, NOTIFY, SUBSCRIBE, PRACK, MESSAGE, INFO
[Nov 19 12:01:49] DEBUG[1224] chan_sip.c:  Header 11 [ 42]: Allow-Events: talk, hold, refer, call-info
[Nov 19 12:01:49] DEBUG[1224] chan_sip.c:  Header 12 [ 47]: Supported: timer, 100rel, replaces, from-change
[Nov 19 12:01:49] DEBUG[1224] chan_sip.c:  Header 13 [ 17]: Content-Length: 0
[Nov 19 12:01:49] VERBOSE[1224] chan_sip.c: --- (14 headers 0 lines) ---
[Nov 19 12:01:49] DEBUG[1224] chan_sip.c: = Looking for  Call ID: 41db6a453f98fcef6e2a8bd4107fabe1@ (Checking To) --From tag as3e04ce50 --To-tag   
[Nov 19 12:01:49] DEBUG[1224] chan_sip.c: ** SIP TIMER: Cancelling retransmit of packet (reply received) Retransid #13
[Nov 19 12:01:49] DEBUG[1224] chan_sip.c: Stopping retransmission on '41db6a453f98fcef6e2a8bd4107fabe1@' of Request 102: Match Found
[Nov 19 12:01:49] DEBUG[1224] chan_sip.c: Destroying SIP dialog 41db6a453f98fcef6e2a8bd4107fabe1@
[Nov 19 12:01:49] VERBOSE[1224] chan_sip.c: Really destroying SIP dialog '41db6a453f98fcef6e2a8bd4107fabe1@' Method: OPTIONS
[Nov 19 12:01:51] DEBUG[1209] manager.c: Mansession: 0x7f981c002218 refcount now 2


[Nov 19 11:53:46] Asterisk 13.6.0 built by root @ callcenter-centos7-dit on a x86_64 running Linux on 2015-11-13 15:49:30 UTC
[Nov 19 11:53:49] DEBUG[1224] chan_sip.c: Allocating new SIP dialog for 00b61035268102f61b3c335736dfecd7@ - OPTIONS (No RTP)
[Nov 19 11:53:49] DEBUG[1224] chan_sip.c: OBPROXY: Not applying OBproxy to this call
[Nov 19 11:53:49] DEBUG[1224] acl.c: For destination '', our source address is ''.
[Nov 19 11:53:49] DEBUG[1224] chan_sip.c: Setting AST_TRANSPORT_UDP with address
[Nov 19 11:53:49] DEBUG[1224] chan_sip.c: SIP call-id changed from '00b61035268102f61b3c335736dfecd7@' to '6fb290676cc0b400311e75891cf51075@'
[Nov 19 11:53:49] DEBUG[1224] chan_sip.c: Initializing initreq for method OPTIONS - callid 6fb290676cc0b400311e75891cf51075@
[Nov 19 11:53:49] DEBUG[1224] chan_sip.c:  Header  0 [ 55]: OPTIONS sip:110@;line=xiio2hm8 SIP/2.0
[Nov 19 11:53:49] DEBUG[1224] chan_sip.c:  Header  1 [ 56]: Via: SIP/2.0/UDP;branch=z9hG4bK68c812ed
[Nov 19 11:53:49] DEBUG[1224] chan_sip.c:  Header  2 [ 16]: Max-Forwards: 70
[Nov 19 11:53:49] DEBUG[1224] chan_sip.c:  Header  3 [ 58]: From: "asterisk" <sip:asterisk@>;tag=as121a323f
[Nov 19 11:53:49] DEBUG[1224] chan_sip.c:  Header  4 [ 45]: To: <sip:110@;line=xiio2hm8>
[Nov 19 11:53:49] DEBUG[1224] chan_sip.c:  Header  5 [ 40]: Contact: <sip:asterisk@>
[Nov 19 11:53:49] DEBUG[1224] chan_sip.c:  Header  6 [ 58]: Call-ID: 6fb290676cc0b400311e75891cf51075@
[Nov 19 11:53:49] DEBUG[1224] chan_sip.c:  Header  7 [ 17]: CSeq: 102 OPTIONS
[Nov 19 11:53:49] DEBUG[1224] chan_sip.c:  Header  8 [ 31]: User-Agent: Asterisk PBX 13.6.0
[Nov 19 11:53:49] DEBUG[1224] chan_sip.c:  Header  9 [ 35]: Date: Thu, 19 Nov 2015 10:53:49 GMT
[Nov 19 11:53:49] DEBUG[1224] chan_sip.c:  Header 10 [ 90]: Allow: INVITE, ACK, CANCEL, OPTIONS, BYE, REFER, SUBSCRIBE, NOTIFY, INFO, PUBLISH, MESSAGE
[Nov 19 11:53:49] DEBUG[1224] chan_sip.c:  Header 11 [ 26]: Supported: replaces, timer
[Nov 19 11:53:49] VERBOSE[1224] chan_sip.c: Reliably Transmitting (no NAT) to
OPTIONS sip:110@;line=xiio2hm8 SIP/2.0
Via: SIP/2.0/UDP;branch=z9hG4bK68c812ed
Max-Forwards: 70
From: "asterisk" <sip:asterisk@>;tag=as121a323f
To: <sip:110@;line=xiio2hm8>
Contact: <sip:asterisk@>
Call-ID: 6fb290676cc0b400311e75891cf51075@
User-Agent: Asterisk PBX 13.6.0
Date: Thu, 19 Nov 2015 10:53:49 GMT
Supported: replaces, timer
Content-Length: 0

[Nov 19 11:53:49] DEBUG[1224] chan_sip.c: *** SIP TIMER: Initializing retransmit timer on packet: Id  #0
[Nov 19 11:53:49] DEBUG[1224] chan_sip.c: Trying to put 'OPTIONS sip' onto UDP socket destined for
[Nov 19 11:53:49] VERBOSE[1224] chan_sip.c: 
<--- SIP read from UDP: --->
SIP/2.0 200 OK
Via: SIP/2.0/UDP;branch=z9hG4bK68c812ed
From: "asterisk" <sip:asterisk@>;tag=as121a323f
To: <sip:110@;line=xiio2hm8>
Call-ID: 6fb290676cc0b400311e75891cf51075@
Contact: <sip:107@;line=vav9afgv>;reg-id=1
User-Agent: snom320/7.3.30
Accept-Language: en
Accept: application/sdp
Allow-Events: talk, hold, refer, call-info
Supported: timer, 100rel, replaces, from-change
Content-Length: 0

[Nov 19 11:53:49] DEBUG[1224] chan_sip.c:  Header  0 [ 14]: SIP/2.0 200 OK
[Nov 19 11:53:49] DEBUG[1224] chan_sip.c:  Header  1 [ 56]: Via: SIP/2.0/UDP;branch=z9hG4bK68c812ed
[Nov 19 11:53:49] DEBUG[1224] chan_sip.c:  Header  2 [ 58]: From: "asterisk" <sip:asterisk@>;tag=as121a323f
[Nov 19 11:53:49] DEBUG[1224] chan_sip.c:  Header  3 [ 45]: To: <sip:110@;line=xiio2hm8>
[Nov 19 11:53:49] DEBUG[1224] chan_sip.c:  Header  4 [ 58]: Call-ID: 6fb290676cc0b400311e75891cf51075@
[Nov 19 11:53:49] DEBUG[1224] chan_sip.c:  Header  5 [ 17]: CSeq: 102 OPTIONS
[Nov 19 11:53:49] DEBUG[1224] chan_sip.c:  Header  6 [ 59]: Contact: <sip:107@;line=vav9afgv>;reg-id=1
[Nov 19 11:53:49] DEBUG[1224] chan_sip.c:  Header  7 [ 26]: User-Agent: snom320/7.3.30
[Nov 19 11:53:49] DEBUG[1224] chan_sip.c:  Header  8 [ 19]: Accept-Language: en
[Nov 19 11:53:49] DEBUG[1224] chan_sip.c:  Header  9 [ 23]: Accept: application/sdp
[Nov 19 11:53:49] DEBUG[1224] chan_sip.c:  Header 10 [ 88]: Allow: INVITE, ACK, CANCEL, BYE, REFER, OPTIONS, NOTIFY, SUBSCRIBE, PRACK, MESSAGE, INFO
[Nov 19 11:53:49] DEBUG[1224] chan_sip.c:  Header 11 [ 42]: Allow-Events: talk, hold, refer, call-info
[Nov 19 11:53:49] DEBUG[1224] chan_sip.c:  Header 12 [ 47]: Supported: timer, 100rel, replaces, from-change
[Nov 19 11:53:49] DEBUG[1224] chan_sip.c:  Header 13 [ 17]: Content-Length: 0
[Nov 19 11:53:49] VERBOSE[1224] chan_sip.c: --- (14 headers 0 lines) ---
[Nov 19 11:53:49] DEBUG[1224] chan_sip.c: = Looking for  Call ID: 6fb290676cc0b400311e75891cf51075@ (Checking To) --From tag as121a323f --To-tag   
[Nov 19 11:53:49] DEBUG[1224] chan_sip.c: ** SIP TIMER: Cancelling retransmit of packet (reply received) Retransid #0
[Nov 19 11:53:49] DEBUG[1224] chan_sip.c: Stopping retransmission on '6fb290676cc0b400311e75891cf51075@' of Request 102: Match Found
[Nov 19 11:53:49] DEBUG[1224] chan_sip.c: Destroying SIP dialog 6fb290676cc0b400311e75891cf51075@
[Nov 19 11:53:49] VERBOSE[1224] chan_sip.c: Really destroying SIP dialog '6fb290676cc0b400311e75891cf51075@' Method: OPTIONS
[Nov 19 11:53:50] DEBUG[1209] manager.c: Mansession: 0x7f981c002218 refcount now 2
[Nov 19 11:53:51] VERBOSE[1224] chan_sip.c: 
<--- SIP read from UDP: --->
INVITE sip:777@ SIP/2.0
Via: SIP/2.0/UDP;branch=z9hG4bK-cf90vt7g1agx;rport
From: "biw CC 111" <sip:111@>;tag=iyysf93dcc
To: <sip:777@>
Call-ID: 31343437393330343330323139-30wmypf398u0
Max-Forwards: 70
User-Agent: snom320/
Contact: <sip:111@;line=n8nouw93>;reg-id=1
X-Serialnumber: 000413381C8C
P-Key-Flags: keys="3"
Accept: application/sdp
Allow-Events: talk, hold, refer, call-info
Supported: timer, 100rel, replaces, from-change
Session-Expires: 3600
Min-SE: 90
Content-Type: application/sdp
Content-Length: 401

o=root 364986816 364986816 IN IP4
c=IN IP4
t=0 0
m=audio 61280 RTP/AVP 9 0 8 3 99 112 18 101
a=rtpmap:9 G722/8000
a=rtpmap:0 PCMU/8000
a=rtpmap:8 PCMA/8000
a=rtpmap:3 GSM/8000
a=rtpmap:99 G726-32/8000
a=rtpmap:112 AAL2-G726-32/8000
a=rtpmap:18 G729/8000
a=fmtp:18 annexb=no
a=rtpmap:101 telephone-event/8000
a=fmtp:101 0-15
[Nov 19 11:53:51] DEBUG[1224] chan_sip.c:  Header  0 [ 34]: INVITE sip:777@ SIP/2.0
[Nov 19 11:53:51] DEBUG[1224] chan_sip.c:  Header  1 [ 68]: Via: SIP/2.0/UDP;branch=z9hG4bK-cf90vt7g1agx;rport
[Nov 19 11:53:51] DEBUG[1224] chan_sip.c:  Header  2 [ 55]: From: "biw CC 111" <sip:111@>;tag=iyysf93dcc
[Nov 19 11:53:51] DEBUG[1224] chan_sip.c:  Header  3 [ 25]: To: <sip:777@>
[Nov 19 11:53:51] DEBUG[1224] chan_sip.c:  Header  4 [ 48]: Call-ID: 31343437393330343330323139-30wmypf398u0
[Nov 19 11:53:51] DEBUG[1224] chan_sip.c:  Header  5 [ 14]: CSeq: 1 INVITE
[Nov 19 11:53:51] DEBUG[1224] chan_sip.c:  Header  6 [ 16]: Max-Forwards: 70
[Nov 19 11:53:51] DEBUG[1224] chan_sip.c:  Header  7 [ 28]: User-Agent: snom320/
[Nov 19 11:53:51] DEBUG[1224] chan_sip.c:  Header  8 [ 59]: Contact: <sip:111@;line=n8nouw93>;reg-id=1
[Nov 19 11:53:51] DEBUG[1224] chan_sip.c:  Header  9 [ 28]: X-Serialnumber: 000413381C8C
[Nov 19 11:53:51] DEBUG[1224] chan_sip.c:  Header 10 [ 21]: P-Key-Flags: keys="3"
[Nov 19 11:53:51] DEBUG[1224] chan_sip.c:  Header 11 [ 23]: Accept: application/sdp
[Nov 19 11:53:51] DEBUG[1224] chan_sip.c:  Header 12 [ 96]: Allow: INVITE, ACK, CANCEL, BYE, REFER, OPTIONS, NOTIFY, SUBSCRIBE, PRACK, MESSAGE, INFO, UPDATE
[Nov 19 11:53:51] DEBUG[1224] chan_sip.c:  Header 13 [ 42]: Allow-Events: talk, hold, refer, call-info
[Nov 19 11:53:51] DEBUG[1224] chan_sip.c:  Header 14 [ 47]: Supported: timer, 100rel, replaces, from-change
[Nov 19 11:53:51] DEBUG[1224] chan_sip.c:  Header 15 [ 21]: Session-Expires: 3600
[Nov 19 11:53:51] DEBUG[1224] chan_sip.c:  Header 16 [ 10]: Min-SE: 90
[Nov 19 11:53:51] DEBUG[1224] chan_sip.c:  Header 17 [ 29]: Content-Type: application/sdp
[Nov 19 11:53:51] DEBUG[1224] chan_sip.c:  Header 18 [ 19]: Content-Length: 401
[Nov 19 11:53:51] DEBUG[1224] chan_sip.c:  Header 19 [  0]: 
[Nov 19 11:53:51] DEBUG[1224] chan_sip.c:    Body  0 [  3]: v=0
[Nov 19 11:53:51] DEBUG[1224] chan_sip.c:    Body  1 [ 46]: o=root 364986816 364986816 IN IP4
[Nov 19 11:53:51] DEBUG[1224] chan_sip.c:    Body  2 [  6]: s=call
[Nov 19 11:53:51] DEBUG[1224] chan_sip.c:    Body  3 [ 21]: c=IN IP4
[Nov 19 11:53:51] DEBUG[1224] chan_sip.c:    Body  4 [  5]: t=0 0
[Nov 19 11:53:51] DEBUG[1224] chan_sip.c:    Body  5 [ 43]: m=audio 61280 RTP/AVP 9 0 8 3 99 112 18 101
[Nov 19 11:53:51] DEBUG[1224] chan_sip.c:    Body  6 [ 20]: a=rtpmap:9 G722/8000
[Nov 19 11:53:51] DEBUG[1224] chan_sip.c:    Body  7 [ 20]: a=rtpmap:0 PCMU/8000
[Nov 19 11:53:51] DEBUG[1224] chan_sip.c:    Body  8 [ 20]: a=rtpmap:8 PCMA/8000
[Nov 19 11:53:51] DEBUG[1224] chan_sip.c:    Body  9 [ 19]: a=rtpmap:3 GSM/8000
[Nov 19 11:53:51] DEBUG[1224] chan_sip.c:    Body 10 [ 24]: a=rtpmap:99 G726-32/8000
[Nov 19 11:53:51] DEBUG[1224] chan_sip.c:    Body 11 [ 30]: a=rtpmap:112 AAL2-G726-32/8000
[Nov 19 11:53:51] DEBUG[1224] chan_sip.c:    Body 12 [ 21]: a=rtpmap:18 G729/8000
[Nov 19 11:53:51] DEBUG[1224] chan_sip.c:    Body 13 [ 19]: a=fmtp:18 annexb=no
[Nov 19 11:53:51] DEBUG[1224] chan_sip.c:    Body 14 [ 33]: a=rtpmap:101 telephone-event/8000
[Nov 19 11:53:51] DEBUG[1224] chan_sip.c:    Body 15 [ 15]: a=fmtp:101 0-15
[Nov 19 11:53:51] DEBUG[1224] chan_sip.c:    Body 16 [ 10]: a=ptime:20
[Nov 19 11:53:51] DEBUG[1224] chan_sip.c:    Body 17 [ 10]: a=sendrecv
[Nov 19 11:53:51] VERBOSE[1224] chan_sip.c: --- (19 headers 18 lines) ---
[Nov 19 11:53:51] DEBUG[1224] chan_sip.c: = Looking for  Call ID: 31343437393330343330323139-30wmypf398u0 (Checking From) --From tag iyysf93dcc --To-tag   
[Nov 19 11:53:51] DEBUG[1224] acl.c: For destination '', our source address is ''.
[Nov 19 11:53:51] DEBUG[1224] chan_sip.c: Setting AST_TRANSPORT_UDP with address
[Nov 19 11:53:51] DEBUG[1224] netsock2.c: Splitting '' into...
[Nov 19 11:53:51] DEBUG[1224] netsock2.c: '' and port '5060'.
[Nov 19 11:53:51] VERBOSE[1224] chan_sip.c: Sending to (no NAT)
[Nov 19 11:53:51] DEBUG[1224] chan_sip.c: Allocating new SIP dialog for 31343437393330343330323139-30wmypf398u0 - INVITE (No RTP)
[Nov 19 11:53:51] DEBUG[1224][C-0000003c] chan_sip.c: **** Received INVITE (5) - Command in SIP INVITE
[Nov 19 11:53:51] DEBUG[1224][C-0000003c] sip/reqresp_parser.c: Begin: parsing SIP "Supported: timer, 100rel, replaces, from-change"
[Nov 19 11:53:51] DEBUG[1224][C-0000003c] sip/reqresp_parser.c: Found SIP option: -timer-
[Nov 19 11:53:51] DEBUG[1224][C-0000003c] sip/reqresp_parser.c: Matched SIP option: timer
[Nov 19 11:53:51] DEBUG[1224][C-0000003c] sip/reqresp_parser.c: Found SIP option: -100rel-
[Nov 19 11:53:51] DEBUG[1224][C-0000003c] sip/reqresp_parser.c: Matched SIP option: 100rel
[Nov 19 11:53:51] DEBUG[1224][C-0000003c] sip/reqresp_parser.c: Found SIP option: -replaces-
[Nov 19 11:53:51] DEBUG[1224][C-0000003c] sip/reqresp_parser.c: Matched SIP option: replaces
[Nov 19 11:53:51] DEBUG[1224][C-0000003c] sip/reqresp_parser.c: Found SIP option: -from-change-
[Nov 19 11:53:51] DEBUG[1224][C-0000003c] sip/reqresp_parser.c: Matched SIP option: from-change
[Nov 19 11:53:51] DEBUG[1224][C-0000003c] netsock2.c: Splitting '' into...
[Nov 19 11:53:51] DEBUG[1224][C-0000003c] netsock2.c: '' and port '5060'.
[Nov 19 11:53:51] VERBOSE[1224][C-0000003c] chan_sip.c: Sending to (no NAT)
[Nov 19 11:53:51] DEBUG[1224][C-0000003c] chan_sip.c: Initializing initreq for method INVITE - callid 31343437393330343330323139-30wmypf398u0
[Nov 19 11:53:51] VERBOSE[1224][C-0000003c] chan_sip.c: Using INVITE request as basis request - 31343437393330343330323139-30wmypf398u0
[Nov 19 11:53:51] DEBUG[1224][C-0000003c] netsock2.c: Splitting '' into...
[Nov 19 11:53:51] DEBUG[1224][C-0000003c] netsock2.c: '' and port ''.
[Nov 19 11:53:51] VERBOSE[1224][C-0000003c] chan_sip.c: Found peer '111' for '111' from
[Nov 19 11:53:51] VERBOSE[1224][C-0000003c] chan_sip.c: 
<--- Reliably Transmitting (no NAT) to --->
SIP/2.0 401 Unauthorized
Via: SIP/2.0/UDP;branch=z9hG4bK-cf90vt7g1agx;received=;rport=5060
From: "biw CC 111" <sip:111@>;tag=iyysf93dcc
To: <sip:777@>;tag=as60183b68
Call-ID: 31343437393330343330323139-30wmypf398u0
Server: Asterisk PBX 13.6.0
Supported: replaces, timer
WWW-Authenticate: Digest algorithm=MD5, realm="asterisk", nonce="1073adc1"
Content-Length: 0

[Nov 19 11:53:51] DEBUG[1224][C-0000003c] chan_sip.c: *** SIP TIMER: Initializing retransmit timer on packet: Id  #5
[Nov 19 11:53:51] DEBUG[1224][C-0000003c] chan_sip.c: Trying to put 'SIP/2.0 401' onto UDP socket destined for
[Nov 19 11:53:51] VERBOSE[1224][C-0000003c] chan_sip.c: Scheduling destruction of SIP dialog '31343437393330343330323139-30wmypf398u0' in 6400 ms (Method: INVITE)
[Nov 19 11:53:51] DEBUG[1207] manager.c: Mansession: 0x7f981c002218 refcount now 2
[Nov 19 11:53:51] DEBUG[23729] manager.c: Examining AMI event:
Event: ChallengeSent
Privilege: security,all
SequenceNumber: 3644
File: manager.c
Line: 1693
Func: manager_default_msg_cb
EventTV: 2015-11-19T11:53:51.947+0100
Severity: Informational
Service: SIP
EventVersion: 1
AccountID: sip:111@
SessionID: 0x7f9810026ac8
LocalAddress: IPV4/UDP/
RemoteAddress: IPV4/UDP/
Challenge: 1073adc1

[Nov 19 11:53:52] VERBOSE[1224] chan_sip.c: 
<--- SIP read from UDP: --->
ACK sip:777@ SIP/2.0
Via: SIP/2.0/UDP;branch=z9hG4bK-cf90vt7g1agx;rport
From: "biw CC 111" <sip:111@>;tag=iyysf93dcc
To: <sip:777@>;tag=as60183b68
Call-ID: 31343437393330343330323139-30wmypf398u0
CSeq: 1 ACK
Max-Forwards: 70
User-Agent: snom320/
Contact: <sip:111@;line=n8nouw93>;reg-id=1
Content-Length: 0

[Nov 19 11:53:52] DEBUG[1224] chan_sip.c:  Header  0 [ 31]: ACK sip:777@ SIP/2.0
[Nov 19 11:53:52] DEBUG[1224] chan_sip.c:  Header  1 [ 68]: Via: SIP/2.0/UDP;branch=z9hG4bK-cf90vt7g1agx;rport
[Nov 19 11:53:52] DEBUG[1224] chan_sip.c:  Header  2 [ 55]: From: "biw CC 111" <sip:111@>;tag=iyysf93dcc
[Nov 19 11:53:52] DEBUG[1224] chan_sip.c:  Header  3 [ 40]: To: <sip:777@>;tag=as60183b68
[Nov 19 11:53:52] DEBUG[1224] chan_sip.c:  Header  4 [ 48]: Call-ID: 31343437393330343330323139-30wmypf398u0
[Nov 19 11:53:52] DEBUG[1224] chan_sip.c:  Header  5 [ 11]: CSeq: 1 ACK
[Nov 19 11:53:52] DEBUG[1224] chan_sip.c:  Header  6 [ 16]: Max-Forwards: 70
[Nov 19 11:53:52] DEBUG[1224] chan_sip.c:  Header  7 [ 28]: User-Agent: snom320/
[Nov 19 11:53:52] DEBUG[1224] chan_sip.c:  Header  8 [ 59]: Contact: <sip:111@;line=n8nouw93>;reg-id=1
[Nov 19 11:53:52] DEBUG[1224] chan_sip.c:  Header  9 [ 17]: Content-Length: 0
[Nov 19 11:53:52] VERBOSE[1224] chan_sip.c: --- (10 headers 0 lines) ---
[Nov 19 11:53:52] DEBUG[1224] chan_sip.c: = Looking for  Call ID: 31343437393330343330323139-30wmypf398u0 (Checking From) --From tag iyysf93dcc --To-tag as60183b68  
[Nov 19 11:53:52] DEBUG[1224][C-0000003c] chan_sip.c: **** Received ACK (6) - Command in SIP ACK
[Nov 19 11:53:52] DEBUG[1224][C-0000003c] chan_sip.c: ** SIP TIMER: Cancelling retransmit of packet (reply received) Retransid #5
[Nov 19 11:53:52] DEBUG[1224][C-0000003c] chan_sip.c: Stopping retransmission on '31343437393330343330323139-30wmypf398u0' of Response 1: Match Found
[Nov 19 11:53:52] VERBOSE[1224] chan_sip.c: 
<--- SIP read from UDP: --->
INVITE sip:777@ SIP/2.0
Via: SIP/2.0/UDP;branch=z9hG4bK-enwhgowg6a2y;rport
From: "biw CC 111" <sip:111@>;tag=iyysf93dcc
To: <sip:777@>
Call-ID: 31343437393330343330323139-30wmypf398u0
Max-Forwards: 70
User-Agent: snom320/
Contact: <sip:111@;line=n8nouw93>;reg-id=1
X-Serialnumber: 000413381C8C
P-Key-Flags: keys="3"
Accept: application/sdp
Allow-Events: talk, hold, refer, call-info
Supported: timer, 100rel, replaces, from-change
Session-Expires: 3600
Min-SE: 90
Authorization: Digest username="111",realm="asterisk",nonce="1073adc1",uri="sip:777@",response="d5f998eabd573f610b0b5e6114032a76",algorithm=MD5
Content-Type: application/sdp
Content-Length: 401

o=root 364986816 364986816 IN IP4
c=IN IP4
t=0 0
m=audio 61280 RTP/AVP 9 0 8 3 99 112 18 101
a=rtpmap:9 G722/8000
a=rtpmap:0 PCMU/8000
a=rtpmap:8 PCMA/8000
a=rtpmap:3 GSM/8000
a=rtpmap:99 G726-32/8000
a=rtpmap:112 AAL2-G726-32/8000
a=rtpmap:18 G729/8000
a=fmtp:18 annexb=no
a=rtpmap:101 telephone-event/8000
a=fmtp:101 0-15
[Nov 19 11:53:52] DEBUG[1224] chan_sip.c:  Header  0 [ 34]: INVITE sip:777@ SIP/2.0
[Nov 19 11:53:52] DEBUG[1224] chan_sip.c:  Header  1 [ 68]: Via: SIP/2.0/UDP;branch=z9hG4bK-enwhgowg6a2y;rport
[Nov 19 11:53:52] DEBUG[1224] chan_sip.c:  Header  2 [ 55]: From: "biw CC 111" <sip:111@>;tag=iyysf93dcc
[Nov 19 11:53:52] DEBUG[1224] chan_sip.c:  Header  3 [ 25]: To: <sip:777@>
[Nov 19 11:53:52] DEBUG[1224] chan_sip.c:  Header  4 [ 48]: Call-ID: 31343437393330343330323139-30wmypf398u0
[Nov 19 11:53:52] DEBUG[1224] chan_sip.c:  Header  5 [ 14]: CSeq: 2 INVITE
[Nov 19 11:53:52] DEBUG[1224] chan_sip.c:  Header  6 [ 16]: Max-Forwards: 70
[Nov 19 11:53:52] DEBUG[1224] chan_sip.c:  Header  7 [ 28]: User-Agent: snom320/
[Nov 19 11:53:52] DEBUG[1224] chan_sip.c:  Header  8 [ 59]: Contact: <sip:111@;line=n8nouw93>;reg-id=1
[Nov 19 11:53:52] DEBUG[1224] chan_sip.c:  Header  9 [ 28]: X-Serialnumber: 000413381C8C
[Nov 19 11:53:52] DEBUG[1224] chan_sip.c:  Header 10 [ 21]: P-Key-Flags: keys="3"
[Nov 19 11:53:52] DEBUG[1224] chan_sip.c:  Header 11 [ 23]: Accept: application/sdp
[Nov 19 11:53:52] DEBUG[1224] chan_sip.c:  Header 12 [ 96]: Allow: INVITE, ACK, CANCEL, BYE, REFER, OPTIONS, NOTIFY, SUBSCRIBE, PRACK, MESSAGE, INFO, UPDATE
[Nov 19 11:53:52] DEBUG[1224] chan_sip.c:  Header 13 [ 42]: Allow-Events: talk, hold, refer, call-info
[Nov 19 11:53:52] DEBUG[1224] chan_sip.c:  Header 14 [ 47]: Supported: timer, 100rel, replaces, from-change
[Nov 19 11:53:52] DEBUG[1224] chan_sip.c:  Header 15 [ 21]: Session-Expires: 3600
[Nov 19 11:53:52] DEBUG[1224] chan_sip.c:  Header 16 [ 10]: Min-SE: 90
[Nov 19 11:53:52] DEBUG[1224] chan_sip.c:  Header 17 [154]: Authorization: Digest username="111",realm="asterisk",nonce="1073adc1",uri="sip:777@",response="d5f998eabd573f610b0b5e6114032a76",algorithm=MD5
[Nov 19 11:53:52] DEBUG[1224] chan_sip.c:  Header 18 [ 29]: Content-Type: application/sdp
[Nov 19 11:53:52] DEBUG[1224] chan_sip.c:  Header 19 [ 19]: Content-Length: 401
[Nov 19 11:53:52] DEBUG[1224] chan_sip.c:  Header 20 [  0]: 
[Nov 19 11:53:52] DEBUG[1224] chan_sip.c:    Body  0 [  3]: v=0
[Nov 19 11:53:52] DEBUG[1224] chan_sip.c:    Body  1 [ 46]: o=root 364986816 364986816 IN IP4
[Nov 19 11:53:52] DEBUG[1224] chan_sip.c:    Body  2 [  6]: s=call
[Nov 19 11:53:52] DEBUG[1224] chan_sip.c:    Body  3 [ 21]: c=IN IP4
[Nov 19 11:53:52] DEBUG[1224] chan_sip.c:    Body  4 [  5]: t=0 0
[Nov 19 11:53:52] DEBUG[1224] chan_sip.c:    Body  5 [ 43]: m=audio 61280 RTP/AVP 9 0 8 3 99 112 18 101
[Nov 19 11:53:52] DEBUG[1224] chan_sip.c:    Body  6 [ 20]: a=rtpmap:9 G722/8000
[Nov 19 11:53:52] DEBUG[1224] chan_sip.c:    Body  7 [ 20]: a=rtpmap:0 PCMU/8000
[Nov 19 11:53:52] DEBUG[1224] chan_sip.c:    Body  8 [ 20]: a=rtpmap:8 PCMA/8000
[Nov 19 11:53:52] DEBUG[1224] chan_sip.c:    Body  9 [ 19]: a=rtpmap:3 GSM/8000
[Nov 19 11:53:52] DEBUG[1224] chan_sip.c:    Body 10 [ 24]: a=rtpmap:99 G726-32/8000
[Nov 19 11:53:52] DEBUG[1224] chan_sip.c:    Body 11 [ 30]: a=rtpmap:112 AAL2-G726-32/8000
[Nov 19 11:53:52] DEBUG[1224] chan_sip.c:    Body 12 [ 21]: a=rtpmap:18 G729/8000
[Nov 19 11:53:52] DEBUG[1224] chan_sip.c:    Body 13 [ 19]: a=fmtp:18 annexb=no
[Nov 19 11:53:52] DEBUG[1224] chan_sip.c:    Body 14 [ 33]: a=rtpmap:101 telephone-event/8000
[Nov 19 11:53:52] DEBUG[1224] chan_sip.c:    Body 15 [ 15]: a=fmtp:101 0-15
[Nov 19 11:53:52] DEBUG[1224] chan_sip.c:    Body 16 [ 10]: a=ptime:20
[Nov 19 11:53:52] DEBUG[1224] chan_sip.c:    Body 17 [ 10]: a=sendrecv
[Nov 19 11:53:52] VERBOSE[1224] chan_sip.c: --- (20 headers 18 lines) ---
[Nov 19 11:53:52] DEBUG[1224] chan_sip.c: = Looking for  Call ID: 31343437393330343330323139-30wmypf398u0 (Checking From) --From tag iyysf93dcc --To-tag   
[Nov 19 11:53:52] DEBUG[1224] netsock2.c: Splitting '' into...
[Nov 19 11:53:52] DEBUG[1224] netsock2.c: '' and port ''.
[Nov 19 11:53:52] DEBUG[1224] netsock2.c: Splitting '' into...
[Nov 19 11:53:52] DEBUG[1224] netsock2.c: '' and port ''.
[Nov 19 11:53:52] DEBUG[1224][C-0000003c] chan_sip.c: **** Received INVITE (5) - Command in SIP INVITE
[Nov 19 11:53:52] DEBUG[1224][C-0000003c] netsock2.c: Splitting '' into...
[Nov 19 11:53:52] DEBUG[1224][C-0000003c] netsock2.c: '' and port '5060'.
[Nov 19 11:53:52] VERBOSE[1224][C-0000003c] chan_sip.c: Sending to (no NAT)
[Nov 19 11:53:52] DEBUG[1224][C-0000003c] chan_sip.c: Initializing initreq for method INVITE - callid 31343437393330343330323139-30wmypf398u0
[Nov 19 11:53:52] VERBOSE[1224][C-0000003c] chan_sip.c: Using INVITE request as basis request - 31343437393330343330323139-30wmypf398u0
[Nov 19 11:53:52] DEBUG[1224][C-0000003c] netsock2.c: Splitting '' into...
[Nov 19 11:53:52] DEBUG[1224][C-0000003c] netsock2.c: '' and port ''.
[Nov 19 11:53:52] VERBOSE[1224][C-0000003c] chan_sip.c: Found peer '111' for '111' from
[Nov 19 11:53:52] DEBUG[1224][C-0000003c] rtp_engine.c: Using engine 'asterisk' for RTP instance '0x7f981000a588'
[Nov 19 11:53:52] DEBUG[1224][C-0000003c] res_rtp_asterisk.c: Allocated port 13464 for RTP instance '0x7f981000a588'
[Nov 19 11:53:52] DEBUG[1224][C-0000003c] rtp_engine.c: RTP instance '0x7f981000a588' is setup and ready to go
[Nov 19 11:53:52] DEBUG[1224][C-0000003c] res_rtp_asterisk.c: Setup RTCP on RTP instance '0x7f981000a588'
[Nov 19 11:53:52] DEBUG[1224][C-0000003c] chan_sip.c: Setting NAT on RTP to Off
[Nov 19 11:53:52] DEBUG[1224][C-0000003c] chan_sip.c: Processing session-level SDP v=0... UNSUPPORTED OR FAILED.
[Nov 19 11:53:52] DEBUG[1224][C-0000003c] chan_sip.c: Processing session-level SDP o=root 364986816 364986816 IN IP4 OK.
[Nov 19 11:53:52] DEBUG[1224][C-0000003c] chan_sip.c: Processing session-level SDP s=call... UNSUPPORTED OR FAILED.
[Nov 19 11:53:52] DEBUG[1224][C-0000003c] netsock2.c: Splitting '' into...
[Nov 19 11:53:52] DEBUG[1224][C-0000003c] netsock2.c: '' and port ''.
[Nov 19 11:53:52] DEBUG[1224][C-0000003c] chan_sip.c: Processing session-level SDP c=IN IP4 OK.
[Nov 19 11:53:52] DEBUG[1224][C-0000003c] chan_sip.c: Processing session-level SDP t=0 0... UNSUPPORTED OR FAILED.
[Nov 19 11:53:52] VERBOSE[1224][C-0000003c] chan_sip.c: Found RTP audio format 9
[Nov 19 11:53:52] DEBUG[1224][C-0000003c] rtp_engine.c: Setting tx payload type 9 based on m type on 0x7f97f50602d0
[Nov 19 11:53:52] VERBOSE[1224][C-0000003c] chan_sip.c: Found RTP audio format 0
[Nov 19 11:53:52] DEBUG[1224][C-0000003c] rtp_engine.c: Setting tx payload type 0 based on m type on 0x7f97f50602d0
[Nov 19 11:53:52] VERBOSE[1224][C-0000003c] chan_sip.c: Found RTP audio format 8
[Nov 19 11:53:52] DEBUG[1224][C-0000003c] rtp_engine.c: Setting tx payload type 8 based on m type on 0x7f97f50602d0
[Nov 19 11:53:52] VERBOSE[1224][C-0000003c] chan_sip.c: Found RTP audio format 3
[Nov 19 11:53:52] DEBUG[1224][C-0000003c] rtp_engine.c: Setting tx payload type 3 based on m type on 0x7f97f50602d0
[Nov 19 11:53:52] VERBOSE[1224][C-0000003c] chan_sip.c: Found RTP audio format 99
[Nov 19 11:53:52] DEBUG[1224][C-0000003c] rtp_engine.c: Setting tx payload type 99 based on m type on 0x7f97f50602d0
[Nov 19 11:53:52] VERBOSE[1224][C-0000003c] chan_sip.c: Found RTP audio format 112
[Nov 19 11:53:52] DEBUG[1224][C-0000003c] rtp_engine.c: Setting tx payload type 112 based on m type on 0x7f97f50602d0
[Nov 19 11:53:52] VERBOSE[1224][C-0000003c] chan_sip.c: Found RTP audio format 18
[Nov 19 11:53:52] DEBUG[1224][C-0000003c] rtp_engine.c: Setting tx payload type 18 based on m type on 0x7f97f50602d0
[Nov 19 11:53:52] VERBOSE[1224][C-0000003c] chan_sip.c: Found RTP audio format 101
[Nov 19 11:53:52] DEBUG[1224][C-0000003c] rtp_engine.c: Setting tx payload type 101 based on m type on 0x7f97f50602d0
[Nov 19 11:53:52] VERBOSE[1224][C-0000003c] chan_sip.c: Found audio description format G722 for ID 9
[Nov 19 11:53:52] DEBUG[1224][C-0000003c] chan_sip.c: Processing media-level (audio) SDP a=rtpmap:9 G722/8000... OK.
[Nov 19 11:53:52] VERBOSE[1224][C-0000003c] chan_sip.c: Found audio description format PCMU for ID 0
[Nov 19 11:53:52] DEBUG[1224][C-0000003c] chan_sip.c: Processing media-level (audio) SDP a=rtpmap:0 PCMU/8000... OK.
[Nov 19 11:53:52] VERBOSE[1224][C-0000003c] chan_sip.c: Found audio description format PCMA for ID 8
[Nov 19 11:53:52] DEBUG[1224][C-0000003c] chan_sip.c: Processing media-level (audio) SDP a=rtpmap:8 PCMA/8000... OK.
[Nov 19 11:53:52] VERBOSE[1224][C-0000003c] chan_sip.c: Found audio description format GSM for ID 3
[Nov 19 11:53:52] DEBUG[1224][C-0000003c] chan_sip.c: Processing media-level (audio) SDP a=rtpmap:3 GSM/8000... OK.
[Nov 19 11:53:52] VERBOSE[1224][C-0000003c] chan_sip.c: Found audio description format G726-32 for ID 99
[Nov 19 11:53:52] DEBUG[1224][C-0000003c] chan_sip.c: Processing media-level (audio) SDP a=rtpmap:99 G726-32/8000... OK.
[Nov 19 11:53:52] VERBOSE[1224][C-0000003c] chan_sip.c: Found audio description format AAL2-G726-32 for ID 112
[Nov 19 11:53:52] DEBUG[1224][C-0000003c] chan_sip.c: Processing media-level (audio) SDP a=rtpmap:112 AAL2-G726-32/8000... OK.
[Nov 19 11:53:52] VERBOSE[1224][C-0000003c] chan_sip.c: Found audio description format G729 for ID 18
[Nov 19 11:53:52] DEBUG[1224][C-0000003c] chan_sip.c: Processing media-level (audio) SDP a=rtpmap:18 G729/8000... OK.
[Nov 19 11:53:52] DEBUG[1224][C-0000003c] chan_sip.c: Processing media-level (audio) SDP a=fmtp:18 annexb=no... OK.
[Nov 19 11:53:52] VERBOSE[1224][C-0000003c] chan_sip.c: Found audio description format telephone-event for ID 101
[Nov 19 11:53:52] DEBUG[1224][C-0000003c] chan_sip.c: Processing media-level (audio) SDP a=rtpmap:101 telephone-event/8000... OK.
[Nov 19 11:53:52] DEBUG[1224][C-0000003c] chan_sip.c: Processing media-level (audio) SDP a=fmtp:101 0-15... UNSUPPORTED OR FAILED.
[Nov 19 11:53:52] DEBUG[1224][C-0000003c] chan_sip.c: Processing media-level (audio) SDP a=ptime:20... OK.
[Nov 19 11:53:52] DEBUG[1224][C-0000003c] chan_sip.c: Processing media-level (audio) SDP a=sendrecv... OK.
[Nov 19 11:53:52] VERBOSE[1224][C-0000003c] chan_sip.c: Capabilities: us - (ulaw|alaw|gsm), peer - audio=(ulaw|gsm|alaw|g722|g729|g726|g726aal2)/video=(nothing)/text=(nothing), combined - (ulaw|alaw|gsm)
[Nov 19 11:53:52] VERBOSE[1224][C-0000003c] chan_sip.c: Non-codec capabilities (dtmf): us - 0x1 (telephone-event|), peer - 0x1 (telephone-event|), combined - 0x1 (telephone-event|)
[Nov 19 11:53:52] DEBUG[1224][C-0000003c] res_rtp_asterisk.c: Setting RTCP address on RTP instance '0x7f981000a588'
[Nov 19 11:53:52] VERBOSE[1224][C-0000003c] chan_sip.c: Peer audio RTP is at port
[Nov 19 11:53:52] DEBUG[1224][C-0000003c] rtp_engine.c: Copying payload 0 (0x7f98100167d0) from 0x7f97f50602d0 to 0x7f981000a750
[Nov 19 11:53:52] DEBUG[1224][C-0000003c] rtp_engine.c: Copying payload 3 (0x7f9810013010) from 0x7f97f50602d0 to 0x7f981000a750
[Nov 19 11:53:52] DEBUG[1224][C-0000003c] rtp_engine.c: Copying payload 8 (0x7f9810016810) from 0x7f97f50602d0 to 0x7f981000a750
[Nov 19 11:53:52] DEBUG[1224][C-0000003c] rtp_engine.c: Copying payload 9 (0x7f9810016790) from 0x7f97f50602d0 to 0x7f981000a750
[Nov 19 11:53:52] DEBUG[1224][C-0000003c] rtp_engine.c: Copying payload 18 (0x7f9810007740) from 0x7f97f50602d0 to 0x7f981000a750
[Nov 19 11:53:52] DEBUG[1224][C-0000003c] rtp_engine.c: Copying payload 99 (0x7f9810013050) from 0x7f97f50602d0 to 0x7f981000a750
[Nov 19 11:53:52] DEBUG[1224][C-0000003c] rtp_engine.c: Copying payload 101 (0x7f9810007700) from 0x7f97f50602d0 to 0x7f981000a750
[Nov 19 11:53:52] DEBUG[1224][C-0000003c] rtp_engine.c: Copying payload 112 (0x7f9810013090) from 0x7f97f50602d0 to 0x7f981000a750
[Nov 19 11:53:52] DEBUG[1224][C-0000003c] res_rtp_asterisk.c: Ignoring duplicate RTCP property on RTP instance '0x7f981000a588'
[Nov 19 11:53:52] DEBUG[1224][C-0000003c] chan_sip.c: We're settling with these formats: (ulaw|alaw|gsm)
[Nov 19 11:53:52] DEBUG[1224][C-0000003c] chan_sip.c: Checking SIP call limits for device 111
[Nov 19 11:53:52] DEBUG[1224][C-0000003c] chan_sip.c: Updating call counter for incoming call
[Nov 19 11:53:52] DEBUG[1224][C-0000003c] chan_sip.c: Call from peer '111' is 1 out of 2
[Nov 19 11:53:52] DEBUG[1224][C-0000003c] netsock2.c: Splitting '' into...
[Nov 19 11:53:52] DEBUG[1224][C-0000003c] netsock2.c: '' and port ''.
[Nov 19 11:53:52] DEBUG[1224][C-0000003c] netsock2.c: Splitting '' into...
[Nov 19 11:53:52] DEBUG[1224][C-0000003c] netsock2.c: '' and port ''.
[Nov 19 11:53:52] VERBOSE[1224][C-0000003c] chan_sip.c: Looking for 777 in from_sip (domain
[Nov 19 11:53:52] DEBUG[1224][C-0000003c] chan_sip.c: Incoming INVITE with 'timer' option supported
[Nov 19 11:53:52] DEBUG[1224][C-0000003c] chan_sip.c: INVITE also has "Session-Expires" header.
[Nov 19 11:53:52] DEBUG[1224][C-0000003c] chan_sip.c: Session-Expires: 3600
[Nov 19 11:53:52] DEBUG[1224][C-0000003c] chan_sip.c: INVITE also has "Min-SE" header.
[Nov 19 11:53:52] DEBUG[1224][C-0000003c] chan_sip.c: Received Min-SE: 90
[Nov 19 11:53:52] DEBUG[1224][C-0000003c] chan_sip.c: *** Our native formats are (ulaw) 
[Nov 19 11:53:52] DEBUG[1224][C-0000003c] chan_sip.c: *** Joint capabilities are (ulaw|alaw|gsm) 
[Nov 19 11:53:52] DEBUG[1224][C-0000003c] chan_sip.c: *** Our capabilities are (ulaw|alaw|gsm) 
[Nov 19 11:53:52] DEBUG[1224][C-0000003c] chan_sip.c: *** AST_CODEC_CHOOSE formats are ulaw 
[Nov 19 11:53:52] DEBUG[1224][C-0000003c] chan_sip.c: This channel will not be able to handle video.
[Nov 19 11:53:52] VERBOSE[1224][C-0000003c] sip/route.c: sip_route_dump: route/path hop: <sip:111@;line=n8nouw93>
[Nov 19 11:53:52] DEBUG[1224][C-0000003c] chan_sip.c: SIP/111-00000029: New call is still down.... Trying... 
[Nov 19 11:53:52] VERBOSE[1224][C-0000003c] chan_sip.c: 
<--- Transmitting (no NAT) to --->
SIP/2.0 100 Trying
Via: SIP/2.0/UDP;branch=z9hG4bK-enwhgowg6a2y;received=;rport=5060
From: "biw CC 111" <sip:111@>;tag=iyysf93dcc
To: <sip:777@>
Call-ID: 31343437393330343330323139-30wmypf398u0
Server: Asterisk PBX 13.6.0
Supported: replaces, timer
Session-Expires: 1800;refresher=uas
Contact: <sip:777@>
Content-Length: 0

[Nov 19 11:53:52] DEBUG[1224][C-0000003c] chan_sip.c: Trying to put 'SIP/2.0 100' onto UDP socket destined for
[Nov 19 11:53:52] DEBUG[1190] threadpool.c: Increasing threadpool stasis-core's size by 1
[Nov 19 11:53:52] DEBUG[1202] devicestate.c: No provider found, checking channel drivers for SIP - 111
[Nov 19 11:53:52] DEBUG[1202] chan_sip.c: Checking device state for peer 111
[Nov 19 11:53:52] DEBUG[1202] devicestate.c: Changing state for SIP/111 - state 2 (In use)
[Nov 19 11:53:52] DEBUG[1202] devicestate.c: No provider found, checking channel drivers for SIP - 111
[Nov 19 11:53:52] DEBUG[1206] manager.c: Mansession: 0x7f981c002218 refcount now 2
[Nov 19 11:53:52] DEBUG[1202] chan_sip.c: Checking device state for peer 111
[Nov 19 11:53:52] DEBUG[1202] devicestate.c: Changing state for SIP/111 - state 2 (In use)
[Nov 19 11:53:52] DEBUG[1207] manager.c: Mansession: 0x7f981c002218 refcount now 2
[Nov 19 11:53:52] DEBUG[1207] manager.c: Mansession: 0x7f981c002218 refcount now 2
[Nov 19 11:53:52] DEBUG[1207] manager.c: Mansession: 0x7f981c002218 refcount now 2
[Nov 19 11:53:52] DEBUG[1207] manager.c: Mansession: 0x7f981c002218 refcount now 2
[Nov 19 11:53:52] DEBUG[1207] manager.c: Mansession: 0x7f981c002218 refcount now 2
[Nov 19 11:53:52] DEBUG[1207] manager.c: Mansession: 0x7f981c002218 refcount now 2
[Nov 19 11:53:52] DEBUG[1207] manager.c: Mansession: 0x7f981c002218 refcount now 2
[Nov 19 11:53:52] DEBUG[1207] manager.c: Mansession: 0x7f981c002218 refcount now 2
[Nov 19 11:53:52] DEBUG[23729] manager.c: Examining AMI event:
Event: CEL
Privilege: call,all
SequenceNumber: 3645
File: cel_manager.c
Line: 299
Func: manager_log
CallerIDnum: 111
CallerIDname: biw CC 111
Exten: 777
Context: from_sip
Channel: SIP/111-00000029
EventTime: 2015-11-19 11:53:52
UniqueID: 1447930432.366
LinkedID: 1447930432.366

[Nov 19 11:53:52] DEBUG[23729] manager.c: Examining AMI event:
Event: Newchannel
Privilege: call,all
SequenceNumber: 3646
File: manager_channels.c
Line: 677
Func: channel_snapshot_update
Channel: SIP/111-00000029
ChannelState: 0
ChannelStateDesc: Down
CallerIDNum: 111
CallerIDName: biw CC 111
ConnectedLineNum: <unknown>
ConnectedLineName: <unknown>
Language: en
Context: from_sip
Exten: 777
Priority: 1
Uniqueid: 1447930432.366
Linkedid: 1447930432.366

[Nov 19 11:53:52] DEBUG[23729] manager.c: Examining AMI event:
Event: VarSet
Privilege: dialplan,all
SequenceNumber: 3647
File: manager.c
Line: 1693
Func: manager_default_msg_cb
Channel: SIP/111-00000029
ChannelState: 0
ChannelStateDesc: Down
CallerIDNum: 111
CallerIDName: biw CC 111
ConnectedLineNum: <unknown>
ConnectedLineName: <unknown>
Language: en
Context: from_sip
Exten: 777
Priority: 1
Uniqueid: 1447930432.366
Linkedid: 1447930432.366
Variable: SIPURI
Value: sip:111@

[Nov 19 11:53:52] DEBUG[1255] app_queue.c: Device 'SIP/111' changed to state '2' (In use) but we don't care because they're not a member of any queue.
[Nov 19 11:53:52] DEBUG[23729] manager.c: Examining AMI event:
Event: VarSet
Privilege: dialplan,all
SequenceNumber: 3648
File: manager.c
Line: 1693
Func: manager_default_msg_cb
Channel: SIP/111-00000029
ChannelState: 0
ChannelStateDesc: Down
CallerIDNum: 111
CallerIDName: biw CC 111
ConnectedLineNum: <unknown>
ConnectedLineName: <unknown>
Language: en
Context: from_sip
Exten: 777
Priority: 1
Uniqueid: 1447930432.366
Linkedid: 1447930432.366

[Nov 19 11:53:52] DEBUG[23729] manager.c: Examining AMI event:
Event: VarSet
Privilege: dialplan,all
SequenceNumber: 3649
File: manager.c
Line: 1693
Func: manager_default_msg_cb
Channel: SIP/111-00000029
ChannelState: 0
ChannelStateDesc: Down
CallerIDNum: 111
CallerIDName: biw CC 111
ConnectedLineNum: <unknown>
ConnectedLineName: <unknown>
Language: en
Context: from_sip
Exten: 777
Priority: 1
Uniqueid: 1447930432.366
Linkedid: 1447930432.366
Value: 31343437393330343330323139-30wmypf398u0

[Nov 19 11:53:52] DEBUG[23729] manager.c: Examining AMI event:
Event: VarSet
Privilege: dialplan,all
SequenceNumber: 3650
File: manager.c
Line: 1693
Func: manager_default_msg_cb
Channel: SIP/111-00000029
ChannelState: 0
ChannelStateDesc: Down
CallerIDNum: 111
CallerIDName: biw CC 111
ConnectedLineNum: <unknown>
ConnectedLineName: <unknown>
Language: en
Context: from_sip
Exten: 777
Priority: 1
Uniqueid: 1447930432.366
Linkedid: 1447930432.366
Variable: basterisk
Value: 1

[Nov 19 11:53:52] DEBUG[23729] manager.c: Examining AMI event:
Event: Newstate
Privilege: call,all
SequenceNumber: 3651
File: manager_channels.c
Line: 677
Func: channel_snapshot_update
Channel: SIP/111-00000029
ChannelState: 4
ChannelStateDesc: Ring
CallerIDNum: 111
CallerIDName: biw CC 111
ConnectedLineNum: <unknown>
ConnectedLineName: <unknown>
Language: de
Context: from_sip
Exten: 777
Priority: 1
Uniqueid: 1447930432.366
Linkedid: 1447930432.366

[Nov 19 11:53:52] DEBUG[23729] manager.c: Examining AMI event:
Event: SuccessfulAuth
Privilege: security,all
SequenceNumber: 3652
File: manager.c
Line: 1693
Func: manager_default_msg_cb
EventTV: 2015-11-19T11:53:52.069+0100
Severity: Informational
Service: SIP
EventVersion: 1
AccountID: 777
SessionID: 0x7f9810026ac8
LocalAddress: IPV4/UDP/
RemoteAddress: IPV4/UDP/
UsingPassword: 1

[Nov 19 11:53:52] DEBUG[23729] manager.c: Examining AMI event:
Event: DeviceStateChange
Privilege: call,all
SequenceNumber: 3653
File: manager.c
Line: 1693
Func: manager_default_msg_cb
Device: SIP/111
State: INUSE

[Nov 19 11:53:52] DEBUG[23827][C-0000003c] pbx.c: Result of 'EXTEN' is '777'
[Nov 19 11:53:52] DEBUG[23827][C-0000003c] pbx.c: Launching 'NoOp'
[Nov 19 11:53:52] DEBUG[23827][C-0000003c] pbx.c: Launching 'Set'
[Nov 19 11:53:52] DEBUG[23827][C-0000003c] pbx.c: Result of 'EXTEN' is '777'
[Nov 19 11:53:52] DEBUG[23827][C-0000003c] pbx.c: Launching 'Goto'
[Nov 19 11:53:52] DEBUG[23827][C-0000003c] pbx.c: Launching 'AGI'
[Nov 19 11:53:52] DEBUG[1207] manager.c: Mansession: 0x7f981c002218 refcount now 2
[Nov 19 11:53:52] DEBUG[1207] manager.c: Mansession: 0x7f981c002218 refcount now 2
[Nov 19 11:53:52] DEBUG[1207] manager.c: Mansession: 0x7f981c002218 refcount now 2
[Nov 19 11:53:52] DEBUG[1207] manager.c: Mansession: 0x7f981c002218 refcount now 2
[Nov 19 11:53:52] DEBUG[1207] manager.c: Mansession: 0x7f981c002218 refcount now 2
[Nov 19 11:53:52] DEBUG[1207] manager.c: Mansession: 0x7f981c002218 refcount now 2
[Nov 19 11:53:52] DEBUG[23729] manager.c: Examining AMI event:
Event: Newexten
Privilege: call,all
SequenceNumber: 3654
File: manager_channels.c
Line: 677
Func: channel_snapshot_update
Channel: SIP/111-00000029
ChannelState: 4
ChannelStateDesc: Ring
CallerIDNum: 111
CallerIDName: biw CC 111
ConnectedLineNum: <unknown>
ConnectedLineName: <unknown>
Language: de
Context: from_sip
Exten: 777
Priority: 1
Uniqueid: 1447930432.366
Linkedid: 1447930432.366
Extension: 777
Application: NoOp
AppData: Extension: 777

[Nov 19 11:53:52] DEBUG[23729] manager.c: Examining AMI event:
Event: Newexten
Privilege: call,all
SequenceNumber: 3655
File: manager_channels.c
Line: 677
Func: channel_snapshot_update
Channel: SIP/111-00000029
ChannelState: 4
ChannelStateDesc: Ring
CallerIDNum: 111
CallerIDName: biw CC 111
ConnectedLineNum: <unknown>
ConnectedLineName: <unknown>
Language: de
Context: from_sip
Exten: 777
Priority: 2
Uniqueid: 1447930432.366
Linkedid: 1447930432.366
Extension: 777
Application: Set
AppData: AGI_HOST=

[Nov 19 11:53:52] DEBUG[23729] manager.c: Examining AMI event:
Event: VarSet
Privilege: dialplan,all
SequenceNumber: 3656
File: manager.c
Line: 1693
Func: manager_default_msg_cb
Channel: SIP/111-00000029
ChannelState: 4
ChannelStateDesc: Ring
CallerIDNum: 111
CallerIDName: biw CC 111
ConnectedLineNum: <unknown>
ConnectedLineName: <unknown>
Language: de
Context: from_sip
Exten: 777
Priority: 2
Uniqueid: 1447930432.366
Linkedid: 1447930432.366
Variable: AGI_HOST

[Nov 19 11:53:52] DEBUG[23729] manager.c: Examining AMI event:
Event: Newexten
Privilege: call,all
SequenceNumber: 3657
File: manager_channels.c
Line: 677
Func: channel_snapshot_update
Channel: SIP/111-00000029
ChannelState: 4
ChannelStateDesc: Ring
CallerIDNum: 111
CallerIDName: biw CC 111
ConnectedLineNum: <unknown>
ConnectedLineName: <unknown>
Language: de
Context: from_sip
Exten: 777
Priority: 3
Uniqueid: 1447930432.366
Linkedid: 1447930432.366
Extension: 777
Application: Goto
AppData: menu_test,777,1

[Nov 19 11:53:52] DEBUG[23729] manager.c: Examining AMI event:
Event: Newexten
Privilege: call,all
SequenceNumber: 3658
File: manager_channels.c
Line: 677
Func: channel_snapshot_update
Channel: SIP/111-00000029
ChannelState: 4
ChannelStateDesc: Ring
CallerIDNum: 111
CallerIDName: biw CC 111
ConnectedLineNum: <unknown>
ConnectedLineName: <unknown>
Language: de
Context: menu_test
Exten: 777
Priority: 1
Uniqueid: 1447930432.366
Linkedid: 1447930432.366
Extension: 777
Application: AGI
AppData: agi:async

[Nov 19 11:53:52] DEBUG[23729] manager.c: Examining AMI event:
Event: AsyncAGIStart
Privilege: agi,all
SequenceNumber: 3659
File: manager.c
Line: 1693
Func: manager_default_msg_cb
Channel: SIP/111-00000029
ChannelState: 4
ChannelStateDesc: Ring
CallerIDNum: 111
CallerIDName: biw CC 111
ConnectedLineNum: <unknown>
ConnectedLineName: <unknown>
Language: de
Context: menu_test
Exten: 777
Priority: 1
Uniqueid: 1447930432.366
Linkedid: 1447930432.366
Env: agi_request%3A%20async%0Aagi_channel%3A%20SIP%2F111-00000029%0Aagi_language%3A%20de%0Aagi_type%3A%20SIP%0Aagi_uniqueid%3A%201447930432.366%0Aagi_version%3A%2013.6.0%0Aagi_callerid%3A%20111%0Aagi_calleridname%3A%20biw%20CC%20111%0Aagi_callingpres%3A%200%0Aagi_callingani2%3A%200%0Aagi_callington%3A%200%0Aagi_callingtns%3A%200%0Aagi_dnid%3A%20777%0Aagi_rdnis%3A%20unknown%0Aagi_context%3A%20menu_test%0Aagi_extension%3A%20777%0Aagi_priority%3A%201%0Aagi_enhanced%3A%200.0%0Aagi_accountcode%3A%20%0Aagi_threadid%3A%20140290609796864%0A%0A

[Nov 19 11:53:52] DEBUG[23729] manager.c: Running action 'AGI'
[Nov 19 11:53:52] VERBOSE[23827][C-0000003c] chan_sip.c: 
<--- Transmitting (no NAT) to --->
SIP/2.0 180 Ringing
Via: SIP/2.0/UDP;branch=z9hG4bK-enwhgowg6a2y;received=;rport=5060
From: "biw CC 111" <sip:111@>;tag=iyysf93dcc
To: <sip:777@>;tag=as7fc7c9e2
Call-ID: 31343437393330343330323139-30wmypf398u0
Server: Asterisk PBX 13.6.0
Supported: replaces, timer
Session-Expires: 1800;refresher=uas
Contact: <sip:777@>
Content-Length: 0

[Nov 19 11:53:52] DEBUG[23827][C-0000003c] chan_sip.c: Trying to put 'SIP/2.0 180' onto UDP socket destined for
[Nov 19 11:53:52] DEBUG[1207] manager.c: Mansession: 0x7f981c002218 refcount now 2
[Nov 19 11:53:52] DEBUG[1207] manager.c: Mansession: 0x7f981c002218 refcount now 2
[Nov 19 11:53:52] DEBUG[1207] manager.c: Mansession: 0x7f981c002218 refcount now 2
[Nov 19 11:53:52] DEBUG[23729] manager.c: Examining AMI event:
Event: AGIExecStart
Privilege: agi,all
SequenceNumber: 3660
File: manager.c
Line: 1693
Func: manager_default_msg_cb
Channel: SIP/111-00000029
ChannelState: 4
ChannelStateDesc: Ring
CallerIDNum: 111
CallerIDName: biw CC 111
ConnectedLineNum: <unknown>
ConnectedLineName: <unknown>
Language: de
Context: menu_test
Exten: 777
Priority: 1
Uniqueid: 1447930432.366
Linkedid: 1447930432.366
CommandId: 2031428554

[Nov 19 11:53:52] DEBUG[23729] manager.c: Examining AMI event:
Event: AGIExecEnd
Privilege: agi,all
SequenceNumber: 3661
File: manager.c
Line: 1693
Func: manager_default_msg_cb
Channel: SIP/111-00000029
ChannelState: 4
ChannelStateDesc: Ring
CallerIDNum: 111
CallerIDName: biw CC 111
ConnectedLineNum: <unknown>
ConnectedLineName: <unknown>
Language: de
Context: menu_test
Exten: 777
Priority: 1
Uniqueid: 1447930432.366
Linkedid: 1447930432.366
CommandId: 2031428554
ResultCode: 200
Result: Success

[Nov 19 11:53:52] DEBUG[23729] manager.c: Examining AMI event:
Event: AsyncAGIExec
Privilege: agi,all
SequenceNumber: 3662
File: manager.c
Line: 1693
Func: manager_default_msg_cb
Channel: SIP/111-00000029
ChannelState: 4
ChannelStateDesc: Ring
CallerIDNum: 111
CallerIDName: biw CC 111
ConnectedLineNum: <unknown>
ConnectedLineName: <unknown>
Language: de
Context: menu_test
Exten: 777
Priority: 1
Uniqueid: 1447930432.366
Linkedid: 1447930432.366
Result: 200%20result%3D0%0A
CommandId: 8c050812-fe53-42ac-afab-4e09072d84b7

[Nov 19 11:53:52] DEBUG[23729] manager.c: Running action 'AGI'
[Nov 19 11:53:52] DEBUG[23827][C-0000003c] chan_sip.c: SIP answering channel: SIP/111-00000029
[Nov 19 11:53:52] DEBUG[23827][C-0000003c] res_rtp_asterisk.c: Setting the marker bit due to a source update
[Nov 19 11:53:52] DEBUG[23827][C-0000003c] chan_sip.c: Setting framing from config on incoming call
[Nov 19 11:53:52] DEBUG[23827][C-0000003c] chan_sip.c: ** Our capability: (ulaw|alaw|gsm) Video flag: True Text flag: True
[Nov 19 11:53:52] DEBUG[23827][C-0000003c] chan_sip.c: ** Our prefcodec: (nothing) 
[Nov 19 11:53:52] VERBOSE[23827][C-0000003c] chan_sip.c: Audio is at 13464
[Nov 19 11:53:52] VERBOSE[23827][C-0000003c] chan_sip.c: Adding codec ulaw to SDP
[Nov 19 11:53:52] VERBOSE[23827][C-0000003c] chan_sip.c: Adding codec alaw to SDP
[Nov 19 11:53:52] VERBOSE[23827][C-0000003c] chan_sip.c: Adding codec gsm to SDP
[Nov 19 11:53:52] VERBOSE[23827][C-0000003c] chan_sip.c: Adding non-codec 0x1 (telephone-event) to SDP
[Nov 19 11:53:52] DEBUG[23827][C-0000003c] chan_sip.c: -- Done with adding codecs to SDP
[Nov 19 11:53:52] DEBUG[23827][C-0000003c] chan_sip.c: Done building SDP. Settling with this capability: (ulaw|alaw|gsm)
[Nov 19 11:53:52] VERBOSE[23827][C-0000003c] chan_sip.c: 
<--- Reliably Transmitting (no NAT) to --->
SIP/2.0 200 OK
Via: SIP/2.0/UDP;branch=z9hG4bK-enwhgowg6a2y;received=;rport=5060
From: "biw CC 111" <sip:111@>;tag=iyysf93dcc
To: <sip:777@>;tag=as7fc7c9e2
Call-ID: 31343437393330343330323139-30wmypf398u0
Server: Asterisk PBX 13.6.0
Supported: replaces, timer
Session-Expires: 1800;refresher=uas
Contact: <sip:777@>
Content-Type: application/sdp
Require: timer
Content-Length: 284

o=root 1004621989 1004621989 IN IP4
s=Asterisk PBX 13.6.0
c=IN IP4
t=0 0
m=audio 13464 RTP/AVP 0 8 3 101
a=rtpmap:0 PCMU/8000
a=rtpmap:8 PCMA/8000
a=rtpmap:3 GSM/8000
a=rtpmap:101 telephone-event/8000
a=fmtp:101 0-16

[Nov 19 11:53:52] DEBUG[23827][C-0000003c] chan_sip.c: *** SIP TIMER: Initializing retransmit timer on packet: Id  #4
[Nov 19 11:53:52] DEBUG[23827][C-0000003c] chan_sip.c: Trying to put 'SIP/2.0 200' onto UDP socket destined for
[Nov 19 11:53:52] DEBUG[23827][C-0000003c] chan_sip.c: Session timer started: 10 - 31343437393330343330323139-30wmypf398u0 900000ms
[Nov 19 11:53:52] DEBUG[1206] manager.c: Mansession: 0x7f981c002218 refcount now 2
[Nov 19 11:53:52] DEBUG[1207] manager.c: Mansession: 0x7f981c002218 refcount now 2
[Nov 19 11:53:52] DEBUG[1207] manager.c: Mansession: 0x7f981c002218 refcount now 2
[Nov 19 11:53:52] DEBUG[1202] devicestate.c: No provider found, checking channel drivers for SIP - 111
[Nov 19 11:53:52] DEBUG[1202] chan_sip.c: Checking device state for peer 111
[Nov 19 11:53:52] DEBUG[1202] devicestate.c: Changing state for SIP/111 - state 2 (In use)
[Nov 19 11:53:52] DEBUG[23729] manager.c: Examining AMI event:
Event: CEL
Privilege: call,all
SequenceNumber: 3663
File: cel_manager.c
Line: 299
Func: manager_log
EventName: ANSWER
CallerIDnum: 111
CallerIDname: biw CC 111
CallerIDani: 111
CallerIDdnid: 777
Exten: 777
Context: menu_test
Channel: SIP/111-00000029
Application: AGI
AppData: agi:async
EventTime: 2015-11-19 11:53:52
UniqueID: 1447930432.366
LinkedID: 1447930432.366

[Nov 19 11:53:52] DEBUG[23729] manager.c: Examining AMI event:
Event: AGIExecStart
Privilege: agi,all
SequenceNumber: 3664
File: manager.c
Line: 1693
Func: manager_default_msg_cb
Channel: SIP/111-00000029
ChannelState: 4
ChannelStateDesc: Ring
CallerIDNum: 111
CallerIDName: biw CC 111
ConnectedLineNum: <unknown>
ConnectedLineName: <unknown>
Language: de
Context: menu_test
Exten: 777
Priority: 1
Uniqueid: 1447930432.366
Linkedid: 1447930432.366
CommandId: 1025486828
Command: ANSWER

[Nov 19 11:53:52] DEBUG[23729] manager.c: Examining AMI event:
Event: Newstate
Privilege: call,all
SequenceNumber: 3665
File: manager_channels.c
Line: 677
Func: channel_snapshot_update
Channel: SIP/111-00000029
ChannelState: 6
ChannelStateDesc: Up
CallerIDNum: 111
CallerIDName: biw CC 111
ConnectedLineNum: <unknown>
ConnectedLineName: <unknown>
Language: de
Context: menu_test
Exten: 777
Priority: 1
Uniqueid: 1447930432.366
Linkedid: 1447930432.366

[Nov 19 11:53:52] VERBOSE[1224] chan_sip.c: 
<--- SIP read from UDP: --->
ACK sip:777@ SIP/2.0
Via: SIP/2.0/UDP;branch=z9hG4bK-mfxbwd7b677z;rport
From: "biw CC 111" <sip:111@>;tag=iyysf93dcc
To: <sip:777@>;tag=as7fc7c9e2
Call-ID: 31343437393330343330323139-30wmypf398u0
CSeq: 2 ACK
Max-Forwards: 70
User-Agent: snom320/
Contact: <sip:111@;line=n8nouw93>;reg-id=1
Content-Length: 0

[Nov 19 11:53:52] DEBUG[1224] chan_sip.c:  Header  0 [ 36]: ACK sip:777@ SIP/2.0
[Nov 19 11:53:52] DEBUG[1224] chan_sip.c:  Header  1 [ 68]: Via: SIP/2.0/UDP;branch=z9hG4bK-mfxbwd7b677z;rport
[Nov 19 11:53:52] DEBUG[1224] chan_sip.c:  Header  2 [ 55]: From: "biw CC 111" <sip:111@>;tag=iyysf93dcc
[Nov 19 11:53:52] DEBUG[1224] chan_sip.c:  Header  3 [ 40]: To: <sip:777@>;tag=as7fc7c9e2
[Nov 19 11:53:52] DEBUG[1224] chan_sip.c:  Header  4 [ 48]: Call-ID: 31343437393330343330323139-30wmypf398u0
[Nov 19 11:53:52] DEBUG[1224] chan_sip.c:  Header  5 [ 11]: CSeq: 2 ACK
[Nov 19 11:53:52] DEBUG[1224] chan_sip.c:  Header  6 [ 16]: Max-Forwards: 70
[Nov 19 11:53:52] DEBUG[1224] chan_sip.c:  Header  7 [ 28]: User-Agent: snom320/
[Nov 19 11:53:52] DEBUG[1224] chan_sip.c:  Header  8 [ 59]: Contact: <sip:111@;line=n8nouw93>;reg-id=1
[Nov 19 11:53:52] DEBUG[1224] chan_sip.c:  Header  9 [ 17]: Content-Length: 0
[Nov 19 11:53:52] VERBOSE[1224] chan_sip.c: --- (10 headers 0 lines) ---
[Nov 19 11:53:52] DEBUG[1224] chan_sip.c: = Looking for  Call ID: 31343437393330343330323139-30wmypf398u0 (Checking From) --From tag iyysf93dcc --To-tag as7fc7c9e2  
[Nov 19 11:53:52] DEBUG[1224][C-0000003c] chan_sip.c: **** Received ACK (6) - Command in SIP ACK
[Nov 19 11:53:52] DEBUG[1224][C-0000003c] chan_sip.c: ** SIP TIMER: Cancelling retransmit of packet (reply received) Retransid #4
[Nov 19 11:53:52] DEBUG[1224][C-0000003c] chan_sip.c: Stopping retransmission on '31343437393330343330323139-30wmypf398u0' of Response 2: Match Found
[Nov 19 11:53:52] DEBUG[23827][C-0000003c] res_rtp_asterisk.c: Got RTCP report of 48 bytes
[Nov 19 11:53:52] DEBUG[23827][C-0000003c] acl.c: Not an IPv4 nor IPv6 address, cannot get port.
[Nov 19 11:53:52] DEBUG[23827][C-0000003c] netsock2.c: Splitting 'callcenter-centos7-dit' into...
[Nov 19 11:53:52] DEBUG[23827][C-0000003c] netsock2.c: 'callcenter-centos7-dit' and port ''.
[Nov 19 11:53:52] DEBUG[23827][C-0000003c] acl.c: Not an IPv4 nor IPv6 address, cannot get port.
[Nov 19 11:53:52] DEBUG[23827][C-0000003c] acl.c: Attached to given IP address
[Nov 19 11:53:52] DEBUG[1254] netsock2.c: Splitting '' into...
[Nov 19 11:53:52] DEBUG[1254] netsock2.c: '' and port '61281'.
[Nov 19 11:53:52] DEBUG[1254] netsock2.c: Splitting '' into...
[Nov 19 11:53:52] DEBUG[1254] netsock2.c: '' and port '0'.
[Nov 19 11:53:52] DEBUG[1207] manager.c: Mansession: 0x7f981c002218 refcount now 2
[Nov 19 11:53:52] DEBUG[23729] manager.c: Examining AMI event:
Event: RTCPReceived
Privilege: reporting,all
SequenceNumber: 3666
File: manager.c
Line: 1693
Func: manager_default_msg_cb
Channel: SIP/111-00000029
ChannelState: 6
ChannelStateDesc: Up
CallerIDNum: 111
CallerIDName: biw CC 111
ConnectedLineNum: <unknown>
ConnectedLineName: <unknown>
Language: de
Context: menu_test
Exten: 777
Priority: 1
Uniqueid: 1447930432.366
Linkedid: 1447930432.366
RTT: 0.0000
SSRC: 0xc9e57ce3
PT: 201(RR)
ReportCount: 1
Report0SourceSSRC: 0x055472d5
Report0FractionLost: 0
Report0CumulativeLost: 0
Report0HighestSequence: 0
Report0SequenceNumberCycles: 0
Report0IAJitter: 0
Report0LSR: 0
Report0DLSR: 0.0000

[Nov 19 11:53:52] DEBUG[23827][C-0000003c] res_rtp_asterisk.c: 0x7f981001d200 -- Probation learning mode pass with source address
[Nov 19 11:53:52] DEBUG[1207] manager.c: Mansession: 0x7f981c002218 refcount now 2
[Nov 19 11:53:52] DEBUG[1207] manager.c: Mansession: 0x7f981c002218 refcount now 2
[Nov 19 11:53:52] DEBUG[23729] manager.c: Examining AMI event:
Event: AGIExecEnd
Privilege: agi,all
SequenceNumber: 3667
File: manager.c
Line: 1693
Func: manager_default_msg_cb
Channel: SIP/111-00000029
ChannelState: 6
ChannelStateDesc: Up
CallerIDNum: 111
CallerIDName: biw CC 111
ConnectedLineNum: <unknown>
ConnectedLineName: <unknown>
Language: de
Context: menu_test
Exten: 777
Priority: 1
Uniqueid: 1447930432.366
Linkedid: 1447930432.366
CommandId: 1025486828
Command: ANSWER
ResultCode: 200
Result: Success

[Nov 19 11:53:52] DEBUG[23729] manager.c: Examining AMI event:
Event: AsyncAGIExec
Privilege: agi,all
SequenceNumber: 3668
File: manager.c
Line: 1693
Func: manager_default_msg_cb
Channel: SIP/111-00000029
ChannelState: 6
ChannelStateDesc: Up
CallerIDNum: 111
CallerIDName: biw CC 111
ConnectedLineNum: <unknown>
ConnectedLineName: <unknown>
Language: de
Context: menu_test
Exten: 777
Priority: 1
Uniqueid: 1447930432.366
Linkedid: 1447930432.366
Result: 200%20result%3D0%0A
CommandId: c5bc1edd-6aab-4db5-8cd1-086e978cec34

[Nov 19 11:53:52] DEBUG[23729] manager.c: Running action 'AGI'
[Nov 19 11:53:52] DEBUG[23827][C-0000003c] channel.c: Channel SIP/111-00000029 setting write format path: gsm -> ulaw
[Nov 19 11:53:52] DEBUG[1207] manager.c: Mansession: 0x7f981c002218 refcount now 2
[Nov 19 11:53:52] DEBUG[23729] manager.c: Examining AMI event:
Event: AGIExecStart
Privilege: agi,all
SequenceNumber: 3669
File: manager.c
Line: 1693
Func: manager_default_msg_cb
Channel: SIP/111-00000029
ChannelState: 6
ChannelStateDesc: Up
CallerIDNum: 111
CallerIDName: biw CC 111
ConnectedLineNum: <unknown>
ConnectedLineName: <unknown>
Language: de
Context: menu_test
Exten: 777
Priority: 1
Uniqueid: 1447930432.366
Linkedid: 1447930432.366
CommandId: 455352263
Command: EXEC Playback "vm-press&vm-first&vm-for&vm-password"

[Nov 19 11:53:52] DEBUG[23827][C-0000003c] res_rtp_asterisk.c: Ooh, format changed from none to ulaw
[Nov 19 11:53:52] DEBUG[23827][C-0000003c] channel.c: Scheduling timer at (50 requested / 50 actual) timer ticks per second
[Nov 19 11:53:53] DEBUG[23827][C-0000003c] channel.c: Scheduling timer at (0 requested / 0 actual) timer ticks per second
[Nov 19 11:53:53] DEBUG[23827][C-0000003c] channel.c: Scheduling timer at (0 requested / 0 actual) timer ticks per second
[Nov 19 11:53:53] DEBUG[23827][C-0000003c] channel.c: Scheduling timer at (0 requested / 0 actual) timer ticks per second
[Nov 19 11:53:53] DEBUG[23827][C-0000003c] channel.c: Channel SIP/111-00000029 setting write format path: ulaw -> ulaw
[Nov 19 11:53:53] DEBUG[23827][C-0000003c] channel.c: Channel SIP/111-00000029 setting write format path: gsm -> ulaw
[Nov 19 11:53:53] DEBUG[23827][C-0000003c] channel.c: Scheduling timer at (50 requested / 50 actual) timer ticks per second
[Nov 19 11:53:53] DEBUG[23827][C-0000003c] channel.c: Scheduling timer at (0 requested / 0 actual) timer ticks per second
[Nov 19 11:53:53] DEBUG[23827][C-0000003c] channel.c: Scheduling timer at (0 requested / 0 actual) timer ticks per second
[Nov 19 11:53:53] DEBUG[23827][C-0000003c] channel.c: Scheduling timer at (0 requested / 0 actual) timer ticks per second
[Nov 19 11:53:53] DEBUG[23827][C-0000003c] channel.c: Channel SIP/111-00000029 setting write format path: ulaw -> ulaw
[Nov 19 11:53:53] DEBUG[23827][C-0000003c] channel.c: Channel SIP/111-00000029 setting write format path: gsm -> ulaw
[Nov 19 11:53:53] DEBUG[23827][C-0000003c] channel.c: Scheduling timer at (50 requested / 50 actual) timer ticks per second
[Nov 19 11:53:54] DEBUG[23827][C-0000003c] res_rtp_asterisk.c: Creating BEGIN DTMF Frame: 49 (1), at
[Nov 19 11:53:54] DTMF[23827][C-0000003c] channel.c: DTMF begin '1' received on SIP/111-00000029
[Nov 19 11:53:54] DTMF[23827][C-0000003c] channel.c: DTMF begin ignored '1' on SIP/111-00000029
[Nov 19 11:53:54] DEBUG[1207] manager.c: Mansession: 0x7f981c002218 refcount now 2
[Nov 19 11:53:54] DEBUG[23729] manager.c: Examining AMI event:
Event: DTMFBegin
Privilege: dtmf,all
SequenceNumber: 3670
File: manager_channels.c
Line: 831
Func: channel_dtmf_begin_cb
Channel: SIP/111-00000029
ChannelState: 6
ChannelStateDesc: Up
CallerIDNum: 111
CallerIDName: biw CC 111
ConnectedLineNum: <unknown>
ConnectedLineName: <unknown>
Language: de
Context: menu_test
Exten: 777
Priority: 1
Uniqueid: 1447930432.366
Linkedid: 1447930432.366
Digit: 1
Direction: Received

[Nov 19 11:53:54] DEBUG[23827][C-0000003c] channel.c: Scheduling timer at (0 requested / 0 actual) timer ticks per second
[Nov 19 11:53:54] DEBUG[23827][C-0000003c] channel.c: Scheduling timer at (0 requested / 0 actual) timer ticks per second
[Nov 19 11:53:54] DEBUG[23827][C-0000003c] channel.c: Scheduling timer at (0 requested / 0 actual) timer ticks per second
[Nov 19 11:53:54] DEBUG[23827][C-0000003c] channel.c: Channel SIP/111-00000029 setting write format path: ulaw -> ulaw
[Nov 19 11:53:54] DEBUG[23827][C-0000003c] channel.c: Channel SIP/111-00000029 setting write format path: gsm -> ulaw
[Nov 19 11:53:54] DEBUG[23827][C-0000003c] channel.c: Scheduling timer at (50 requested / 50 actual) timer ticks per second
[Nov 19 11:53:54] DEBUG[23827][C-0000003c] res_rtp_asterisk.c: Creating END DTMF Frame: 49 (1), at
[Nov 19 11:53:54] DTMF[23827][C-0000003c] channel.c: DTMF end '1' received on SIP/111-00000029, duration 120 ms
[Nov 19 11:53:54] DTMF[23827][C-0000003c] channel.c: DTMF end passthrough '1' on SIP/111-00000029
[Nov 19 11:53:54] DEBUG[1207] manager.c: Mansession: 0x7f981c002218 refcount now 2
[Nov 19 11:53:54] DEBUG[23729] manager.c: Examining AMI event:
Event: DTMFEnd
Privilege: dtmf,all
SequenceNumber: 3671
File: manager_channels.c
Line: 878
Func: channel_dtmf_end_cb
Channel: SIP/111-00000029
ChannelState: 6
ChannelStateDesc: Up
CallerIDNum: 111
CallerIDName: biw CC 111
ConnectedLineNum: <unknown>
ConnectedLineName: <unknown>
Language: de
Context: menu_test
Exten: 777
Priority: 1
Uniqueid: 1447930432.366
Linkedid: 1447930432.366
Digit: 1
DurationMs: 120
Direction: Received

[Nov 19 11:53:54] DEBUG[23729] manager.c: Running action 'Redirect'
[Nov 19 11:53:54] DEBUG[23729] channel.c: Soft-Hanging (0x02) up channel 'SIP/111-00000029'
[Nov 19 11:53:54] DEBUG[23827][C-0000003c] channel.c: Scheduling timer at (0 requested / 0 actual) timer ticks per second
[Nov 19 11:53:54] DEBUG[23827][C-0000003c] channel.c: Scheduling timer at (0 requested / 0 actual) timer ticks per second
[Nov 19 11:53:54] DEBUG[23827][C-0000003c] channel.c: Channel SIP/111-00000029 setting write format path: ulaw -> ulaw
[Nov 19 11:53:54] DEBUG[23827][C-0000003c] res_agi.c: No frame read on channel SIP/111-00000029, going out ...
[Nov 19 11:53:54] DEBUG[23827][C-0000003c] pbx.c: Spawn extension (adhearsion-redirect,1,1) exited non-zero on 'SIP/111-00000029'
[Nov 19 11:53:54] DEBUG[23827][C-0000003c] pbx.c: Launching 'AGI'
[Nov 19 11:53:54] DEBUG[1207] manager.c: Mansession: 0x7f981c002218 refcount now 2
[Nov 19 11:53:54] DEBUG[1207] manager.c: Mansession: 0x7f981c002218 refcount now 2
[Nov 19 11:53:54] DEBUG[1207] manager.c: Mansession: 0x7f981c002218 refcount now 2
[Nov 19 11:53:54] DEBUG[1207] manager.c: Mansession: 0x7f981c002218 refcount now 2
[Nov 19 11:53:54] DEBUG[1207] manager.c: Mansession: 0x7f981c002218 refcount now 2
[Nov 19 11:53:54] DEBUG[1207] manager.c: Mansession: 0x7f981c002218 refcount now 2
[Nov 19 11:53:54] DEBUG[1207] manager.c: Mansession: 0x7f981c002218 refcount now 2
[Nov 19 11:53:54] DEBUG[23729] manager.c: Examining AMI event:
Event: VarSet
Privilege: dialplan,all
SequenceNumber: 3672
File: manager.c
Line: 1693
Func: manager_default_msg_cb
Channel: SIP/111-00000029
ChannelState: 6
ChannelStateDesc: Up
CallerIDNum: 111
CallerIDName: biw CC 111
ConnectedLineNum: <unknown>
ConnectedLineName: <unknown>
Language: de
Context: menu_test
Exten: 777
Priority: 1
Uniqueid: 1447930432.366
Linkedid: 1447930432.366

[Nov 19 11:53:54] DEBUG[23729] manager.c: Examining AMI event:
Event: AGIExecEnd
Privilege: agi,all
SequenceNumber: 3673
File: manager.c
Line: 1693
Func: manager_default_msg_cb
Channel: SIP/111-00000029
ChannelState: 6
ChannelStateDesc: Up
CallerIDNum: 111
CallerIDName: biw CC 111
ConnectedLineNum: <unknown>
ConnectedLineName: <unknown>
Language: de
Context: menu_test
Exten: 777
Priority: 1
Uniqueid: 1447930432.366
Linkedid: 1447930432.366
CommandId: 455352263
Command: EXEC Playback "vm-press&vm-first&vm-for&vm-password"
ResultCode: 200
Result: Success

[Nov 19 11:53:54] DEBUG[23729] manager.c: Examining AMI event:
Event: AsyncAGIExec
Privilege: agi,all
SequenceNumber: 3674
File: manager.c
Line: 1693
Func: manager_default_msg_cb
Channel: SIP/111-00000029
ChannelState: 6
ChannelStateDesc: Up
CallerIDNum: 111
CallerIDName: biw CC 111
ConnectedLineNum: <unknown>
ConnectedLineName: <unknown>
Language: de
Context: menu_test
Exten: 777
Priority: 1
Uniqueid: 1447930432.366
Linkedid: 1447930432.366
Result: 200%20result%3D0%0A
CommandId: 8e538409-77a7-4d4f-b9db-aaf30f9c507d

[Nov 19 11:53:54] DEBUG[23729] manager.c: Examining AMI event:
Event: AsyncAGIEnd
Privilege: agi,all
SequenceNumber: 3675
File: manager.c
Line: 1693
Func: manager_default_msg_cb
Channel: SIP/111-00000029
ChannelState: 6
ChannelStateDesc: Up
CallerIDNum: 111
CallerIDName: biw CC 111
ConnectedLineNum: <unknown>
ConnectedLineName: <unknown>
Language: de
Context: menu_test
Exten: 777
Priority: 1
Uniqueid: 1447930432.366
Linkedid: 1447930432.366

[Nov 19 11:53:54] DEBUG[23729] manager.c: Examining AMI event:
Event: VarSet
Privilege: dialplan,all
SequenceNumber: 3676
File: manager.c
Line: 1693
Func: manager_default_msg_cb
Channel: SIP/111-00000029
ChannelState: 6
ChannelStateDesc: Up
CallerIDNum: 111
CallerIDName: biw CC 111
ConnectedLineNum: <unknown>
ConnectedLineName: <unknown>
Language: de
Context: menu_test
Exten: 777
Priority: 1
Uniqueid: 1447930432.366
Linkedid: 1447930432.366

[Nov 19 11:53:54] DEBUG[23729] manager.c: Examining AMI event:
Event: Newexten
Privilege: call,all
SequenceNumber: 3677
File: manager_channels.c
Line: 677
Func: channel_snapshot_update
Channel: SIP/111-00000029
ChannelState: 6
ChannelStateDesc: Up
CallerIDNum: 111
CallerIDName: biw CC 111
ConnectedLineNum: <unknown>
ConnectedLineName: <unknown>
Language: de
Context: adhearsion-redirect
Exten: 1
Priority: 1
Uniqueid: 1447930432.366
Linkedid: 1447930432.366
Extension: 1
Application: AGI
AppData: agi:async

[Nov 19 11:53:54] DEBUG[23729] manager.c: Examining AMI event:
Event: AsyncAGIStart
Privilege: agi,all
SequenceNumber: 3678
File: manager.c
Line: 1693
Func: manager_default_msg_cb
Channel: SIP/111-00000029
ChannelState: 6
ChannelStateDesc: Up
CallerIDNum: 111
CallerIDName: biw CC 111
ConnectedLineNum: <unknown>
ConnectedLineName: <unknown>
Language: de
Context: adhearsion-redirect
Exten: 1
Priority: 1
Uniqueid: 1447930432.366
Linkedid: 1447930432.366
Env: agi_request%3A%20async%0Aagi_channel%3A%20SIP%2F111-00000029%0Aagi_language%3A%20de%0Aagi_type%3A%20SIP%0Aagi_uniqueid%3A%201447930432.366%0Aagi_version%3A%2013.6.0%0Aagi_callerid%3A%20111%0Aagi_calleridname%3A%20biw%20CC%20111%0Aagi_callingpres%3A%200%0Aagi_callingani2%3A%200%0Aagi_callington%3A%200%0Aagi_callingtns%3A%200%0Aagi_dnid%3A%20777%0Aagi_rdnis%3A%20unknown%0Aagi_context%3A%20adhearsion-redirect%0Aagi_extension%3A%201%0Aagi_priority%3A%201%0Aagi_enhanced%3A%200.0%0Aagi_accountcode%3A%20%0Aagi_threadid%3A%20140290609796864%0A%0A

[Nov 19 11:53:54] DEBUG[23729] manager.c: Running action 'AGI'
[Nov 19 11:53:54] DEBUG[1207] manager.c: Mansession: 0x7f981c002218 refcount now 2
[Nov 19 11:53:54] DEBUG[23827][C-0000003c] channel.c: Channel SIP/111-00000029 setting write format path: gsm -> ulaw
[Nov 19 11:53:54] DEBUG[23827][C-0000003c] channel.c: Scheduling timer at (50 requested / 50 actual) timer ticks per second
[Nov 19 11:53:54] DEBUG[23729] manager.c: Examining AMI event:
Event: AGIExecStart
Privilege: agi,all
SequenceNumber: 3679
File: manager.c
Line: 1693
Func: manager_default_msg_cb
Channel: SIP/111-00000029
ChannelState: 6
ChannelStateDesc: Up
CallerIDNum: 111
CallerIDName: biw CC 111
ConnectedLineNum: <unknown>
ConnectedLineName: <unknown>
Language: de
Context: adhearsion-redirect
Exten: 1
Priority: 1
Uniqueid: 1447930432.366
Linkedid: 1447930432.366
CommandId: 1668095852
Command: EXEC Playback "vm-pls-try-again"

[Nov 19 11:53:55] DEBUG[1209] manager.c: Mansession: 0x7f981c002218 refcount now 2
[Nov 19 11:53:55] DEBUG[23827][C-0000003c] channel.c: Scheduling timer at (0 requested / 0 actual) timer ticks per second
[Nov 19 11:53:55] DEBUG[23827][C-0000003c] channel.c: Scheduling timer at (0 requested / 0 actual) timer ticks per second
[Nov 19 11:53:55] DEBUG[23827][C-0000003c] channel.c: Scheduling timer at (0 requested / 0 actual) timer ticks per second
[Nov 19 11:53:55] DEBUG[23827][C-0000003c] channel.c: Channel SIP/111-00000029 setting write format path: ulaw -> ulaw
[Nov 19 11:53:55] DEBUG[1207] manager.c: Mansession: 0x7f981c002218 refcount now 2
[Nov 19 11:53:55] DEBUG[1207] manager.c: Mansession: 0x7f981c002218 refcount now 2
[Nov 19 11:53:55] DEBUG[1207] manager.c: Mansession: 0x7f981c002218 refcount now 2
[Nov 19 11:53:55] DEBUG[23729] manager.c: Examining AMI event:
Event: VarSet
Privilege: dialplan,all
SequenceNumber: 3680
File: manager.c
Line: 1693
Func: manager_default_msg_cb
Channel: SIP/111-00000029
ChannelState: 6
ChannelStateDesc: Up
CallerIDNum: 111
CallerIDName: biw CC 111
ConnectedLineNum: <unknown>
ConnectedLineName: <unknown>
Language: de
Context: adhearsion-redirect
Exten: 1
Priority: 1
Uniqueid: 1447930432.366
Linkedid: 1447930432.366

[Nov 19 11:53:55] DEBUG[23729] manager.c: Examining AMI event:
Event: AGIExecEnd
Privilege: agi,all
SequenceNumber: 3681
File: manager.c
Line: 1693
Func: manager_default_msg_cb
Channel: SIP/111-00000029
ChannelState: 6
ChannelStateDesc: Up
CallerIDNum: 111
CallerIDName: biw CC 111
ConnectedLineNum: <unknown>
ConnectedLineName: <unknown>
Language: de
Context: adhearsion-redirect
Exten: 1
Priority: 1
Uniqueid: 1447930432.366
Linkedid: 1447930432.366
CommandId: 1668095852
Command: EXEC Playback "vm-pls-try-again"
ResultCode: 200
Result: Success

[Nov 19 11:53:55] DEBUG[23729] manager.c: Examining AMI event:
Event: AsyncAGIExec
Privilege: agi,all
SequenceNumber: 3682
File: manager.c
Line: 1693
Func: manager_default_msg_cb
Channel: SIP/111-00000029
ChannelState: 6
ChannelStateDesc: Up
CallerIDNum: 111
CallerIDName: biw CC 111
ConnectedLineNum: <unknown>
ConnectedLineName: <unknown>
Language: de
Context: adhearsion-redirect
Exten: 1
Priority: 1
Uniqueid: 1447930432.366
Linkedid: 1447930432.366
Result: 200%20result%3D0%0A
CommandId: 4fc66d9b-bd7b-4461-834d-51ebbdf5bd2c

[Nov 19 11:53:57] DEBUG[23827][C-0000003c] res_rtp_asterisk.c: Got RTCP report of 68 bytes
[Nov 19 11:53:57] DEBUG[23827][C-0000003c] acl.c: Not an IPv4 nor IPv6 address, cannot get port.
[Nov 19 11:53:57] DEBUG[23827][C-0000003c] netsock2.c: Splitting 'callcenter-centos7-dit' into...
[Nov 19 11:53:57] DEBUG[23827][C-0000003c] netsock2.c: 'callcenter-centos7-dit' and port ''.
[Nov 19 11:53:57] DEBUG[23827][C-0000003c] acl.c: Not an IPv4 nor IPv6 address, cannot get port.
[Nov 19 11:53:57] DEBUG[23827][C-0000003c] acl.c: Attached to given IP address
[Nov 19 11:53:57] DEBUG[1207] manager.c: Mansession: 0x7f981c002218 refcount now 2
[Nov 19 11:53:57] DEBUG[1254] netsock2.c: Splitting '' into...
[Nov 19 11:53:57] DEBUG[1254] netsock2.c: '' and port '61281'.
[Nov 19 11:53:57] DEBUG[1254] netsock2.c: Splitting '' into...
[Nov 19 11:53:57] DEBUG[1254] netsock2.c: '' and port '0'.
[Nov 19 11:53:57] DEBUG[23729] manager.c: Examining AMI event:
Event: RTCPReceived
Privilege: reporting,all
SequenceNumber: 3683
File: manager.c
Line: 1693
Func: manager_default_msg_cb
Channel: SIP/111-00000029
ChannelState: 6
ChannelStateDesc: Up
CallerIDNum: 111
CallerIDName: biw CC 111
ConnectedLineNum: <unknown>
ConnectedLineName: <unknown>
Language: de
Context: adhearsion-redirect
Exten: 1
Priority: 1
Uniqueid: 1447930432.366
Linkedid: 1447930432.366
RTT: 0.0000
SSRC: 0xc9e57ce3
PT: 200(SR)
ReportCount: 1
SentNTP: 2085979575.17568666488832
SentRTP: 8204808
SentPackets: 236
SentOctets: 36512
Report0SourceSSRC: 0x7b36c937
Report0FractionLost: 0
Report0CumulativeLost: 0
Report0HighestSequence: 57927
Report0SequenceNumberCycles: 0
Report0IAJitter: 3
Report0LSR: 0
Report0DLSR: 0.0000

[Nov 19 11:53:57] DEBUG[1224] acl.c: Not an IPv4 nor IPv6 address, cannot get port.
[Nov 19 11:53:57] DEBUG[1224] netsock2.c: Splitting 'callcenter-centos7-dit' into...
[Nov 19 11:53:57] DEBUG[1224] netsock2.c: 'callcenter-centos7-dit' and port ''.
[Nov 19 11:53:57] DEBUG[1224] acl.c: Not an IPv4 nor IPv6 address, cannot get port.
[Nov 19 11:53:57] DEBUG[1224] acl.c: Attached to given IP address
[Nov 19 11:53:57] DEBUG[1207] manager.c: Mansession: 0x7f981c002218 refcount now 2
[Nov 19 11:53:57] DEBUG[23729] manager.c: Examining AMI event:
Event: RTCPSent
Privilege: reporting,all
SequenceNumber: 3684
File: manager.c
Line: 1693
Func: manager_default_msg_cb
Channel: SIP/111-00000029
ChannelState: 6
ChannelStateDesc: Up
CallerIDNum: 111
CallerIDName: biw CC 111
ConnectedLineNum: <unknown>
ConnectedLineName: <unknown>
Language: de
Context: adhearsion-redirect
Exten: 1
Priority: 1
Uniqueid: 1447930432.366
Linkedid: 1447930432.366
SSRC: 0x7b36c937
PT: 200(SR)
ReportCount: 1
SentNTP: 1447930437.1938001920
SentRTP: 26240
SentPackets: 164
SentOctets: 26240
Report0SourceSSRC: 0xc9e57ce3
Report0FractionLost: 0
Report0CumulativeLost: 0
Report0HighestSequence: 34589
Report0SequenceNumberCycles: 0
Report0IAJitter: 1
Report0LSR: 70734970
Report0DLSR: 0.1230

[Nov 19 11:53:57] DEBUG[1254] netsock2.c: Splitting '' into...
[Nov 19 11:53:57] DEBUG[1254] netsock2.c: '' and port '0'.
[Nov 19 11:53:57] DEBUG[1254] netsock2.c: Splitting '' into...
[Nov 19 11:53:57] DEBUG[1254] netsock2.c: '' and port '61281'.
[Nov 19 11:54:00] DEBUG[1209] manager.c: Mansession: 0x7f981c002218 refcount now 2
[Nov 19 11:54:02] DEBUG[23827][C-0000003c] res_rtp_asterisk.c: Got RTCP report of 68 bytes
[Nov 19 11:54:02] DEBUG[23827][C-0000003c] acl.c: Not an IPv4 nor IPv6 address, cannot get port.
[Nov 19 11:54:02] DEBUG[23827][C-0000003c] netsock2.c: Splitting 'callcenter-centos7-dit' into...
[Nov 19 11:54:02] DEBUG[23827][C-0000003c] netsock2.c: 'callcenter-centos7-dit' and port ''.
[Nov 19 11:54:02] DEBUG[23827][C-0000003c] acl.c: Not an IPv4 nor IPv6 address, cannot get port.
[Nov 19 11:54:02] DEBUG[23827][C-0000003c] acl.c: Attached to given IP address
[Nov 19 11:54:02] DEBUG[1207] manager.c: Mansession: 0x7f981c002218 refcount now 2
[Nov 19 11:54:02] DEBUG[1254] netsock2.c: Splitting '' into...
[Nov 19 11:54:02] DEBUG[1254] netsock2.c: '' and port '61281'.
[Nov 19 11:54:02] DEBUG[1254] netsock2.c: Splitting '' into...
[Nov 19 11:54:02] DEBUG[1254] netsock2.c: '' and port '0'.
[Nov 19 11:54:02] DEBUG[23729] manager.c: Examining AMI event:
Event: RTCPReceived
Privilege: reporting,all
SequenceNumber: 3685
File: manager.c
Line: 1693
Func: manager_default_msg_cb
Channel: SIP/111-00000029
ChannelState: 6
ChannelStateDesc: Up
CallerIDNum: 111
CallerIDName: biw CC 111
ConnectedLineNum: <unknown>
ConnectedLineName: <unknown>
Language: de
Context: adhearsion-redirect
Exten: 1
Priority: 1
Uniqueid: 1447930432.366
Linkedid: 1447930432.366
RTT: 69767.7126
SSRC: 0xc9e57ce3
PT: 200(SR)
ReportCount: 1
SentNTP: 2085979585.17568666488832
SentRTP: 8204808
SentPackets: 486
SentOctets: 76512
Report0SourceSSRC: 0x7b36c937
Report0FractionLost: 0
Report0CumulativeLost: 0
Report0HighestSequence: 57927
Report0SequenceNumberCycles: 0
Report0IAJitter: 3
Report0LSR: 684030240
Report0DLSR: 57.2980

[Nov 19 11:54:02] DEBUG[1224] acl.c: Not an IPv4 nor IPv6 address, cannot get port.
[Nov 19 11:54:02] DEBUG[1224] netsock2.c: Splitting 'callcenter-centos7-dit' into...
[Nov 19 11:54:02] DEBUG[1224] netsock2.c: 'callcenter-centos7-dit' and port ''.
[Nov 19 11:54:02] DEBUG[1224] acl.c: Not an IPv4 nor IPv6 address, cannot get port.
[Nov 19 11:54:02] DEBUG[1224] acl.c: Attached to given IP address
[Nov 19 11:54:02] DEBUG[1207] manager.c: Mansession: 0x7f981c002218 refcount now 2
[Nov 19 11:54:02] DEBUG[1254] netsock2.c: Splitting '' into...
[Nov 19 11:54:02] DEBUG[1254] netsock2.c: '' and port '0'.
[Nov 19 11:54:02] DEBUG[1254] netsock2.c: Splitting '' into...
[Nov 19 11:54:02] DEBUG[1254] netsock2.c: '' and port '61281'.
[Nov 19 11:54:02] DEBUG[23729] manager.c: Examining AMI event:
Event: RTCPSent
Privilege: reporting,all
SequenceNumber: 3686
File: manager.c
Line: 1693
Func: manager_default_msg_cb
Channel: SIP/111-00000029
ChannelState: 6
ChannelStateDesc: Up
CallerIDNum: 111
CallerIDName: biw CC 111
ConnectedLineNum: <unknown>
ConnectedLineName: <unknown>
Language: de
Context: adhearsion-redirect
Exten: 1
Priority: 1
Uniqueid: 1447930432.366
Linkedid: 1447930432.366
SSRC: 0x7b36c937
PT: 201(RR)
ReportCount: 1
Report0SourceSSRC: 0xc9e57ce3
Report0FractionLost: 0
Report0CumulativeLost: 0
Report0HighestSequence: 34840
Report0SequenceNumberCycles: 0
Report0IAJitter: 3
Report0LSR: 71390330
Report0DLSR: 0.1230

[Nov 19 11:54:04] DEBUG[1224] chan_sip.c: Allocating new SIP dialog for 667eccd4173d1c7225e8fa454db43a6e@ - OPTIONS (No RTP)
[Nov 19 11:54:04] DEBUG[1224] chan_sip.c: OBPROXY: Not applying OBproxy to this call
[Nov 19 11:54:04] DEBUG[1224] acl.c: For destination '', our source address is ''.
[Nov 19 11:54:04] DEBUG[1224] chan_sip.c: Setting AST_TRANSPORT_UDP with address
[Nov 19 11:54:04] DEBUG[1224] chan_sip.c: SIP call-id changed from '667eccd4173d1c7225e8fa454db43a6e@' to '5cf743d85548a8484ba0d4da31be99c6@'
[Nov 19 11:54:04] DEBUG[1224] chan_sip.c: Initializing initreq for method OPTIONS - callid 5cf743d85548a8484ba0d4da31be99c6@
[Nov 19 11:54:04] DEBUG[1224] chan_sip.c:  Header  0 [ 55]: OPTIONS sip:112@;line=u79redls SIP/2.0
[Nov 19 11:54:04] DEBUG[1224] chan_sip.c:  Header  1 [ 56]: Via: SIP/2.0/UDP;branch=z9hG4bK51afedf6
[Nov 19 11:54:04] DEBUG[1224] chan_sip.c:  Header  2 [ 16]: Max-Forwards: 70
[Nov 19 11:54:04] DEBUG[1224] chan_sip.c:  Header  3 [ 58]: From: "asterisk" <sip:asterisk@>;tag=as0ee141fa
[Nov 19 11:54:04] DEBUG[1224] chan_sip.c:  Header  4 [ 45]: To: <sip:112@;line=u79redls>
[Nov 19 11:54:04] DEBUG[1224] chan_sip.c:  Header  5 [ 40]: Contact: <sip:asterisk@>
[Nov 19 11:54:04] DEBUG[1224] chan_sip.c:  Header  6 [ 58]: Call-ID: 5cf743d85548a8484ba0d4da31be99c6@
[Nov 19 11:54:04] DEBUG[1224] chan_sip.c:  Header  7 [ 17]: CSeq: 102 OPTIONS
[Nov 19 11:54:04] DEBUG[1224] chan_sip.c:  Header  8 [ 31]: User-Agent: Asterisk PBX 13.6.0
[Nov 19 11:54:04] DEBUG[1224] chan_sip.c:  Header  9 [ 35]: Date: Thu, 19 Nov 2015 10:54:04 GMT
[Nov 19 11:54:04] DEBUG[1224] chan_sip.c:  Header 10 [ 90]: Allow: INVITE, ACK, CANCEL, OPTIONS, BYE, REFER, SUBSCRIBE, NOTIFY, INFO, PUBLISH, MESSAGE
[Nov 19 11:54:04] DEBUG[1224] chan_sip.c:  Header 11 [ 26]: Supported: replaces, timer
[Nov 19 11:54:04] VERBOSE[1224] chan_sip.c: Reliably Transmitting (no NAT) to
OPTIONS sip:112@;line=u79redls SIP/2.0
Via: SIP/2.0/UDP;branch=z9hG4bK51afedf6
Max-Forwards: 70
From: "asterisk" <sip:asterisk@>;tag=as0ee141fa
To: <sip:112@;line=u79redls>
Contact: <sip:asterisk@>
Call-ID: 5cf743d85548a8484ba0d4da31be99c6@
User-Agent: Asterisk PBX 13.6.0
Date: Thu, 19 Nov 2015 10:54:04 GMT
Supported: replaces, timer
Content-Length: 0

[Nov 19 11:54:04] DEBUG[1224] chan_sip.c: *** SIP TIMER: Initializing retransmit timer on packet: Id  #1
[Nov 19 11:54:04] DEBUG[1224] chan_sip.c: Trying to put 'OPTIONS sip' onto UDP socket destined for
[Nov 19 11:54:04] VERBOSE[1224] chan_sip.c: 
<--- SIP read from UDP: --->
SIP/2.0 200 OK
Via: SIP/2.0/UDP;branch=z9hG4bK51afedf6
From: "asterisk" <sip:asterisk@>;tag=as0ee141fa
To: <sip:112@;line=u79redls>
Call-ID: 5cf743d85548a8484ba0d4da31be99c6@
Contact: <sip:112@;line=u79redls>;reg-id=1
User-Agent: snom320/7.3.30
Accept-Language: en
Accept: application/sdp
Allow-Events: talk, hold, refer, call-info
Supported: timer, 100rel, replaces, from-change
Content-Length: 0

[Nov 19 11:54:04] DEBUG[1224] chan_sip.c:  Header  0 [ 14]: SIP/2.0 200 OK
[Nov 19 11:54:04] DEBUG[1224] chan_sip.c:  Header  1 [ 56]: Via: SIP/2.0/UDP;branch=z9hG4bK51afedf6
[Nov 19 11:54:04] DEBUG[1224] chan_sip.c:  Header  2 [ 58]: From: "asterisk" <sip:asterisk@>;tag=as0ee141fa
[Nov 19 11:54:04] DEBUG[1224] chan_sip.c:  Header  3 [ 45]: To: <sip:112@;line=u79redls>
[Nov 19 11:54:04] DEBUG[1224] chan_sip.c:  Header  4 [ 58]: Call-ID: 5cf743d85548a8484ba0d4da31be99c6@
[Nov 19 11:54:04] DEBUG[1224] chan_sip.c:  Header  5 [ 17]: CSeq: 102 OPTIONS
[Nov 19 11:54:04] DEBUG[1224] chan_sip.c:  Header  6 [ 59]: Contact: <sip:112@;line=u79redls>;reg-id=1
[Nov 19 11:54:04] DEBUG[1224] chan_sip.c:  Header  7 [ 26]: User-Agent: snom320/7.3.30
[Nov 19 11:54:04] DEBUG[1224] chan_sip.c:  Header  8 [ 19]: Accept-Language: en
[Nov 19 11:54:04] DEBUG[1224] chan_sip.c:  Header  9 [ 23]: Accept: application/sdp
[Nov 19 11:54:04] DEBUG[1224] chan_sip.c:  Header 10 [ 88]: Allow: INVITE, ACK, CANCEL, BYE, REFER, OPTIONS, NOTIFY, SUBSCRIBE, PRACK, MESSAGE, INFO
[Nov 19 11:54:04] DEBUG[1224] chan_sip.c:  Header 11 [ 42]: Allow-Events: talk, hold, refer, call-info
[Nov 19 11:54:04] DEBUG[1224] chan_sip.c:  Header 12 [ 47]: Supported: timer, 100rel, replaces, from-change
[Nov 19 11:54:04] DEBUG[1224] chan_sip.c:  Header 13 [ 17]: Content-Length: 0
[Nov 19 11:54:04] VERBOSE[1224] chan_sip.c: --- (14 headers 0 lines) ---
[Nov 19 11:54:04] DEBUG[1224] chan_sip.c: = Looking for  Call ID: 5cf743d85548a8484ba0d4da31be99c6@ (Checking To) --From tag as0ee141fa --To-tag   
[Nov 19 11:54:04] DEBUG[1224] chan_sip.c: ** SIP TIMER: Cancelling retransmit of packet (reply received) Retransid #1
[Nov 19 11:54:04] DEBUG[1224] chan_sip.c: Stopping retransmission on '5cf743d85548a8484ba0d4da31be99c6@' of Request 102: Match Found
[Nov 19 11:54:04] DEBUG[1224] chan_sip.c: Destroying SIP dialog 5cf743d85548a8484ba0d4da31be99c6@
[Nov 19 11:54:04] VERBOSE[1224] chan_sip.c: Really destroying SIP dialog '5cf743d85548a8484ba0d4da31be99c6@' Method: OPTIONS
[Nov 19 11:54:05] DEBUG[1209] manager.c: Mansession: 0x7f981c002218 refcount now 2
[Nov 19 11:54:07] DEBUG[23827][C-0000003c] res_rtp_asterisk.c: Got RTCP report of 68 bytes
[Nov 19 11:54:07] DEBUG[23827][C-0000003c] acl.c: Not an IPv4 nor IPv6 address, cannot get port.
[Nov 19 11:54:07] DEBUG[23827][C-0000003c] netsock2.c: Splitting 'callcenter-centos7-dit' into...
[Nov 19 11:54:07] DEBUG[23827][C-0000003c] netsock2.c: 'callcenter-centos7-dit' and port ''.
[Nov 19 11:54:07] DEBUG[23827][C-0000003c] acl.c: Not an IPv4 nor IPv6 address, cannot get port.
[Nov 19 11:54:07] DEBUG[23827][C-0000003c] acl.c: Attached to given IP address
[Nov 19 11:54:07] DEBUG[1207] manager.c: Mansession: 0x7f981c002218 refcount now 2
[Nov 19 11:54:07] DEBUG[1254] netsock2.c: Splitting '' into...
[Nov 19 11:54:07] DEBUG[1254] netsock2.c: '' and port '61281'.
[Nov 19 11:54:07] DEBUG[1254] netsock2.c: Splitting '' into...
[Nov 19 11:54:07] DEBUG[1254] netsock2.c: '' and port '0'.
[Nov 19 11:54:07] DEBUG[23729] manager.c: Examining AMI event:
Event: RTCPReceived
Privilege: reporting,all
SequenceNumber: 3687
File: manager.c
Line: 1693
Func: manager_default_msg_cb
Channel: SIP/111-00000029
ChannelState: 6
ChannelStateDesc: Up
CallerIDNum: 111
CallerIDName: biw CC 111
ConnectedLineNum: <unknown>
ConnectedLineName: <unknown>
Language: de
Context: adhearsion-redirect
Exten: 1
Priority: 1
Uniqueid: 1447930432.366
Linkedid: 1447930432.366
RTT: 69762.7109
SSRC: 0xc9e57ce3
PT: 200(SR)
ReportCount: 1
SentNTP: 2085979595.17568666488832
SentRTP: 8204808
SentPackets: 734
SentOctets: 116192
Report0SourceSSRC: 0x7b36c937
Report0FractionLost: 0
Report0CumulativeLost: 0
Report0HighestSequence: 57927
Report0SequenceNumberCycles: 0
Report0IAJitter: 3
Report0LSR: 684030240
Report0DLSR: 67.2980

[Nov 19 11:54:07] DEBUG[1224] acl.c: Not an IPv4 nor IPv6 address, cannot get port.
[Nov 19 11:54:07] DEBUG[1224] netsock2.c: Splitting 'callcenter-centos7-dit' into...
[Nov 19 11:54:07] DEBUG[1224] netsock2.c: 'callcenter-centos7-dit' and port ''.
[Nov 19 11:54:07] DEBUG[1224] acl.c: Not an IPv4 nor IPv6 address, cannot get port.
[Nov 19 11:54:07] DEBUG[1224] acl.c: Attached to given IP address
[Nov 19 11:54:07] DEBUG[1207] manager.c: Mansession: 0x7f981c002218 refcount now 2
[Nov 19 11:54:07] DEBUG[1254] netsock2.c: Splitting '' into...
[Nov 19 11:54:07] DEBUG[1254] netsock2.c: '' and port '0'.
[Nov 19 11:54:07] DEBUG[1254] netsock2.c: Splitting '' into...
[Nov 19 11:54:07] DEBUG[1254] netsock2.c: '' and port '61281'.
[Nov 19 11:54:07] DEBUG[23729] manager.c: Examining AMI event:
Event: RTCPSent
Privilege: reporting,all
SequenceNumber: 3688
File: manager.c
Line: 1693
Func: manager_default_msg_cb
Channel: SIP/111-00000029
ChannelState: 6
ChannelStateDesc: Up
CallerIDNum: 111
CallerIDName: biw CC 111
ConnectedLineNum: <unknown>
ConnectedLineName: <unknown>
Language: de
Context: adhearsion-redirect
Exten: 1
Priority: 1
Uniqueid: 1447930432.366
Linkedid: 1447930432.366
SSRC: 0x7b36c937
PT: 201(RR)
ReportCount: 1
Report0SourceSSRC: 0xc9e57ce3
Report0FractionLost: 0
Report0CumulativeLost: 0
Report0HighestSequence: 35087
Report0SequenceNumberCycles: 0
Report0IAJitter: 0
Report0LSR: 72045690
Report0DLSR: 0.1230

[Nov 19 11:54:10] DEBUG[1209] manager.c: Mansession: 0x7f981c002218 refcount now 2
[Nov 19 11:54:12] DEBUG[23827][C-0000003c] res_rtp_asterisk.c: Got RTCP report of 68 bytes
[Nov 19 11:54:12] DEBUG[23827][C-0000003c] acl.c: Not an IPv4 nor IPv6 address, cannot get port.
[Nov 19 11:54:12] DEBUG[23827][C-0000003c] netsock2.c: Splitting 'callcenter-centos7-dit' into...
[Nov 19 11:54:12] DEBUG[23827][C-0000003c] netsock2.c: 'callcenter-centos7-dit' and port ''.
[Nov 19 11:54:12] DEBUG[23827][C-0000003c] acl.c: Not an IPv4 nor IPv6 address, cannot get port.
[Nov 19 11:54:12] DEBUG[23827][C-0000003c] acl.c: Attached to given IP address
[Nov 19 11:54:12] DEBUG[1207] manager.c: Mansession: 0x7f981c002218 refcount now 2
[Nov 19 11:54:12] DEBUG[1254] netsock2.c: Splitting '' into...
[Nov 19 11:54:12] DEBUG[1254] netsock2.c: '' and port '61281'.
[Nov 19 11:54:12] DEBUG[1254] netsock2.c: Splitting '' into...
[Nov 19 11:54:12] DEBUG[1254] netsock2.c: '' and port '0'.
[Nov 19 11:54:12] DEBUG[23729] manager.c: Examining AMI event:
Event: RTCPReceived
Privilege: reporting,all
SequenceNumber: 3689
File: manager.c
Line: 1693
Func: manager_default_msg_cb
Channel: SIP/111-00000029
ChannelState: 6
ChannelStateDesc: Up
CallerIDNum: 111
CallerIDName: biw CC 111
ConnectedLineNum: <unknown>
ConnectedLineName: <unknown>
Language: de
Context: adhearsion-redirect
Exten: 1
Priority: 1
Uniqueid: 1447930432.366
Linkedid: 1447930432.366
RTT: 69757.7442
SSRC: 0xc9e57ce3
PT: 200(SR)
ReportCount: 1
SentNTP: 2085979605.17569611366400
SentRTP: 8204808
SentPackets: 985
SentOctets: 156352
Report0SourceSSRC: 0x7b36c937
Report0FractionLost: 0
Report0CumulativeLost: 0
Report0HighestSequence: 57927
Report0SequenceNumberCycles: 0
Report0IAJitter: 3
Report0LSR: 684030240
Report0DLSR: 77.3020

[Nov 19 11:54:12] DEBUG[1224] acl.c: Not an IPv4 nor IPv6 address, cannot get port.
[Nov 19 11:54:12] DEBUG[1224] netsock2.c: Splitting 'callcenter-centos7-dit' into...
[Nov 19 11:54:12] DEBUG[1224] netsock2.c: 'callcenter-centos7-dit' and port ''.
[Nov 19 11:54:12] DEBUG[1224] acl.c: Not an IPv4 nor IPv6 address, cannot get port.
[Nov 19 11:54:12] DEBUG[1224] acl.c: Attached to given IP address
[Nov 19 11:54:12] DEBUG[1207] manager.c: Mansession: 0x7f981c002218 refcount now 2
[Nov 19 11:54:12] DEBUG[1254] netsock2.c: Splitting '' into...
[Nov 19 11:54:12] DEBUG[1254] netsock2.c: '' and port '0'.
[Nov 19 11:54:12] DEBUG[1254] netsock2.c: Splitting '' into...
[Nov 19 11:54:12] DEBUG[1254] netsock2.c: '' and port '61281'.
[Nov 19 11:54:12] DEBUG[23729] manager.c: Examining AMI event:
Event: RTCPSent
Privilege: reporting,all
SequenceNumber: 3690
File: manager.c
Line: 1693
Func: manager_default_msg_cb
Channel: SIP/111-00000029
ChannelState: 6
ChannelStateDesc: Up
CallerIDNum: 111
CallerIDName: biw CC 111
ConnectedLineNum: <unknown>
ConnectedLineName: <unknown>
Language: de
Context: adhearsion-redirect
Exten: 1
Priority: 1
Uniqueid: 1447930432.366
Linkedid: 1447930432.366
SSRC: 0x7b36c937
PT: 201(RR)
ReportCount: 1
Report0SourceSSRC: 0xc9e57ce3
Report0FractionLost: 0
Report0CumulativeLost: 0
Report0HighestSequence: 35338
Report0SequenceNumberCycles: 0
Report0IAJitter: 0
Report0LSR: 72701313
Report0DLSR: 0.1200
benlangfeld commented 8 years ago

After addressing the issue on the Asterisk JIRA ( i have been told that Asterisk is behaving as it should. Seemingly, Adhearsion redirects the call into the adhearsion-redirect context after the DTMF signal, which initiates the hangup on the old channel.(Please ignore the SIP BYE issue mentioned on the Asterisk JIRA, it is a phantom problem.)

If you have an alternative log which demonstrates the issue but does not feature a BYE from the phone, you should supply that on JIRA. It looks like the last log you pasted is a candidate.

What I believe is happening then, is that after redirecting the call into the adhearsion-redirect context, Adhearsion does not pick up and process the call again, hence the control flow simply stops.

This appears to be correct.

Furthermore, the redirect does not happen when we do not send a DTMF signal prematurely, but let the menu play all of its voice prompts before we press a key on the phone.

That is correct behaviour.

Is there something we can do to validate this assumption? For example, where to put the breakpoint to debug the issue in the IDE.

I'd suggest attempting to reproduce this with Adhearsion 3.0.0.beta1. On the basis of that result, we can appropriately evaluate what course of action to take.

ranlauf commented 8 years ago

Adhearsion 3.0.0.beta1 does not start on my machine with MRI Ruby 2.2.1 There seem to be massive problems with the celluloid gems: I created a new project with the ahn generator and fixed an error in call.rb regarding the assumed misnaming of Celluloid::Proxy::Cell in line 20, but then i'm getting this error during the startup of the unmodified ahn project:

/home/ranlauf/.rvm/gems/ruby-2.2.1@ahn3/gems/celluloid-supervision-0.20.5/lib/celluloid/supervision/deprecate/supervise.rb:54:in `router': undefined method `services' for Celluloid:Module (NoMethodError)
        from /home/ranlauf/.rvm/gems/ruby-2.2.1@ahn3/gems/celluloid-supervision-0.20.5/lib/celluloid/supervision/deprecate/supervise.rb:6:in `supervise'
        from /home/ranlauf/.rvm/gems/ruby-2.2.1@ahn3/gems/celluloid-pool-0.20.5/lib/celluloid/supervision/container/behavior/pool.rb:13:in `pool'
        from /home/ranlauf/.rvm/gems/ruby-2.2.1@ahn3/gems/adhearsion-3.0.0.beta1/lib/adhearsion/events.rb:67:in `init'
        from /home/ranlauf/.rvm/gems/ruby-2.2.1@ahn3/gems/adhearsion-3.0.0.beta1/lib/adhearsion/initializer.rb:146:in `load_events_file'
        from /home/ranlauf/.rvm/gems/ruby-2.2.1@ahn3/gems/adhearsion-3.0.0.beta1/lib/adhearsion/initializer.rb:32:in `block in start'
        from /home/ranlauf/.rvm/gems/ruby-2.2.1@ahn3/gems/adhearsion-3.0.0.beta1/lib/adhearsion/initializer.rb:28:in `catch'
        from /home/ranlauf/.rvm/gems/ruby-2.2.1@ahn3/gems/adhearsion-3.0.0.beta1/lib/adhearsion/initializer.rb:28:in `start'
        from /home/ranlauf/.rvm/gems/ruby-2.2.1@ahn3/gems/adhearsion-3.0.0.beta1/lib/adhearsion/initializer.rb:13:in `start'
        from /home/ranlauf/.rvm/gems/ruby-2.2.1@ahn3/gems/adhearsion-3.0.0.beta1/lib/adhearsion/cli_commands/ahn_command.rb:45:in `start'
        from /home/ranlauf/.rvm/gems/ruby-2.2.1@ahn3/gems/thor-0.18.1/lib/thor/command.rb:27:in `run'
        from /home/ranlauf/.rvm/gems/ruby-2.2.1@ahn3/gems/thor-0.18.1/lib/thor/invocation.rb:120:in `invoke_command'
        from /home/ranlauf/.rvm/gems/ruby-2.2.1@ahn3/gems/thor-0.18.1/lib/thor.rb:363:in `dispatch'
        from /home/ranlauf/.rvm/gems/ruby-2.2.1@ahn3/gems/thor-0.18.1/lib/thor/base.rb:439:in `start'
        from script/ahn:9:in `<main>'

My celluloid gems are:

celluloid (0.17.2) celluloid-essentials (0.20.5) celluloid-extras (0.20.5) celluloid-fsm (0.20.5) celluloid-io (0.17.2) celluloid-pool (0.20.5) celluloid-supervision (0.20.5)

benlangfeld commented 8 years ago

Urgh, Celluloid went and made more large breaking changes in yet another point release. The class was not typoed here, but has changed in Celluloid. Contributions to make us compatible with their latest revision appreciated. Otherwise, try pinning to a version that we pin Adhearsion to:

ranlauf commented 8 years ago

Ok, I used celluloid 0.16.0 now, and a first quick test shows the same result as before, meaning that i do not hear the second menu.

benlangfeld commented 8 years ago

Please provide new logs. Note that a link to a gist is preferred over inlining logs, since this issue now scrolls to the sun and back.

ranlauf commented 8 years ago

Please find a corresponding Asterisk log here: ranlauf/2170e68cece999b037a0 And this is the respective Adhearsion log: ranlauf/gist:c516370c0129cfe1aaf5

benlangfeld commented 8 years ago

Your Adhearsion log here is at DEBUG level. I really need TRACE.

benlangfeld commented 8 years ago

So attempting to reproduce, it seems you can't have been using Adhearsion 3.0.0.beta1, because it does not have CallController#interrputible_play in favour of play 'foo', interrupt_on: :dtmf. My reproduction ( shows the output failing because on redirect, Asterisk appears to return a playback failure response, we correspondingly raise in the controller, and the call is hung up. I'm looking into why Asterisk does this.

benlangfeld commented 8 years ago

Turns out that if we use ControlPlayback rather than redirecting to terminate Playback, everything works nicely. We need to detect that we're on Asterisk 13 (based on the AMI version reported at connection, most likely) and make that switch. See

Is this something you feel like contributing support for, @ranlauf? We'd very much appreciate assistance to get Adhearsion 3 out the door.

benlangfeld commented 8 years ago

Closing this in favour of Discussion of the fix should continue there.