adhocteam / pushup

Pushup is for making modern, page-oriented web apps in Go
MIT License
839 stars 30 forks source link

check and install go if not there in main.go #113

Closed gedw99 closed 11 months ago

gedw99 commented 12 months ago

currently we have:


    // Check that Go is installed
    // TODO(paulsmith): check that a minimum Go version is installed
    if _, err := exec.LookPath("go"); err != nil {
        log.Fatalf("Pushup requires Go to be installed.")

suggested solution is to import this:

here is what it does, so we can easily import it and then provide it also as a CLI command where we ask the user what version they want, instal ti and then proceed, which no downtime.


gobrew 1.8.5


    gobrew use <version>           Install and set <version>
    gobrew ls                      Alias for list
    gobrew ls-remote               List remote versions (including rc|beta versions)

    gobrew install <version>       Only install <version> (binary from official or GOBREW_REGISTRY env)
    gobrew uninstall <version>     Uninstall <version>
    gobrew list                    List installed versions
    gobrew self-update             Self update this tool
    gobrew prune                   Uninstall all go versions except current version
    gobrew version                 Show gobrew version
    gobrew help                    Show this message

    gobrew use 1.16                # use go version 1.16
    gobrew use 1.16.1              # use go version 1.16.1
    gobrew use 1.16rc1             # use go version 1.16rc1

    gobrew use 1.16@latest         # use go version latest of 1.16

    gobrew use 1.16@dev-latest     # use go version latest of 1.16, including rc and beta
                                   # Note: rc and beta become no longer latest upon major release

    gobrew use mod                 # use go version listed in the go.mod file
    gobrew use latest              # use go version latest available
    gobrew use dev-latest          # use go version latest avalable, including rc and beta

Installation Path:

    # Add gobrew to your ~/.bashrc or ~/.zshrc
    export PATH="$HOME/.gobrew/current/bin:$HOME/.gobrew/bin:$PATH"
    export GOROOT="$HOME/.gobrew/current/go"

apple@x-MacBook-Pro-2 pushup % gobrew ls

current: 1.20.4
apple@x-MacBook-Pro-2 pushup % gobrew ls-remote
==> [Info] Fetching remote versions

1   1.0.1  1.0.2  1.0.3  

1.1 1.1.0  1.1.1  1.1.2  
    1.1rc2  1.1rc3  

1.2 1.2.0  1.2.1  1.2.2  
    1.2rc2  1.2rc3  1.2rc4  1.2rc5  

1.3 1.3.0  1.3.1  1.3.2  1.3.3  
    1.3beta1  1.3beta2  1.3rc1  1.3rc2  

1.4 1.4.0  1.4.1  1.4.2  1.4.3  
    1.4beta1  1.4rc1  1.4rc2  

1.5 1.5.0  1.5.1  1.5.2  1.5.3  1.5.4  
    1.5beta1  1.5beta2  1.5beta3  1.5rc1  

1.6 1.6.0  1.6.1  1.6.2  1.6.3  1.6.4  
    1.6beta1  1.6beta2  1.6rc1  1.6rc2  

1.7 1.7.0  1.7.1  1.7.2  1.7.3  1.7.4  
    1.7.5  1.7.6  
    1.7beta1  1.7beta2  1.7rc1  1.7rc2  1.7rc3  1.7rc4  
    1.7rc5  1.7rc6  

1.8 1.8.0  1.8.1  1.8.2  1.8.3  1.8.4  
    1.8.5  1.8.6  1.8.7  
    1.8beta1  1.8beta2  1.8rc1  1.8rc2  1.8rc3  1.8.5rc4  

1.9 1.9.0  1.9.1  1.9.2  1.9.3  1.9.4  
    1.9.5  1.9.6  1.9.7  
    1.9beta1  1.9beta2  1.9rc1  1.9rc2  

1.10    1.10.0  1.10.1  1.10.2  1.10.3  1.10.4  
    1.10.5  1.10.6  1.10.7  1.10.8  
    1.10beta1  1.10beta2  1.10rc1  1.10rc2  

1.11    1.11.0  1.11.1  1.11.2  1.11.3  1.11.4  
    1.11.5  1.11.6  1.11.7  1.11.8  1.11.9  1.11.10  
    1.11.11  1.11.12  1.11.13  
    1.11beta1  1.11beta2  1.11beta3  1.11rc1  1.11rc2  

1.12    1.12.0  1.12.1  1.12.2  1.12.3  1.12.4  
    1.12.5  1.12.6  1.12.7  1.12.8  1.12.9  1.12.10  
    1.12.11  1.12.12  1.12.13  1.12.14  1.12.15  1.12.16  
    1.12beta1  1.12beta2  1.12rc1  

1.13    1.13.0  1.13.1  1.13.2  1.13.3  1.13.4  
    1.13.5  1.13.6  1.13.7  1.13.8  1.13.9  1.13.10  
    1.13.11  1.13.12  1.13.13  1.13.14  1.13.15  
    1.13beta1  1.13rc1  1.13rc2  

1.14    1.14.0  1.14.1  1.14.2  1.14.3  1.14.4  
    1.14.5  1.14.6  1.14.7  1.14.8  1.14.9  1.14.10  
    1.14.11  1.14.12  1.14.13  1.14.14  1.14.15  
    1.14beta1  1.14rc1  

1.15    1.15.0  1.15.1  1.15.2  1.15.3  1.15.4  
    1.15.5  1.15.6  1.15.7  1.15.8  1.15.9  1.15.10  
    1.15.11  1.15.12  1.15.13  1.15.14  1.15.15  
    1.15beta1  1.15rc1  1.15rc2  

1.16    1.16.0  1.16.1  1.16.2  1.16.3  1.16.4  
    1.16.5  1.16.6  1.16.7  1.16.8  1.16.9  1.16.10  
    1.16.11  1.16.12  1.16.13  1.16.14  1.16.15  
    1.16beta1  1.16rc1  

1.17    1.17.0  1.17.1  1.17.2  1.17.3  1.17.4  
    1.17.5  1.17.6  1.17.7  1.17.8  1.17.9  1.17.10  
    1.17.11  1.17.12  1.17.13  
    1.17beta1  1.17rc1  1.17rc2  

1.18    1.18.0  1.18.1  1.18.2  1.18.3  1.18.4  
    1.18.5  1.18.6  1.18.7  1.18.8  1.18.9  1.18.10  
    1.18beta1  1.18beta2  1.18rc1  

1.19    1.19.0  1.19.1  1.19.2  1.19.3  1.19.4  
    1.19.5  1.19.6  1.19.7  1.19.8  1.19.9  1.19.10  
    1.19beta1  1.19rc1  1.19rc2  

1.20    1.20.0  1.20.1  1.20.2  1.20.3  1.20.4  
    1.20rc1  1.20rc2  1.20rc3  

    1.21rc1  1.21rc2  
gedw99 commented 12 months ago

It works on ALL OS. Its got nothing to do with Brew :)

gobrew install 1.19.0
==> [Info] Downloading version: 1.19 
==> [Info] Downloading from: 
==> [Info] Downloading to: /Users/apple/.gobrew/downloads 
Downloading 100% |█████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████| (144/144 MB, 7.9 MB/s)         
==> [Info] Extracting from: /Users/apple/.gobrew/downloads/go1.19.darwin-amd64.tar.gz 
==> [Info] Extracting to: /Users/apple/.gobrew/versions/1.19 
==> [Success] Untar to /Users/apple/.gobrew/versions/1.19
==> [Success] Downloaded version: 1.19
apple@x-MacBook-Pro-2 pushup % gobrew ls            

current: 1.20.4