Closed nickclyde closed 7 years ago
Decided to get creative and use modd to run a kind of dev server that watches for changes and restarts the docker services. Working out the kinks on that, will push shortly.
Getting a weird error when copying a newly compiled soapboxd
to its Docker container and restarting:
standard_init_linux.go:187: exec user process caused "no such file or directory"
When I sh into the container and look, /root/soapboxd
exists, and I can run it manually, but the container won't start externally. Still looking into this.
Solved the above by just rebuilding the container image for soapboxd instead of copying the compiled binary over.
Process for migrating local soapbox_dev
db into the Docker container:
First comment out these lines in docker-compose.yml
5 volumes:
6 - ./db/schema.sql:/docker-entrypoint-initdb.d/init.sql
Then run these commands:
pg_dump soapbox_dev -f ./soapbox_dev.dump -F c
docker-compose up --build postgres
export DOCKER_DB_NAME="$(docker-compose ps -q postgres)"
docker exec -i "${DOCKER_DB_NAME}" pg_restore -C --clean --no-acl --no-owner -U soapbox -d soapbox_dev < ./soapbox_dev.dump
Then uncomment the same lines as above.
Fixes #130
This uses
to build three docker images (one for soapboxd, one for the rails app, and one for postgres). Rundocker-compose up
to run the app.We could take this a bit further at some point by building some kind of dev server that watches for changes and rebuilds soapboxd automatically, but I think this is a good start for now.
BTW if you want to use this you may need to dump your local db and load it into the Dockerized db.