adi1090x / polybar-themes

A huge collection of polybar themes with different styles, colors and variants.
GNU General Public License v3.0
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networkmanager_dmenu with rofi does not show up as expected #101

Open berrabe opened 3 years ago

berrabe commented 3 years ago

when selecting / clicking the wifi name, 2 edited

network manager / networkmanager_dmenu appears like this 2021-02-23_15-22 edited

instad of this guy 1 edited

iSparsh commented 3 years ago

Alright so there are some things to consider. First,

To customize dmenu appearance, copy config.ini.example to ~/.config/networkmanager-dmenu/config.ini and edit. On Arch Linux, it should be in /usr/share/doc/networkmanager-dmenu-git/config.ini.example by default if installed with the aur package.

run cp /usr/share/doc/networkmanager-dmenu-git/config.ini.example ~/.config/networkmanager-dmenu/config.ini to copy the file to the appropriate location.

2) then uncomment the line dmenu_command and replace whatever is there after the = with the appropriate rofi command. In your case, the command will be dmenu_command = rofi -no-config -no-lazy-grab -show drun -modi drun -theme ~/.config/polybar/blocks/scripts/rofi/networkmenu.rasi

had this same issue, there really should be a documentation somewhere. Thanks! Hope I helped

iSparsh commented 3 years ago

@berrabe Did you fix this issue? If you did you should react with 🎉 on the previous message to let other's know!

pavandot commented 3 years ago

Thanks bro it worked

CH4ND4N-x commented 3 years ago

@iSparsh sorry for disturbing a old issue. I did same as you mentioned , created the config and the dmenu shows up perfectly. But when I try connecting to WIFI , all I see is wifi logo and "passphrase" . Where should I click to enter password . It shows no input box to enter the password.

Bouni commented 1 year ago

I've the same issue as @CH4ND4N-x, I also see no input field for the wifi password.

Edit: Its defenitely a issue with the theme. If I remove -theme ~/.config/polybar/blocks/scripts/rofi/networkmenu.rasi from the command, I get a password prompt that works.

RannyArcher commented 1 year ago

it works... but i dont know why it doesn't limit the height/lines. i even play with the {theme}/scripts/rofi/networkmenu.rasi file to fix it but it wont. can you help me please ?

here is how it shows : wifi-dmenu png

here is my {theme}/scripts/rofi/networkmenu.rasi file:

 * Author  : Aditya Shakya
 * Mail    :
 * Github  : @adi1090x
 * Twitter : @adi1090x

configuration {
    font:                           "Fantasque Sans Mono 10";
    show-icons:                     true;
    icon-theme:                     "Papirus";
    drun-display-format:            "{name}";
    disable-history:                false;
    fullscreen:                     false;
    hide-scrollbar:                 true;
    sidebar-mode:                   false;

@import "colors.rasi"

window {
    transparency:                   "real";
    background-color:               @bg;
    text-color:                     @fg;
    border:                         0px;
    border-color:                   @ac;
    border-radius:                  0px;
    width:                          400px;
    location:                       center;
    x-offset:                       0;
    y-offset:                       0;

prompt {
    padding:                        0px 5px 5px 0px;
    background-color:               @al;
    text-color:                     @bar;

textbox-prompt-colon {
    padding:                        -2px 5px 5px -10px;
    font:                           "Material\-Design\-Iconic\-Font 12";
    background-color:               @al;
    text-color:                     @bar;
    expand: false;
    str: "";

entry {
    background-color:               @al;
    text-color:                     @bar;
    placeholder-color:              @bar;
    expand:                         true;
    horizontal-align:               0;
    placeholder:                    "Search...";
    padding:                        1px;
    blink:                          true;

inputbar {
    children:                       [ textbox-prompt-colon, prompt ];
    background-color:               @ac;
    text-color:                     @bar;
    expand:                         false;
    border:                         0px;
    border-radius:                  0px;
    border-color:                   @ac;
    margin:                         0px;
    padding:                        15px;

listview {
    background-color:               @al;
    padding:                        5px;
    columns:                        1;
    lines:                          7;
    spacing:                        5px;
    cycle:                          true;
    dynamic:                        true;
    layout:                         vertical;

mainbox {
    background-color:               @al;
    border:                         0px;
    border-radius:                  0px;
    border-color:                   @ac;
    children:                       [ inputbar, listview ];
    spacing:                        0px;
    padding:                        0px;

element {
    background-color:               @al;
    text-color:                     @fg;
    orientation:                    horizontal;
    border-radius:                  0px;
    padding:                        15px;

element-icon {
    background-color:               transparent;
    text-color:                     inherit;
    size:                           0px;
    border:                         0px;

element-text {
    background-color:               transparent;
    text-color:                     inherit;
    expand:                         true;
    horizontal-align:               0;
    vertical-align:                 0.5;
    margin:                         0px 0px 0px -3px;

element selected {
    background-color:               @bga;
    text-color:                     @fg;
    border:                         0px;
    border-radius:                  0px;
    border-color:                   @bg;