adi1090x / polybar-themes

A huge collection of polybar themes with different styles, colors and variants.
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Error Loading Modules #182

Open ToraxOutlaw opened 1 year ago

ToraxOutlaw commented 1 year ago

I am having error with loading the modules even after editing the specific sections of the module file located in the theme I was using (i.e. ~/.config/polybar/cuts/modules.ini)

When I use the command ls -1 /sys/class/backlight/ I receive two responses (acpi_video0 radeon_bl0) I edited the backlight module section of the theme I am using to use acpi_video0 after testing with brightness changes, yet still received the amdgpu_bl0 error.

I did have errors with the temp and battery modules but eventually got them both working. I put the correct types for the battery module and the temp1_input file location for the cpu temp sensor I want to use. I also used the /sys/backlight/ folder to determine which device updated when I lowered or raised my brightness levels. radeon_bl0 brightness file did not update at all where as the brightness file for acpi_video0 did update when I raised and lower the brightness. I have now updated my snippet of the errors I'm now receiving.

~/.config/polybar/cuts: ./ error: module/mpd: Connection refused error: Disabling module "brightness" (reason: The file '/sys/class/backlight/amdgpu_bl0/brightness' does not exist) error: module/mpd: Connection refused error: module/mpd: Connection refused error: module/mpd: Connection refused

So how do I fix the connection refused error and the still remaining brightness error?

ToraxOutlaw commented 1 year ago

OK. Many hours later after trawling through every file to do with polybar themes. It has come to my attention that not only do you have to modify each themes modules.ini, you also need edit each themes bars.ini. This eliminated all of my backlight/brightness module errors.

In regards to people having the mpd module error, you have to install mpd from your respective linux distro. To get the most out of mpd, my advice is to install Cantata.

This really does need clarifying in the installation guide and updating so people who are new to polybar themes don't have the same issues.