adi1090x / polybar-themes

A huge collection of polybar themes with different styles, colors and variants.
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Brightness and battery doesn't show #203

Closed pandasoli closed 9 months ago

pandasoli commented 9 months ago

Hi people.


As you can see in the right of polybar it doesn't show the battery and the brightness icons. I would like to know which packages it depends to show them.

alphaprads commented 9 months ago

see what the number of your battery is it has to be changed from the polybar config file in ~/.config/polybar//modules.ini

i believe you know how to see your battery name if not try BAT0 i believe most computers have that name

if you still don't get where to change the name cd ~/.config/polybar/

and then run grep -R "BAT1" you'll see modules.ini and bars.ini so change them with BAT0

tell me if you can do it so we can close this issue and if there is anything feel free to send me here

also please assign this issue to me

pandasoli commented 9 months ago

@alphaprads The battery one will probably not work because I don't have one (maybe it would because xfce4-panel recognizes like if I had) but this is not import.

I would like to know more about the brightness. It says:

error: Disabling module "brightness" (reason: The file '/sys/class/backlight/amdgpu_bl0/brightness' does not exist)

Maybe some lib missing on my system? PS: I tried to change the card.

image and it actually exists. PS: I tried to reload the polybar.

pandasoli commented 9 months ago

image PS: ignore the network error

alphaprads commented 9 months ago

i tried few things i think i get what your problem might be what is the output of find /sys/devices/pci0000:00 -name brightness

alphaprads commented 9 months ago

i think the symbolic link there is wrong one we just have to replace it

alphaprads commented 9 months ago

also try

sudo vim brightness and change the value by around 20 percent report what you get

along with that i would like to tell you this question can be sent to polybar because it depends on how polybar identifies these modules see if they have a forum and post on it

pandasoli commented 9 months ago

Thank you!
I think the problem is something with my system.
I'll try to find it and say here if I find. If I don't find in some hours I close the issue.

pandasoli commented 9 months ago

I thought the problem was with my system bc I`ve made a script to change the brightness and now it was not working.


# Check for the correct number of arguments
if [ "$#" -ne 1 ]; then
  echo "Usage: $0 <brightness_level>"
  exit 1

# Verify that the brightness level is a positive integer
if ! [[ "$1" =~ ^[0-9]+$ ]]; then
  echo "Error: Please provide a positive integer as the brightness level."
  exit 1

# Path to the brightness control file

# Set the brightness level
# sudo su -c "echo $1 > $brightness_file"      # old
echo "$1" | sudo tee "$brightness_file"

echo "Brightness set to $1"

But my system is fine.

Did you notice that in the print I sent even changing the card property to the right one the error message says about the default card?

error: Disabling module "brightness" (reason: The file '/sys/class/backlight/amdgpu_bl0/brightness' does not exist)

Is really ~/.config/polybar/forest/modules.init where I should change it?

alphaprads commented 9 months ago

before changing and modifying anything just do one thing cd ~/.config/polybar/forest

then do vim bars.ini

go to line number 122

and rewrite the amdgpu_b10 to be acpi_video0 necessary change as it will never work without the above change now ./

i am quite confident that this should work also i don't believe by the looks of it to be the case that it is a system issue however this is just a speculation

please try the above change and see what happens i sadly didn't look at the screenshots well yesterday but i'm fairly certain now that you haven't changed the value of amdgpu_b10 to acpi_video0

don't try anything reckless before you have backup or it might take a bigger time fixing and might also stop your current running polybar turning into a bigger issue

pandasoli commented 9 months ago

Sorry I stopped using this themes and decided making my own.