adi1090x / polybar-themes

A huge collection of polybar themes with different styles, colors and variants.
GNU General Public License v3.0
5.6k stars 408 forks source link

Polybar-6 rendering issue #88

Closed jpmvferreira closed 3 years ago

jpmvferreira commented 3 years ago

Hi there, I've been using this bar for a while and I don't quite remember yet when this started, but here's the picture of the bar: image

As you can see there's a small error here on the rendering between the pulseaudio module and the background:: image

This small line of pixels appears regardless of what font I use and it's settings, and it's the only one that does that - Config file.

jpmvferreira commented 3 years ago

Also there's no rendering issue in the terminal:

$ polybar -c ~/.config/polybar/config.ini main -l info
* Loading config: /home/undercover/.config/polybar/config.ini
* Created ipc channel at: /tmp/polybar_mqueue.604868
* Loaded monitor eDP-1 (1920x1080+0+0)
* Bar geometry: 1920x27+0+0; Borders: 5,5,0,5
warn: pulseaudio: using default sink alsa_output.pci-0000_00_1f.3.analog-stereo
* Starting application
* Starting module/left1
* Starting module/spotify
* Starting module/left2
* Starting module/workspaces
* module/spotify: Invoking shell command: "python /home/undercover/scripts/polybar/ -t 50"
* Starting module/right5
* Starting module/pulseaudio
* Starting module/right4
* Starting module/battery
* Starting module/right3
* Starting module/backlight
* Starting module/right2
* Starting module/network
* Starting module/right1
* Starting module/date
* Entering event loop (thread-id=1)
* Eventqueue worker (thread-id=10)
* Configured DPI = 96x96
* Loaded font "Termsyn:size=8" (name=Noto Sans, offset=2, file=/usr/share/fonts/noto/NotoSans-Regular.ttf)
* Loaded font "Siji:size=12" (name=Siji, offset=2, file=/usr/share/fonts/misc/siji.bdf)
* Loaded font "Iosevka Nerd Font:style=Medium:size=16" (name=Iosevka, offset=3, file=/usr/share/fonts/TTF/Iosevka Medium Nerd Font Complete.ttf)
* Bar window: 0x1600001
* Activating tray manager
* Tray window: 0x1600005
* module/left1: Rebuilding cache
* module/spotify: Rebuilding cache
* module/left2: Rebuilding cache
* module/workspaces: Rebuilding cache
* module/right5: Rebuilding cache
* module/pulseaudio: Rebuilding cache
* module/right4: Rebuilding cache
* module/battery: Rebuilding cache
* module/right3: Rebuilding cache
* module/backlight: Rebuilding cache
* module/right2: Rebuilding cache
* module/network: Rebuilding cache
* module/right1: Rebuilding cache
* module/date: Rebuilding cache
* Redrawing bar window
* module/workspaces: Rebuilding cache
* module/spotify: Rebuilding cache
* Redrawing bar window
* module/battery: Rebuilding cache
* module/network: Rebuilding cache
* Notifying pending tray clients
* Processing docking request from 0x14007df
* Redraw tray container (id=0x1600005)
* Redrawing bar window
* Redraw tray container (id=0x1600005)
* Redraw tray container (id=0x1600005)
* module/spotify: Invoking shell command: "python /home/undercover/scripts/polybar/ -t 50"
* module/battery: Rebuilding cache
* module/network: Rebuilding cache
* module/spotify: Invoking shell command: "python /home/undercover/scripts/polybar/ -t 50"
* module/battery: Rebuilding cache
* module/network: Rebuilding cache
* module/spotify: Invoking shell command: "python /home/undercover/scripts/polybar/ -t 50"
* module/battery: Rebuilding cache
* module/network: Rebuilding cache
* module/spotify: Invoking shell command: "python /home/undercover/scripts/polybar/ -t 50"
* module/battery: Rebuilding cache
* module/network: Rebuilding cache
* module/spotify: Invoking shell command: "python /home/undercover/scripts/polybar/ -t 50"
* module/battery: Polling values (inotify fallback)
* module/battery: Rebuilding cache
* module/network: Rebuilding cache
* module/spotify: Invoking shell command: "python /home/undercover/scripts/polybar/ -t 50"
* module/battery: Rebuilding cache
* module/network: Rebuilding cache
* module/spotify: Invoking shell command: "python /home/undercover/scripts/polybar/ -t 50"
* module/battery: Rebuilding cache
* module/network: Rebuilding cache
warn: Termination signal received, shutting down...
* module/left1: Stopping
* Deconstruction of module/left1 took 0 ms.
* module/spotify: Stopping
* Deconstruction of module/spotify took 0 ms.
* module/left2: Stopping
* Deconstruction of module/left2 took 0 ms.
* module/workspaces: Stopping
* Deconstruction of module/workspaces took 0 ms.
* module/right5: Stopping
* Deconstruction of module/right5 took 0 ms.
* module/pulseaudio: Stopping
* Deconstruction of module/pulseaudio took 0 ms.
* module/right4: Stopping
* Deconstruction of module/right4 took 0 ms.
* module/battery: Stopping
* Deconstruction of module/battery took 249 ms.
* module/right3: Stopping
* Deconstruction of module/right3 took 0 ms.
* module/backlight: Stopping
* Deconstruction of module/backlight took 20 ms.
* module/right2: Stopping
* Deconstruction of module/right2 took 0 ms.
* module/network: Stopping
* Deconstruction of module/network took 0 ms.
* module/right1: Stopping
* Deconstruction of module/right1 took 0 ms.
* module/date: Stopping
* Deconstruction of module/date took 0 ms.
* Deactivating tray manager
* Waiting for spawned processes to end
* Reached end of application...
adi1090x commented 3 years ago

Repository Updated, Try again. Reopen if issues are not resolved. Have a look at Troubleshooting for very common issues and how to resolve theme.