adi1090x / polybar-themes

A huge collection of polybar themes with different styles, colors and variants.
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Error loading the modules #97

Open ilnerdchuck opened 3 years ago

ilnerdchuck commented 3 years ago

When I'm trying to set a theme I get these errors: error: Disabling module "network" (reason: Invalid network interface "wlan0") error: Disabling module "brightness" (reason: The file '/sys/class/backlight/amdgpu_bl0/brightness' does not exist) I also had a Battery error but I checked the configs and modified the values manually before installation, I would suggest adding into the installer a menu for intel/amd backlight, battery network, etc...

I can't figure out how I can solve the other two errors

ilnerdchuck commented 3 years ago

Solved the network error I modified manually the interfaces, now the only error left in the brightness

mostafaafara commented 3 years ago

can you tell me what file you have modified to fix the interface problem

indradhanush commented 3 years ago

@mostafaafara To identify the error you need to customize the modules.ini file inside the relevant theme that you are using.

So, if you're using the cuts theme, then ~/.config/polybar/cuts/modules.ini.

indradhanush commented 3 years ago

@ilnerdchuck In case you're still facing the error with the brightness, check the module/backlight in the modules.ini. And run ls -1 /sys/class/backlight/ and update the type accordingly.

Dexiios commented 3 years ago

can you tell me what file you have modified to fix the interface problem

Look at this page :

yorks-dev commented 3 years ago

i fixed mine by replacin wlan0 with eth0. Look up your ethernet port name and use that.

ilnerdchuck commented 3 years ago

@ilnerdchuck In case you're still facing the error with the brightness, check the module/backlight in the modules.ini. And run ls -1 /sys/class/backlight/ and update the type accordingly.

Fixed it thanks I was looking at the wrong display type, for whatever reason my nvidia gpu create a new monitor ad I was using that

ToraxOutlaw commented 1 year ago

I am also having the same error with loading the modules even after editing the specific sections of the module file located in the theme I was using (i.e. ~/.config/polybar/cuts/modules.ini)

When I use the command ls -1 /sys/class/backlight/ I receive two responses (acpi_video0 radeon_bl0) I edited the backlight module section of the theme I am using to use acpi_video0 after testing with brightness changes, yet still received the amdgpu_bl0 error.

EDIT: Update I have got the temperature sensor and battery module working. I put the correct types for the battery module and the temp1_input file location for the cpu temp sensor I want to use. I also used the /sys/backlight/ folder to determine which device updated when I lowered or raised my brightness levels. radeon_bl0 brightness file did not update at all where as the brightness file for acpi_video0 did update when I raised and lower the brightness. I have now updated my snippet of the errors I'm now receiving.

~/.config/polybar/cuts: ./
error: module/mpd: Connection refused error: Disabling module "brightness" (reason: The file '/sys/class/backlight/amdgpu_bl0/brightness' does not exist) error: module/mpd: Connection refused error: module/mpd: Connection refused error: module/mpd: Connection refused

So how do I fix the connection refused error and the still remaining brightness error?