adieyal / comfyui-dynamicprompts

ComfyUI custom nodes for Dynamic Prompts
MIT License
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Wildcards not working at all (Windows Portable Edition) #10

Open bobpuffer1 opened 10 months ago

bobpuffer1 commented 10 months ago

Sample Random right out of the chute get 16 green balls when batch size set to 16 get 16 red the next time it's run then 16 blue error on console "WARNING:dynamicprompts.samplers.utils:No values found for wildcard artists/Photography/by_country/georgia" though I have the wildcards files in both the ComfyUI/wildcards and ComfyUI/custom_nodes/comfyui-dynamicprompts/wildcards number of batches doesn't change behavior

Sample Combinatorial right out of the chute always get 64 red balls no matter how many times I run it when batch size set to 64 get same warning in console as above batch number doesn't affect behavior

bobpuffer1 commented 10 months ago

Some further research:

adieyal commented 10 months ago

Could you please test the latest version? It now looks for wildcards in custom_nodes/comfyui-dynamicprompts

adieyal commented 10 months ago

Also test to make sure it randomizes in between batches. I'm not sure how to randomize within a batch since the prompt is generated earlier in the chain

bobpuffer1 commented 10 months ago

yeah it sees the wild card files it doesn't randomize inside of a batch and I think that's appropriate behavior the problem is that comfy UI doesn't observe the number of batches that you tell it to reprompt once the queue gets to zero and then it runs forever so that is a comfy ui problem i'm going to list it as an issue with their github otherwise it looks like dynamic prompts are working appropriately I havent spent much time on combinatorial because it doesn't really work very well for me being it starts over between sessions

adieyal commented 10 months ago

Re combinatorial. Do you mean that it starts over when you restart ComfyUI? There is a setting shuffles the order of the prompts in combinatorial. I haven't exposed it yet though.

bobpuffer1 commented 10 months ago
bobpuffer1 commented 10 months ago

I hate having to revisit this issue but I have to since I am forced to go back to Windows stand alone edition of comfyUI. I initially thought that the windows standalone edition was installed incorrectly because it placed everything one directory below where it was expected to operate. but I determined that it was installed correctly the way that it has to be installed in order for all of the batch files to work correctly.

the problem is that dynamic prompts looks for the wildcards folder in relation to the home directory and wild cards folder is always one step below where it's expected to be when it's in the windows stand alone edition. I proved this concept by placing the wild cards folder One directory up from where it logically should have been and dynamic prompts began working again. this was an easy workaround but isn't really a sustainable implementation. perhaps dynamic prompts needs to look for a wild cards in relation to the comfyUI directory I don't know what the right answer is but I know that I had to go to the windows stand alone edition because WAS custom nodes only supports the windows stand alone edition.

karl-von-knecht commented 9 months ago

I was able to make wildcard text files work by putting them in C:\ComfyUI_windows_portable\ComfyUI\wildcards\ This is different from what the installation instructions say, so it would be good to update those.

bobpuffer1 commented 9 months ago

Yes, I agree. the wild cards files work exactly as you've described. The problem is that they also work if they're placed in the custom._ nodes, directory, but that. forces the startup to consider them to be a custom node, and they fail that test.. The much more. important issue because this one can actually be worked around. Is that they don't update unless you restart comfyUI. adding new wildcards file or changing wildcards files' contents isn't ever reflected until you restart Comfy UI..

rafstahelin commented 5 months ago

Yes, I agree. the wild cards files work exactly as you've described. The problem is that they also work if they're placed in the custom._ nodes, directory, but that. forces the startup to consider them to be a custom node, and they fail that test.. The much more. important issue because this one can actually be worked around. Is that they don't update unless you restart comfyUI. adding new wildcards file or changing wildcards files' contents isn't ever reflected until you restart Comfy UI..

did you find a way to avoid this issue?

Also I dont get changes with {red|green|blue} ball. It's always a red ball Is there a reason?

Wildcards do work for me but annoying not to be able to change them and have to restart to take effect