adieyal / sd-dynamic-prompts

A custom script for AUTOMATIC1111/stable-diffusion-webui to implement a tiny template language for random prompt generation
MIT License
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Use orthodox method for pnginfo #691

Closed w-e-w closed 9 months ago

w-e-w commented 10 months ago

over at webui we recive a bug reort [Bug]: Dynamic Prompt Metadata in blocks "Read Generation Parameters from Prompt" if extension is missing/disabled

as far as I can tell this is caused by sd-dynamic-prompts using an unorthodox method of writing the pnginfo when opts.dp_write_raw_template is enabled

wrining pnginfo in newline causing the webui pnginfo parser webui break as I believe you are aware, base on do you have implemented a call back to remove the extra pnginfo added by this extension

in other words if one does not have dynamic-prompts, the pnginfo syntax is invalid

this PR changes the way how pnginfo in written I essentially commented out the code that you use to write pnginfo and use the "orthodox" method of writting pnginfo I chose to comment out and not remove the code because I don't know if there's other components that relies on those info writing classes the strip_template_info is still enabled for compatibility with existing images

as far as I'm aware Template and Negative Template are purely informational and only is viewed directly by the user and not by the script in any way

there's one practical downside of my implementation the information displayed in the PNG info tab looks far less tidy as it is all cramped in one place but I believe compatibility should be more important than aesthetics

w-e-w commented 10 months ago

don't really understand what the lint error black means

w-e-w commented 10 months ago

I see, the linter seems to me needlessly strict ...... should be "good" now

akx commented 10 months ago

@w-e-w I rebased this now that #692 was merged – care to still take a look at the couple comments (in case I missed something about the quote() use)?

w-e-w commented 10 months ago

you forgot to remove the old PngInfoSaver imports should be good now

akx commented 10 months ago

@w-e-w Please see the comment though – why do we do json.dumps() manually since isn't that what quote() would do?

w-e-w commented 9 months ago

sorry I missed that message

I did try to explain it in my comment in that code but probably didn't explain it well

the issue is that json.dump() is only apply by quote() if , : \n are in the in the string see code

even though in the use case of prompts likely they will have a comma or colon or newline in there somewhere so it will be quoted, but there is a chance of the quote actually not being applied

the problem is somewhere down the road the text would be strip() which means some info will be lost granted losing some leading or trailing probably don't matter, I was mostly just trying to be extra safe

I was trying to avoid quoting when it is not necessary that's why I only use the condition when it is affected by strip()

but rethinking this now I think it's safer to quote everything as the original quote won't quote things like " double quote in prompt, this is okay for whatever you are because those parameters are usually "sanitary", however this is not the case for user input prompts with prompts we can potentially you can end up with some broken syntax

as far as I can tell invalid syntax doesn't seem to be causing an issue now, but down the line it is possible that in the future you might use it for something, so having valid syntax is maybe more important than readability this could also cause trouble when other extensions are involved I've push a new commit sp that quote will always be applied if it's not applied automatically

in order to prevent double quoting, I need to check if it would be automatically quoted by webui hence the logic required

when if the value of a generation_params is None then that key is ignored and not saved to image, the finction will return None if string is blank

I believe this also takes into account that if in the future if webui change it's quoting logic

akx commented 9 months ago

@w-e-w I'm not sure I'm following why we need to quote these by hand here at all? Isn't webui doing that in

for everything we put in extra_generation_params?

w-e-w commented 9 months ago

@akx what part is hard to follow

the issue is that json.dump() is only apply by quote() if , : \n are in the in the string see code

no manual quot

no manual quot with manual quot
image image

if quoting isn't applied manually then there is a chance that you can create an invalid syntax

and as I have said above

as far as I can tell invalid syntax doesn't seem to be causing an issue now, but down the line it is possible that in the future you might use it for something, so having valid syntax is maybe more important than readability this could also cause trouble when other extensions are involved

currently I'm still yet able to produce a sequence of prompt that would actually cause issues, but I cannot guarantee that such a sequence does not exist this is why I decided to play it safe and ensure that the prompts are quoted

it's possible it will be totally fine, if you really don't like it I can remove it

ok found one issue caused by non-quoting

if my prompt is "example" the geninfo will be Template: "example",

the information parsed out from this by webui is example and not "example" granted currently template is not parsed by this extension but if it is parse in the future then they will output the wrong template

akx commented 9 months ago

@w-e-w Yes, I did understand what you wrote and I do understand quote() only quotes things when it needs to.

It feels like we shouldn't be quoting things by hand when we put them in p.extra_generation_params, since extra_generation_params isn't directly involved in creating the final textual infotext; rather, as linked, webui quotes (if it needs to) everything by default, and crucially it doesn't seem to unquote things first, so I'm afraid there'll be double quoting (encoding) if we quote things by hand.

To be clear, what I'm trying to say is that with just

        if opts.dp_write_raw_template:
            p.extra_generation_params["Template"] = original_prompt
            p.extra_generation_params["Negative Template"] = original_negative_prompt

this is the result, and it seems fine to me:

Screenshot 2023-12-11 at 14 33 31

(If there are no commas or colons in the template, it remains unquoted.)

w-e-w commented 9 months ago

quote() only quotes things when it needs to.

what I was trying to tell you is that this is not the case I'm saying is webui can failed to quote() when it needs to because the way that the quote() logic is written there are cases that the prompt can actually break out the infotext was originally only designed to hold sanitized data, not arbitrary user input

example above is that if you have a prompt "example bababab" <- this will not be quoted by web UI the text written to the infotxt would be Template : "example bababab", this is is incorrect if in the future that this field is actually used, the text will be unquoted in the metadata that is actually read would be example bababab the double quotes are lost

see this is the part of code in webui that handles passing of infotax

yes this extension does not currently utilize the template to do anything but in the future if this is actually used if it were not quoted manually then certain information may be lost

yes this is an edge case if you wish to not handle this edge case I have no problems with that, as long as you understand that this edge case exist I'm just providing code that would handle this edge case

screenshot example of the issue the info text generated without ensure quoting image

and this is what happes when you use read generation parameters from prompt or send to txt2img see how the "example bababb" -> example bababb, the double quotes are lost image

would it be better they are double quotes to webui quoting logic?, yes and I might actually make a PR for on this

this is why I written ensure_quoted_parameter in a way that if in the future we update the quoting logic at webui it should be compatible

but this would mean that if you would only be fixed for people for using newer versions of web UI, it's an edge case it's probably fine

akx commented 9 months ago

the infotext was originally only designed to hold sanitized data, not arbitrary user input

I mean... it does also have the prompt though? But okay, I think I see where you're getting at here a little more now πŸ˜„

The only edge case I can think about (presently) is that the original text was actually just surrounded with quotes? In any other case, e.g. a sign saying "hello", quoting would kick in and we'd emit "a sign saying \"hello\"", and then unquote it back properly. I don't think there's any actual use case for completely quoted prompts.

Of course it'd be better if infotext was actually a blob of JSON in the PNG iTXT chunk, but that ship may have sailed a while back (unless infotext v2...).

w-e-w commented 9 months ago

so do you want me to change it to not ensure quotes?

to be honest I don't really care either way (apart from my OCD), I don't even use this extension myself πŸ™ƒ

the fact is most prompts is highly likely to have a colon or comma in there somewhere so that it will be quoted anyway like I said this is an edge case

they could also be other edge cases I haven't discovered that have a bigger consequence, that's why I try to play it safe

well no a sign saying "hello" won't be automatically quoted, because it doesn't have comma colon or new line but is also fine because it doesn't have double quotes at the beginning and end which means that it won't be unquoted

Of course it'd be better if infotext was actually a blob of JSON in the PNG iTXT chunk, but that ship may have sailed a while back (unless infotext v2...).

I would like that as well, but yeah I think that ship has sailed Into the storm

akx commented 9 months ago

so do you want me to change it to not ensure quotes?

they could also be other edge cases I haven't discovered that have a bigger consequence, that's why I try to play it safe

I think it would be better if this extension didn't try to be clever (as you can see, we've tried being clever in the past, which led to this PR in the first place).

After all, webui itself is just doing

1112:                self.extra_generation_params["Hires prompt"] = self.hr_prompt
1115:                self.extra_generation_params["Hires negative prompt"] = self.hr_negative_prompt

so we should follow its lead here.

It would be nice not to add an entry for the negative prompt if it's empty, though?

w-e-w commented 9 months ago

@akx should be good now

I'll just go image