adimatulac / CoHabs

Team web application project for CPSC 436I
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Week 2 #7

Open jsk33 opened 5 years ago

jessHuh commented 5 years ago

What did you work on this past iteration? I set up meteor for our project and implements 4 components for the "main board" of our web app.

What were any major challenges/issues you ran into? Wiring react & redux & meteor together was difficult for me since I haven't use any of them.

What do you plan to work on for this coming iteration? I plan to do some research on user authentication process. I am planning to implement "log-in" and "create an account" part.

jsk33 commented 5 years ago

What did you work on this past iteration? I worked on setting up meteor with react and attempted to incorporate redux into our components.

What were any major challenges/issues you ran into? The react structure was a little different inside meteor so I had some difficulty trying to incorporate my react + redux knowledge from the assignment into the meteor structure.

What do you plan to work on for this coming iteration? I will work on the "create groups" and "invitation" feature into our app.

adimatulac commented 5 years ago

What did you work on this past iteration? I added a few more components and finished the styling.

What were any major challenges/issues you ran into? Understanding the workflow for meteor as well as the react-specific component styling.

What do you plan to work on for this coming iteration? I'll be finishing up the main dashboard – functionalities and styling.