adinfinit / zombies-on-ice

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binary doesn't open on windows #3

Closed phanirithvij closed 3 years ago

phanirithvij commented 3 years ago

Binary doesn't open on windows when my joystick is connected (works with the mouse) No errors on the console.

egonelbre commented 3 years ago

Can you try whether this release fixes it I bumped glfw and gl to the latest version, but I don't have any other ideas why it would fail.

phanirithvij commented 3 years ago

This issue was in the binary downloaded from readme v0.1, It was working with the master branch before v0.2.0.

phanirithvij commented 3 years ago

It was becuase of this

    axis := func(ix, iy int) g.V2 {
                // this line wasn't in v0.1 it's already fixed
        if ix >= len(axes) || iy >= len(axes) {
            return g.V2{}
        return g.V2{
            X: g.ApplyDeadZone(axes[ix], gamepad.DeadZone),
            Y: -g.ApplyDeadZone(axes[iy], gamepad.DeadZone),