ading2210 / poe-api

[UNMAINTAINED] A reverse engineered Python API wrapper for Quora's Poe, which provides free access to ChatGPT, GPT-4, and Claude.
GNU General Public License v3.0
2.5k stars 315 forks source link

chunk['text'] gets incomplete anwser #216

Open iujakchu opened 11 months ago

iujakchu commented 11 months ago
for chunk in client.send_message("capybara",msg):
#pyright: reportUnboundVariable=none
with open("output.txt","w+") as f:


The best way to learn a programming language depends on your learning style and your goals. Here are some general tips that can help you to learn a programming language effectively:

1. Start with the basics: Begin by learning the basic syntax and structure of the programming language. This will help you to understand how the language works and how to write simple programs.

2. Practice coding: The more you practice coding, the better you will become at it. Try writing small programs, experimenting with different techniques, and working on projects that interest you.

3. Use a variety of resources: There are many resources available for learning programming languages, including textbooks, online courses, videos, and tutorials. Try using a combination of these resources to find what works best for you.

4. Work on real-world projects: Working on real-world projects can help you to apply your knowledge and develop practical skills. Try contributing to open-source projects, building your own projects, or participating in coding challenges.

5. Seek feedback: Getting feedback from others can help you to identify areas for improvement and learn from your mistakes. Joining a coding community or working with a mentor can provide opportunities for feedback and support.

6. Stay motivated: Learning a programming language can be challenging, but it can also be rewarding. Stay motivated by setting achievable goals, celebrating your achievements, and focusing on the aspects of coding that you enjoy the most.

Remember, learning a programming language takes time

but the message from the browser is

The best way to learn a programming language depends on your learning style and your goals. Here are some general tips that can help you to learn a programming language effectively:

Start with the basics: Begin by learning the basic syntax and structure of the programming language. This will help you to understand how the language works and how to write simple programs.

Practice coding: The more you practice coding, the better you will become at it. Try writing small programs, experimenting with different techniques, and working on projects that interest you.

Use a variety of resources: There are many resources available for learning programming languages, including textbooks, online courses, videos, and tutorials. Try using a combination of these resources to find what works best for you.

Work on real-world projects: Working on real-world projects can help you to apply your knowledge and develop practical skills. Try contributing to open-source projects, building your own projects, or participating in coding challenges.

Seek feedback: Getting feedback from others can help you to identify areas for improvement and learn from your mistakes. Joining a coding community or working with a mentor can provide opportunities for feedback and support.

Stay motivated: Learning a programming language can be challenging, but it can also be rewarding. Stay motivated by setting achievable goals, celebrating your achievements, and focusing on the aspects of coding that you enjoy the most.

Remember, learning a programming language takes time and effort, so be patient and persistent in your efforts. With practice and dedication, you can develop your programming skills and achieve your goals.

Is it expected behavior?Thanks.

BSG-Walter commented 11 months ago

i have the same issue, sometimes it returns the complete message, but sometimes it misses 1 or more chunks

d1h1r1 commented 11 months ago

改一下源码就好了 image send_message这个函数里面

iujakchu commented 11 months ago

改一下源码就好了 image send_message这个函数里面

大佬可以提个pull requests吗