adisreyaj / vscode-sonarqube-status

Get the result of the Sonar Qube analysis from your CICD pipeline right inside VSCode.
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Add possibility to collect metrics from branch or pullRequest analysis #31

Open lukzeg opened 2 years ago

lukzeg commented 2 years ago

Hi @adisreyaj , @pedroresende

I would like to propose small extension to your plugin. I would like to extend it via adding possibility to collect metrics from pullRequest or branch analysis.

For instance if the end user would like to receive analysis from pullRequest, he might define new attribute pullRequest: { "project": "adisreyaj_compito", "sonarURL": "", "pullRequest": 212, "auth": { "username": "", "password": "" } } or branch: { "project": "adisreyaj_compito", "sonarURL": "", "branch": "bugfix/FixMe", "auth": { "username": "", "password": "" } }

In case if both of attrs are added, the highest priority will have pullRequest, as mostly engineers will be interested to see potential issues which they deliver to master branch.

Please let me know if this feature looks okay for you.

Kind Regards, Lucas

adisreyaj commented 2 years ago

@lukzeg It's really a good enhancement to have. Here are my thoughts on the approach.

I personally feel that this should be easier for the user, i.e by a dropdown or something instead of having to update the config file every time.

The config file should be considered as a one-time setup process.

What do y'all think?

@lukzeg @pedroresende

lukzeg commented 2 years ago

Hi @adisreyaj , @pedroresende ,

The idea to create settings part sound really great. I think it will be great to create some milestone with such of feature. So anyone who is interested might start to work on it.

I would like to avoid of making such of change in current PRst, just to simplify the commits and parts which are delivered. I know that might be a strange, but small parts of code are much more easier to be Code Reviewed.

What do you think about creating some milestones, with ideas of future improvements required/ request by you and other users?