adithya-s-k / World-of-AI

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Stock Market Trading Agent Using Deep Reinforcement Learning #51

Open ayush-09 opened 1 year ago

ayush-09 commented 1 year ago

Project Request

The project aims to develop a Stock Market Trading Agent using Deep Reinforcement Learning.

Field Description
About Develop a Stock Market Trading Agent using Deep Reinforcement Learning.
Github ayush-09
Label Project Request

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Stock Market Trading Agent using Deep Reinforcement Learning


The project involves developing an intelligent trading agent that utilizes Deep Reinforcement Learning techniques to make trading decisions in the stock market. The agent will learn from historical stock price data and use a reinforcement learning algorithm to optimize its trading strategy. The goal is to create a robust and profitable trading agent that can adapt to changing market conditions and make informed trading decisions.


Data preprocessing: The historical stock price data will be preprocessed to extract relevant features for training the trading agent.

Reinforcement Learning model: A Deep Reinforcement Learning model will be implemented to train the trading agent. The model will learn to maximize cumulative rewards by making buy/sell decisions based on the input features.

Trading strategy optimization: The trading agent will continuously optimize its trading strategy by adjusting its actions based on feedback from the market. This will involve exploring different trading policies and evaluating their performance.

Evaluation and analysis: The performance of the trading agent will be evaluated using various metrics, such as profitability, risk-adjusted returns, and comparison with benchmark strategies. The project will also include an analysis of the agent's behavior and decision-making process.


End Date: as soon as possible(after assigned it to me)

ayush-09 commented 1 year ago

@adithya-s-k Please assign this issue to me

miraj0507 commented 1 year ago

I am thrilled to receive your project request! Your idea is truly fascinating and I am eager to see it come to life.

To ensure the project runs smoothly, please follow all guidelines provided. If you are working on an AI, ML, or DL project, we kindly ask that you create a folder for your project within the respective folders and submit your progress accordingly. Please do follow the project readme template

To ensure that everyone has a fair chance to participate, we kindly request that you complete 75% of the work within the first week of receiving the issue, and the remaining 25% within the next 3 days(10 days in total). If for any reason, you fail to meet this deadline, we will assign the task to someone else who is equally enthusiastic about contributing to this project.

If you have any questions, feel free to contact me via email or Discord or reach out to our team of project mentors.

Thank you for your contribution and let's make this project a huge success!