Open qantik opened 6 years ago
I had met same error when running val (j, q) = GraphOps.setupAlias(nodeAttr.neighbors)
in GraphOps.initTransitionProb, This is due to the nodeAttr
object being Null.
nodes should be included in the node2attr
object but not in the following code:
val node2attr = { case (src, dst, weight) =>
(src, Array((dst, weight)))
}.reduceByKey(_++_).map { case (srcId, neighbors: Array[(Long, Double)]) =>
var neighbors_ : Array[(Long, Double)] = neighbors.groupBy(_._1).map { case (group, traversable) =>
if (neighbors_.length > bcMaxDegree.value) {
neighbors_ = neighbors.sortWith{ case (left, right) => left._2 > right._2 }.slice(0, bcMaxDegree.value)
val graph = Graph(indexedNodes, indexedEdges)
, the dst
nodes mentioned above, which are missing, will be created by default. And the format by default is [vertexId, Null] ,instead of [vertexId, NodeAttr]. So the error come.To solve the problem, some modules should be modified. The details is shown below:
val graph = Graph(indexedNodes, indexedEdges).mapVertices[NodeAttr] { case (vertexId, nodeAttr) =>
var path:Array[Long] = null
if (nodeAttr != null) { // add
val (j, q) = GraphOps.setupAlias(nodeAttr.neighbors)
val nextNodeIndex = GraphOps.drawAlias(j, q)
nodeAttr.path = Array(vertexId, nodeAttr.neighbors(nextNodeIndex)._1)
NodeAttr() // create a new object
// add:.filter(x=>x._2.path.nonEmpty).
val examples = g.vertices.filter(x=>x._2.path.nonEmpty).cache
// add the condition: attr.dstNeighbors != null && attr.dstNeighbors.nonEmpty { case (edge, (attr, pathBuffer)) => try { if (pathBuffer != null && pathBuffer.nonEmpty && attr.dstNeighbors != null && attr.dstNeighbors.nonEmpty) { val nextNodeIndex = GraphOps.drawAlias(attr.J, attr.q) val nextNodeId = attr.dstNeighbors(nextNodeIndex) s"$pathBuffer\t$nextNodeId" } else { pathBuffer //add } } catch { case e: Exception => throw new RuntimeException(e.getMessage) }
Hope this can help you! Good luck!
Somehow the Spark implementation crashes whenever the directed flag is set to true. I ran it with both the
example and some dummy two-edge graph. The exception is always raised at the same location insideinitTransitionProb
after the graph has been loaded.Cheers.