adityadigitalomnibus / goliath

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M3: Grant Management page does not allow you to find cases/activities for a grant #53

Open douglaswyatt opened 7 years ago

douglaswyatt commented 7 years ago

See section 3 of the Grant Spec.

douglaswyatt commented 7 years ago

It kind of works, but it feels very clumsy. Instead of a whole separate search page (that feels like a separate implementation of the Case/Activity list page), could we just have two columns in the Grant Management page - one that lists the # of cases in that Grant and one that lists the # of Activities in that grant. And clicking on either of those numbers would take you to a list showing you the cases/activities in the grant.

And then there could just be a separate button/link to take you to lists for cases/activities that have no grant. You could even create a "Fake" grant entry in the list called "No Grant Specified" or something so that it wouldn't require ugly separate buttons for that. I'm fine shifting this till the next phase if it will take long to change, but the current version feels very much like an after-thought that was not well integrated in to the Grant Management page.

adityadigitalomnibus commented 7 years ago

Let move this to next phase for now. It requires a bit of change. Also, In the meantime I request you to run it by a few more people, so that when we are re-visiting this feature in next phase, we have full clarity on the kind of interface that would be most apt for this part.

douglaswyatt commented 7 years ago

Works for me.