adjacentlink / emane

Distributed wireless network emulation framework
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[Question] Possible to change antenna attitude at runtime? #193

Closed lemon-lyman closed 3 years ago

lemon-lyman commented 3 years ago

Is it possible to update the antenna attitude/orientation at runtime? The information isn't know beforehand so an EEL file doesn't seem like an option.

sgalgano commented 3 years ago

Yes, send an AntennaProfileEvent from an external application:

from import EventService
from import AntennaProfileEvent

# create the event service
service = EventService(('',45703,'lo'))

# create an antenna profile event to point nem 1 and send to all nems
event = AntennaProfileEvent()

# publish the event

You can verify the above example using emaneevent-dump:

$ emaneevent-dump -i lo
[1615908331.558573] nem: 0 event: 102 len: 24 seq: 1 [AntennaProfile]
 UUID: fb575e7c-af88-4c96-b6ce-4c017ef45ff9
   (1, {'profile': 1, 'azimuth': 105.0, 'elevation': 10.0})
lemon-lyman commented 3 years ago

Thanks for the response!

Should I expect these changes to show in the LocationEventInfoTable? After appending your code to my existing CORE script, the LocationEventInfoTable seems to stay as the default values.


I also tried publishing a LocationEvent and it also had no effect on the LocationEventInfoTable

I'm using CORE 7.1, EMANE 1.2.5 in Ubuntu

sgalgano commented 3 years ago

Try AntennaProfileEventInfoTable.

lemon-lyman commented 3 years ago

AntennaProfileEventInfoTable looks empty


sgalgano commented 3 years ago

Did you adjust the script to match the interface the emulator is listening for events on?

lemon-lyman commented 3 years ago

It appears to be the same as in the code provided. Here are sections of the core-daemon output


and the emane log on the node image

lemon-lyman commented 3 years ago

I realized my mistakes.

  1. I did not change the device to 'ctrl0' from the 'lo' used in your example
  2. I was running the script on host instead of inside the 'nodes' (namespaces) created by CORE

I fixed these two problems and it works now, thanks.