adjidieng / ETM

Topic Modeling in Embedding Spaces
MIT License
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Test data partition in evaluation() #10

Open jeremytanjianle opened 4 years ago

jeremytanjianle commented 4 years ago

Hi, absolutely love the repo and the paper. Congratulations on developing this.

Would just like to ask about the evaluation function in

Line 275: preds is derived from normalized_data_batch_1 but data_batch_2 is a different set of document altogether.

recon_loss = -(preds * data_batch_2).sum(1) 

What does recon_loss mean if it matches the reconstruction of one set of documents against a different set of documents?

yilunzhao commented 4 years ago

Same question here

kkew3 commented 8 months ago

IMHO data_batch_1 is a batch of first halve of documents and data_batch_2 is a batch of second halve of the same documents, namely document completion task.