adjust / cordova_sdk

This is the Cordova SDK of
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[ERROR] An error occurred while running subprocess cordova. #143

Closed vergelh closed 3 years ago

vergelh commented 3 years ago

Buenas alguien podría ayudarme por favor, cuando intento cargar el plugin de zoom en ionic me sale este error con cordova, ya lo desístale y lo volví a instalar pero el error persiste. Espero alguien me pueda colaborar.

Aquí el error completo.


Espero me puedan ayudar con esto.

uerceg commented 3 years ago

Hola @vergelh

This issue seems to be happening upon attempt to add Zoom Cordova plugin. This is repo of Adjust SDK, so not sure if we can really help you in this case.

For the record, looking for cordova.plugin.zoom in npmjs shows nothing. This might be fork of the original cordova.plugin.zoom repo (I don't know where it is/was originally hosted) so maybe you can try adding it from there. But this is just me guessing, not sure if that's what you're looking for. 🤷‍♀️

Buena suerte with this.
