adjust / corona_sdk

This is the Corona SDK of
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Build failure #25

Closed AleCGames closed 3 years ago

AleCGames commented 3 years ago

Hi, I'm trying to make a build with the Adjust plugin added to my project but the build fails. I have added the following line to my 'build.settings' file:

["plugin.adjust"] = { publisherId = "com.adjust" },

The result from the console:

FAILURE: Build failed with an exception. 03:00:49.443 03:00:49.443 What went wrong: 03:00:49.443 Could not determine the dependencies of task ‘:App:lintVitalRelease’. 03:00:49.443 > Could not resolve all artifacts for configuration ‘:App:debugCompileClasspath’. 03:00:49.443 > Could not find play-services-ads-identifier-17.0.0.jar ( 03:00:49.443 Searched in the following locations: 03:00:49.443 03:00:49.443 03:00:49.443 Try: 03:00:49.443 Run with --stacktrace option to get the stack trace. Run with --info or --debug option to get more log output. Run with --scan to get full insights. 03:00:49.443 03:00:49.443 * Get more help at 03:00:49.443

uerceg commented 3 years ago

Hi @AleCGames

I am not sure this should be related to our SDK. Error pretty much says that Gradle was unable to pull play-services-ads-identifier-17.0.0.jar from Maven. Our SDK is not adding this dependency to your app by default. In our README we are having this step described as something users should add on their own. So I guess question is if you're having this line in Gradle settings file added somewhere in your app?

AleCGames commented 3 years ago

Hi @uerceg

Thank you for your answer.

I just tried to compile now and the issue persists. So by removing the code that adds the Adjust plugin to my project in the build.settings file the build was done.

The code I removed from build.settings file:

["plugin.adjust"] =
       publisherId = "com.adjust"

Besides, my project does not have a Gradle setting because I make my games 100% Lua code, i don't use native code. I make my projects in Corona(Solar2D) simulator, not Android Studio.

AleCGames commented 3 years ago

Hi @AleCGames

I am not sure this should be related to our SDK. Error pretty much says that Gradle was unable to pull play-services-ads-identifier-17.0.0.jar from Maven. Our SDK is not adding this dependency to your app by default. In our README we are having this step described as something users should add on their own. So I guess question is if you're having this line in Gradle settings file added somewhere in your app?

Hi @uerceg Read my recent comment about it.

uerceg commented 3 years ago

Hi @AleCGames

We're working on providing proper Solar2D support right now. We have released Adjust SDK v4.29.0 today, but we still have few things to finish in order to have this properly pushed to Solar2D repo so that it properly covers your use case as well. Hopefully this will be done soon. Will keep you posted.

uerceg commented 3 years ago

Hi @AleCGames

Can you give our latest SDK version a shot and let us know if you're still facing this issue?

AleCGames commented 3 years ago

Hi @AleCGames

Can you give our latest SDK version a shot and let us know if you're still facing this issue?

Hi @uerceg

I've tested it an it works now. Thank you!

uerceg commented 3 years ago

Great news, thanks for checking. Any reason for reopening the issue or can it be closed?