adjust / unity_sdk

This is the Unity SDK of
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Apple Review Reject #251

Open ArnauKokoro opened 1 year ago

ArnauKokoro commented 1 year ago


A week ago we uploaded a new app version to be approved by Apple review but we got rejected because AppTrackingTransparency. After making some changes to know what was the cause we are almost sure that it was adjust unity sdk, because we've got approved when we have removed it.

We had already disabled in previous approved versions the adding of these frameworks on the xcode project:

// - AdSupport.framework (needed for access to IDFA value) // - iAd.framework (needed in case you are running ASA campaigns) // - AdServices.framework (needed in case you are running ASA campaigns) // - CoreTelephony.framework (needed to get information about network type user is connected to) // - StoreKit.framework (needed for communication with SKAdNetwork framework) // - AppTrackingTransparency.framework (needed for information about user's consent to be tracked)

Can be possible that now Apple review is rejecting files like Libraries/Adjust/iOS/Adjust.h which has methods like "requestTrackingAuthorizationWithCompletionHandler" or "appTrackingAuthorizationStatus" because they contain "tracking" on the name even if you don't use them?

Many thanks!

uerceg commented 1 year ago

Hi @ArnauKokoro,

Thank you for writing. Can you maybe share the rejection message you got from App Store?

I don't think that we ever saw so far a case where in proper setup an app got rejected because naming of our wrapper method coincidences with the official Apple one.

ArnauKokoro commented 1 year ago

Hi @uerceg ,

The messages about AppTrackingTransparency were like this:

Make sure your App Privacy Information in App Store Connect is up to date and ensure that all AppTrackingTransparency functions and references are removed from the app. If you are unable to modify the App Privacy information, please do not resubmit the app binary and instead reply to this message in App Store Connect so we can provide next steps._

- Your app implements the App Tracking Transparency framework, which is used when apps collect data about users and share it with third-parties for tracking purposes. Since Kids Category apps are not allowed to collect, transmit or share identifiable information with third-parties, you should not implement App Tracking Transparency in your app.

After me telling them we don't have any AppTrackingFramework on the app the answer was:

The following resources may help you regarding App Tracking Transparency in your app:
- Review developer documentation for the AppTrackingTransparency framework
- See Frequently Asked Questions about App Tracking Transparency
- Ask fellow developers and Apple engineers a question in the Apple Developer 

Please ensure to remove any App Tracking Transparency-related keys in your app's info.plist and from localized string files as well as updating the App Privacy Information section in App Store Connect to indicate that you are NOT tracking users. We hope these resources are informative. We look forward to reviewing your future submissions to the App Store. Please respond to this message if you have further issues.

Many thanks!

uerceg commented 1 year ago

Before I involve our support team who can definitely be of a greater assistance in this case, just to double check one last thing which comes up to my mind - do you maybe have this key defined inside if your Info.plist file?

ArnauKokoro commented 1 year ago

No, I don't.


ArnauKokoro commented 1 year ago

Hi @uerceg,

Do we need something else about this?


uerceg commented 1 year ago

Hi @ArnauKokoro,

Hm. From SDK point of view, I am not sure else there might be to be checked, but I'd advise you to fire an email to our support team (either to your dedicated account manager or to and they will be able to help you with this particular case in better way than first here in GitHub (SDK software engineers).

In case you still do have some questions which you'd like to ask us in here, please feel free to.
