adjust / unity_sdk

This is the Unity SDK of
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Google Play Reject #253

Open ArnauKokoro opened 1 year ago

ArnauKokoro commented 1 year ago


Same here on Google Play: #251

Our app got rejected because Families Policy:

Issue with your app
We’ve identified that your app or an SDK in your app transmits device identifier(s) that do not comply with our [Families Policy].
We’ve identified the transmission of the following device identifier(s):
Android Advertising ID

A week before we got approved with Adjust and then just updating a new version of our app we got rejected with this message. Removing adjust we got approved.


uerceg commented 1 year ago

Hi @ArnauKokoro,

Linked ticket from Unity SDK repo is about rejection from App Store, so not exactly the same as the issue you are facing with (edit: Oh, I just realized that you have opened both tickets, sorry for not realizing that at first. Are we talking in both tickets about the same Unity app you're developing for both platforms?)

Google Play Store kids apps do have strict policies where things like device and advertising identifiers are not allowed to be transmitted. Our SDK offers you ~a method~ a method where you can mark your app as Google Play Store kids app and under the hood SDK will ensure that nothing that is not compliant with Google privacy policies when it comes to this type of apps is not being transmitted.

Is your app meant for kids? If yes, have you enabled this setting when configuring Adjust SDK?


ArnauKokoro commented 1 year ago

Hi @uerceg ,

I see this method is not in the version I use. I will update the version and then I will try. Thanks!

uerceg commented 1 year ago

Sounds good, keep us posted how did it go.

And also, if an app is falling into Google Play Store kids category, permission needed for reading advertising identifier should also not be present inside of your app. In case you do have it, by using the method I mentioned above, Adjust SDK will not be reading advertising ID, but Google might not be okay with you even having this permission inside of your app's manifest. In case this permission is being added by default to your app's manifest (our SDK as of last version will be marking this as a permission to be added by default to Android apps, but in case you added SDK before that, it was not marked by default and you have an option in prefab's inspector tab to control if you want to add it or not), you can set it to be explicitly removed from it even if it's being added during the build time. We have a small code snippet in official Android docs which explains you how to do that. I'd make sure to cover that part as well for kids app before re-submitting an update to Play Store.