adlai / scalpl

volatility harvester prototype
59 stars 20 forks source link

Do Something Useful #15

Open adlai opened 3 years ago

adlai commented 3 years ago

Preferably, from a personal computer that was simultaneously running Microsoft Excel at the same time that the software in this repository crashed; although examples of permissible alternatives to Windows RG, NT, ME, etc include Macintosh, Ubuntu, and other free software installations capable of executing programs compiled for the closed-source monopoly, it is most preferable to have the crash report be from a desktop machine that was located inside the trader's office.

adlai commented 3 years ago

In case anyone wishes to accept the job offer:

Please, state what amount and forms of payment you expect, and most importantly, whether you include the time spent reading my English babble as part of your billed hours.

adlai commented 3 years ago
> cat                 
0.1  6h48:41 htop                 
8.6 24:46.43 ChanL Thread Po     
8.6 29:16.17 ChanL Thread Po      
8.6  1h32:45 websocket clien
8.6 22:36.42 ChanL Thread Po      
8.6 23:05.15 ChanL Thread Po      
8.6 24:31.31 ChanL Thread Po      
8.6 24:16.65 ChanL Thread Po      
8.6 19:40.92 Swank Sentinel       

If you wish to accept the job offer:

  1. Contact me, preferably here, although elsewhere is acceptable if you are allergic to working in the public domain;
  2. State CLEARLY AND CONCISELY whether you have any policies, concerns, misgivings, and paranoiae about copyright, copyleft, and other bullshit whatsoever covering your works, the products of your works, and their friends, relations, and other imaginary idiocies;
  3. If you don't understand what is being asked of you in this job offer, ask;
  4. Negotiate.
adlai commented 3 years ago