adlered / bolo-solo

🍍Bolo菠萝博客 专为程序员设计的精致Java博客系统 | 🎸基于Solo深度定制 | ❤️完善文档轻松安装,贴心的技术支持 | 免登录评论 | 邮件/微信提醒 | 自定义图床 | 备案模式 | ✨精致主题持续更新 | 一键备份 | 防火墙 | 评论过滤 | 独立分类 | 文章与GitHub同步 | ✅安装太轻松!支持 Tomcat Docker 宝塔面板 | 支持Windows Linux MacOS Web容器 | 支持ARM处理器 X86/64处理器 | 🚚支持从Solo轻松迁移
GNU Affero General Public License v3.0
1.19k stars 201 forks source link

建议将项目中的 Server酱 链接换成推荐链接 #254

Closed easychen closed 1 week ago

easychen commented 1 month ago

您好,我是 Server酱的作者 Easy 。注意到您的项目中对接或提及了 Server酱,非常感谢对我们的支持。


只需要用微信登录 ,然后开通计划就可以获得您的推荐链接,佣金会实时地转入开通账号的微信零钱中。


Hello, I am Easy, the author of ServerChan. I noticed that your project has integrated or mentioned ServerChan, and I am very grateful for that.

I have a small suggestion. ServerChan has recently launched a "Referral Cashback Program". You can add a referral parameter to the link to ServerChan's official website in your project. This way, when users enter ServerChan through your link and subscribe to a membership, your project will earn a commission of 2 RMB per subscription.

You just need to log in to with WeChat, activate the program, and you will get your referral link. The commission will be instantly transferred to the WeChat Wallet of the account that activated the program.

Even though the earnings might not be substantial, I hope this program can provide some additional support for your open-source project.

adlered commented 1 week ago
